Public Notices PAGES 21-76 PAGE 21 MAY 03, 2013 - MAY 09, 2013 PINELLAS COUNTY LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE OF AUCTION NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF AUCTION FOR SURPLUS EQUIPMENT Notice is hereby given that on 5/17/13 TO: ALL INTERESTED PARTIES NAME LAW PURSUANT FICTITIOUS NAME TO: ALL INTERESTED PARTIES at 10:30 am, the following mobile home NOTICE IS hereby given that the Pi- TO SECTION 865.09, FLORIDA NOTICE is hereby given that the un- will be sold at public auction pursuant nellas County Sheriff will sell at auc- STATUTES dersigned TMDL Enterprises, LLC of AUCTION FOR SURPLUS EQUIPMENT to F.S. 715.109: tion approximately eleven (11) vehicles. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 4949 34th street south St. Petersburg, FOR PINELLAS COUNTY, FLORIDA 1959 NEWM #50X31312. The auction will be held at the Tampa the undersigned, desiring to engage in FL 33711 pursuant to the requirements Last tenant: Linda Sue Magdziak. Machinery Auction, Highway 301, five business under fictitious name of OH- of the Florida Department of State Notice is hereby given that surplus equipment will be sold at Public Auction, as Sale to be held at Realty Systems- Ari- miles North of Interstate 4, Tampa, Pressed located at 8061 Cypress Gar- Division of Corporations is hereby ad- approved by the Board of County Commissioners on May 07, 2013. zona Inc. 2346 Druid Rd., Clearwater, Florida on Saturday May 11, 2013 be- dens Ct., in the County of Pinellas in the vertising the following fictitious name: Miscellaneous surplus consisting of various types of computer equipment, office FL 33764 813-241-8269. ginning at 9:00 A.M. If you have any City of Seminole, Florida 33777 intends Edge Fitness. It is the intent of the un- equipment and furniture will be sold via internet auction through GovDeals.com. May 3, 10, 2013 13-04682 questions, please contact the Purchas- to register the said name with the Divi- dersigned to register Edge Fitness with ing Agent at (727) 582-6868. sion of Corporations of the Florida De- the Florida Department of State Divi- “PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES REQUIRING REASONABLE ACCOMMO- partment of State, Tallahassee, Florida. sion of Corporations. DATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS PROCEEDING/EVENT SHOULD CALL NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OF PINELLAS COUNTY Dated at Pinellas, Florida, this 25th day Dated: April 24, 2013 (727) 464-4062 (VOICE/TDD) FAX (727) 464-4157, NOT LATER THAN SEVEN FICTITIOUS NAME SHERIFF’S OFFICE of April, 2013. May 3, 2013 13-04552 DAYS PRIOR TO THE PROCEEDING.” Karen M. Main, NOTICE is hereby given that the un- Anna Kristen Holland Purchasing Agent May 3, 2013 13-04584 If you have any further questions please contact the Real Estate Management De- dersigned Shaun M Dillon of 1247 Da- May 3, 2013 13-04684 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OF partment at (727) 464-3237. vis Rd., Dunedin, FL 34698, pursuant FICTITIOUS NAME to the requirements of the Florida De- NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS Ken Welch, Chairman Paul S. Sacco partment of State Division of Corpora- NOTICE is hereby given that the un- INVITATION FOR BID NAME LAW PURSUANT Board of County Commissioners Real Estate Management Director tions is hereby advertising the following dersigned (SKY TRAIN CORPORA- May 3, 2013 13-04690 fictitious name: Shaun’s Services Lawn TO: ALL INTERESTED PARTIES TO F.S. §865.09 TION) of (2599 Dolly Bay Drive Suite and Property Maintenance. It is the SEALED BIDS will be received by NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 308 Palm Harbor FL 34684), pursuant intent of the undersigned to register the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office the undersigned, desiring to engage to the requirements of the Florida De- Shaun’s Services Lawn and Property for “Sixty-one (61) Epson Slip Print- in business under the fictitious name partment of State Division of Corpora- NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Maintenance with the Florida Depart- ers, Mfg. #C31C196A8981” until 11:00 of jimmy’s juicy jerky, located at 2490 tions is hereby advertising the follow- IN COMPLIANCE WITH HOUSE BILL 491 CHAPTER 63-431 AND FLORIDA ment of State Division of Corporations. a.m., May 24, 2013 at which time and whitman st, in the City of clearwater, ing fictitious name: (Global NexGen STATUTE 85.031 SECTION 2517.17 FLORIDA STATUTE 713.78 THE UNDER- Dated: April 30, 2013 date a public opening will be held. Bids County of Pinellas, State of Florida, Solutions). It is the intent of the un- SIGNED GIVES NOTICE THAT IT HAS LIENS ON PROPERTY LISTED BE- must be sealed and marked “Sealed Bid May 3, 2013 13-04729 33765, intends to register the said dersigned to register (Global NexGen LOW WHICH REMAINS IN OUR STORAGE AT JOE’S TOWING & RECOV- No. I.F.B. 13-07 and the closing date.” name with the Division of Corporations Solutions) with the Florida Depart- ERY INC. 6670 114TH AVE N LARGO, FL. 33773 Bid specifications, forms and instruc- of the Florida Department of State, Tal- ment of State Division of Corporations. tions may be obtained in the Purchas- lahassee, Florida. Dated: April 30, 2013 NOTICE OF SALE STOCK # NAME YR MAKE ID # ing Division, 13770 Automobile Blvd., Dated this 30 of April, 2013. May 3, 2013 13-04706 NOTICE OF SALE:PURSUANT TO Clearwater, FL 33762 or at the Sheriff’s james c price 130520 NO RECORD 00 BIKE NONE F.S.713.585, EACH OF YOU ARE Office web site at http://www.pcsoweb. 2490 whitman st 130046 FLO E BECK 00 DODGE 2B4GP44G8YR607609 HEREBY NOTIFIED THE FOLLOW- com/Bids/. clearwater, FL 33765 130433 JACKIE BLACKMON 96 FORD 1FTEF15N9TNA11102 ING VEHICLES WILL BE SOLD AT FIRST INSERTION PINELLAS COUNTY SHERIFF’S May 3, 2013 13-04691 NEWMAN PUBLIC SALE. YOU MAY REDEEM NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OFFICE 130587 ALBERT E BALESTRIERI 01 FORD 1FAFP38381W308947 SAID VEHICLE BY PAYMENT OF NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Karen M. Main, Purchasing Agent 130526 JOSEPH J DROST JR 97 MERCURY 2MELM74W7VX631750 MONIES OWED PLUS ACCUMU- May 3, 2013 13-04750 FIRST INSERTION sale will be held on MAY 27, 2013 at LATED STORAGE CHARGES OR 11:00 A.M. at United Self Mini Stor- 130533 TIMOTHY FULTON 06 SUZUKI JS1VS55A062119060 NOTICE OF SALE IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROVI- age, 5190 Ulmerton Road, Clearwater, RINDGE Notice is hereby given that V.K.D. Man- SIONS OF F.S.559.917. PROPER I.D. FL 33762 to satisfy a lien for following 130564 TINA MARIE HENDERSON 96 TOYOTA 4T1BG12K8TU721149 agement LLC d/b/a Lake Ave Rentals, REQUIRED. THE OWNER OR ANY NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE units: 130567 KEVIN SEAN OBRIEN 97 TOYOTA JT4TN12D1V0034105 intends to sell the personal property PERSON CLAIMING A LIEN/IN- Notice is hereby given that on NAME UNIT below to satisfy the lien imposed on TEREST HAS A RIGHT TO A HEAR- 05/21/2013 the following vehicle(s) CHERISE MCENERNEY 092 OWNERS MAY CLAIM VEHICLES BY PROVIDING PROOF OF OWNERSHIP, said property pursuant to Florida Self ING PRIOR TO THE SALE DATE will be sold at public auction for monies JOSE RESTREPO 109 Storage Act Section 83 801.83 Florida PHOTO I.D. AND PAYMENT OF CHARGES ON OR BEFORE 5-16-13 AT 11:00 BY FILING A DEMAND WITH THE owed on vehicle repairs and for storage MICHAEL THARPE 121 Statute. The undersign will conduct AM AT WHICH TIME A PUBLIC SALE WILL BE HELD AT 6670 114TH AVE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT. costs pursuant to Florida Statutes, Sec- CASSANDRA 124 a public sale to the highest bidder for N LARGO, FL. 33773. BID WILL OPEN AT THE AMOUNT OF ACCUMMU- ANY PROCEEDS REMAINING tion 713.585. Please note, parties claim- NIENHAUS cash on May 13th 2013 at 10:00 A.M. LATED CHARGES PER VEHICLE. JOE’S TOWING & RECOVERY INC. RE- FROM THE SALE OF THE MO- ing interest have a right to a hearing SANDRA GRISSOM 129 Scheduled to begin at said property SERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT ANY AND/OR ALL BIDS. ALL TOR VEHICLE AFTER PAYMENT prior to the date of sale with the Clerk MARGARET COHEN 261 which has been stored ay Lake Ave OF AMOUNT CLAIMED WILL BE of the Court as reflected in the notice. DONNA STORK AC308 VEHICLES WILL BE SOLD WITHOUT TITLES. Rentals 2297 Lake Ave S.E. city of Lar- DEPOSITED WITH THE CLERK The owner has the right to recover pos- ALL SALES FINAL – CASH ONLY – JOE’S TOWING & RECOVERY INC. go, Florida county of Pinellas State of OF THE COURT FOR DISPOSI- session of the vehicle without judicial Mgmt. reserves the right to withdraw 6670 114TH AVE N Florida 33771 of the following: TION. ANY PARTIES CONTACT proceedings as pursuant to Florida any unit from the sale, and to refuse LARGO, FL. 33773 Unit B17- THE LIENORS AGENT BELOW. Statute Section 559.917. Any proceeds any bid. 727-541-2695 Tools, Tool box, jack storage boxes VEHICLES WILL BE SOLD WHERE recovered from the sale of the vehicle May 3, 10, 2013 13-04753 May 3, 2013 13-04634 Tenant: INDICATED. over the amount of the lien will be de- Joseph Coueell ON 5/29/13-11AM AT WER- posited with the Clerk of the Court for 13920 83 Place N NER’S EUROPEAN IMPORTS, disposition upon court order. “No Title Seminole fl 33776 FIRST INSERTION INC, 106 LIME STREET, TARPON Guaranteed, A BUYER FEE MAY AP- Purchases must be paid at the time of SPRINGS, FL, PH#727-937-0557 PLY NOTICE OF SALE Zelda Boykins E007 Ericka Alexander C115 purchase by cash only. All items are sold FAX 727-942-1059-2006 MERZ AT 10:00am Midas Auto Service 5105 Public Storage, Inc.
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