SCIENCE FICTION WINTER ■DT71TTTI7T17 NUMBER 53 1984 fi n V I Pi VV $2-50 interview ALGIS BUDRYS AVRAM DAVIDSON GENEDEWEESE ELTON ELLIOTT BARRY MALZBERG BOB SHAW WILLIAM ROTSLER ALEXIS GILLILAND FOSTER BRAD DAMON GEIS KNIGHT RICHARD SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW (ISSN: 0036-8377) P.O. BOX 11408 PORTLAND, OR 97211 NOVEMBER, 1984-VOL. 13, NO. 4 PH0l£: (503) 282-0381 WHOLE NUMBER 53 RICHARD E. GEIS—editor & publisher ALIEN THOUGHTS.4 PAULETTE MINARE', ASSOCIATE EDITOR BY RICHARD E. GEIS OTHER VOICES.50 BOOK REVIEWS BY PUBLISHED QUARTERLY AN ESSAY, OSTENSIBALLY ON TIE ARDATH MAYHAR FEB., MAY, AUG., NOV. FANTASTASY CIIEMA, WITH AT LEAST CHARLES DE LINT ONE WORD MI SPELLED IN T>€ TITLE, PAUL MCGUIRE SINGLE COPY - $2.50 AND MUCH OF THE REST HAVING NO BILL WINANS REAL RELEVANCE TO HE SUBJECT, MICHAEL GROSSBERG YOU SEE.13 ALMA JO WILLIAMS BY AVRAM DAVIDSON JAWHAE FRANK NEAL WILGUS PAULETTE MINARE ONCE OVER LIGHTLY.16 BOOK REVIEWS BY GENE DEWEESE interview: ALGIS BUDRYS.19 LETTERS.55 CONDUCTED BY MARK BERRY DAMON KNIGHT RONALD R. LAMBERT JOHH BRUNTER SMALL PRESS NOTES.28 GEfE WOLFE BY RICHARD E. GEIS EDWARD E. ROM CHRISTOPHER PRIEST JAIET FOX THE GLASS BUSE€L.32 MIKE GLICKSOHN BY BOB SHAW ROBERT BLOCH DARRELL SCHWEITZER RICHARD S. MCEfROE ADVICE TO A IEW WRITER ON TTE JANRAE FRANK CHOICE OF A FIRST WDRD-PRDCESSOR.34 KARL EH) JOHN SHIRLEY BY ALGIS BUDRYS THE MYSTERY & ADVENTURE SERIES REVIEW #15. FOUNDATION #31. RAISING HACKLES.39 AGAINST THE WALL Vol.12, No.10.. BY ELTON T. ELLIOTT COVER BY ALIEN KDS2DWSKI AND HEN I SAW.42 BY RICHARD E. GEIS NO ADVERTISING WILL BE ACCEPTED Second Class Postage Paid TEN YEARS AGO IN SF - FALL, 1974 INTERIOR ART-- at Portland, OR 97208 BY ROBERT SABELLA.44 TIM kirk—2,4,28,42 ALEXIS GILLILAND-3,8,10,12,16,17, Copyright (c) 1984 by Richard E. £ CAN REPEM6ER IT FOR YOU ^1,24,30, 36,37,40,47,48,49,50,5]., Geis. One-time rights only have WHOLESALE: TIE PHIL DICK PROBLEM: been acquired from signed or cred¬ ited contributors, and all other TIE PHIL DICK SOLUTION.45 OLE PETTERSON—5 rights are hereby assigned to the BY BARRY N. MALZBERG WILLIAM ROTSLER—6.7.9,18,29,31,32, contributors. 39,41,46,52,57,60,62,63 BRAD FOSTER—7,9,17,20,22,23,25,35 SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW is published s-rar11 38'‘a'1|,, at 1525 N.E. Ainsworth, Portland, GEORGE KOCFELL-33,44 OR 97211 RAYMOND H. ALLARD-^55 MICHAEL GILBERT-58 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW POB 11408 Portland, OR 97211 BURNING WITH A VISION.£) LIBERTARIAN MICROFIO£ PUB.29 STIGMATA #21.2 THE VISIONARY.3 WONDERS HIDDEN.29 IT'S DOWN THE SLIPPERY CELLAR love among’the’xoids!!!!!!!!!!!!!3o SCIENCE FICTION CHRONICLE.30 WINNOWING STAR.30 PHILIP K, DICK: IN HIS OWN WORDS.30 LOVE AND ROCKETS #2.31 IN A FARAWAY GALAXY.31 SPACE & TIME #67.31 SUBSCRIPTIONS FANTASY REVIEW #71.31 SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW THE PEACE WAR.40 P.O. BOX 11408 OMNI'S SCREEN FLIGHTS SCREEN PORTLAND, OR 97211 FANTASIES.41 YESTERDAY'S TOMORROWS: PAST FOR ONE AND TWO YEARS VISIONS OF THE APERICAN FUTURE.41 AT FOUR-ISSUES-PER-YEAR SUNSPACER.41 SCHEDULE EYE OF THE COPET.41 SUPERDAD.42 SMITHEREENS.42 UNITED STATES: $9.00 One Year DEAL OF THE CENTURY.42 $18.00 Two Years NIGHT OF HE JUGGLER.42 THE BUNKER.43 CANADA: US$9.50 One Year SURFACING.43 US$19.00 Two Years BREATHLESS.43 Personal cheques accepted if HE LONELY LADY.43 written on US$ accounts. SPACEHUNTER.43 TOOTSIE.43 UNITED KINGDOM: Send pound CURSE OF THE PINK PANTHER.43 equivalent of US$9.SO One Year STRANGE INVADERS.43 US$19.00 Two Years JAWS OF SATAN.43 to agent WM. DAWSON 5 SONS CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF.43 Cannon House SHEET ALICE.43 Folkestone, Kent, BAD BOYS.44 CT19 5 EE EASY PDPEY.44 or write them for quote. WAVELENGTH.44 DRAW:.44 AUSTRALIA: Send A$ equivalent of STAY AS YOU ARE.44 US$9.50 One Year HE LAST APERICAN VIRGIN.44 Next Issue. US$19.00 Two Years HEART LIKE A WHEEL.44 to agent SPACE AGE BOOKS THE BLOOD OF OTHERS.44 INTERVIEW: L. PEIL SMITH 305-307 Swanston St. SABAZEL.50 Melbourne, 3000 Vic. BRISINGAPEN.50 RED-HAIRED HEROES, BROWN¬ or write them for quote. WEST OF EDEN.50 HAIRED LOSERS: SCIENCE THE LAGRANGISTS.51 FANTASY S COLOR CODE ALL OTHER FOREIGN: US$9.50 One Yr. THE RAINBOW CADENZA.51 BY HAPNAH N.G. SHAPIRO US$19.00 TWo Yrs. THE RIDERS OF HE SIDHE.51 All foreign subscriptions mist MOONGAHER.52 STANTON A. COBLENTZ: be paid in US$ cheques or money- MOONSCATTER.52 THE VICTORY BEHIND DEFEAT orders except to agents. STAR TREK III: HE SEARCH FOR BY JEFFREY M. ELLIOT SPOCK.53 MAKE ALL CHECKS, CHEQUES, AND CHEON OF THE WELTAPLAND, BOOK I: RICHARD E. GEIS, THE MONEY ORDERS PAYABLE TO SCIENCE THE FOUR WISHES.53 ARCHIVES, THE COLUMNISTS THE COPPLETE AUTHORIZED GUIDE TO DUNE ENCYCLOPEDIA.53 SAVE A HASSLE AND EXTRA EXPENSE MINDSPELL.54 SHADOW OF HE BEAST..54 IF YOU MOVE WE NEED YOUR FORMER PIAPHATTAN GHOST STORY.54 ZIPCODE AND YOUR NEW COPPUETE ADDRESS. ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS, NEW AND OLD, ARE HONORED AND FULFILLED ON AN ISSUES NUPBER BASIS. Ei-7>PJC.H GDIAJFLOT 3 8-7-34 Kookie has had six "trans¬ fusions" of water so far, to help her kidneys and to keep her blood from becoming poisoned by her body's wastes. ouew All this is very expensive, with blood tests, etc. And I am unable to continue at this rate. Like society in general concern¬ ing Medicade and Medicare, hard de¬ THOUGHTS cisions are coming due. $50-60 dol¬ lars a week is beyond my abilty to pay after the first week. I love the little darlin'. But. She's eating better now, however, and scarfs up raw kidneys very well. And cooked chicken (which I smuggled | RICHARD E. GEIS | out of King's Table last night, wrapped in a napkin, in my pocket). But she doesn't seem to drink any water. And that's crucial, or she'll dehydrate, her blood poisons IN THE BEGINNING... campaign, in order to remove the will build up... taint of Carter and Corruption from Geis said, "Let there be a diary of Damn! sorts." He was out of sorts when he the democrats. So now Mondale can charge Reagan with having a corrupt said this. He searched the house, # The National Federation for De¬ White House (Meese) with "clean but there wasn't a sort to be found. cency has placed protest pickets in hands." front of a 7-Eleven store in Portland, Ah, politics. Angry skunks Okay, that's got me started. part of a nation-wide campaign to smell better. pressure this convenience-store chain 8-1-84 I don't like the way Kookie into not selling PLAYBOY, PENIHOUSE, # Lately a national religious Dec¬ is acting and looking... she is losing etc. ency campaign has resulted in the weight and refusing to eat much of So far, in Portland, Fred Meyers, anything. We'll have to take her in pressuring of large local food and Albertsons, and Kienows food/dept, department store chains to stop sell¬ and be looked at. store chains have caved in. Safeway ing PENTHOUSE, PLAYBOY and similar never did carry those mags. "adult" magazines in their stores. But 7-Eleven is not budging; they # My bank is ripping me off in the Five of the biggest chains have believe freedom of choice is the key form of check charges, checking caved in to the threat of a boycott point of the chain's policy. acct. charges, etc. These NOW ac¬ by religious zealots in and around The Rev. Donald Widmon of TXipelo, counts are marvelous: the bank gen¬ Portland, and have agreed to stop Ms. is director of the National Fed¬ erously pays interst, then stacks selling those magazines. eration for Decency. Several years the deck so that their "services" Now the ABC TV channel in Port¬ ago he urged a boycott of sponsors of cost twice the interest earned; you'd land has run a "Televote" survey to certain television shows. have to keep $1,000. in the savings find out how the citizens feel about acct. to offset the escalated service this blatantly unconstitutional charges. pressure tactic. They asked people So here's what I want you to do: to call a specific telephone number When you renew your subscription, for a "Yes" or "No" vote on this make the check payable to RICHARD censorship. Over 26,000 votes were 8-14-84 Kookie is drinking water E. GEIS. Not to Science Fiction made, and 52.3% were in favor of very well now, but I don't think Review. having PENTHOUSE, PLAYBOY, etc. sold she's eating enough. Even raw liver That way I can open a personal in the stores, while 47.7% were in isn't tempting her. She does like a checking account at the local Benja¬ favor of the magazines being not min Franklin Savings 5 Loan Co. (who sold in those stores. have free checking with interest if I wonder how long it will be be¬ you keep $300 in the account) and fore these chains "quietly" put the say goodbye to greedy U.S. National magazines back in their stores. It Bank of Oregon. costs them a bundle to keep them out.
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