Prairie View A&M University Digital Commons @PVAMU Commencement and Convocation Exercises Academic Affairs Collections 9-21-1972 Honors' Convocation Exercises - September 1972 Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College, "Honors' Convocation Exercises - September 1972" (1972). Commencement and Convocation Exercises. 196. This Conference Proceeding is brought to you for free and open access by the Academic Affairs Collections at Digital Commons @PVAMU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Commencement and Convocation Exercises by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @PVAMU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Jhe hjhiftd yfnnuaI jfa// HONORS' DAY Pi MU EPSILON CEREMONIES BETA BETA BETA KAPPA DELTA PI PHI ALPHA ALPHA TAU ALPHA BETA KAPPA CHI SIGMA TAU ALPHA MU GAMMA MU ALPHA SIGMA SIGMA TAU DELTA PRAIRIE VIEW A. &M. COLLEGE PRAIRIE VIEW, TEXAS SEPTEMBER 21, 1972 KAPPA OMICRON PHI ALPHA KAPPA MU FOREWORD The achievements of individual members of any honor society give note­ worthy prestige to that society. Honor societies exist primarily to recognize the attainment of scholarship of a superior quality, and the development of leader­ ship qualities, character and good campus citizenship. It should be the desire of all honor societies to make this recognition a thing to be coveted and to encourage the production of superior leadership both on campus and after graduation from college. A society which is known and admired outside of the college world as well as on the campus may be regarded as having achieved maturity and success. - 1 - HONORS' CONVOCATION THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1972 AT 10:00 A.M. GERALD MILES, Presiding Sophomore Honor Student •PROCESSIONAL: "Ceremonial Processional" Ployhar Concert Band Faculty Honor Societies Honor Roll Students The President's Party THE OCCASION Gerald Miles INVOCATION Gerald Whitmire Junior Honor Student MUSIC: Solo - "In the Silence of Night". Rachmaninoff Cora Johnson, Soprano INTRODUCTION OF SPEAKER Cora Johnson Honor Student ADDRESS: "Let Prairie View Turn You On" Dr. A. I. Thomas President, Prairie View A. and M. College RESPONSE Gerald Miles ACADEMIC RECOGNITION AWARDS . Dr. A. I. Thomas Dr. Lloyd Boyden Dr. Dymple Cooksey Dr. Marion Henry Recipients -< Dr. Rose Knotts Dr. James S. Payne Dr. M. S. Sohel TEACHING EXCELLENCE AWARD Dr. A. I. Thomas Recipient — Mr. Frank Hawkins MUSIC: Solo — "Air ge Lia (L'enfant Prodige)" Debussy Cora Johnson ANNOUNCEMENTS ALMA MATER: "Dear Prairie View" •RECESSIONAL: "Ceremonial Recessional" Ployhar Concert Band * Audience Seated. PRESIDENT'S DINNER FOR HONOR STUDENTS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1972 AT 1:30 P.M. PORTIA E. WARD, Toastmistress President, Alpha Pi Mu Chapter Alpha Kappa Mu National Honor Society DINNER PRAYER Alonzo Lester DINNER OCCASION Portia E. Ward SPEAKERS Representatives of the Pan-Hellenic Council of Honor Societies Subject: "The Role of Honor Societies in Promoting Academic Excellence" COMMENDATION OF HONOR STUDENTS Dr. A. I. Thomas President, Prairie View A. and M. College PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATES AND AWARDS FOR SUPERIOR SCHOLARSHIP Ajurella Combs Member of Alpha Kappa Mu and Kappa Omicron Phi and President A. I. Thomas President, Prairie View A. and M. College ANNOUNCEMENTS ALMA MATER: "Dear Prairie View" HONOR ROLL SECOND SEMESTER 1971 -72 SUMMA CUM LAUDE — Those having attained a quality point ratio of 3.6 to 4.0. * Acker, Gwyndol B., IE, '74 Gude, Linda Jewel, A&S, '74 "Nelms, Tommy L,, IE, 72 Adams, Howard J., A&S, '75 Gunner, Ruby Helen, A&S, '73 Nelson, Ynell, A&S, '74 Addison, Paul Jones, Ag., '72 Haden, Patricia Ann, A&S, '73 Newson, Alice Faye, A&S, '73 Alexander, D. J., A&S, '74 *Hainsworth, Sandra Kay, A&S, '73 Page, Linda Joyce, A&S, '73 Allen, Johnny Leroy, IE, '73 Harris, Jimmie Lee, N, '75 Palmer, Ella Mae, A&S, '73 Allen, Michael Depaul, A&S, '74 Harvey, Renita M., A&S, '75 Paul, Pearlanna, A&S, '73 Amsler, Beth Stewart, A&S, '75 Haskell, Delores M., A&S, '73 Phillips, Johnny Ray, A&S, '75 Arceneaux, Patricia Ann, HE, '72 Hawkins, Bernadette, A&S, '73 Pollard, Jennie Viner, A&S, '72 Armstrong, Lemuel N., Engr., '74 Hawkins, Pamela June, A&S, '74 Pratt, Shirley Jean, A&S, '73 Baker, Attie Lavonne, A&S, '74 Helms, Hattie Mae, A&S, '74 Ramakrishnaiah, P. V., Engr., '75 *Banks, Reginald D., Engr., '72 Hickman, Larry Roy, Ag., '73 Rawls, Arthur Jeromy, A&S, '74 Barnes, Brenda Joyce, A&S, '74 Hider, Doris Jeanette, A&S, '72 Reeves, Sherrial O., Engr. '75 Blount, Alice Marie, A&S, '74 Hopper, Kenneth W., A&S, '72 Reliford, George T., Ag., '73 Bolden, Freddy Lee, A&S, '74 House, Lynda Darneta, A&S, '74 Rice, Linda Faye, HE, '73 *Bostick, Rita Mae, A&S, '72 Howard, Jacqueline D., A&S, '73 Roach, Louis, C., A&S, '74 Brown, Florence Edward, IE, '72 Humber, Gwendolyn A., A&S, '73 Roberson, Orvine S. L., Engr., '72 Bryant, David Lee, Jr., A&S, '75 Hygh, Susan Lafae, A&S, '73 Roberson, Yvonne Marie, N, '75 Campbell, Willie E., IE., '74 Jackson, Brenda Louise, HE, '72 Robinson, Carolyn Jean, A&S, '72 Carr, Ollie Ann, A&S, '74 Jackson, Jessie Mae, A&S, '73 Sauls, Samuel E. Jr., IE, '72 Carrington, Shelia W., A&S, '74 Jackson, William Henry, A&S, '72 *Self, Paul William, A&S, '74 Charles, Alfreda Marie, A&S, '74 Johnson, Jacquelyn L., A&S, '74 Sirleaf, Farquema A., IE, '74 Chase, Patricia Regina, A&S, '73 Jordan Kenney Ray, Engr., '73 Slcrivanek, Marianne, A&S, '75 Cheatham, Donald, Engr., '75 *Kasumbein, Paul W. C., Ag., '75 Solomon, Marion C., Engr., '74 Coleman, Stella Louise, N, '75 Kemp, Teresa Renae, HE, 74 Stafford, Juanita Marie, A&S, '75 Cooper, Varie, A&S, '74 Kyle, Phil, IE, '72 Standley, George Jr., IE, '75 Cornelius, Alfred, IE, '75 LeBeaux, Arlie E., A&S, 74 Stanley, William David, A&S, '74 Cotton, Ronald, Ag., '72 Lee, William C. Jr., A&S, '75 Stinnett, Ina Ruth, N, '73 Daniels, Eugene, Engr., '72 * Lester, Alonzo W., A&S, '75 Tate, Jacquelyn A„ A&S, '73 Davenport, Willie G., Engr., '75 * Lester, Larry Ray, Engr., '74 Teal, Lovie Mae, HE, '73 *Davis, James Arther, Engr., '75 * Lewis, Bernadine, A&S, '72 Tejeda, Luis Erasmo, Ag., '75 Davis, Rickey, A&S, '74 Luckey, Kennard Ray, Bhgr., '75 Tompkins, Carolyn, A&S, '72 Davis, Rosalind Ann, A&S, '73 Marable, Bonnye R., A&S, '73 Tucker, James Earl, Engr., '72 Dixon, Robert Henry, Ag., '72 Mafhis, Ruby Jewel, N, '75 "Viola, Roderick D., A&S, '72 Easter Cornelius, IE, '73 Mays, Jo Ann, A&S, '72 Walker, Shirley Ann, A&S, '73 Edwards, Van Cleve, A&S, '72 McClendon, Nina J., A&S, '75 Walton, George L., Engr., '73 Ellis, Alonzo Cecil, IE, '75 McNeely, Paul Page, IE, '73 "Ward, Portia Elaine, A&S, '73 Else Theresa, N, '75 Melton, Charles, A&S, '75 Wilder, Evelyn Joyce, A&S, '73 Esteile, Wanda, A&S, '75 *Minor, Shirley Jean, A&S, '73 Williams, Annie Jean, N, '73 * Foreman, Shirley M., A&S, '73 Monroe, Jesse, Engr., '75 Williams, Rosetta, A&S, '73 *Gosey, Patricia Ann, A&S, '73 Morris, Patricia Ann, A&S, '73 Wilson, Dimitria D., A&S, '74 Green, Evelyn Joyce, A&S, '73 Moten, Donald, Ag., '74 Woodard, Catherine, A&S, '75 Greenwood, Ollie V., HE, '73 Naylor, Delano Jerome, A&S, '74 Zenn, Beverly A. T., A&S, '75 MAGNA CUM LAUDE — Those having attained a qual ity point ratio of 3.3 to 3.5. Abercrombie, Juanita, HE, '73 Barlow, Alice Faye, HE, '74 Braden, Julius, IE, '75 Adams, Deborah Faye, A&S, '73 Barnes, Teresa Ann, A&S, '75 Brooks, Henry, Engr., '74 Alexander, Eloise D., A&S, '73 Barron, Deborah H., A&S, '75 Brown, Laura Mae, A&S, '75 Anderson Edna B., A&S, '74 Beatty, Donald Ray, IE, '72 Brown, Pearline, A&S, '75 Bagley, Dorisell, A&S, '72 Blakemore, William H., Ag., '74 Brown, Roy Chester, A&S, '72 Ball, Harweese A., A&S, '73 Blow, Sarah Mae, A&S, '74 Burns, Mary E., A&S, '75 Barker, Erma Jean, A&S, '75 Boulden, Melvis Phillip, Ag., '72 Buster, Michael Larue, Engr., 73 Denotes all A's. -4- MAGNA CUM LAUDE — Those having attained a quality point ratio of 3.3 to 3.5: Caldwell, Juanita, A&S, '75 Hickman, Casey, Engr., '75 Roberson, Bruce A., Engr., '74 Callaway, Edward, A&S, '74 Hickman, Mamie Latrefl, A&S, '74 Roberts, Sandra E., A&S, '73 Carr, Jacquelyn, A&S, '73 Hider, Arnold Ray, A&S, '74 Sadberry, Alonzo, A&S, '75 Chambers, James A., Ag., '72 Hunt, Margaret Ann, A&S, '73 Sanchez, Juan Montez, IE, '73 Chambers, Raymond, Engr., '75 Iglehart, Ray Dell, Engr., '73 Sanford, Brenda Faye, A&S, '74 Clack, Delores, HE, '75 Jackson, Barry Andrew, Engr., '73 Sanford, Carolyn Ann, A&S, '74 Combs, Ajurella, HE, '73 Jacob, Shirley E., A&S, '74 Sargent, Fernandzie R., A&S, '75 Cornelius, Cornell, IE, '73 Johnson, Bridgie D., A&S, '74 Scott, John Christopher, A&S, '72 Cornelius James E., IE, '73 Johnson, Cheryl, A&S, '75 Scott, Zenova, A&S, '73 Cox, Carroll, B., A&S, '74 Johnson, Claude Earl, Engr., '73 Scurry, David, Engr., '74 Crosby, Avis B., HE, '72 Jones, Johnnie Lennell, A&S, '73 Scyres, Silvester, A&S, '73 Crosby, Willie James, Ag., '73 Jones, Robert Louis, IE, '74 Server, Ronald Douglas, A&S, '73 Curtis, Charity Ann, A&S, '73 Kiipatrick, Kollye W., Engr., '73 Settles, Leon Alfred, Engr., '72 Daniels, Wayne Bernard, A&S, '74 LeBeaux, Keith Gerard, A&S, '75 Shotwell, George F., IE, '74 Davis, Charlene, A&S, '75 Machac, George William, IE, '74 Siner, Francella Marie, A&S, '74 Davis, Isadore Thomas, A&S, '74 Mack, Lawrence C., IE, '72 Smith, Mildred W., A&S, '74 Davis, Merry Jo, HE, '73 Mark, Billie Nell, A&S, '74 Smith, Robert, IE, '74 Dean, Robert M., A&S, '73 Marshall, Chariean F., A&S, '73 Spiller, Patricia A., A&S, '74 Deason, Doris M., A&S, '73 Martin, Clifton M., A&S, '75 Stephens, John Lewis, Engr., '74 Dillard, Grady A., Ag., '75 Martin, Elizabeth Ann, A&S, '75 Tarver, Karen O., A&S, '75 Durham, Minnie Ola, A&S, '73 Mayfield Mary Ethna, A&S, '74 Tennessee, Henry Y.
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