i • e Ration CalenCiar MEAT stamp. X, Y • "tI Z, and A and l! meat stamp. In Book 3 ""\lire Oel. 2; PROCESSED }'OODS stamp. - U, V and W expire Oct. 20, and Brown otamp C expll"el Oct. 30 ; SUOAR stamp 14 and HOME CAN­ Warmer IfINO rtamps 15 and 16 expire Oct. 31; SHOll stamp No. 18 expires OcI. 31 ; FUEL OIL per . I COUPOl)ll '43- ,THE DAI · LY~ IoWA . N IOWA: Warmer today. s '44, expire Jan. 3, '44; Blue stomps for PROCESSED 10008 stamlls X, Y and Z of Book 2 v.Uct from O~ . 1 to Nov. 20. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper I FIVE CENTS , 'l'BB ASSOCIATED raEII IOWA CITY, IOWA SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1943 TOE A8.0C~TBD PaB •• VOLUME XLIV NUMBER 8 fill.lll drive 19 on . • 19 to r \he t few aw eyes y. 7 - ) the )Dna. - { ~la ll, th\18 B~~b?ur'~ Atie~pt~~ Fi.eld Goa~y an ks IOwa 'Pursue i N.azis r this British their Fblls m Fmal Seconds of 'Game; , n. r-------------~f . town Johnson County Tops- aigh. ),193, ' KIndt Scores Lone Touchdown Italians, Americans Capture Enemy Troops Give Ground ,with Ibnda -II; * * * * * . meed WATCH THAT PASS * * * Bond · Iched Trap'ped Germans in Naples Slowly Belole Dogged Allies !..J.. By IIAL BOYLE Quota By NOLAND NORGAARD - NAPLES (Delayed) - (A P) -r storehouse of the dead, where ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN N01~TH AFRICA (AP)­ Italian guel'illas and American the bodies of those who had Brisk fighting raged north of Naples and north of Avellino in doughboys in a thrilling battle uf been killed in the street flrht­ Johnson county* * had * exceeded its Haly yestm'([ay as Amrrican and British tl'OOPS pursued the the rooftops over crowded metro- inK or who had died of wounds third war Joan quota of $1,863,000 fi I'cely-resi ting reargual'd of that master of retreat, Marshal polit:m btreets hot it out for an in the hospital had lain awalt­ by noon yesterday according to an El'will Rommel. hour wilh the last pocket of ing Ldentiflcatlon. announcement made by co-cbair­ enemy I'c~istancc in Naples and An eight-yeal'-old boy lay with men Ben S. Summerwill and Frank En my troops and atmor were battling vigoroll Iy and giving captured 18 trapped Germans and a l'osary gripped in his hand D. Williams. ground only foot by foot in the face of the alties' dogged pllr.l\it 15 trapped Fascists, which almost covered the hole in Although $47,000 was still lack­ 1100·th or Napleli. 'fhe Germans obviously were determined to holel The mechanized forces had his abdomen ripped open by a ing from the last rcport received back the lligh-. perd columns of Liellt. Gen. Mark W . Clark nntil a pulled out early in the morning German bullet. Thul'Sday night, the county has new defellRe line could be prepored . omewber e t.o th ... nOt'th , after seven days of street fighting Occasionally some woman in since overcome th is deficit to 1'he Rame brand of resistance was being encountered by Ameri­ and clashes with armed Badoglio the room would moan softly. again top the quota. can troops advancing through the mOll11tain.s north and nOl·thea"t followers who rebelled against I Others wo uld take it UP and soon The exact amount of bonds sold of Avellino. German attempts to draft 30,000 lheir sadness would wash down during the entire drive was not Italian wOI·kers. the long line of patients like a available last night but the co­ "IL shollid be a rna. t cl'iy retreat," an allied military spokesman "We thought the last enemy wave. chairmen said it would be an­ wnceded. "They have got Rom­ troops had gone when un English- A six-year-old boy had his nounced as soon as it was com­ mel in Italy, and he is a mas ter speaking Italian came up to our right arm blown off and his eight­ pleted. The successful completion Jap Finschhafen Base at rearguard fighting. H e ought command post and said he and year-old brother had lost his lett of this campaign corresponds wilh 10 be. He's done a damn sight friends had some Fascisti and Te- arm und suffered a smashed leg, the county's perfect record on alI mOI·e of it than anyone el. e." de8chi-lhat' ~ their word for Ger- which the doctor said "will have other drives. , On New Guinea Falls There also was every Indlca­ mans-cornered in an old temple," to come off tomorrow-as soon as War bond su):Jscriptions received thin that the allies could 1l0n­ said Pvt. James H. Smart of Los we can operate." by Iowa City block leaders in their tlnue to hamrner hard at the foe, Angeles, Calif. "These boys' lather was killed, house-to-house-canvass has risen To Australian Troops "When we gol there they opened lheir mother shot in the eye and and the belief here was that to $120,000 and all reports were there would be no lull In the up on us with dIles, machinegilqs their 10-year-old ' brothel' was still not in lale yesterday. and carbines, potato-masher gl'en- killed," Franco said. Damaging Air Assault flrhtlnr soon. OC this total, $] ,774.50 were Hitting furiously to block the ade~-Everything you could ask 1'h ls is just the story of the In- secured by, the Iowa City Women's ~y American Bombers for," curabi1i hospital. Thete are many cl ub under the directltm of their Germans' retreat from the Naples 'l'he entrenched enemy llung hospitals in Naples, president, Mrs.!. A. Rankin, Supports Final Attack area, allied bombers Friday night HAWK defense tightens on Badger pasS"in early part of ·game, aU tbe fire power he could and • J • attasked ·pontoon bridges at Oraz~ for a time pinned down the at­ Community War Chest ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN zanise, 20 miles north of Naples, tackers who picked back at H E SOUTHWEST PACIF'IC, where there is a cro.ssing of the .• ,;hI'" :\ * * * * *' * * * * '1j By DOLORES REILLY ' .. : . I them frorn around street cor­ R,ed Forces Advance Goal Will Be $32,000 Sunday (AP) - The bitterly de- Volturno river. Fonnia, a coastal Sports Editor. The Daily Iowan ..., . ners. They fired through holes Residential workers, business city along the ancient Appian way I fended air and sea base at Fihsch- to Rome, was attacked heavily. In spite of t'wo laot minute place-l{i('k attempts by right end Bill,Barh9ur; the fightinn' Towa in concrete rails bordering the men and university faculty heads hospit:u IncurablU, where hun­ On Upper Dnieper, haren in northeast New Guinea On the Adriatic coast Gen. Rawkeyes ·went down, 7 to 5, to t heir closely matched ~oe~, the Wiseon, in Badger , lJel'e yesterday will join forces to open the com­ dreds of wOUllded and unburied munity·war chest campaign to­ was captured at 11 o'clock Satur­ Sir Bernard L. Montgornery's afq:rnoon, :Yesterday's lilt was Iowa's first ' home gamll of'1943 as woll as ~oMh ,slip l\1l1digan's dead-victims of the week-long British Elrhth army stili was debllt in' the Big Ten season. , ' . Gain in Caucasus morrow. The ~oal Iowa City day rporning by Australia's famed street f1gliting and German exe­ wot:kers will lteep in .vIew is meetinr only lil'ht opposition 'l1~e tl111chdowri which put the Badgers ahead of inc Hawkey!lJ> wll~',tl1adc : by Dqn Kindt, half­ cution -lay Inside, Two hun­ Ninth division in a final charge Nazi Reports Tell $32,000. The ' quota for Johnson and had surred 38 miles north­ ba.ek, in the fourth quarter and the extra point was contl'ibuted by John. Eulbcrg, end. dred dead mell. women and county is $47,000. ' that drove the Japanese defenders ward to occupy tbe Gargano Wisconsin IS paSSil]g attempts began early in the firSt pei'iod when Cliff. Washbmn 's aerial WIIS children-some dead for a week Of Russian Thrust The local drive is part of a na­ before them. promontory and to seize the In­ -lay alongside one of tbe walls blol\ked by Ipwa, Don Kindt then reeled off a 3D-yard llUnt which was returned six yards by Rob­ To Clear Crimea tionwide campaign. Combining Supportep by 11 damaging aerial land towns of San Set>ero and After two stellaz' gains by Dale 'Phompson, the Iowans f umbled and recovered, only to of the hospital anel on the other the former community chest soli- assault by American attack and Lucero. ertPlIi*e. side were walling survivors and I malle another miscue, which was th is t ime taken by t he BadgeTs. LONDON, Sunday (AP)-Bat- c~tatio~s wi.th th~se for war chari­ dive bombers, the Australians at­ San Severo is 18 miles north of 600 wounded persons. the great aerial base of Foggia, After' waging a s e-. aw conte. t wlticll r maiJ1ed scoreless thl:ougbout the first half, 111(' Hawk­ tr t' German resistance bes, thIS drive Will b~ the only an­ These were just a fraction of , 109 ~oun mg. .., nua] wartime campaign except for tacked the :village from two direc- and Lucera is 12 miles to the Py • in the first part of the thil'd quarter ci!\imecl t he fi rsi three points of the game wilen Bal'­ the toli in the seven days of fight­ 10 White RUSSia, SovIet dlvislons that of the American Red Cross.
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