HORTSCIENCE 39(7):1630–1634. 2004. of days to fl ower becomes the rate of progress toward fl owering. Developmental rate is zero The Effect of Temperature on Leaf at or below a species-specifi c base temperature (Tb) and is maximum at the optimal temperature (Topt; Roberts and Summerfi eld, 1987). Between and Flower Development and Flower Tb and Topt, rate of development is linear and Longevity of Zygopetalum Redvale can be described as 1/days = b0 + b1T [1] ‘Fire Kiss’ Orchid where days is days to fl owering, T is temperature, 1 2 and b and b are species-specifi c constants. The Roberto G. Lopez and Erik S. Runkle 0 1 base temperature, T , can be calculated as Department of Horticulture, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 b Additional index words. base temperature, degree-days, potted fl owering orchids Tb = −b0/b1 [2] Abstract. The vegetatively propagated ‘Fire Kiss’ clone of the hybrid Zygopetalum Redvale Thermal time, or time to reach a particular orchid has appealing potted-plant characteristics, including fragrant fl owers that are waxy developmental stage, can be quantifi ed in de- lime-green and dark maroon with a broad, three-lobed, magenta and white labellum. gree-days (°C·d-1), which is calculated as We performed experiments to quantify how temperature infl uenced leaf unfolding and expansion, time from visible infl orescence to fl ower, and longevity of individual fl owers °C·d-1 = 1/b [3] and infl orescences. Plants were grown in controlled-environment chambers with constant 1 temperature setpoints of 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, and 29 °C and an irradiance of 150 µmol·m–2·s–1 Therefore, if the average daily tempera- for 9 h·d–1. As actual temperature increased from 14 to 25 °C, the time to produce one leaf ture is Ta, the days necessary to complete a decreased from 46 to 19 days. Individual plants were also transferred from a greenhouse developmental process can be calculated by to the chambers on the date that an infl orescence was fi rst visible or the fi rst fl ower of an –1 (°C·d )/(Ta −Tb). infl orescence opened. Time from visible infl orescence to open fl ower decreased from 73 In addition to time to fl ower, temperature days at 14 °C to 30 days at 26 °C. As temperature increased from 14 to 29 °C, fl ower and also infl uences fl ower longevity of potted plants. infl orescence longevity decreased from 37 and 38 days to 13 and 15 days, respectively. For example, the overall fl ower longevity of Data were converted to rates, and thermal time models were developed to predict time to potted Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri Reg. (Moran), fl ower and senescence at different temperatures. The base temperature was estimated at an epiphyte with a geographic distribution 6.2 °C for leaf unfolding, 3.5 °C for time to fl ower, and 3.7 °C for fl ower longevity. These similar to that of Zygopetalum, decreased from models could be used by greenhouse growers to more accurately schedule Zygopetalum 43 to 26 d as temperature increased from 18 to fl owering crops for particular market dates. 24 °C (Hartley et al., 1995). To maximize cut fl ower longevity, Cattleya, Cymbidium, and Potted fl owering orchids are produced in 1993). The hybrid Zygopetalum Redvale ‘Fire Dendrobium orchid fl owers are often stored large quantities throughout the world. For ex- Kiss’ has attributes that make it an appealing at 10 to 14 °C; however, temperatures below ample, in 1995, the world demand for potted potted plant. It is moderately compact (25 to this range can cause chilling injury (Sacalis, orchids was estimated at 1.22 billion units of 40 cm tall) and has exotic, waxy fl owers with 1989, 1993). plant stock (Hew and Yong, 1997). Orchids are lime-green and dark-maroon sepals and petals, a Information on the time required to reach the second most valuable fl owering potted crop broad magenta and white three-lobed labellum, a developmental stage is critical to developing in the United States, with an estimated wholesale and a strong, sweet, and spicy fragrance. Flower- crop production schedules. The objectives of this value in 2002 of approximately $105.6 mil- ing of Zygopetalum is promoted by short days study were to determine the relationship between lion (U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2003). (SDs) followed by cool temperatures (e.g., 14 temperature and 1) leaf unfolding rate (LUR) and However, environmental effects on growth and oC), but the effects of temperature on growth and expansion; 2) time from visible infl orescence to development of most orchid species are poorly infl orescence development and longevity have fl ower; and 3) fl ower and infl orescence longevity understood, or not at all. Notable exceptions in- not been determined (Lopez et al., 2003). of Zygopetalum orchids. clude some species and hybrids of Phalaenopsis, In the United States, potted flowering Cattleya, Cymbidium, and Dendrobium. In these plants are commonly produced, marketed, Materials and Methods genera, low temperature, short photoperiods, or and purchased for holidays such as Christmas, both regulate the fl owering process (Ichihashi, Valentine’s Day, Easter, and Mother’s Day. Plant material. Vegetatively propagated 1997; Rotor, 1952; Sakanishi et al., 1980). This requires an understanding of the fl owering ‘Fire Kiss’ clone of the hybrid Zygopetalum Zygopetalum, or the ladybird orchid, is process so that greenhouse growers can sched- Redvale (Zygopetalum Artur Elle × Zygopeta- a sympodial terrestrial and epiphytic South ule crops into fl ower for specifi c market dates. lum Titanic) plants were grown in a commercial American genus composed of 20 species (Rit- Plants that do not have fl owers or have fl owers greenhouse (Nurserymen’s Exchange, Inc., Half tershausen and Rittershausen, 2000). They are that are too immature (e.g., only fl ower buds) Moon Bay, Calif.), transplanted into 38-cell native to neotropic mountains (1,300 to 1,700 m) or are all open are often not sold or are sold for plug trays in June 2000, and then into 10-cm of Brazil, Guiana, Venezuela, and Peru (Rose, a lower price. Therefore, scheduling a crop of pots in April 2001. Plants were grown at 16 Zygopetalum to fl ower for a specifi c, predeter- to 26 °C under natural photoperiods (lat. 37 Received for publication 25 Feb. 2004. Accepted for mined market date has not been possible. °N) with a maximum photosynthetic photon publication 24 Apr. 2004. We gratefully acknowledge Temperature controls the rate of plant devel- fl ux (PPF) of 350 µmol·m–2·s–1. Five hundred funding by Michigan’s plant agriculture initiative at opment, including time to unfold a leaf and time plants in a fi ne-grade 4 fi r bark : 1 perlite-based Michigan State University (Project GREEEN), the for an infl orescence to develop open fl owers. media were received in East Lansing, Mich., on Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station, the Fred Mathematical models have been developed to 6 May 2001. They were maintained at 24 ± 2 C. Gloeckner Foundation, and greenhouse growers assist greenhouse growers with scheduling of °C in a glass-glazed greenhouse until experi- providing support for Michigan State University fl oriculture research. We also thank Cathy Whitman fl owering crops [e.g., Lilium longifl orum Thunb. ments began. The photoperiod was a constant for assistance with data collection. (Fisher et al., 1996; Healy and Wilkins, 1984)]. 16 h (0600 to 2200 HR), consisting of natural 1Graduate student. Once plants have been grown at a variety of daylengths (lat. 42 °N) with day-extension light- 2Assistant professor and extension specialist. To temperatures and time to reach a particular ing from high-pressure sodium (HPS) lamps, whom reprint requests should be addressed; e-mail event (e.g., fl owering) is quantifi ed, data can be which delivered a supplemental PPF of 20 to 35 [email protected]. converted into rates. For example, the reciprocal µmol·m–2·s–1 at plant height [as measured with 1630 HORTSCIENCE VOL. 39(7) DECEMBER 2004 2262-Prod.indd62-Prod.indd 11630630 110/14/040/14/04 111:02:131:02:13 AAMM Table 1. Actual average daily air temperatures of environmental chambers for each experiment. infl orescence, or VI) without dissection (<1 cm Air temp setpoint (°C) long), plants were transferred to one of the fi ve Experiment Year 14 17 20 23 26 29 growth chambers until 10 plants were in each 1 1 13.4 16.7 19.5 22.4 24.8 28.6 chamber. The date each plant was placed in the 2 13.4 17.3 19.5 22.4 25.5 ---z chamber and the date the fi rst and subsequent 2 1 13.5 17.4 19.5 22.0 25.5 --- fl owers opened were recorded for each plant. 2 12.2 17.6 21.1 23.5 25.7 --- At fl owering, the number of fl ower buds and 3 1 13.4 17.1 19.5 25.9y 25.4 28.6 nodes on immature pseudobulbs below the 2 13.3 17.4 19.6 22.3 25.5 --- infl orescence were counted and infl orescence zTemperature not used. length was measured. Days to fl ower and air yPlants were grown in a greenhouse. temperature during that period were calculated for each plant. a line quantum sensor (Apogee Instruments, from the medium surface to the leaf tip) and Flower and infl orescence longevity (Expt. Inc., Logan, Utah)]. the incremental increase in leaf expansion was 3). The experiment was replicated in time, Plant culture.
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