FRTDAT, SEPTEirBER 14,1«45 ?Ot«TEl!t« " J!danchester Evening Herald Average Daily Circnlation The Weather For the Month of Angwt, 1 * ^ Forecast of L’. S. V.'cdsiieJ^ Boreao " ' ----------- ■ ■ . ~ .Showera and thaRdentorms to­ uel service folk.' The Emanuel vance Program for the ' fall was i urged to attend the w o rs^ serv - opened. Jn Sund^ay School, c l^ e s 8 ,9 8 5 day; tonight, *|rartl.v cloudy and 1 ice, as a tamlly unit, at Ull30 a.m. Choir will preaent special musip. cooler; Sunday, partly cloudy to The Emanuel Church Advance were promoted a ^ a Youth Class Memhor of the Audit About Town Family Service ; Pastor Thetiilorc Palmer will speak organized. Throughout the fall In­ cloudy, with cool weather. on the subject, “Y,arur Afterself.” waa introduced through member- Bnrenn of Clrcnlnttons ehip visitation during the month spirational services will be pro­ Thu evening .Service at 7:30 vided to make possible 's real Ad­ Manchester— A City of Village Eharm lUbtrt Oonn w:ho h«« conducted At Emanuel o'clock Is arranged as a "Servlca of August. Last Sunday, with the WeWtm Luncheonette for the Holy Communion Service,-the Ad- vance In Emanuel. New Fall I Folk NlghV” Through this, aervjce peat 18 inonthe la leaving there the absom members of the Eman­ (d aaalS ed A d m tM at ea Pngn IS) MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 194S (TWELVE PAGES) X PRICE I'HKEEICENTB tomorrow and on Sunday la taking Special Propram to Be VOL. LXIV., NO. 294 uel fathilica will tic remembered In TAJX CEUAK8 over Alberfa Reataurant and Bar Oliscrveil Siiiiilay as a special way. Lieut. Arthur John­ PRESCRIPTION in BanUm, Conn. Mr. Oonn’a wife son, chaplain of the United States ‘f and faml^ realdlng on Vernon Part of Program Na'vy and a clergyman of the Nor­ B I N G O PHARMACISTS atrect are to remain here for the wegian Lutheran Church of Amer­ Always On Itaty! Pilot Escapes Burning Plane time being. ' TONIGHT Sunday will be observed in ica, wlU ba the guest" speaker. A rth a r Dtur Sto res Japs/Put in Place F lo rid a Chaplain Johnson has' served over­ Chick Aronsods and hiB Ram­ Emanuel Lutheran cjjtfrch as 848 Main St. Maaobestes •5T Family Worship SunJUty. This day seas, and Is at present chaplain In ORANGE HALL blin’ Dudes havt Just returned ^the U. S. Navy Hospital In Spring. X from a ucek s engagement In of worship services; with special emphasison the family In worship, ! Held, Massachuaetta. At this serv- Cleveland. Ohio. There they tdok j icc a special offering will 4»o. re­ By Gen. MacArt nr ■part In the W. J. W. Bam Dance is a part of the Emanuel Advance introduced with the service la.st ceived to provide a fund for bring- Be smartly dressed in the new tailored frock*. rrica n e , with Pappy Howard, along with other popular bands such as "The Sunday. Parents and children are ! ing Christmas cheer to the Eman- Attractive button*. Range Rldera." ‘*The Happy Val­ ley Boye” and the popular radio Underscored for success! In JBlnntOyders and screen entertainers "Smilie. •nd Sue.” / From office to Hit show. Autumn’j perennial ther ExpertI oMieoATcm^ colon. Nippon Nation Told Members of the Apabdlance Reds!/DemaAds naneportatlon Unit, past and It’sHALE’S Three-quarter, long and short sleeve.s. Black, She Is Not Equal to yreoant, are requeeted te repeal to Rio Coffee Brown, Green, and Festival Red. Allies in Any Way; Chief Forecaster at the WeUs street armory. Sept 17, UAM mAMm -€N MG. Aw • HGGt €L:“ Briiig Surprise at 7:80 p. m. Pleaaa bring helmets f o r ^ U R S MO B R U S H H A R K ^ Will Have to Stop JapaneseEditors Told Miami^. Makes Stat* St this tims. Plans for marching ment on Progre In the Victory Day Parads and *or L’AIGLON Acting Like One as To Convention ana flntil party wlH be dlscuesea at For Quality Of Storm Whirl thhr^Ums. Pleasa make evsiy ef- NELLIE DONS / She Is Doing at Times To QBey U.~S. Orders t M to attend thle meeting. Russian Wants P«;rt of Toward the Southc Ami . Tokyo, Sept. 15.—(/P)— w JOYCE HUBRITES End of State; To HU The llrat fall m^tlnK General MacArthur’s head­ Rule in Mediterranean Ann Spencer Volunteer Nurses' Choice AvsaA Suspend Business The K^ys Between Aides will Uke place Tuesday cAa MARTHA MANNING quarters bluntly informed Ja­ ^Area; Wants the Ap­ m ■ STsnlng at eight o’clock In S t pan today that she was not And 3 This Aftemooi Ifai^ a church. Plans for the sea­ Of an equal of the Allies in any proaches to Straits Tokyo, Sept. 15.—(ff) — AlUefl oJed the news both as to the oper- ■upreme hehdquartero told the atlohs of Americans in Japan and son', will be made and It Is way and would have^ to quit urged .that all Aides who can poe- Coats Sizes 12 to 44 — 16 > 4 to 24</2 London, Sepd ISr-riiC)— A re­ head men of the Japanese news us to the status of the Japanese Bulletin! Mbly attend this meeting, do so. acting as one. While four liable report that the Soviet Union industry In effect today to get in government in connection with the-' Miami. Fla., Sep,t. 15.- more of Japan’s wanted big- llne-^'-or get out of business. Aided powers. has made territorial demands in Col. Donald Hoover, chief of Colonel Hoover also warned — a\ii advisofy issudd by th4 ' A SCO was bom yesterday at shot militarists of Philippines Weather Bureau at 10:30 tka Hartford booplUl to Mr. and infamy aurrendered to Japanese the Mediterranean area consider­ censorship of the Army counter the Nippon Times, Engllsh-lan- .Mrs. J. B. Mac# ef SO Rusaell police, Col. Donald Hoover,, head ably beyond anything the United intelllgence office, was the spokes- guage paper, that certain’ of its m. said the vaiiKuard of th* Street of cenaorshlp in Mac Arthur’s Stales and Britain had anticipat' man who made it plain that, al- ai tides and editorials were detrl- storm had already react counter-intelligence office, called ed was interpreted in diplomatic though the one-day suspension of mental to public tranquility ' and Domet News Agency was being were causing ponslclerable Irrita- the Keys and that the hi Delegates from the local Amerl- Why dzlva a BOitT .98 $■ in the heads of Japan's press and quarters here today as an indied' of the liuiricane would strikfl aan L ^ o n Auxiliary who left to­ loolrino oat when radio, told them that their dis­ tion of Russia's determination to llfted insofar as domestic news tion among United States forces, day fttr the convention at'Cedars ,Na-Eaaaol will torted stories of tho occupation become a Mediterranean power. was concerned, Allied headquar- Any repejrtlon' of such tactics with winds of well'over 125 Oountiy Club. Lakeville, were laaks Hlookiisw7 to must cease forthwith and that The Soviet proposals arose, au­ ters had reached the limit of its will orlH^ Immediate suspension, m.p.h. “The center of thi Mrs. Mary Dannaher, president; “Patat-thyaansU” Japan was “a defeated enemy thoritative sources said, during Ens./(Now Lt-. J. G.) J. G. Fralfogt of MansReld, 0„ climbs from-'hls HellcAt’s cockpit to escape patience with twisted and colored ho asstirted. hurricane should pass ovc 'Mrs. Harold Belcher and Mrs. v^blch had not yet demonstrated discussion of Italy's colonies by flames,/ this dramatic scene aboard the carrier Ticond«roga so/w heic in the Pacific in 1944. Fire Japanese “newa” reports. I Wheir Domel resumed opera- -assOy. Cons In started when an auxiliary, gas tank from Fralfogl’a plane skidded across deck and waa slashed by pro­ Heada of Domei, of Radio To- tibns domestically at noon It was the Keys by mid-ahernoon^ Wilbur Little. Tomorrow Mrs. •—wait show yon tiie right to a place among civi­ the Big Five, council of foreign Barry T. Sweet chairman of the ministers yesterday. pel/-. JUavy released picture in Washington Sept. 12 (Ap'wirephoto from U. S. Navy.) kyo, of the Nippon Times and . or sufferance only and under 100 the advisory said.. how. Aad you eon lized nations.” per cent censorship of Ihe U S. oommlttee on trophlee and By halers you buy. Children s \ Hoover announced that the Diplomats speculated that the Cabinet member Tatsuo Kawal, asrarda; Mra. T. E. Brosnan, Mrs. Dome! Agency, suspended yester­ Russian demand referred to the president of the Board of/Infor­ Army. Miami, Fla., Sept. 15.- David Thomas, Mrs. Elmer Rice day ' becaiuie of distortions and strategic Dodecanese Islam mation, were called to .Hoover’s Pick Up American Reports . and Mrs. Lson Bradley plan to at- Neighbors Call office, where he told , them they Asked if Domel would bo per­ —Grady Norton, chief for INTERIOR GLOSS ENAMEL^ bad faith. Would be permitted to strung across the entrance to .tsnd the convention. resume operations only on a Umlt- Aegean sea .and gjtarding thg' ap­ Strikes Sweep Nation had "revealed your fack of good mitted to pick \i^ American Office caster of the U. S. Weatha M outon Five Colora .......... • a • • d ......... $3.75 ffal. Wool Jackets ,ei domestic scale and under UK) proaches to the Dardanell^ faith In handling the news." of War Ihformation reports from Bureau here, Said at 9:50 The Salvation Army Songster On President “General M^cArthur desires it the United States, he replied that ALL PURPOSE VARNISH..........• aaoaadasddoda $2.95 K & l s pel cent U.
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