THE METAL MARKET. Advertían of Property are Seller of Property Iew York copper f79Wte either. lust "hsve property t sate, New Tork lead tTSTMS these who ran el lord lo buy ml estate M New York silver sor imsrlahn rcadrra nf live morola paper. 37TH YEAR EL PASO, TEXAS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1916. ENGLISH SECTION TWELVE PAGES. PRICE 5 CENTS Get in and Help Look Who's Coming IINIIF SAM WILL HERMANS BATTI K WILSON TO ENTER BERLIN REJOICES INTERNATIONAL HAVE TO DEAL HEROICALLY TO ACTIVELY INTO IN ARRIVAL OE PRODiVCT WITH JAPAN SAVE COMBLES )QL Ay CRUSADE OF BREMEN IN w AFTER WAR FROM ENEMY - T ' Nippon Government Expects to When Captured by Anglo-Frenc- h Will Deliver First Purely Political Newspapers in German Capital Renew Contention for Rirhf of Force Teuton Fortress Waa Speech Saturday Since Accept Feature New London, Conn.. Her People to Emigrate to and Veritable Charnel House; De- ance of Renomination in Which as Point at Which Submarine Own Land in United State fender Make Every Corner of He WUI Discuss Issues Raised Merchantman Is Docked, When European Conflict End. Town Theater for Combat. Si by Nominee Hughes. Sketch of Captain Printed. CALIFORNIA ALIEN LAND RUINS OF OLD CHURCH WILL TALK ON AFFAIRS RUMORS SAY FREIGHTER LAWS STIR UP TROUBLE CHANGE HANDS 3 TIMES IN MEXICAN SITUATION SAILED AWAY IN AUGUST I Reports Ex- Negotiation Entered Into Be- - In Cellar and Dugouts Dead and Defense of Adnmson nw to Be Have Been Rife of tween Two Governments Came Wounded Lay Mingled by Continued and Problem Cau-e- d pected Arrival of Submarina at to Deadlock Two Year Ago, Hundred; GarrUen Virtually by l".uropean War to Be Variou Point Along Atlantic But Up But Mongolian Consider Mat-- 1 Annihilated in Assault and Dealt With: Will Handle Polit Coat, to Present Tima ter as Temporarily Postponed. Few Prisoner Were Taken. ical Question Without Glove. She Ha Not Appeared. By By s. ..l isted Preaa. Associated Press. Hy "rp. lile Preaa. B sorlatr. Press. Washington, sept. Berlin. Sept. 7. Berlin s 7. Japaira purpose In Parta, Sept. fi. -- "It waa not a Wlleyc the Lsas Branch, V J Sept fi Issues The renew at are acclaiming ar- the end of (he Kiiropeen war her II waa a asya raised hy Charles F.. Hushes, Republican today enthusiastically the allies assaulted fortress," nf contention for the rlhl of her people to L l.lberte'a aperisl correspondent nt the nominee for president, mil be discussed rival the Herman submarine Bremen at mitral Ui and own I New London. The land in the tilted front In describing the taking of combles. by President Wilson here Saturday In Ml Connecticut town haa states, .''lew In I jumped to s suggested in York yeaterday "When It waa raptured." the correspond first purely political speech since his ad point of prime Interest liy Bamn Yoahlm ami the newspapers round It neees sakatanl. former finance, ent a.i - wsa a charnel house. What rireaa accepting the en.. initiation. Admi- hsse milliliter In IBs "It ary lo Its Tokio cabinet, wan rrankly of the or two nistration officials said tonight that when deacrlbe situation by the aid admitted remained garrison battalions or maps They are on today at the Japanese cndiasay rough! fiercely and every corner or the he appears before the members or the alao.dllatlng the Negotiations over or the town. iheae qneallona. which town waa the theater or murderous com- Young Men s DssbsWSMC clubs st shadow BBM i a two yeara deadlock am, are bata. No ground wsa yielded. II waa lawn IDS inc. I, lent will handle the politi- Tension Refieres!. nol regarded hy aa Japan ronrlnded. It waa every Inch of It conquered. cal situation "without gloves." The news of the Bremen relieve the pro explained, hut merely postponed while the ore larger The Iron ninii elhlly. traded tension, which had grown Intense Issues oí the war are hem dealt ' It was declared thai follow Saturday's sa with. "The ruins or a church changed handa ins the ripe.ted arrival nf the eubmartne Speech their will he more political activity was delayed from week n week. Appar Deadlix k I three tlmea during the so minutes It look lMea nnfcrrnrr. on the part or the president. He hss fully ently anlhentlc rumors had been In circu- rtM deadlock followed a Ion Of the French an. British to reduce the last series developed his views on the Adsmaon law, lation Bremen Au- "ill. enees lu'lwitcii stronghold, after they had formed a June- that Ihe sailed early In runner secretary Bryaa. II was declared, and. in addition. Is plan gust. Hence were H and Baron Chinda, then Japanese lion and closed a ring around the town, feara entertained minister, nlng either sstuntsy or soon afterward hi some ipiartrra amnrthlng had gone and an exchange of notea the the fall or which was saluted with enthu that between two speak .on sectionalism, Mexico anil the wronr with her and the report of her ar- governments over alien land leglslstlon en- alastlc rbeera hy the troops. It was then problems csnsc.l hy the European war. A rival had been greeted by newspapers acted hy California. After the de- Impossible to lake two steps without en thf late delegation ..r nearly v.oiw young Demorrats ss psvlng Ihe wsy Tor the esubllshment of inp.nl ha.l pointed 11 countering dead. out that under l expect... i here Saturday lo hear the s service conauintlon, the regular submarine between United Stales government Itead and Wounded. president t sjMntaS, The public will be and United Mates, as answer- could do no more than the and lo prevent such "In reliara and dugouts dead and wound admllte.l to Ihe grounds lor the the alleged of Oermany'a enemies, and persons hy orrssbm. ing taunt that affertt'd It bad ed lay mingled hy the hundreds, end It la Vests M.ioiinhk, chairman or the the Deulsrhland fSSOiMf to federal cour Japan closed Ihe now a when aubmarlne returned certain that the allies did not take DnnoeriUr national committee, discussed home her voyage overseas, "you exchanges wnn a note com- or from can't aaylns her great number prisoners, because the poiittral plans tonight the president. do It again plaint had been rrscrv-in- wlh nol answered and garrison was virtually annlhlltated In the II" remained over night and will tslk with of Captain. "for the preaeni of frtnl krtrh rurther dlriiaslon assault ami the previous shelllngs. (Secretary Tumulty tomorrow morning All the newspapers today print a sketch the laaus." "Many or the seemed to hack deaths date h l nrmlrk OpIlmMJr. of captain Sehwaruknpfr. captain of the Await New Ambassador. a rew dsya. Mf MsCorMol expressed optimism over Bremen, who was for a long time In the It has been generally assumed that the "The Jubilation of the soldiers over this the political outlook rrom a Democratic of the North Herman l.loyd Steam issue would remain In abeyance only while to serviré victory communicated Itseir the villagers standpoint. H brought with him a large ship company. He served for yeara on Uie Japan waa occupied the war, un- with but behind the line where, tor the first tlm number or letters and telegrams rrom steamer Ornase ann til now no one in a position to apeak wlUi began, kaler wilhrlui der since the war saMsrartion over inc I'euiorratlr leaders In dirrereni parta of distinguished in rescue work In authority haa aald ao. There will he no for- or hlmsrir ensar took the form celebration." GUARDED the country. He said Situation In New .Ken In loon mal dlacuaalou of the subject by (he cm .MARK the the Hole pier rire captain VILLA WITH YNEZ SALAZAR York wsa to was the of Him hassy. at the of the new psrtlrulirly favorable the flchwsrtkoprr first orrtcer least until arrival PRKsint NT or ntANCn nrxxivu Hcinoersls. WHheltn when the wsr ambassador, Dr. Anioro Palo, who waa ap- I'rlnr Irr.irrnh IMIN MINISTT.R. Coo out Ihe waa then at Spits pointed when ii.ii i. u r.hlnda waa KY Ml alders Appnlnlmrnls broke steamer transferred in to Mr. bergen on a excursion, lo London and wlio la expected In Wash- By Assoclsted Preaa. AGAINST RAIDS addition disruealn politics with polar but siirreedea Mccormick an.t with of in making s home port without encounter- ington In a few mouths. Parla. SepJ. jr. Prealdent Polncare Waller l.tppmann, AND HUNDRED the New Republic, the gave con- ing Uie UiUah nrct. to IHgntty. dsy received Baron D OalfTler d'Hestroy, SIX BANDITS prerident tn of in- id ihe Japanese newly Bclgtatt to sideration the sppolntnient of several position swerutiicni. the appointed minister Nol Vol Here. according- to official statements by embassy After or the commission and boards created by the Submarine France. reviewing the history BY VILLISTA last congress. There have been many report or the ex officials, still la on immi- famous night session or the Belgian aesslnn of II wss lesrned that restrictions the smong men peeled Of the gration ami land holdthg are not only de- on August 1st l, that Ihe being moat aertnualy arrival merchant submarine csblnet i, presided over Bremen al varloua points nn the Atlantic rogatory to her dignity, sre unjust Albert, recalling Baron REPORTED NEAR considered for the tariff mmmlsslon sr but hy King and that NAMIQU1PA coast recently, but up to the present she under international law in that Uiey are, dis- as of the rablnet or Pror.
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