Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1978-79 The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 2-15-1979 The thI acan, 1979-02-15 The thI acan Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1978-79 Recommended Citation The thI acan, "The thI acan, 1979-02-15" (1979). The Ithacan, 1978-79. 17. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1978-79/17 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1978-79 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. I A Week/yY]J.ewspaper,-PufJltshed Independently by the Studf?nls of Ithaca Colleie . ti ~L!.:~ 'b' ,'_.=-~ '--' ] L.:.....:::.. ___ j Vol 48/No. 17 It h,H d. ~t'\\ 't orh. February 15, 1979 by David O'Flaherty & disease related to bottle people in these nations in Thomas Erbland feeding," he said. This is a hospitals, and had hired social The Macke food service result of the lack of proper workers, ''nutrition experts," decided to discontinue the use sterilization facilities, inap­ and "mother craft person­ of Nestle products last Friday propriate use of the formula, nel," according to Yablonsky, at the request of Daniel and the absence of anti-bodies in an attempt to convince Yablonsky, an Ithaca College found in amothcr'!->own milk. mothers that bottle junior. Macke is now in the The effects of the misuse of feC'ding i'> the modern. proce~s of planning for the the infant formula manifest it­ convenient and efficient wav removal of such products, said -;el f in dehydration and of rrnr!->ing childre;1 Allen Clarkson, director of malnutrition which have _ The Nestles corp. has con­ food services for Macke at irreversible effects on the tinued to adverti~c on radio, J.C. Mackc's decision to child'!'> hrai n de\·elopmen t. calendar, and in ~ome boycott Nestle products was a Proper nutrition is crucial in publicatiom. Other producer~ result of Yablonsky's concern the first six months of life, selling such products to Third over the questionable ad'vcr­ Yablonsky said. World Natiom have virtually tising and sales of bottle milk Another pf'flblem i~ the ~topped their advertizing cam­ for babies (Lactogen, Nan and economic inaccessibility of the paigns there in response to the 1 Cerelac) by Nestle in under­ substitute milk for families, gro\\ing public dismay, said Dan Yablonsky and Assistafll 1 h,,1u h\ /l!il(t' \fortHoltA developed Third World coun­ according to Yablonsky. If Yablonsky. lv!anaRer Kathy Kemerer tries. mothers stop .breast-feeding, More detailed information services, decided to go along Hot Chocolatl'" and "Tasters The infant mortality rate of their breasts stop producing on the Nestle's controvers) \\ith Yablon~ky's request to Choice Decaffinatl'd Coffee" children weaned on Lactogen, milk and they become depen­ was documented in a film boycott Neqlc products after a arc to be replaced by Ri\ er Nan and Cerelac in Third dent on the milk substitute to called Bottle Babies, which few day\' deliberation. As to Valley Hot Chocolate and World countries is mmc than feed their babies. The formula was shown to Student hi~ deci~ion, Clarkson said, Sanka decaffinatcd cot i :e. double that of children weaned can cost up to one-third to Congress Thursday night, and "to be a successful company The only rc5ervation on their mother's natural one-half of a family's total which Yablonsky said will be we have to be answerable to Clarhon had about the ~\\itch milk, Yablonsky explained. annual inc9me, intensifying an­ shown again on campus in the the students that we serve and of products was whether or "Approximately ten million already poor situation. future. · the college administrators." not his supplier could come up babies died last year from Nestle holds clinics for the Clarkson, director of food Clarkson said that "Nestle's continued on /JU!!.£' 15 Students Rall_y for Rights b~· Karen Stuhldrchcr day prior to the Board of right, protectl'd in the judicial ,\ rally to demand the in­ Trustee meeting in Nl'w York ,ystern." Pamphlet, clusion of the phrases "sexual City. ,\ recommendation to in­ promoting the Rally and e\­ orientation" and "political af­ clude the phrases in the Con­ pla111ing it, purpo~c ha,·l' been filiation" in the Ithaca College duct Code will be made by Dr. distributl'd on campus. Student Conduct Code's non­ Richard Correnti, Vice In rl.'acti.on to the planned discriminatory policy is President of Student and Rally, Cor}i;nti said, "I'm up­ ; . 5cheduled for Thursday, Campus Affairs, and voted on <;et. I've been misreprescntl'd ..J . ,, •'I February 15 at 12:00 noon. by the Board. in the meetings and in the • t.S I ; i The rally will organize in the According to one organizer, literature that has been 1 Student With Formerly l'howh.v Rrurp Moro1ohk- front of the IC Student Union. -Jeff Hallenback, "the rally is distributed. I ha\·e planned ~onviscated Police Shield Organizers intend on having in part going to serve an for some time to make a the Rally move inside to the educational purpose to sen­ positi\e recommendation to R·ooms Searched Crossroads in case of in­ sitize the campus to the fact the Board. This issue and the tolerably cold weather. that certain oppressed groups, inaccuracies and misrepresen­ for Stolen Goods The Rally, which is spon­ namely gay people and those tation that have been at­ by Charles Morgan Post ''Through various sources, sored by the Gay Liberation with non-mainstream political tributed to me make it ex­ The rooms· of Ithaca College students, staff members, and Organization, will take place a beliefs, do not have their co11111111ed 11111a!!.e ./ students were searched and when we were in student various articles were con­ rooms on other legitamate · fiscated by two members of coucerns, we observed stolen the Student Auxiliary Patrol, IC signs. We arranged with BOC Books Elvis Costello one uniformed safety officer, the housing staff to get the by Charles Morgan Post is limited hall availability.'· In ranked fourth, therefore and a representative of stolen property back," he con­ Elvis Costello and The A I­ order to break even finan­ ·during the winter when the housing last Thursday. The tinued. tractions will be in concert at cially, the concert must be held majority of sports are held in­ reason for the search was to Don Runyon, Director of Ben Light Gym on April 4 at 9 in all four sections of Ben doors, scheduling a concert is reclaim stolen Ithaca College Residential Life, explained pm. After weeks of work with Light Gym, intensifying ;ery difficult. property, , said Dr. Richard that he spoke with e·,eryone on the School of Health, Physical scheduling problems. "I asked the Provost if we Correnti, vice president of his staff, and he could not find Education and Recreation; "The problem is not the :an review the entire (gym Student and Campus Affairs. anyone involved. A list of ar­ Safety and Security; and the school of HPER, t 1c Bureau priority) process. I think it's "Unfortunately," said Lou ticles assumed to be stolen was Physical Plant, the Bureau of of Concerts, or the Student time to take another Withiam, Director of Safety compiled, but neither Runyon Concerts was pleased to an­ Activities Board, the problem look," said William Koch, and Security, "three or four nor Withiam stated where the nounce the upcoming concert, is a lack of facilities on cam­ Dean o: the School of HPER. items were taken which were list originated. "I was out of said Chairperson of the J.C. pus," explained Dr. Richard "I am going to be sitting down personal property. The town when it happened and I Bureau of <;:oncerts Geoff Correnti, Vice President of with representatives of SAB, 0wnership was questionable at don't know anything about it. Patack. Student and Campus Affairs. the Bureau of Concerts, the the time, but it turned out to The list [of stolen goods] could The Bureau of Concerts has The priorities for the use of Director of Campus Activitie,, not be IC property, and was have originated from housing, had trouble scheduling concer­ Ben Light Gym are class in­ and people from HPER to at­ returned when the students but I don't think it did," said ts this semester, continued struction, intramurals and in­ tempt to meet the needs of who owned it asked for it Runyon. Patack. The problem is ter collegiate activities, general everyone involved. back.'' "A Housing Staff member twofold, he explained. "The campus recreation, college Hopefully we can reach a ''This year there has been was present and the SASP first problem is tnat there are sponsored activities, and non­ decision this semester to be almost 1100 dollars worth of members were used only to very few groups that tour college activities. According implemented next fall, said signs stolen, "said Withiam. continued on page /5 during the winter. The second to these priorities, concerts are Correnti. THE ITHACAI\ February 15, 1979 ITHACAN INQUIRER EDITO b) Gail duFosse' Photos h)' Linda Melman Letters to the Editor In response to a statement made in the letter to the editor on page four of this issue entitled Question: Do you think the phrases "sexual orientation" and "WICB Foundation Built on Rock Format, " we would like to clarify our policy on printing "political affiliation" should be added to the non­ submitted letters.
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