L-1131 House and WHITE GRUBS IN Landscape Pests TEXAS TURFGRASS M.E. Merchant and R.L. Crocker* White grubs are the larval stage of masked chafer, Cyclocephala lurida. Another interesting kind of white insects commonly known as May Warm season grasses like grub is the green June beetle, or June beetles (or Junebugs). bermudagrass, zoysiagrass, St. Cotinus nitida. These rather large Almost 100 species live in Texas, Augustinegrass, and grubs feed primarily on decaying most of which do not cause signif- buffalograss are organic matter and normally do icant economic damage to crops or attacked not injure turf; however, turf can horticultural plantings. A few readily by be damaged by their burrowing species, however, commonly dam- both types of activity. Larvae are especially com- age turfgrass and other cultivated white grubs, mon underneath fruit trees, in plants. with most compost piles, and in soils with lawn damage occur- high organic content, such as may White grubs, sometimes referred ring during summer be found in heavily mulched gar- to as grubworms, injure turf by and fall months. dens and flower beds. Daytime feeding on roots and other under- resting sites of green June beetle ground plant parts. Damaged larvae can often be found near areas within lawns lose vigor and Figure 2. Adult white grubs, often such sites and are marked by turn brown (Figure 1). Severely called May or June beetles, are com- small mounds of soil on the lawn damaged turf can be lifted by monly attracted to lights at night. surface. The larvae have a curious hand or rolled up from the ground The optimal time to treat grub- habit of crawling on their backs like a carpet. infested lawns is 5-6 weeks after the peak adult flights. across the soil surface to move from one site to another. Adults of the green June beetle are velvet- green on the top, metallic green Cool season grasses such as the below, and are approximately 1 fescues, bluegrass, and ryegrass inch in length. Adults fly during are also susceptible to the June the day and feed on over-ripe beetle and southern masked fruit. chafer, though they tend to be attacked more frequently by a May beetle, Phyllophaga congrua. Life Cycle Damage from May beetles often Figure 1. Golf course fairway dam- appears in the spring and early Most turfgrass-feeding white aged by white grubs. summer, before injury from other grubs in Texas, such as the June white grubs becomes evident. beetle and southern masked The most important turfgrass- Other white grub species occasion- chafer, require one year to com- infesting white grubs in Texas are ally recorded as pests in Texas plete their life cycle (a two-year the June beetle, Phyllophaga crinita turfgrass include Cyclocephala cycle is suspected in a portion of (Figure 2) and the southern pasadenae and Phyllophaga sub- the grub populations in north mucida. Texas). The May beetle, *Extension Urban Entomologist and Phyllophaga congrua, requires two Research Entomologist, respectively, The years to develop. For simplicity, Texas A&M University System. the following discussion will be Texas Agricultural Extension Service • Zerle L. Carpenter, Director • The Texas A&M University System • College Station, Texas limited to species with one-year passes through three larval life- spring and lasts approximately life cycles. stages, or instars. These instars are three weeks. Pupae can be found similar in appearance, except for in small earthen cells 3 to 6 inches Once a year, in late spring or sum- their size. First- and second-instars below the soil surface. White grub mer, adult beetles emerge from the each require about three weeks to treatments applied during the soil to mate. Mated females then develop to the next life-stage. The pupal life stage are both ineffec- return to the soil to lay eggs. third-instar actively feeds until tive and unnecessary. Within about two weeks the eggs cool weather arrives. Third-instar hatch into small white grubs that larvae are responsible for most feed on grass roots. The pupa, or turfgrass damage due to their Managing White intermediate stage between the large size (1/2 to 1 inch long) and larva and the adult, occurs the fol- voracious appetites. Feeding by Grubs lowing spring and is the last large numbers of third-instar immature phase of the insect’s white grubs can quickly destroy development cycle. Adults subse- turfgrass root systems, preventing K nowing when you have a quently emerge from the pupal efficient uptake of food and water. problem. White grub damage can stage when environmental condi- Damaged turf does not grow vig- be detected by the presence of tions are favorable in early- to orously and is extremely suscepti- irregular-shaped areas of weak- late-summer. Most damage from ble to drying out, especially in hot ened or dying grass in the lawn. white grubs occurs during mid- weather. Less-severely damaged turf lacks summer to early fall when the vigor and is more vulnerable to larger larvae are actively feeding. invasion by weeds. Depending on location within the state, damage may appear anytime between the Adult. The adult stage of the months of June and October. various white grub species pro- Turfgrass damaged by white duces heavy-bodied beetles, 1/2 grubs has a reduced root system to 5/8 inch long, brown, with and is easily pulled from the soil. long, spindly legs (Figure 2). The Grubs should be readily found in June beetle and southern masked the top few inches of soil, in the chafer emerge from the soil and turfgrass root zone. Turfgrass fly at night, usually after a signifi- Figure 3. Turfgrass-infesting white usually recovers from white grub cant rainfall or irrigation. Flight grub larvae feeding on grass roots. damage by fall or the following periods may last for several Grubs are most damaging when spring. weeks, during which time mating they reach a length of 1/2 to 1 inch. and egg-laying occur. During At least one turfgrass disease, flights, large numbers of adult When cool weather arrives, white Take-all Patch, can sometimes be beetles, primarily males, may be grubs become dormant until the mistaken for white grub damage. attracted to lighted windows or following spring. During this dor- Take-all Patch occurs most fre- other lights at night. Females, mant period white grubs do little quently in spring and early sum- being less active fliers, usually are or no feeding and cause little dam- mer, and can be distinguished by less common around lighted areas age. Occasionally white grubs will the rotted appearance of the roots. than are males. For this reason, be found in turfgrass areas that In contrast to white grub damage, turning off outdoor lights during fail to green up in the spring; dead spots caused by Take-all adult flight periods may not sub- however, the damage is primarily Patch may persist into the summer stantially reduce subsequent white the result of feeding that occurred months. grub damage. Heavy white grub the previous fall. Spring and win- Most Texas lawns probably do not infestations often can be found in ter treatments for white grubs experience damaging numbers of areas with little or no outdoor with one-year life cycles generally white grubs in any given year. lighting. are ineffective in preventing turf For this reason, lawns should be damage. After mating, female beetles dig 2 inspected for grubs before a deci- to 5 inches into the soil to lay sion is made to treat. The best time eggs. Each female can lay up to 30 to inspect for grubs is when they upa. The pupal stage follows to 40 eggs, which hatch in approx- P are small (1/2 inch or less). By the third-instar and is the life imately two weeks. detecting white grubs early, treat- stage during which the white grub ments can be applied before seri- transforms, or metamorphoses, ous root damage occurs. Also, con- into an adult beetle. The pupal arva. White grub larvae are trols are more effective when L stage does not consume food and creamy white and C-shaped, with applied to smaller larvae. does not move through the soil. three pairs of legs (Figure 3). This life stage occurs during the Several sites in the lawn should be After hatching, the white grub examined to find out if treatment is needed. Soil sections at least 3 to 4 inches across and 4 inches deep (deeper samples may be advisable in sandy soils) should be Amarillo examined for grubs. A good rule Late July- early August of thumb is to examine several soil plugs (up to one square foot per 1,000 square feet of turf) from widely scattered parts of the lawn, Dallas Late July-Aug being careful to include areas of suspected grub damage. Treat- San Angelo El Paso ment is justified when more than Mid July-Aug five white grubs per square foot Late June- are found, although some lawns early July may be able to sustain higher numbers without noticeable San Antonio Houston damage. Mid June- Mid-late early July July W hen to treat. The best time to inspect for grubs and apply insecticides occurs approximately five to six weeks after the heaviest Corpus Christi June beetle flights. Peak June bee- Late June-early July tle flights occur at different times Weslaco of the year in different parts of the June state. Within a given locale, flight periods may vary as much as two months from year to year, due to variations in rainfall. Figure 4. Optimal treatment times for white grubs in Texas.
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