POPE BENEDICT XVI, CARDINAL KEITH In his final Lenten report from India, O’BRIEN send condolences and prayers IA N DUNN focuses on those helped by after Swiss bus crash that killed school SCIAF’s partner The Association for children, including British boy. Page 8 People with Disabilities. Pages 12-13 No 5459 www.sconews.co.uk Friday March 23 2012 | £1 PRESERVING MARRIAGE VIGIL THE FAITH OF OUR FATHERS IN SCOTLAND Archbishop Mario Conti of Glasgow (right) marked the feast day of St Patrick, and the culmination of the city’s festival in tribute to the patron saint of Ireland, with the celebra- tion of Mass at a packed St Andrew’s Cathe- dral last Saturday. In addition to honouring the Irish community, he spoke of the current efforts to ‘airbrush our Christian heritage out of our consciousness.’ He is seen here with Grace Gormley, a parishioner of St Joseph’s, Tollcross, and pupil at St Paul’s Primary, POLL DEFENDED Shettleston. Cardinal Keith O’Brien’s cele- ahead of Scotland for brations of the feast day finished at St Mar- garet’s Church, Stirling where he passed on Marriage prayer vigil Pope Benedict XVI’s blessing to the Kiltegan opposing government Fathers on their 80th anniversary. Don’t miss reports this week on St Patrick’s Day cele- plans to redefine marrige brations from Coatbridge, Glasgow, Stirling, Paisley and beyond, pages 2, 3, 4 and 15 Page 3 PIC: MARK CAMPBELL ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY Vatican reports on abuse in Ireland I Cardinal Brady hopes that the Irish Church emerges stronger from the crisis By Ian Dunn trust in their pastors and found that ‘this time of trial’ has also ‘brought to whose care they had been entrusted,’” ‘innocent young people were abused by light the continuing vitality of the Irish he said. THE official Vatican report into the clerics and religious to whose care they people’s Faith.’ The cardinal added: “While those problem of clerical abuse in Ireland had been entrusted, while those who “The visitators have noted the exem- who should have exercised vigilance expresses a ‘great sense of pain and should have exercised vigilance often plary way in which many bishops, often failed to do so effectively, in shame’ and calls on the Church failed to do so effectively.’ priests and religious live out their voca- expressing true sorrow and regret, we there to continue to listen to and However the report also found that tion,” it says. “The human and spiritual make our own heartfelt plea for for- help victims of abuse. the Church in Ireland is making ‘excel- bonds among the Faithful at a time of giveness from the victims, and from The summary of the report, pub- lent’ progress in efforts to implement crisis, the deep faith of many men and God, for these terrible crimes and sins.” lished on Tuesday, the result of last norms to protect children from now on. women, a remarkable level of lay Cardinal Brady also said he believed year’s Vatican ordered Apostolic visi- “The archbishops... gave assurances involvement in the structures of child the Church in Ireland could emerge ARCHBISHOPS CONTI tations to Ireland, also praises steps that all newly discovered cases of abuse protection, and the heartfelt commit- stronger from this crisis. and Nichols pay tribute made to prevent abuse in the future are promptly brought before the com- ment shown by bishops and religious “It is important that we, together, as while urging Irish Catholics to cleave petent civil authority and the Congre- superiors in their task of serving the the Catholic community in Ireland, take to Dr Rowan Williams more closely to the Church’s teachings gation for the Doctrine of the Faith,” Christian community.” responsibility for the continuing who is to resign post as as laid out by the Vatican. the report says. “In recent years the Reaction renewal which has received such head of Anglican Church Visitations work of the National Board for Safe- encouragement and further direction guarding Children in the Catholic Cardinal Sean Brady, president of the from this Apostolic Visitation,” he said. Page 7 The Apostolic visitation, led by the Church has been thorough and far- Irish Bishops’ Conference, said he “We express our heartfelt gratitude to Archbishop of New York, now Cardi- reaching, for which reason it should be ‘welcomed’ the findings of the report all who worked so generously to ensure nal Timothy Dolan, and including Car- supported by the bishops, religious and the Bishops of Ireland accepted a fruitful outcome from the visitation. dinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, superiors and the whole community of mistakes had been made. As a Christian community we are Archbishop Emeritus of Westminster, the Church in Ireland, and it should “As bishops we wish to associate strengthened and encouraged by the went to Ireland in early 2011 to inves- continue to receive sufficient personnel ourselves with the ‘great sense of pain care and commitment shown to us by tigate the implications of child abuse in and funding.” and shame’ expressed in the visitation the Holy Father in so many ways each of the four archdioceses. findings that, within the Christian com- throughout this crisis.” The group said the scandals have Faith munity, ‘innocent young people were ‘opened wounds’ and led people to lose The report summary also found that abused by clerics and religious to I Continued on page 8 SCO, 19 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 6BT I tel 0141 221 4956 I fax 0141 221 4546 I e-mail [email protected] The ambassadors are coming.... 2 ST PATRICK’S DAY SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Friday March 23 2012 Coatbridge St Patrick’s high By Martin Dunlop This year’s festival programme Ms McManus, an honorary president provided the opportunity to show- of the committee, and Mr McGinley, THE streets of Coatbridge case some of the Irish community’s who has previously worked at the (above) were bathed in green, best young talent in music, dance, now demolished Ravenscraig steel- white and gold on Saturday as song and sport, while a first for the works near Motherwell. the town marked the feast day of Coatbridge festival was the showing Prior to Saturday’s street party, a St Patrick with a day of celebra- of the recently broadcast RTE docu- host of events had taken place tions. mentary, A Woman of Calibre, which throughout the week celebrating Irish Catholic singer and television per- tells the remarkable story of Coat- culture, heritage and history, which sonality Michelle McManus (left at bridge born feminist and revolution- included the annual Festival Lecture ballon release outside St Patrick’s ary, Margaret Skinnider, who was at St Patrick’s church hall, which was Church) and Denis McGinley, Fine the only female to be injured during this year given by the Catholic politi- Gael politician, were the special the 1916 Easter Rising in Dublin. cian, George Galloway, who spoke guests at the climax of Coatbridge’s During Saturday’s celebrations, about his view and experiences of fortnight-long St Patrick’s Festival, Coatbridge’s St Patrick’s Day Festi- Irishness in Scotland. which is now in its tenth year. val Committee made presentations to PICS: GERARD GOUGH Kiltegan Fathers honoured by Pope, Cardinal O’Brien during Stirling celebrations CARDINAL Keith O’Brien “The church was packed for celebrated a St Patrick’s feast the celebration and it went very day Mass with priests from well,” Fr Millar said. the St Patrick’s Missionary Fr Millar added that a cele- Society (Kiltegan Fathers) at bratory lunch was held after the St Margaret’s Church, Stir- Mass, at which Cardinal ling last Saturday. O’Brien was presented with a In addition to St Patrick’s Day birthday cake on behalf of the St being Cardinal O’Brien’s birth- Margaret’s parishioners. day, this year’s celebration also Choir members of the neigh- marked the 80th anniversary of bouring St Mary’s Church were the missionary society—which also happy to lend their voices has its Scottish home in Stir- and musical talents for the occa- ling—and Cardinal O’Brien was sion, one of who, organist Cath delighted to be able to read out a Doherty, described the St message from Pope Benedict Patrick’s Day events as a ‘very XVI at Saturday’s Mass. joyful’ celebration. “I willingly convey to you my The Kiltegan Fathers is an warm greetings and assurances international missionary society of prayers as you celebrate the dedicated to bringing the Gospel feast of St Patrick,” the Pope’s message of God’s love and care message read. “May the grace of to people in Africa, South Amer- Christ our Saviour sustain you in ica and the West Indies. His love and peace.” The society’s headquarters are Many Kiltegan Fathers, near the small village of Kilte- including Fr Joseph Millar, St gan, south of Dublin, and a rep- Margaret’s parish priest, and resentative from the Irish PIC: PAUL McSHERRY priests from dioceses across community was present in Scot- Scotland joined the cardinal and land for the 80th anniversary eral, Susan Conlon, and a Gov- Ms Conlon read out a message people ‘at home and abroad and recent years, have been sepa- representatives of St Patrick’s celebrations. ernment Minister at Edinburgh’s from Irish President Michael to our wider Irish family around rated from their homeland Missionary Society, which is led Cardinal O’Brien had earlier George Hotel on Thursday Higgins, his first St Patrick’s the world.’ through involuntary emigra- in Scotland by Fr John in the week enjoyed a number of evening before enjoying the Day message since his election He added: “On this day, we tion.” McLaughlin, for the celebration St Patrick’s Day events.
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