R M I S S L A UR A M C P R O U D . r v t e ife L e lla B . M e n d e n h a ll. ( In p i a l , ou ) Souvenir of the Louisiana Purchase Am eri c an ’ S t u d e n t s Ce n s u s Pari s 03 , 9 Achievem en t s Biographies of of t he Promin en t Greatest Am erican s Professors of Sin gin g Abroad in Paris . M iss! Laura iM cProud E n tered a ordi n t Ac t o f Con r ss cc g o g e , i n the year 1903, by LOUELLA B. M ENDENHALL , i i f L r n the off ce o the ib ari an o f Con gress, at Washi n gton , C . In tern ati on al Copyright . ’ America s Tribute to France 1 803 - 1 903 A T U L U S P hi a Pa. U . S. A . R H R EWIS T BB , hiladelp , , ’ H o f t h d arp the century , o er y hun red strings ’ 4 S e mem r w et y fingers with a fond caress , W o o f m hile Liberty her s ng triu ph sings , ’ Th o s f o e nati n uniso n o j y to bless . Be n o t it said that , faithless , we forget Hands that upheld when s ucco r came in need Ou t o f o ur a m sky star subli e has set , I f fu m mo n o grate l e ry be t true indeed . S e t mo o f m like a dia nd in the ring ti e , France i n her gl o ry shines with splendo r rare - H er — P m queen like city aris , the subli e h er o m Crowns with beauty far beyo nd c pare . s h i m And now , as once she ared our tr u ph great , ’ A o s m c untry best , ost talented , we send To C h n her , where ulture sits ent ro ed in state An d Art her choicest avenues extend . W M i t s herever usic spreads sweet control , ’ Or o canvas gl ws with Art s enduring skill , Th h o a a om o o y praise s all s und g in fr s ul to s ul , Th m 0 ! F o y na e , rance , be one of gl ry still . Our o o ur m s ns , daughters , any dwell with thee , Ou r loved and cherished — but we bid the m s tay A m tribute and a token let the be , Th wi n t o a y grace to , our gratitude p y . Dedication o f the ’ American St uden ts Cen sus Paris , 1903 Achievemen ts of Promin en t American s Abroad Coun tess M ario Ven turin i (n ee Charlotte Stern ) Authoress . ’ A ri c n St en t Cen s s Paris . me a ud s u , Preface . The year 1 90 3 being the centennial of the Louisiana Pur it l chase, seemed to me that such an historic date shou d be associated with the production of a census of the Americ an s P o Student in aris , together with biographical sketches of th se artists who in the mother city of the Fine Arts , by their achieve n e the ments , are augmenti g th ir laurels and adding lustre to fair name of their native land . The P bei n t o student population of aris g j a certain extent , s an ever changing one , it has been found impossible to make thi census absolutely complete ; but there will be found in it the 8 r names of at least 0 pe cent . of the American Students who have . studied there at some time durin g the year 1 90 3 . With this census is published short histories of the Ameri i n . : can institutions the French capital , viz The four American A c churches , the American Art ssociation , and the Ameri an ’ Students Club for Women . m It is to be regretted that while artists , both men and wo en , have provided for them comfortable homes , in the form of en c ur their clubs , the students of music have no protection or o a m n ff ge e t o ered to them . The merit of authenticity is claimed for the biographies herein published ; as each person has personally given his or her biography and their photograph with their signature thereon . This work will not have been undertaken in vain i f able 8 ’ merican t den ts Cen sus Paris . A S u , a n d ambitious young Americans are inspired by these examples t o attempt and t oemulate the achievements of their fellow coun r men t y . In taking the census of the American students in Paris this “ e I w co- y ar , wish to ackno ledge the operation of the Paris e New Yor k H erald c dition of the , of the various Art S hools , a n d of the Professors of music . o I e c To C untess Mario Venturini b g to dedi ate this , the 3 i o t he A 1 0 first ed ti n of merican Students Census , Paris , 9 3 , “ a n d ho e her p worthy act of assistance , which has made pos sible the publishing of this book as a souvenir of the greatest p eaceable transfer of territory ever made from one nation to a nother may be duly appreciated and find many imitators . ’ ’ American S tudeii C ts en sus,P ari s . Dedication Preface 9 ' R L P 1 ésumé of ouisiana urchase ( French ) by Juliette Adam . 8 R ésumé of Louisiana Purchase ( English Translation) by Charles Holman Black Amer i can Students Census R ésumé of Music in America ' R ésumé of Ar t in America P American Art Association , aris Names of Members of American Art Association S ’ W P American tudents Club for omen , aris P Holy Trinity Church , aris 2 1 e P American Church , rue d B erri , aris L ’ St . uke s Chapel ’ Students Atelier R eunions Achievements of Prominent Americans Abroad P i 1 Biographies of the Greatest rofessors of S ing ng in E urope . 75 A Card to S tudents 220 List of Officers of American Art Association 222 222 List of S ustaining Members of the American Art Association . BIOGRAPHIE S Countess Mario Venturin i Hector G uim ar d R e v . Dr John B Morgan R ev . Edward G Thurber , D D R ev I . saac Van Winkle , D D R ev S . Dr . ylvester W Beach Alexander Harrison I O ’ American Studen ts Cen s s P r . u , a i s BIOGRAPHIE S Emma Nevada Charles Holman Black Julius L . S tewart Jane Noria Frederic Arthur Bridgman B essie Abott Charles W . Clark M a E e n Walter c w . S H er s he E d d ara y _ y Eugene Vail Elle'n B each Yaw Frank Holman S . Wager wayne , Jr Avis Hekking Walter Gay Esther Fée Daniel R idgwayKnight Kate B er n s b erg B arr ac c hi a P Lawton S . arker Madame Marchesi S ignor G.S briglia Marie R oze Juliani Gabrielle Krauss Emil Bertin Madame W ei n s c he n k Fidele Koenig Bertha Kohl Antoine Baldelli Clarice Ziska PHOTOGRAPHS Laura M c Pr o u d (Authoress) Countess Mario Ven turini P . Corn er View American Art Association Building , aris P e . A Committe Meeting , American Art Association , aris L Corner View of ibrary , American Art Association American S tudents ’ Club for W omen ’ Library Ameri can S tudents Club for W omen ui m r Hector G a d . I ! ’ American Studen ts Cen sus P , ari s . PHOTO G R A PH S R ev . Edward G . Thurber , D . D R ev . I c W . saa Van inkle , D D R e v . S ylvester W . Beach _ Alexander Harrison Emma Nevada Charles Holman Bl ack Julius L . S tewart Jane Noria Frederic Arthur Bridgman B essie Abott Charles W . Clark S ara Hershey Eddy . Ellen Beach Yaw Frank Holman ' W S ag er wayne , ' Jr Avis H ekking W alter Gay Esther Fée’ Daniel R idgway Knight Kate B e rn s b er g B ar rac c hi a P r Lawton S . a ker Madam e Marchesi S ignor G . S briglia Marie R oze Juliani Gabrielle Krauss Emil B ertin e i n s ch e n k Madame B . W Fidele - Koenig B ertha Kohl Antoine Baldelli ' Clarice Ziska 1 2 ’ r n uden ts Cen s us ari s . Ame ica St , P C n t M ri Ven turin i ou ess a o . CO U NTE SS MARIO VE N I L’ R I XI ( née Charlott e S t ern ) w as New w f t w t t born in York City , here her a her Ed ard Ot o S ern , a - l t a n turalized American , was Russian Vice Consu and a grea financier . It is to his energy and enterprise that New York owes t a some of her greates g s plant s .
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