PAGE 2 PAGE 3 TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS Davis, I presume By George Dickie 7) This defensive end was a five-time All-Pro for the great Questions: Green Bay Packers teams of 1) This Gold Glove-winning the 1960s. Who was he? outfielder spent most of his 8) This NFL safety started career with the Los Angeles for two Super Bowl-winning Dodgers. Who was he? Oakland Raiders teams in the 2) This NFL owner implored 1980s. Name him. his team to “just win, baby.” 9) In 1989, this San Diego Can you name him? Padres lefty became just the 3) A mysterious neck injury fourth relief pitcher to win the cut short the promising career Cy Young Award. Who is he? of this two-time All-Star first 10) Dubbed “Mr. Outside,” he teamed with Doc Blanchard baseman. Name him. to form perhaps the great- 4) This high-scoring swing- est backfield in Army history. man won the NBA Rookie of Name him. the Year award in 1978. Who is he? Answers: 5) This first baseman/out- 1) Willie Davis fielder was on base when 2) The Oakland/Los Angeles Kirk Gibson slugged a walk- Raiders’ Al Davis off home run in Game 1 of 3) Glenn Davis the 1988 World Series. Name 4) Walter Davis him. 5) Mike Davis 6) This outfielder holds the 6) Tommy Davis Dodger record for most RBI 7) Willie Davis in a season, 153, which he 8) Mike Davis set in 1962. Can you name 9) Mark Davis him? 10) Glenn Davis WORD SEARCH Y B E X C H W R L U I Y C I M D O W V H V I C O A H W Z R C E L D E R U O E Q M C K A X P L C O D I F D W D R A P E R A O T L V S F E P E L C N S E R S R A R T K C A C W O A C M T A N C B M S O T P I M W T E L R M H R A M R S T D P E J V I A P E O S T A I O Z R Q P I N C W Y L F V T W I D O W E R C R U P D I E I L V V M I S N Y D M T W P A N X E A I X T F U A G A M L A G R P L S D F H M S T O R E F R O N T E U R Q O T C I W D B C A Y T D R V A H “Once Upon a Main Street” on Lifetime (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Amelia (Lewis) (Vanessa) Lachey Romance Vic (Manning) (Ryan) McPartlin Compromise Elder (Dubois) (Patrick) Duffy Widower Christmas Storefront Competition Battle (of Main Street) Decorating (Polly) Draper PAGE 4 Custom Features Release the week of November 29 - December 5, 2020. TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS TV CHALLENGE STUMPERS CHALLENGE STUMPERS SPORTSDavis, I presume TV SPORTS By GeorgeDavis, Dickie I presume7) This defensive end was a five-time All-Pro for the great By George Dickie 7) This defensive end was a Davis, I presume Questions: five-timeGreen Bay All-Pro Packers for theteams great of By George Dickie 7) This defensive end was a Questions:1) This Gold Glove-winning Greenthe 1960s. Bay WhoPackers was teams he? of five-time All-Pro for the great 1)outfielder This Gold spent Glove-winning most of his the8) This 1960s. NFL Who safety was started he? Questions: Green Bay Packers teams of outfieldercareer with spent the Losmost Angeles of his 8)for This two NFLSuper safety Bowl-winning started 1) This Gold Glove-winning the 1960s. Who was he? careerDodgers. with Who the wasLos Angeleshe? forOakland two Super Raiders Bowl-winning teams in the outfielder spent most of his 8) This NFL safety started Dodgers.2) This NFL Who owner was imploredhe? Oakland1980s. Name Raiders him. teams in the career with the Los Angeles for two Super Bowl-winning 1980s. Name him. 2)his This team NFL to “justowner win, implored baby.” 9) In 1989, this San Diego Dodgers. Who was he? Oakland Raiders teams in the his team to “just win, baby.” 9)Padres In 1989, lefty this became San Diego just the 2) This NFL owner implored 1980s. Name him. Can you name him? Padres lefty became just the Can you name him? fourth relief pitcher to win the his team to “just win, baby.” 9) In 1989, this San Diego 3)3) AA mysteriousmysterious neckneck injury fourth relief pitcher to win the Padres lefty became just the cut short the promising career Cy Young Award. Who is he? Can you name him? cut short the promising career 10) Dubbed “Mr. Outside,” he 3) A mysterious neck injury fourth relief pitcher to win the ofof thisthis two-timetwo-time All-StarAll-Star first 10) Dubbed “Mr. Outside,” he teamedteamed withwith Doc Blanchard cut short the promising career Cy Young Award. Who is he? baseman.baseman. NameName him.him. toto formform perhapsperhaps the great- of this two-time All-Star first 10) Dubbed “Mr. Outside,” he 4)4) ThisThis high-scoringhigh-scoring swing-- teamed with Doc Blanchard est backfield in Army history. baseman. Name him. manman wonwon thethe NBA Rookie of to form perhaps the great- Name him. 4) This high-scoring swing- thethe YearYear awardaward inin 1978.1978. WhoWho est backfield in Army history. is he? man won the NBA Rookie of Name him. is he? Answers: 5) This first baseman/out- 1) Willie Davis the Year award in 1978. Who 5) This first baseman/out- 1) Willie Davis fielder was on base when 2) The Oakland/Los Angeles is he? Answers: Kirkfielder Gibson was onslugged base whena walk- 2) The Oakland/Los Angeles 5) This first baseman/out- Kirk Gibson slugged a walk- Raiders’ Al Davis 1) Willie Davis off home run in Game 1 of 3)Raiders’ Glenn AlDavis Davis fielder was on base when off home run in Game 1 of 2) The Oakland/Los Angeles the 1988 World Series. Name 4)3) WalterGlenn DavisDavis Kirk Gibson slugged a walk- Raiders’ Al Davis him.the 1988 World Series. Name 5)4) MikeWalter Davis Davis off home run in Game 1 of 3) Glenn Davis 6)him. This outfielder holds the 6)5) TommyMike Davis Davis the 1988 World Series. Name Dodger record for most RBI 4) Walter Davis 6) This outfielder holds the 7)6) WillieTommy Davis Davis him. 5) Mike Davis in a season, 153, which he 8) Mike Davis Dodger record for most RBI 7) Willie Davis 6) This outfielder holds the 6) Tommy Davis setin a in season, 1962. Can 153, you which name he 9)8) MarkMike Davis him? 10) Glenn Davis Dodger record for most RBI 7) Willie Davis set in 1962. Can you name 9) Mark Davis in a season, 153, which he 8) Mike Davis him? 10) Glenn Davis set in 1962. Can you name 9) Mark Davis SEARCH him? 10) Glenn Davis WORD SEARCH Y BEXCHWRLUIYCIM SEARCH D WORDOWVHVICO AHWZRC Y BEXCHWRLUIYCIM WORD E LDERUOEQMCKAXP Y BEXCHWRLUIYCIM LD CODIFDWDRAPERAOWVHVICO AHWZRC D OWVHVICO AHWZRC OE TLVSLDERUOEQMCKAXPFEPELCNSER E LDERUOEQMCKAXP SL RARTKCACWOACMTCODIFDWDRAPERA L CODIFDWDRAPERA AO NCBMSOTPIMWTETLVS FEPELCNSERL O TLVS FEPELCNSER RS MHRAMRSTDPEJVIRARTKCACWOACMT S RARTKCACWOACMT AA PEOSTAIOZRQPINNCBMSOTPIMWTE L C WYLFVTWIDOWERC A NCBMSOTPIMWTE L R MHRAMRSTDPEJVI R UPDIEILVVMISNY R MHRAMRSTDPEJVI DA MTWPANXEAIXTFUPEOSTAIOZRQPIN A PEOSTAIOZRQPIN AC GAMLWYLFVTWIDOWERCAGRPLSDFHM C WYLFVTWIDOWERC SR TOREFRONTEURQOUPDIEILVVMISNY R UPDIEILVVMISNY TD CIWDBCAYTDRVAHMTWPANXEAIXTFU D MTWPANXEAIXTFU A “OnceGAML Upon AGRPLSDFHMa Main Street” on Lifetime (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) A GAML AGRPLSDFHM AmeliaS TOREFRONTEURQO (Lewis) (Vanessa) Lachey Romance S TOREFRONTEURQO VicT (Manning)CIWDBCAYTDRVAH(Ryan) McPartlin Compromise T CIWDBCAYTDRVAH Elder“Once (Dubois) Upon (Patrick)a Main Duffy Street” onWidower Lifetime Christmas Storefront Competition “Once Upon a Main Street” on Lifetime (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Battle (of Main Street) Decorating (Polly) Draper Amelia (Lewis) (Vanessa) Lachey Romance Amelia (Lewis) (Vanessa) Lachey Romance Vic (Manning) (Ryan) McPartlin Compromise Vic (Manning) (Ryan) McPartlin Compromise Elder (Dubois) (Patrick) Duffy Widower Elder (Dubois) (Patrick) Duffy Widower Custom Features ChristmasRelease the weekStorefront of November 29 - DecemberCompetition 5, 2020. Christmas Storefront Competition Battle (of Main Street) Decorating (Polly) Draper Battle (of Main Street) Decorating (Polly) Draper PAGE 5 Custom Features Release the week of November 29 - December 5, 2020. Custom Features Release the week of November 29 - December 5, 2020. PAGE 6 PAGE 7 PAGE 8 PAGE 9 HOLIDAY HAPPENINGS AROUND THE CAPE WILDWOODS comes year-round residents and Holiday Light Show & visitors to enjoy this new holiday House Decorating Contest event that is sure to become a tradition. Due to Covid restric- The City of Wildwood Parks & Rec- tions, you and your family can reation and Wildwood Fire Depart- stay in your car and view the Holi- ment are sponsoring a Holiday day House decorations. Then end Light Show and House Decorating your festive drive at Holly Beach Contest beginning December 10, Park, where you can walk around, 2020. Homes in Wildwood, North take in the Holiday Light Show Wildwood, Wildwood Crest, and and vote for your favorite houses. West Wildwood are eligible to participate. The community wel- The Holiday Light Show will take PAGE 10 HOLIDAY HAPPENINGS AROUND THE CAPE place December 11, 12, 18, 19 ev- Anyone wishing to enter their ery hour on the hour at 5:00pm, home into the contest can reg- 6:00pm, 7:00pm and 8:00pm at ister at https://cityofwildwood.
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