Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84453-6 - The Origins of Judaism: From Canaan to the Rise of Islam Robert Goldenberg Index More information Index Aaron, 15, 45, 227 allegory, Torah viewed as, 111, Abba (Rav, rabbi), 167, 217–218, 261 112–113, 134, 227–228 Abbahu (rabbi), 217 Alon, Gedaliahu, 138 Abbaye (rabbi), 218 altar, preexilic, in Arad, 16 Abram/Abraham, 10–11, 226, 227 Ambrose of Milan (bishop), 182 Adam and Eve, 9 Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton, Aelia Capitolina, 135 pharaoh), 38–39 afterlife. See resurrection and life Ammonites, 26–27, 33 after death Amora’im, 217–219 Agrippa I (Herodian king), 97, 126 Amorites, 26 Agrippa II (Herodian king), 126, Amos, 7 127, 128 Anathbethel (worshiped with Yahu Ahab (king of Israel), 24, 32 at Elephantine), 64 Akhenaton (Amenhotep IV, Andreas (Lukuas, North African pharaoh), 38–39 Jewish leaders), 134 Akhnai, oven of, 170–171 angels, 58, 248 Akiva ben Joseph (rabbi), 137, 190, Antigonus (Hasmonean prince), 215–216 120 Alcimus (high priest), 81, 89 Antioch, Diaspora in, 109 Alexander Jannaeus (Hasmonean Antioch-in-Jerusalem, 74–75 king), 86, 87, 88, 132 Antiochus III (Seleucid king), 70, Alexander the Great, 24, 61, 65, 228 68–69, 109 Antiochus IV (Seleucid king), 65, Alexandria, Jewish community of, 70–76, 81, 85, 89, 222, 228 227 Antiochus V (Seleucid king), 81 anti-Jewish riots of 38–41, 114–115 Antiochus VII (Seleucid king), 86 Claudian decree regarding, apocalyptic literature and belief, 115–117 78–79, 97–102, 231. See also creation of, 68, 109 Daniel Diaspora wars of 115–117 CE, 134 Apocrypha, 71–73, 228 Jewish philosophers of, 110 Aqiva (rabbi), 141 Roman citizenship, 115–117, 118 Aquila (author of Greek translation translation of Torah into Greek by, of Torah), 263 61–62 Arad, preexilic altar in, 16 283 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84453-6 - The Origins of Judaism: From Canaan to the Rise of Islam Robert Goldenberg Index More information 284 Index Aramaic language Babylonian exile parts of Bible in, 245 in biblical narrative, 12 Targum as translation of Torah defined, 228–229 into, 186–190, 239 Diaspora created by, 106–109 archaeology and study of Judaism, Exilarchate, 109 187–188, 246 House of David during, 107, Archelaus (Herodian ruler), 124 108–109 Arianism, 185 monotheism, development of, Aristeas, Letter of, 249, 254 28–31, 35 Aristoboulus (Hasmonean ruler), national gods, concept of, 27 87–88, 120 return from, 45 Aristoboulus (philosopher), 110 written sacred texts, Jewish, Aristoboulus III (last Hasmonean familiarity with, 45 high priest), 121 Babylonian Jewish community Aristotle, 38 (postexilic) Artaxerxes (Persian ruler), 45, Amora’im, 217–219 50 Christianity affecting, 183 Ashambethel (worshiped with Yahu Diaspora Judaism and, 106–109 at Elephantine), 64 Exilarchate, 167, 183 Asherim, 43, 44 rabbinic Judaism in, 167–173 Ashi (rabbi), 219 Babylonian Talmud Ashtoret/Ishtar/Astarte (goddess), rabbinic Judaism and, 168, 35, 43, 44 171–173 Asidaioi or Hasidim and sample passages, 193–209 Maccabean revolts, 77–84 Bar Kokhba rebellion of 132 CE, Asineus (Babylonian Jewish leader), 134–136 222 baraita, 194, 229, 264 Assyrian empire, 228 barbarians, defined, 250 Diaspora under, 106 Baruch (Apocrypha), 72, 78 Israel, overthrow of kingdom of, Baruch ben Neriah (scribe), 46–48 2, 12 Bel and the Dragon, 72–73 monotheism/monolatry and berakhot or blessings, 151, 156–157, taunt of Ravshakeh, 35, 36 229 Samaritans and, 65 bet midrash (yeshiva or study Astarte/Ishtar/Ashtoret (goddess), house), 172 35, 43, 44 Beth Alpha, 187, 188 Aton, monotheistic worship of, betrayal-and-reconciliation pattern 38–39 in biblical narrative, 12, 13 Atonement, Day of. See Day of henotheism/monolatry of Atonement prophets and, 28 Augustus Caesar (Roman emperor), Bible, 41–67 124, 223 allegorical approach to, 111, Avillius Flaccus (Roman governor), 112–113, 134, 227–228 115, 134 authority of, basis for, 55 betrayal-and-reconciliation Baal (god), 31, 32, 35, 43 pattern, 12, 13 Babel, Tower of, 10 book, Jews as people of, 41–45 Babylon, 228 compilation of, 54–55 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84453-6 - The Origins of Judaism: From Canaan to the Rise of Islam Robert Goldenberg Index More information Index 285 confirmatory sources, lack of, 5, Sadducees, water libation, and 13 citrons, 91–93, 94 contents of, 6–8; canon, defined, Byzantine empire, 183–185 229; in Christian tradition, 8; Prophets, 6–7; Torah, 6; Cain and Abel, 9 Writings, 7–8 Cairo Geniza, 98 dating of, 5 calendar Diaspora survival of Judaism in biblical narrative, 15–19 made possible by, 61 dissension regarding, 100–101 Ezra: letter of royal appointment, of Qumran community, 97, 101 significance of, 45–51, 52; scroll rabbinic conservation of, 149–151 of, 51–55, 61 seven-day week and Sabbath, further reading, 278–279 220–221 Greek translation (see Septuagint) Caligula (Roman emperor), 115, 125, as historical document, 5–9, 13 126 human and divine natures Callinicum, burning of synagogue portrayed in early stories, 9–10, at, 182–183 13 canon of Bible, 229. See also Josiah’s book, discovery of, 41–44, “contents of,” under Bible 45, 54, 55, 61 cantors, forerunners of, 190–191 Judaism as portrayed in, 5 Cassius Dio (Roman historian), 274 land of Israel, stories of, 12–13 celibacy, Torah not encouraging, 103 monotheism in, 26, 33–34 censuses, 53–59 narrative line of, 9–13 Cestius Gallus (Roman governor), prehistory of Judaism in, 5–25 127–129 prophecy in (see under prophets chariot or Merkava mysticism, 190, and prophecy) 234 public readings of: Ezra, 51–52, Children of Light, 97, 98, 99, 102. See 53–54, 55; Josiah, 43, 54; also Qumran community Nehemiah, 60 Christianity religion of ancient Israel as Alexandrian school and, 134 portrayed in, 5–11, 13–25 Bible contents in, 8, 71 Sabbath in, 16–22, 220–222 cantor forerunners possibly scribes and scribal culture, 48–49 influenced by, 190–191 study and interpretation (see Diaspora communities and, study and interpretation) 191–192 use of term, 246 early development, repercussions blessings or berakhot, 151, 156–157, of, 179–182 229 Essenes and, 252 Book of Jubilees, 100 further reading, 280 book, Jews as people of, 41–45. See Jesus (Joshua) of Nazareth: also Bible beliefs about, 123; birth of, Booths (Tabernacles or Sukkot) 121–122; career and death of, in biblical narrative, 16, 18 123 defined, 238–239 Jewish proselytes and godfearers, Ezra’s scroll, 54 119, 180 interpretation within the Bible, Judaism and Jewish life under, 57–58 183, 186–191 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84453-6 - The Origins of Judaism: From Canaan to the Rise of Islam Robert Goldenberg Index More information 286 Index Christianity (cont.) Hellenism, crisis of, 76–77 Midrashic commentary and, 176 as pseudepigrapha, 236 origins of, 122–124 Song of the Three Young Men, 72 Pauline, 179–181 Darius (Persian ruler), 76 persecution and harassment of David, 12, 229–230 Jews and Judaism by, 182–186 David, royal house of, in Babylon, Pharisees in, 102–103, 104 107, 108–109, 167 religious nature of Jewish identity Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) and, 133 alternative calendar for, 101 Roman empire, adoption as in biblical narrative, 18 official religion of, 179, 182 defined, 230 Torah and, 180–181, 260 Ezra’s scroll, not mentioned in, 54 Chronicles, books of, 8 Sabbath and, 191–192 chronology, 241–243 temple sanctuary cleansing, Cicero (Roman author and possible origins in, 103–104 statesman), 109 Dead Sea Scrolls circumcision, 10, 75, 80, 135–136 calendar, dissension regarding, citizenship, Roman, in Diaspora, 100–101 115–117, 118 contents of, 98–99 citrons and water libation, 91–93, 94 discovery, study, and publication Claudius (Roman emperor), of, 90 115–117, 126 fragment, illustration of, 96 Community Rule or Manual of further reading, 279 Discipline, 98 Qumran community and Essenes Constantine (Roman emperor), 182 revealed in, 96–102 conversion. See proselytes Sabbath in, 224 courts, Jewish Decalogue. See ten commandments establishment of, 139 Dedication, festival of (Hanukkah), rabbinic authority and, 142 81, 150–151, 158, 231 covenant definitions, 227–240. See also under with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, specific topics 10–11 Demetrius (son of Seleucus IV), 70, defined, 229 81 establishment in biblical demons and angels, 248 narrative, 13 Deuteronomy, 6, 42, 63, 64 marriage, comparison to, 27, 33 Diaspora, 106–119 monotheism/monolatry and, 27, Alexandria (see Alexandria, 32 Jewish community of) with Moses and people of Israel, Antiochene Jewish community, 11–12 109 national gods, concept of, 27 Assyrian exile, 106 in rabbinic Judaism, 171 Babylonian: Babylonian exile, Cyrus (Persian ruler), 45, 229 Diaspora created by, 106–109; postexilic Diaspora. See Damascus Covenant, 98, 224 Babylonian Jewish community Daniel (biblical book), 8 (postexilic) Bel and the Dragon, 72–73 Bible’s centrality to survival of biblical canon, development of, 59 Judaism in, 61 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84453-6 - The Origins of Judaism: From Canaan to the Rise of Islam Robert Goldenberg Index More information Index 287 cultural assimilation and national gods, Moses’ challenge separation, 110–114 to Pharaoh as contest between, defined, 106, 230 27 in early Middle Ages, 191–192 Eleazar ben Azariah (rabbi), 215 Elephantine, Jewish community Eleazar ben Yair (rabbi), 132 and temple at, 62–66, 109, 279 Eleazar Kallir (liturgical poet), in Egypt, 109 190 further reading, 280 Elephantine, Jewish community under Greek rule, 109–110 and temple at, 62–66, 109, 279 Jewish wars of 115–117 CE, 118, Eliezer ben Hyrcanus (rabbi), 133–134 170–178, 210–215 persecution and harassment in, Elijah (prophet), 32, 230–231 114–117 Elisha (prophet), 32 under Persian rule, 109–110 Elisha ben Abuya (rabbi), 215–216 proselytes and godfearers, Eretz Yisra’el, 1, 231 118–119 eschatology, 78–79, 97–102, 231.
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