VOL. 64 NO. 1158 APRIL 5, 1999 http://www.goarch.org/goa/observer E-mail: [email protected] Archbishop Leads His Eminence, Other Delegation to White World Orthodox House for Proclamation WASHINGTON Archbishop Spyri- Leaders, Speak Out don led a delegation of Greek-American leaders to the Oval Office for the annual proclamation signing on Greek Indepen- on Kosovo Crisis dence Day by President Bill Clinton. (full text of the Proclamation inside). NEW YORK Archbishop This is the 14th consecutive year that this proclamation honoring Greek Indepen- Spyridon has taken several dence Day has been issued by the President of the United States. steps in response to the NATO Due to the Kosovo crisis, President air strikes against Yugoslavia Clinton was forced to clear his schedule except for two meetings, the meeting with and the situation in Kosovo. Archbishop Spyridon being one of them. In a private letter to President Clinton The Hellenic Republic was also repre- dated March 26, His Eminence asks the sented by Deputy Foreign Minister Grigoris President to halt the bombing of Yugosla- Niotis, and Ambassador to the United States via. It was hand-delivered on March 28 by Alexander Philon. Archdiocesan Council President John During the meeting, Archbishop Spyri- Catsimatidis. don addressed the crisis in Kosovo. He told D. Panagos The Archbishop appealed for a cessa- the President: THE RESURRECTION, by the hand of iconographer George Philippakis, Holy Trinity, Hicksville, NY. tion of hostilities during the Holy Weeks of In thanking you today, we are mindful can Congress National Chairman Andrew A. both Eastern and Western Christians, which of the conflict and strife that surrounds the Athens, who also serves as World Council of New Diocesan also coincides with Passover observances current situation in Kosovo. Many lives are Hellenes Abroad (SAE) president; and Andrew as well as Muslim religious observances. now at risk, and we pray that God, in His E. Manatos, president of the National Coor- In a separate letter on March 29 to providential loving care for all humankind, dinated Effort of Hellenes and creator of the Bishops Elected Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, de- will illumine the path of peace and righ- Greek Independence Day legislation. livered to the Yugoslav Mission to the United teousness, so that the force of arms may AHEPA (the American Hellenic Educa- Nations, the Archbishop urged him to use give way to the terms of a just and lasting CONSTANTINOPLE The Holy and all of his powers to seek peace in the re- tional and Progressive Association) was rep- Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarch- peace. We offer our prayers for those who resented by its vice president, George gion. are in harms way: our own American ser- ate of Constantinople on March 13 elected In his letter to President Clinton, Arch- Dariotis, as well as the presidents of the three clergymen to fill the vacant Sees of vice men and women, the civilian popula- Daughters of Penelope, the Sons of Pericles, bishop Spyridon recalled that when . the tion, and all those whose lives have been so the Archdiocese: the dioceses of New Jer- United States and the United Kingdom con- and the Maids of Athena. sey, Atlanta and Detroit. afflicted by the continuing conflict. Mr. Presi- The Archbishop was also accompanied ducted similar air strikes against Iraq . dent, may God grant a speedy answer to all Bishop Alexios of Troas was elected the initiation of that action was planned so by the Archdiocese Executive Director of bishop of Atlanta, Bishop George of our prayers, and may he preserve you, our Print and Digital Media Fr. Philemon as not to begin after the commencement of nation, and our whole world in peace, tran- Komanon was elected bishop of New Jer- Ramadan, which is regarded as a holy month Sevastiades and Archdeacon Elias Villis. sey, and the Very Rev. Archimandrite Nicho- quillity and mutual respect. Several high-level administration offi- by persons of the Islamic faith. Greek-American leaders attending in- las Pissare was elected bishop of Detroit. The Archbishop further suggested that cials also participated, including: the At the time of their election, Bishop cluded: Archdiocesan Council President John Presidents chief of staff, John Podesta; Of- . the same consideration for the Chris- Catsimatidis, former Congressman and cur- Alexios had been serving in Atlanta as an tian people living in the territory now sub- rent President Emeritus of New York Univer- auxiliary bishop to His Eminence, Bishop ject to air attacks by NATO forces may pro- sity John Brademas; United Hellenic Ameri- See page 3 George was an auxiliary bishop to the Arch- vide an opportunity to re-initiate the nego- bishop and Fr. Pissare, was serving as pas- tiation process without loss of life. As you tor of Holy Cross Church in Brooklyn, N.Y. know, we are approaching the most holy Upon learning of the elections, Arch- season of the Christian year: that of the death bishop Spyridon immediately sent His All and burial of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew Glorious Resurrection. The Serbian people, a telegram expressing his gratitude and the with hundreds of millions of other Ortho- gratitude of the Church in America for pro- dox Christians, this year celebrate the Res- viding the Archdiocese with these new urrection on April 11. eparchial bishops. For the Roman Catholic minority Archbishop Spyridons among the Kosovo Albanians, Easter is cel- comments on the election ebrated the week before, on April 4, in com- On behalf of all the faithful of our Holy mon with other Western Christians. Accord- Archdiocese, we praise and give thanks for ingly, I implore you to suspend the current the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the love bombing campaign beginning on Thursday, of our Mother Church. I look forward with April 1, at least until after Monday, April 12. great joy to the ordination of Bishop-Elect This will allow for a respite of hostilities and Nicholas, and the enthronement of all the an opening for peace. holy brothers who have been elected to the In his letter to President Milosevic, the Holy Eparchial Synod. May God grant to Archbishop wrote: I have written to the each of them a fruitful ministry in His Holy President of the United States, suggesting Vineyard. that the coming holy days commemorating The consecration of Bishop Nicholas the Crucifixion and Resurrection of our Lord took place Saturday, April 3. Coverage will Jesus Christ are an auspicious time for a PRESIDENT CLINTON welcomed Archbishop Spyridon to the White House. White House photo They are shown with other Greek American leaders and White House staff memers. See NEW BISHOPS, page 2 See KOSOVO, page 9 PAGE 2 ORTHODOX OBSERVER APRIL 5, 1999 ARCHDIOCESE NEWS Ecumenical Patriarchate Elects New Diocesan Bishops from page 1 appear in the next issue of the Observer. The enthronements of Bishop Alexios and Bishop George will be forthcoming from the Archdiocese. Bishop Alexios of Atlanta Bishop Alexios has been serving as Archepiscopal Vicar of the Atlanta Diocese since Jan. 1, 1997. He will be enthroned on May 22at the Annunciation Cathedral in Atlanta. He was born Anthimos Panagiotopoulos Dec. 25, 1943, in Patras, Greece, to Spyridon and Angeliki Panagiotopoulos. He is the old- est of five brothers and two sisters. He was tonsured a monk at Vatopedion Monastery in 1963 and graduated from the Athonias Ecclesiastical Academy in 1964. In November 1965, he was ordained to the diaconate and served as archdeacon of the Metropolis of Patras until he entered HIS GRACE BISHOP ALEXIOS OF ATLANTAHIS GRACE BISHOP GEORGE OF NEW JERSEY HIS GRACE BISHOP NICHOLAOS OF DETROIT the National Kapodistrian University School Panteleimon and St. Spyridon. of Theology degree in 1975. A historian and working as an assistant to Bishop Philip of of Theology in Athens. While in Athens, he He was ordained to the priesthood on a scholar, he has written several books: Daphnousa (of blessed memory), who was served as deacon at the churches of St. Aug. 27, 1972 and assigned to St. Sophia From Mars Hill to Manhattan: The History then the Diocese locum tenens. Later, he Church in Patras, while living as a brother of of the Archdiocese of North and South served Bishop Anthimos. Inside the Gerokomion Monastery of the Virgin Mary. America; The Odyssey of Hellenism in In 1990, he formally began his service Following his graduation from the Uni- America, and The Diamond Jubilee of the in the Pittsburgh Diocese as administrative versity of Athens School of Theology in 1973, Greek Archdiocese of America, 1922-1997. assistant to Bishop Maximos. Archdiocese News - 2-4 he enrolled in the Boston University School of Bishop George will be enthroned on Nicholas was ordained as deacon July Challenge 25 Theology and received his Doctor of Ministry Saturday, April 17, at 6:30 p.m. in the Dioc- 6, 1991, by Bishop Maximos at Annuncia- degree in 1977. While at BU, he served as esan Cathedral of St. John the Theologian, tion Church in McKeesport, Pa. Diocese News - 26 pastor of Dormition Church in Burlington, Vt. in Tenafly, N.J. He was then ordained to the priesthood Ecum. Patriarchate - 5 He returned to Patras upon completion Bishop Nicholaos of Detroit a week later by Bishop Maximos and co-cel- of his studies and served as Abbott of the ebrant Bishop Philip at Assumption Cathe- Greek section 13-17 Gerokomion Monastery. The Archbishop informed the Bishop- dral in Denver on July 13. He was elevated HC/HC Report - 18 A year later, he was summoned back elect Nicholas personally, as they were to- to the rank of Archimandrite on the same day, to the United States to serve as dean of Sts.
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