THR LONDON GAZETTE, HTH MAY 1981 6611 Hearing—29th May 1981. 10.30 a.m. Placer-The St. RESTAURATEUR. Court—BRISTOL. No. of Matter— Albans County Court, The Court House, Civic Centre, 16 of 1981. Trustee's Name, Address and Description— St. Albans, Herts. Bird, Anthony Malcolm David, of Refuge Assurance House, Baldwin Street, Bristol BS1 1SQ, Chartered Ac- CORDNER, Raymond Richard, of 69 Stockbreach Road, countant. Date of Certificate of Appointment—28th April Hatfield, Hertfordshire, a JOBBING GARDENER. 1981. Court—ST. ALBANS (by transfer-from High Court of Justice). '• No. of Matter—17 of 1975. Date Fixed for HALL, Peter Samuel, of 55 Haileybury Road, Orpington, Hearing—29th May 1981. 10.30 a.m. Place—St. Albans Kent, occupation unknown, lately an ENGINEER, County Court, The Court House, The Civic Centre, St. trading as PSH Design. Court—CROYDON. No. of Albans, Herts. Matter—1 of 1981. Trustee's Name, Address and Des- 1 cription—Auger. George Albert, Accurist House, 44" Baker ELKIN, Peter Sidney, residing at 6 Council Houses, Mil- Street, London W1M 1DJ, Certified Accountant. Date of wich, Stafford and formerly residing at The Royal Oak, • Certificate of Appointment—29th April 1981. High Street, Eccleshall and formerly residing at St. Lucia, Pershall, Eccleshall, Staffordshire and formerly BRADSHAW, Herbert Gordon, and BRADSHAW, Mar- carrying on business as a MOTOR DEALER under the garet, Newsagents, of and trading together at 4/5 Tree style Acton Gate Motors at Moss Pitt, Stafford. Court View Court Station Road, Maghull, Liverpool, Mersey- —STAFFORD. No. of Matter—7 of 1976. Date Fixed side. Court—LIVERPOOL (by transfer from High Court for Hearing—1st June 1981. 2.15 p.m. Place—The of Justice). No. of Matter—36 of 1981. Trustee's Name, County Court, 15 Crabbery Street, Stafford. - Address and Description—Adcroft, Peter, 23 King Street, Blackpool, Chartered Accountant. Date of Certificate of RAVENSCROFT, Nicholas David, of Brooklands, Hartley Appointment—28th April 1981. Green Road, Gayton, near Weston, Staffordshire, form- erly trading as a VENDING MACHINE INGREDIENT DOWNES, Ralph, of 35 Bishop Road. Anfield, Liverpool, SUPPLIER and a SUPPLIER of FRESH GROUND Merseyside, Security Guard, lately a MARKET TRADER COFFEE and FRESH GROUND COFFEE MAKERS and formerly a carpet fitter lately residing at 259 Old at 7 Birmingham Road, Springhill, Walsall, West Mid- Chester Road, Tranmere, Birkenhead. Merseyside. Court lands. Court—STAFFORD. No. of Matter—8 of 1976. —LIVERPOOL (by transfer from High Cdurt of Jus- Date Fixed for Hearing—1st June 1981. 2.15 p.m. Place tice). No. of Matter—25 of 1981. Trustee's Name, Ad- —The County Court, 15 Crabbery Street, Stafford. dress and Description—Adcroft, Peter, 23 King Street, Blackpool Chartered Accountant. Date of Certificate of LOWE, Raymond Wilfred, of 99 South Street, Taunton Appointment—28th April 1981. in the county of Somerset at present unemployed but lately a POLICE CONSTABLE. Court—TAUNTON. FULLER, Roy, unemployed, of 33 Mill Lane, Appley No. of Matter—3 of 1976. Date Fixed for Hearing— Bridge, near Wigan, lately residing at 36 Westhead Road. 3rd June 1981. 10.30 a.m. Place—The Shire Hall, Croston, previously at 3 Cousins Lane, Rufford, all Taunton, Somerset. Lancashire, lately carrying on business with another under the style of Oldhall Garden Centre as BUILD- WEBBER, Richard Sydney, of Dunkery View, Wheddon, ING CONTRACTORS and PROPERTY DEVELOPERS. Cross, Minehead in the county of Somerset, AGRI- Court—LIVERPOOL. No. of Matter—111 of 1980. Trus- CULTURAL CONTRACTOR. Court—TAUNTON. tee's Name. Address and Description—Adcroft, Peter, 23 No. of Matter—6 of 1976. Date Fixed for Hearing— King Street, Blackpool, Chartered Accountant. Date of 3rd June 1981. 10.30 a.m. Place—The Shire Hall, Certificate of Appointment—28th April 1981. Taunton, Somerset. INKPIN, John Francis, of New Bungalow, Knoll Way, WHITEFIELD, Leslie Robert Verdun (described in the Warden Bay. Sheppey, Kent, BRICKLAYER, lately re- Receiving Order as Leslie Robert Whitefield) of 23c siding at The Kathleen, Knoll Way, Warden Bay, Shep- Duke Street, Taunton in the county of Somerset, pey, Kent, formerly of 95 Albatross Avenue, Strood. ASSISTANT CARETAKER. Court—TAUNTON. No. Kent. Court—MEDWAY (by transfer from High Court of Matter—4 of 1976. Date Fixed for Hearing—3rd of Justice). No. of Matter—18A of 1981. Trustee's Name, June 1981. 10.30 a.m. Place—The Shire Hall, Taunton, Address and Description—Grimwood, Victor Ernest, Somerset. Messrs. McCabe & Ford. Bank Chambers, 1 Central Avenue, Sittingbourne, Kent, Chartered Accountant. Date of Certificate of Appointment—29th April 1981. ORDER MADE ON APPLICATION BY OFFICIAL CLAYTON, Donald Hudson, of and carrying on business RECEIVER TO CONSIDER DISCHARGE OF at " The Trout", Station Road. Tisbury, Wiltshire, PUB- BANKRUPT LICAN, lately a FURNITURE REMOVER, lately re- LOGAN, Michael John, now unemployed, residing and siding and trading at 1 Kennet Road, Newbury, Berk- previously carrying on business as a MOTOR DEALER shire as Clayton's of Newbury (Holdings). Court— at 33A Beaumont Road, Purley in the county of Surrey SALISBURY (by transfer from High Court of Justice). and formerly at 39 Sylvester Road, Dulwich, London No. of Matter—2A of 1980. Trustee's Name, Address and S.E.22 and prior thereto residing at 3 Fowler Street, Description—Halls. Nigel John, Lennox House, Beaufort Camberwell, London S.E.5, formerly a COMPANY Buildings, Spa Road, Gloucester, Chartered Accountant. DIRECTOR. Court—CROYDON. No. of Matter—184 Date of Certificate of Appointment—16th April 1981. of 1974. Date of Order—12th February 1981. Nature FUSSELL, Gordon, unemployed, of 23 Southerndown of Order made—Discharge refused. Avenue, Mayals, Swansea, West Glamorgan, lately carry- ing on business under the style of FusselFs Garages as a GARAGE PROPRIETOR, and under the style of G. APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEES Fussell & Sons as a COACH HIRER both from Unit 1, Cwmdu Industrial Estate, Fforestfach, Swansea afore- HANDLEY, Robert, residing at 2 Burlingham Caravan said. Court—SWANSEA. No. of Matter—9 of 1981. Park, Garstang, Preston, Lancashire, and carrying on busi- Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Halls, N. J., ness as an ENGINEER under the style of Venture Deloitte, Haskins & Sells, Lennox House, Spa Road, Engineering at Unit 2B, Preston New Road Industrial Gloucester, Chartered Accountant and Trustee. Date of Estate. Leamington Road, Blackburn, Lancashire. Court Certificate of Appointment—29th April 1981. —BLACKBURN. No. of Matter—8 of 1981. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Upton, Robin Andrew, Freeman. Smith, Rich, Broderick, 325 Clifton Drive South. St. Annes, Chartered Accountant. Date of Certi- INTENDED DIVIDENDS ficate of Appointment—27th April 1981. DE MAUBOURGET, Baroness Irene, of no occupation, of Flat 72 Bryanstoni Court, George Street, London W.I, BARONTINI. Luigi Gian, unemployed, former COMPANY described in the Receiving Order as occupation unknown. DIRECTOR, of The Pines, 72 Beach Road, Sand Bay, Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter Weston-super-Mare. lately carrying on business under the —1043 of 1978. Last Day for Receiving Proofs— style of " Cosa Nostra ", from Tollgate, Kewstoke Road, 25th May 1981. Name of Trustee and Address—Auger,. Weston-super-Mare," both in the county of Avon, as a George Albert, 44 Baker Street, London W1M 1DJ. C2.
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