Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 88, pp. 6785-6789, August 1991 Cell Biology Maternal inheritance of centrosomes in mammals? Studies on parthenogenesis and polyspermy in mice (fertilization/development/microtubules/heredity/mitosis) GERALD SCHATTEN, CALVIN SIMERLY, AND HEIDE SCHATTEN Integrated Microscopy Resource for Biomedical Research, University of Wisconsin, 1117 West Johnson Street, Madison, WI 53706 Communicated by Daniel Mazia, May 6, 1991 ABSTRACT The centrosome, the microtubule-organizing in this phase of development, then polyspermic oocytes center of the cell, is introduced typically by the sperm at would also be predicted to divide normally. fertilization. In some mammals, however, this paternal pattern of inheritance appears to be violated. The hypothesis that the MATERIALS AND METHODS centrosome is maternally inherited was tested during parthe- nogenesis, polyspermy, and polygyny as well as after recovery Gamete Collection and Handling. Outbred ICR strain mice from microtubule inhibition at first mitosis. During partheno- (Sprague-Dawley) were used for this investigation. The genesis the paternal contribution was absent, and in superovulation, collection of oocytes and embryos after polyspermy the paternal contribution was multiplied. Haploid natural matings, and the removal of cumulus and zona were and diploid parthenogenotes as well as polyspermic and digynic done, as described (16). Parthenogenetic Activation. Unfertilized oocytes were ac- fertilized eggs each segregated their centrosomes to organize a tivated parthenogenetically in 7% ethanol/Hepes-buffered bipolar mitotic apparatus. Oocytes recovering from a nocoda- culture medium for 7 min at room temperature (17, 18) and zole block formed two normal bipolar mitotic apparatus; the cultured until first mitosis (18 hr after activation) for produc- paternal chromosomes aligned at one spindle equator, while the tion of haploid parthenogenotes. Diploid parthenogenotes maternal chromosomes were found at the other. These results collected at first mitosis (20-22 hr after activation) were show that the centrosome is maternally inherited from cyto- produced by incubating oocytes in 10 ,uM cytochalasin B for plasmic sites in the mouse. The evolutionary switch from 5 hr to block second polar-body formation after activation. paternal to maternal inheritance in mammals might be related In vitro fertilization was accomplished by using the meth- to the additional dangers that parthenogenesis represents: a ods of Whittingham (19). Zona-intact unfertilized oocytes threat to the life of the mother as well as to the life of the fetus. collected 1-2 hr after the estimated time of ovulation were inseminated with spermatozoa previously capacitated for 1 hr The centrosome (1-3) serving as the microtubule-organizing at 37°C in culture medium containing 89 mM NaCl, 4.74 mM center of the cell defines the cytoskeletal shape. This shape KCI, 1.69 mM CaCl2, 1.18 mM MgSO4, 1.18 mM KH2PO4, 25 specifies the axis for division, course for locomotion, and mM NaHCO3, 0.1 mM sodium pyruvate, 5 mM glucose, 24 direction for polarization. A functional centrosome is typi- mM sodium lactate, penicillin G at 100 units per ml, strep- cally absent in eggs and is paternally inherited at fertilization tomycin sulfate at 5 ,ug per ml, and bovine serum albumin at in animals ranging from invertebrates such as ctenophores 10 mg per ml. Oocytes containing two pronuclei and a second (4), nematodes (5, 6), echinoderms (7, 8), and molluscs (9), polar body were removed from the insemination medium and through the protochordate ascidians (10), and to lower ver- cultured until first mitosis (18 hr after insemination) for the tebrates as fish and (12, 13). Introduced production of fertilized diploid eggs. Fertilized digynic zy- such (11) amphibians gotes (two-egg nuclei and one-sperm nucleus) were produced by the sperm at fertilization, the centrosome typically orga- by including 10 uM cytochalasin B at insemination and nizes the radially symmetric sperm aster and, after duplica- confirming oocytes with three pronuclei, no second polar tion, organizes the two poles ofthe first mitotic spindle. This body, and a single sperm tail (verified later by antitubulin requirement for the sperm centrosome ensures biparental immunofluorescence microscopy). contributions at fertilization and reduces the chances for Polyspermy and Digyny. Polyspermy was achieved by parthenogenesis. Polyspermy endangers the zygote because briefly treating unfertilized oocytes with acid culture me- of both centrosomal and chromosomal imbalances. dium, pH 2.5, to remove the zona pellucida (20) before In the mouse, however, unfertilized oocytes have cen- insemination in vitro. Eight hours after insemination, oocytes trosomal foci, as detected with anticentrosome antibodies (8, were collected and embryos exhibiting three or more pronu- 14, 15), and these foci, but not sites adjacent to the incor- clei were separated from the clutch of fertilized eggs; em- porated sperm nucleus, are used to organize the microtubules bryos with two or more pronuclei were cultured separately to found during fertilization (16) and also to form both poles of serve as controls. Dispermic-digynic zygotes (two female and the first mitotic spindle. These observations have led to the two male pronuclei) were produced by including 10 tM hypothesis that the centrosome is maternally inherited in this cytochalasin B in the insemination protocol; oocytes with mammal (8). Our study uses parthenogenesis, polyspermy, four pronuclei, two sperm tails, and no second polar body and recovery from microtubule inhibition to test this hypoth- were judged to be digynic and dispermic. Polyspermic and esis. If the hypothesis is correct, parthenogenotes would be polygynic embryos were cultured at 37°C until first mitosis, predicted to contain all constituents needed to organize a beginning -22 hr after insemination. bipolar mitotic apparatus, which permits division from one Spindle Formation Around Individual Pronuclei After Re- cell into two. If paternal contributions are not determinative covery from Microtubule Inhibition Before First Mitosis. The role ofthe maternal centrosome in organizing the first mitotic The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge spindle was investigated after the disruption and subsequent payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" recovery of cytoplasmic microtubules. To perform this ex- in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. periment, pronucleate-stage oocytes collected from naturally 6785 Downloaded by guest on September 28, 2021 6786 Cell Biology: Schatten et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88 (1991) FiG. 1. Centrosomes, microtubules, and chromosome arrangements at first mitosis in haploid and diploid partheno- genotes. (Upper) Haploid partheno- Sen-ote. At first mitosis, the centrosomal foci partitioned to form two spindle poles (a), and the chromosomes aligned along a single metaphase plate (b). (Lower) Diploid parthenogenote. The ploidy num- ber did not influence the ability of the -S oocyte to organize a bipolar spindle con- taining properly positioned centrosomes (c), an anastral, barrel-shaped spindle (d), and correctly aligned chromosomes on the metaphase equator (e). (a and b) Images were double-labeled for cen- trosomes and DNA. (c-e) Images were triple-labeled for centrosomes, microtu- bules, and DNA. CENTROS, cen- trosome detection; MTs, microtubule de- S tection; DNA, DNA fluorescence mi- croscopy. (Bars = 10 jtm.) mated females were blocked before first mitosis by incuba- culture, haploid parthenogenotes divide to form two equiv- tion for 12-16 hr in the microtubule-inhibitor nocodazole (5 alent-sized blastomeres. AuM) at 370C. At the time normal for mitosis, oocytes were To determine whether the ploidy state of the partheno- washed free of nocodazole, and microtubule recovery was genotes is important in spindle-pole determination, extrusion permitted for 1 hr at 370C before processing for indirect of the second polar body was blocked by incubating oocytes immunofluorescence microscopy. in 10 ,uM cytochalasin B for the first 5 hr after ethanol Centrosome, Microtubule, and DNA Lcaliztion. Zona- free oocytes and embryos were permeabilized in a buffer 100 previously shown to stabilize microtubules and centrosomes (8, 16). Fixation was accomplished by using 10 mM dimeth- 90 yl-3,3'-dithiobispropionimidate dihydrochloride, (DTBP; 80 Pierce) prepared in permeabilization buffer, pH 7.9, for 24 hr 0 70 at room temperature. After fixation, oocytes were rinsed in E I0 phosphate-buffered saline/0.1% Triton X-100 detergent. U-LL 60 All oocytes were triple-labeled for centrosomes, microtu- a) 50 bules, and DNA. Anticentrosomal and antitubulin antibodies oJ a) were applied for 40 min at 370C and followed by a phosphate- CT) 40 buffered saline/Triton rinse of 20 min. Centrosomes were c detected by using an autoimmune antiserum (5051) obtained CL;1) 30 a_ from a patient with scleroderma (14) diluted 1:50 in phos- 20 phate-buffered saline; the centrosomes were then labeled with fluorescein-conjugated antihuman secondary antibody. 10 Microtubules were labeled with an affinity-column-purified rabbit antitubulin antibody applied at 50 ,g of protein per ml 1 2 3 4 5 6 and then with rhodamine-conjugated anti-rabbit antibody. 3Oocyte Classification DNA was labeled with 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) at 5 ,g/ml in the penultimate phosphate-buffered saline/ FIG. 2. First cleavage from
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