University of Missouri, St. Louis IRL @ UMSL Current (1990s) Student Newspapers 11-9-1998 Current, November 09, 1998 University of Missouri-St. Louis Follow this and additional works at: https://irl.umsl.edu/current1990s Recommended Citation University of Missouri-St. Louis, "Current, November 09, 1998" (1998). Current (1990s). 286. https://irl.umsl.edu/current1990s/286 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at IRL @ UMSL. It has been accepted for inclusion in Current (1990s) by an authorized administrator of IRL @ UMSL. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOICE OF U M -ST. L OUIS November 9, 1998 . The University of Missouri-St. Louis Vol. 32 Issue 936 Tenure guidelines to see revision BY JOSH RENAUD of the Current staff P9licy change will reflect system rules The current UM-St. Louis tenure a~d promotion policy does not comply with the University of Missouri Collected . " Nelson outlined four changes that would be made to cor- Rules and Regulations but it will be changed, according to am acting today to bring this reet the situation. First, outside letters must be solicited before Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs Jack Nelson. any recommendations concerning mandatory tenure review The rule was changed six years ago, but for unknown rea­ campus into compliance and can be made. Second, both negative and positive recommenda­ sons the University never altered its own tenure policy, he to assure f air treatment for tions must go forward all the way to the chancellor in a manda­ explained at Tuesday's meeting of the University senate. all candidates for tenure and tory tenure review. Third, candidates must be given a right to . ''This campus has apparently never been in compliance with respond to recommendations .made at every level of review. paragraph A.4.b. of that section [320.035J," Nelson said. promotion. Last, the chairpersons of review committees at the lowest level . "Accordingly, I am acting today to bring this campus into must submit their own recommendations separate from the compliance and to assure fair treatment for all candidates for -Jack Nelson recommendation of their committees. tenure and promotion." Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs "Administratively, it is my obligation to bring us back into r Tenure, according to the Collected Rules and Regulations, i compliance," Nelson said. "The changes I am putting forward is the right to be free from dismissal without cause, granted to are ones that I think are required to do that, and assure fairness .. faculty who pass a review, usually given s~ years after being mittees, chairpersons, and deans shall communicate their rec­ to the candidates. There may be lots of other things that are '~.\ hired. ommendations to candidates" under consideration and give discretionary which would be good ideas, but I don~t have the The University's tenure review polity appears to be out-of­ each candidate a reasonable time to submit written rebuttal to authority to bring those about. That's an issue for faculty dis- line with a sentence from the Collected Rules and Regulations the recommendation so that both recommendation and rebut­ that reads ''To insure fair and timely review of all actions, com- .tal may go forward to the next level review." see Te nure, page.6 ursing school lighting revamp Discussions set on Performing · brightens South Campus paths Arts Center issue Dean 'satisfied' BY BRIAN DOUGLAS of the Current staff UM-St. Louis Chancellor Blanche Touhill ' with response on has begun making arrangements for a series of meetings "With faculty members to discuss the security concerns proposed Performing Arts Center. T ouhill stated in a memo issued Oct. 28 that BY JOSH RENAUD she has asked her executive staff assistant, of the Current staff Candi Agnew, to schedule the meetings, which All is well at the School of Nursing, accord­ will begin this week. ing to Dean Jerry Durham. Properties According to the memo, this move is in Management personnel have done a satin crory response to a resolution pas ed by" rbl:) senate job of responding to the school's need for budget and planning committee on Oct. 16. improyed lighting and security around the Bob Samples, director of university ommu­ building. nicarions, said the goal of the meetings was to In previous years, the School of Nursing respond to the resolution by creating an open only occupied part of the building, but the dialog with faculty members. University purchased the entire property. dur­ "I think that's what the spirit of the resolu­ ing the summer. On Aug. 1, the Daughters of tion asks for and I think that's what the chan­ Charity began moving out, and the School of cellor intends to do," Samples said. Nursing began to move in and fill the rest of the Sample said he believes dissenting voices space, Durham said. may have overshadowed a large amount of sup­ Prior to the purchase of the building, some port for the proposed center. fa.culty members voiced concerns about securi­ "I think that there is a lot of support for the ty and inadequate lighting, Durham said. building and that maybe that support just has­ "As dean, I believe I am responsible for secu­ n't gotten as strong an airing as perhaps the rity issues of the faculty and staff and for their individuals who are against the building," comfort," Durham said. "So we have had ongo­ Samples said. ing dialogues and we are making headway in the Samples said the scheduled meetings would issues I have raised over the last several months. give an opportunity for the faculty to make I am satisfied with the progress that is being St ephanie PlattjThe Current infOimed decisions about the facility. made." A lamp on a walkway near Seton Hall. Exterior lighting has been "I think that what the chancellor wants to do Before the University_purchased the build- installed or repaired in the area because of security concerns on is give a broader group the fac ts about the see Lighting, page 6 the part of nursing faculty. see Center, page 8 Discrimination rule A shot in the arm comes before se ate BY ASHLEY COOK senior editor The University senate voted Tuesday not to endorse a resolution by the OM-Columbia Faculry Council supporting the inclusion of sexual orienta­ tion as a protected category in the OM System discrimination policy, citing the fact that a similar resolution had previously been passed by the senate. In April of 1997, both the OM-St. Louis Senate and OM-Columbia Faculty Council passed resolutions encouraging the OM Board of Curators to adopt the change in the discrimination policy. The Student Government Association passed a resolution Oct. 29 that supported the addition of a sexual and gender orientation clause to the sys­ tem discrimination policy. Jeanne Zarucchi, chair of the senate, said that system policy cannot be changed by one campus, but must be approved by the Board: 'There was an effort by individual campuses to urge the board to change the system policy, but the Board did not approve it, so these resolutions .. .therefore did not ~ecome policy," Zarucchi said. Senators also voted to forward the 1997 resolution to the Board again. "Our senators felt that it was unnecessary to endorse the Columbia reso­ lution because our previous resolution was still in effect," Zarucchi said. "It has never been rescinded. It is still valid as a resolution." Zarucchi said that the vote against endorsing was not an act against the sexual orientation clause, but that it was a reaffinnation that the; senate had already endorsed the issue. "It should not be interpreted in any way as a negative opinion expressed Sto"Inm,,, PI,,"! The Current . by our senate," Zarucchi said.. University Heatth Services Nurse Practitioner Jill Arnold gives freshman M IS major Zarucci said that she felt that the Columbia campus added another reso- Anthony Chan a flu shot Monday in the University Center lobby. The shots j whIch cost $10, will also be available Wednesday. see Senate, page B ~be <!Current .. .. ········· .. ······,······,······ ···· · · v··· ···,··· · ~ ·· , .. _... "' .~~_........ _ . ~~_ ,._~.-.-....,......~~~ ........ A .......... ~ .................................................................................................... ....,....... ~ . ..........., .~"<.W ~ ..... _~ .......... ~~~,_~ .................... , ~ ..~~ .. ~ ... ~ ......... ,'-'-........................ _~".~ ............. -~--~ .-' ....... A.O...... ~- ..................... ' .....l I",M-St . Loui s 1998 Best Campus Community Building pr og ram ! Put it on the Board: The Cur-rem Events Bulletin Board is a sen.rce pro· uided.free oj charge to alL student organlzatio/lS and Unium1ty departmen1s and divisio ns. Deadline for submissions fJJ The Current EvenL~ &dletjn Board is 5 f David Baugher · Editor-in-Chief p:m every Thursday Qefore pubhcation. Spaa amstderat.ion is given to siuden1 cngani2ntions and is on afirst-rome,first·serued basis. Hk suggest all submls­ Ashley Cook • Managing Editor siollS be posted at leasttwo u:eeks prior to tlte event Serui suhrnissians to.' Todd P.am White • Business Ma!'1l1j7PrI Appel, 7940 Natllmi Bridge Rood, St. Louis I'YlQ 63121 or fax 516- 6811. Judi Unville • Faculty Adviser All listings use 516 prefixes unless otherwise indicated. WOmbacher '. Advertising Dir. Amy Lombardo • Featu rr;s Editor Ken Dunkin · Sporls Editor Food Drive at the U. Meadows. Contact: Life in the Spirit Seminar from 7:30 .. i stepharie Platt • Photography Dir. ~O~i~!;:~~~:a~:·:-:s~·:~~~~~:·~·I1~~~-· -·-T- ~~~Z~,~ ~;nf~~ nt~ttcT~r~n ~~~. Betty Chitwood, 3~5-3455. p.m. to 9:30 p.m . in the Newman House rUlls Monday through Friday. Sign up at Contact: 5380. at 8200 Natural Bridge Road. Contact: A&E Editor tile T Library Reference Desk for help • IWGS Governing Board Meeting from Betty or Dennis, 385-3455. ErinStra.i.iBI • Prod. Manager with research papers or projects.
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