New Mexico Junior College 2009-2010 Catalog 1 Thunderbird Circle 5317 Lovington Highway Hobbs, New Mexico 88240 575.392.4510 www.nmjc.edu New Mexico Junior College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Associati on of Colleges and Schools to award associate degrees and certi fi cates. Informati on about the Higher Learning Commision can be located at www.ncahlc.org. Additi onally, NMJC meets all guidelines and standards as set forth by the New Mexico Higher Educati on Department. New Mexico Junior College is accredited by or holds membership in these nati onal or regional associati ons: • American Associati on of Collegiate Registrars & Admissions Offi cers • American Associati on of Community Colleges • Associati on of Community College Trustees • Graphic Arts Educati on and Research Foundati on • Hispanic Associati on of Colleges & Universiti es • League for Innovati on in the Community College • Learning Resources Network (LERN) • Nati onal Associati on of Student Financial Aid Administrators • Nati onal Associati on of Student Personnel Administrators • Nati onal Associati on of Campus Acti viti es • Nati onal Intramural & Recreati onal Sports Associati on • Nati onal Automoti ve Technicians Educati on Foundati on (NATEF) • Nati onal Council for Marketi ng and Public Relati ons (NCMPR) • Nati onal Junior College Athleti c Associati on • Nati onal League for Nursing Accreditati on Commission (NLNAC) • New Mexico Associati on of Collegiate Registrars & Admission Offi cers • New Mexico Associati on of Independent Community Colleges • New Mexico State Department of Educati on, Vocati onal Technical, and Adult Educati on Unit • North Central Associati on of Colleges and Schools • Rocky Mountain Associati on of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Offi cers Documentati on may be viewed in the Offi ce of Insti tuti onal Eff ecti veness. This insti tuti on is in compliance with the Title VII, Civil Rights Act of 1964. NMJC Regulati ons Interpretati on The NMJC Catalog is a student’s offi cial guide to programs, courses, and policies of New Mexico Junior College. Other important informati on for students is published in the NMJC Student Handbook and Planner; fall, spring, and summer Schedule of Classes; and handbooks published by instructi onal departments and other offi ces. Students are responsible for complying with the provisions of these documents. Since programs, courses, policies, tuiti on and fees, calendar dates, and other informati on are subject to review and evaluati on on an on-going basis, NMJC reserves the right to make changes at any ti me by way of appropriate administrati ve procedure, without prior noti ce. Pleae check the NMJC website for periodic updates and most current informati on at htt p://www.nmjc.edu. Not all courses listed in the NMJC Catalog are off ered every term. If the minimum number of students required for a course is not enrolled, the course may be cancelled. Interpretati on of regulati ons in this catalog, in case of misunderstanding or lack of clarity, is left to the President of New Mexico Junior College. Published at New Mexico Junior College, July 2009; updated December 2009. Welcome to New Mexico Junior College! As the fi rst junior college established in the state of New Mexico, NMJC takes pride in its high academic standards, comprehensive offerings, excellent programs and services, talented faculty, and personal approach to promoting suc- cess through learning. At NMJC, you will fi nd a wide array of classes along with innovative course delivery methods ranging from tradi- tional classroom instruction to our distance-learning program offering courses via television, video-based learning, or the Internet. Dependent upon your goals, courses can lead to an Associate in Arts degree or an Associate in Science degree, both of which are foundational if you’re interested in transferring to a four-year college or university to pursue a higher degree. Or, if your main interest lies in entering or advancing in the workplace, our career and technology programs, which can lead to a certifi cate or to an Associate of Applied Science degree, may be right for you. These allow you to gain the confi dence and abilities necessary for success in a variety of high-salary, high-demand careers or to acquire skills in management, emerging technology, and more. Our fl exible scheduling options, coupled with our extremely affordable tuition rate, make NMJC a great choice for high school juniors and seniors seeking dual credit classes, recent high school graduates, non-traditional and return- ing students, as well as working adults. Senior citizens will also be pleased to know that NMJC waives institutional fees for students 55 and older. As you read through this catalog, you will also fi nd complete information about NMJC’s programs, courses, require- ments, and policies, as well as information about the college’s services for students including counseling, fi nancial aid, library and media services, tutorial services, health services, and special services for students with disabilities, to name just a few. If you choose to commute or to live on campus in one of our residence halls or student apartments, NMJC provides extensive opportunities in areas such as student clubs and organizations, men’s and women’s athletic and intramural teams, performance groups, an Honors program, student life activities and events, and a host of activities in which students learn leadership skills, expand their academic horizons, and celebrate cultural diversity. Whatever your educational goals, we also hope you use your time at NMJC to explore all of your interests, includ- ing your hobbies. Whether it’s an art class for expressing yourself, a dance class for fun and exercise, a rock-climb- ing course for adventure, or a language class for preparing you for future world travels, be sure to add it to your schedule. I promise you’ll be glad you did. Once again, welcome to New Mexico Junior College. Whether you are enrolling in just one class or an entire academic program, we look forward to helping you achieve your educational goals. Dedicated to promoting your success through learning, we hope to make your NMJC collegiate experience a memorable and rewarding one. Sincerely, Dr. Steve McCleery Table of Contents General Informati on . 5 Admission Informati on . 12 Registrati on Informati on . 20 Financial Informati on. 25 Academic Informati on . 30 Student Resources & Student Life . 39 Overview of Student Policies . 44 Degree Plans . 50 Course Descripti ons . 72 People . 112 Defi niti ons . 117 4 General Informati on Mission . 5 Vision . 5 Mission, Vision, Values Values . 5 Mission History . 6 New Mexico Junior College, as a comprehensive community college, promotes success through learning. Campus . 6 Vision Reasons for Att ending NMJC . 7 New Mexico Junior College’s mission will be achieved by building a culture that values and promotes Degrees & Certi fi cates . 8 excellence, eff ecti veness, responsiveness, access, and community involvement. Academic Calendar . 9 Values New Mexico Junior College is committ ed to the following values in support of its mission as we provide services to a diverse college community. New Mexico Junior College defi nes college community as its students, employees, partners, and citi zens of the area we serve. Access In keeping with this value, the college • helps members of the college community overcome their barriers to success; • provides convenient, aff ordable educati onal opportuniti es and services; • provides support for students transiti oning to college and on to other postsecondary educati onal opportuniti es and to the workplace; • off ers educati on, training, and acti viti es that meet the diverse interests and needs of the college community; and • supports educati onal opportuniti es through technology. Responsiveness In keeping with this value, the college • conti nually scans the environment locally, regionally, and nati onally to identi fy opportuniti es that will meet the ever-changing needs and interests of a diverse and dynamic college community; • enriches and increases partnerships to identi fy and meet the educati onal needs of the college community; • remains fl exible to respond creati vely and appropriately to the changing world and to the educati onal, social, and cultural needs of the diverse college community; • provides employees with opportuniti es for professional growth and development; • ensures fi scal responsibility and public accountability; • off ers relevant programs and support services that meet the needs of a diverse college community; and • contributes to the social, cultural, and economic development of the college community. Eff ecti veness In keeping with this value, the college will build its understanding and commitment of eff ecti veness by establishing and tracking student outcomes to evaluate and improve learning; • promoti ng employees’ roles and responsibiliti es in fostering a climate of learning; • promoti ng high academic standards through excellent instructi on; • engaging in sound planning, management, and systemati c evaluati on for the improvement of programs and services; • ensuring adequate, fair, and equitable benefi ts, policies, and procedures; • acquiring and allocati ng resources to support the mission and goals of the college; • keeping the college community aware of college acti viti es, needs, and performance; • providing a supporti ve, caring, student-centered environment; • fostering a work environment that encourages open communicati
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