on SEE STORY PAGE 2 Rainy Periods Cool with periods of rain FINAL around 70, low tonight in the Red Bank, Freehold upper 50s. Long Branch EDITION 34 PAGES Monmonth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL, 95 NO. 7 RED BANK, N.J. WEDNESDAY, JULY 5,1972 TEN CENTS iiiiuiiiiBniiiiiiiiiiiniiiifimiiiiiiimiiiiuiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tmimmiHiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiinimiiiiuniBHUiuiiunuimuiHiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiuiuuiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiin iiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiinii DeathsMarHoliday Gaiety Herman Blank, 49, collapsed the government By The Associated Press were also two homicides, a took place during a family ar- drowning and one fireman gument. Hooks died some at the scene of a fire that de- Alderman Frederick W. Lie- stroyed the roof of a restau- berhauser told a meeting of The long July 4th holiday died of an apparent heart at- hours after the incident in a tack. Philadelphia hospital. rant. Camden County Coroner the Board of Aldermen that was filled with sunshine and • everyone should "counter this Later today in Mount Holly, Yesterday, Mark D'Ambro, Blair M. Murphy said Blank ceremonies throughout New "negativism" by declaring, "I, Bill M. Jordan, 75, of Pember- 18, of Yeadon, Pa., was apparently succumbed to a Jersey, but deaths caused by am proud to be an Ameri* ton is scheduled to be ar- charged with the fatal stabb- heart attack, his second with- traffic, homicides and fire can," and fellow Alderman raigned on murder charges in ing of Steven P. Warren, 18, of in a year. marred the celebration for Emidio Cacciabeve, praising connection with the shooting Philadelphia during a North This year, the holiday many. the American way of life, death of his son-in-law, Army Wildwood street brawl. Police marked the 196th anniversary At least 15 persons died in said, "Where else can citizens Sgt John E. Hooks, 40. Ac- in that Cape May County com- of American independence and traffic accidents between the come to one of these meet- cording to police, Jordan was munity said the fighting oc- in at least one community, time the official count started Boonton, officials used the oc- ings, call us Mines and get held on assault charges fol-: curred Monday night. ' at 6 p.m. Friday and ended at casion to bemoan criticism of See 19 traffic Page 2 midnight yesterday. There lowing the shooting, which • In Pennsauken, Fireman Japan Names Leader the party has a sizable major- Takeo Miki and Masayoshi China. TOKYO (AP) - Japan's ity in both houses. He is ex- Ohira, stood out for change. ruling conservatives today Japan's conqueror in 1945,' pected to announce his cabi- When they were knocked out named Kakuei Tanaka, a dy- then its benevolent occupier net on Friday. on the first ballot, they threw namic rags-to-riches construc- and friend, the United States their support by advance tion man turned politician, to Tanaka's victory resulted dominated Japanese political agreement to Tanaka. be prime minister with a man- from growing restlessness life for a quarter of a century. date for bold new approaches within the party over Sato's Tanaka made a brief, re- Whatever the United States to the United States and inability to cope with the strained acceptance speech wanted, it usually got, China. problems of China, tha United stressing that unity of the par- States and mounting domestic ty must continue. He has said The crunch came when Ja- The Liberal-Democratic difficulties. Little change previously that he would give pan achieved a favorable bal- Party in effect turned its back would have been expected had his major attention to repair- ance of trade with the United on the cautious establishment Fukuda been chosen. ingthe frayed relations with States and steadily widened it politics of Prime Minister Eis- the United States and to with a river of low-cost, high- aku Sato, who is retiring at 71. The leaders of two powerful bringing about diplomatic re- quality goods poured onto the It decisively rejected the bid factions in the party who also lations with Communist American market. of his protege, 67-year-old ran, former Foreign Ministers Kakuei Tanaka Foreign Minister Takeo Fu- ' da, to succeed him. Tanaka, at 54 the youngest prime minister since 1945, won the party presidency and Humphrey and McGovern with it leadership of the gov- ernment at a convention of the party's members in the Diet, the Japanese parlia- ment. The vote on the second Aides Have Verbal Duels runoff baUot was 282-190, with '' ' DalWRMIlUr Stall Photo four blank votes. MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) delegates from California and In this sweltering con- downtown Miami Beach hotel DELIGHTED DELIGHTS — Among the many who enjoyed the pyrotech- The Diet will meet tomor- - Aides to Sens. Hubert H. 59 uncommitted delegates vention center, meanwhile, through which the young nic holiday display last night at Marine Park, Red Bank, where the enthu- row to confirm Tanaka as Humphrey and George from Illinois headed by Chi- the City Council planned to people will be able to get in- siastic Connett sisters, Melissa, 3, left, and Reglna, 5, who enjoyed it all cago Mayor Richard J. Daley. reconsider today whether it In the comfort of the family station wagon. Their faces certainly reflect prime minister for a three- McGovern are sparring ver- formation about convention year term, a formality since bally in a warmup for next Frank Mankiewicz, will reverse a decision against the fact that to youngsters of all ages It was another Christmas in July. activities, watch sessions on week's Democratic> National McGovern's nation political granting campsites- for the Convention while a federal ap- director, said on the CBS ra- young nondelegates expected television monitors and meet peals court considers the cru- dio program "Capitol Cloak- in Miami Beach for next with the South Dakota sena- cial California and Illinois room" there is still hope the week's convention. tor's delegates.';., credentials cases. competing Illinois delegations Tom Southwick, one of Jack Chestnut, Humphrey's can reach a compromise "and McGovern's youth workers, "It is an effort to make South Koreans Urged campaign manager, demanded that something can be worked announced arrangements to them feel they have a place that McGovern fire or repu- out seating them both." open a youth center in a here," Southwick said. diate Rick Steams, one of his campaign aides, for saying that he favored a third par- To Maintain Vigilance ty to "punish" Humphrey should the Minnesota senator By K.C. HWANG and reunification of the Ko- Kim told the National As- lieve that territorial reunifica- win the Democratic presiden- Associated Press Writer rean peninsula. sembly that Park Sung-chul, tion is around the corner. tial nomination. Premier Kim Jong-pil urged North Korea's second vice "Our political ideology "Talk of punishment of the SEOUL (AP) - The South the nation to maintain its vig- premier, used "undescribably" cannot agree with that of the Democratic party is irrespon- Korean government warned ilance, asserting that a piece abusive" words in attacking Communists," he said, "and sible and can't be tolerated," its people today not to expect of paper from the Communists the South on the same day the although our dialogue opened Chestnut said, reacting to the speedy results from its agree- containing promises does not North-South agreement was as a result of the joint com- Stearns comments which ment with North Korea to mean anything unless the disclosed. munique, we cannot change seem to be part of an effort work for improved relations pledges are implemented. He said nobody should be- overnight our ideas, systems bv some McGovern aides to and life." convince party leaders that de- Secret Talks nial of the nomination to the South and North Korea an- front-running South Dakota nounced yesterday that they senator would split the party. Allies' Gains Marred had held secret, high-level Both Resting talks in Pyongyang and Seoul' Both Humphrey and in May and had agreed to set McGovern were resting —' up a joint committee to nego- Humphrey at his Waverly, By Bombing Accident tiate exchanges in a number Minn., lakeside home, of fields and to promote reuni- McGovern at his Eastern . SAIGON (AP) - Govern- tal of Hue again last night and In the air war, North Viet- fication by peaceful means. ment paratroopers penetrated nam claimed that U.S. war- shore Maryland farm — while attacked the western defenses They also agreed to refrain their supporters spent the the city limits of Quang Tri of the city. planes in several waves bomb- from armed provocations and City yesterday; but the suc- ed and strafed civilian areas Fourth of July arguing the The Saigon command said from slandering and defaming California and Illinois creden- cess of their northern counter- one soldier was wounded in in Hanoi and on its outskirts each other. As a first step, offensive was marred by an at noon yesterday and that tials cases before the U.S. Cir- the shelling of Hue, and 67 they opened a telephone hot cuit Court in Washington. accidental U.S. air attack that North Vietnamese were killed two F4 Phantom fighler- line between the two capitals killed 11 South Vietnamese when the ground attack was bombers were shot down. Ra- yesterday. Today the South U.S. District Court Judge marines and wounded 30. repulsed 10 miles to the south- dio Hanoi said many persons Korean government began Thirty miles to the south, west. Two South Vietnamese were killed and injured and George L. Hart refused Mon- ARTIST'S VIEW — Singer Andy Williams takes close look at original calling the Communist regime day to overturn Democratic painting by Andrew Wyeth on display this week at the Garden State Arts North Vietnamese gunners troops were reported killed hundreds of homes were de- "North Korea" instead of shelled the old imperial capi- and 12 wounded in the battle: stroyed and damaged.
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