DOCONE1M.RESO0E DD 16614 BC 010 177 k . v TITLEI Rural Research in USDA. Hearings-Before the Subcommittee on Agriculturil Research and General Legislation of the.Committee on Agriculture,' '',- Nutrition, and Forestry, United States Senate, 95th Congress, .2nd Session (Nay 4 and 5,, 1978). INSTITUTION- Congress'of the U.S., Washington, D.C. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. PUB, DATE May, 78 t NOTE 400p.; Not available in hard copy dde tc small print. size of original dccumellt EDRS PRICE NF -$0.83 Plus Postage. BC lot Available from IDES . DESCRIPTORS °*Agency Role; Citizen Participation; Data Bases; Extension Education; Federal Leg tion; *Financial Support;*Hearings; Interagency4dination; *Land Grant Universities; Needs.Assessmen; Public. Policy; *Research; Research Utilization; *Rural Development; Rural Extension IDENTIFIERS *Department of Agriculture; Rural DevelcpmenAct 1972 . tr' ABSTRACT 1 In these hearings, discussion centered on the st Of rural development research in the U.S. Department of Agriculture ,(USDA). Testimony by 19 persons connected with various government aad private agencies and groups and with land-grant universities are contained in the hearkngs, along with letters, articles, and other submitted materials and an outline of the two-day bearing4 In,- particaar,,emphasis was placed on amount and type of rural. development iresearch apart from basic agricultural research. Thre e general topics were:(1), what is nonfarm, nonfood and fiber rural development research;(2) analysis cf research priority- system for 'USDA and .the. - -land -grant system, including the colleges of 1870; and (3) applicability and availability of research tc rural people--issues of access and usefulness. Research areas mentioned include, housing', guality°,of life, transportation, leadership; energy, community development; hearth, employaent, service delivery, land use, and identification of needcthroug citizen participation. "About USDA operations, testimony concerned ccsmitment, coordination of research efforts, funding, rural data base, a .rural policy, Extension Servite rale; and isplementation of research. etch testimony focused on implications of lack of specific funding for litle V programs in the 1979 budget. Hearings were chaired 4 Sen. Patrick J. Leahy of .Vermont. (RS), I ******************************************4***************************4 . * Reproductions supplied by. EDRS'are the,best that can be made * * from the original document. ,-,, * ************W****46****************************************4********** COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURALRESEARCH AND fi-ENER L LEGISLATION 0 THE COVE TEE ON AGRICULTURE, NUTRITION, AND FORESTRY UNITED,STATES SENATE NINETY-FIFTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION MAY 4 AND 5, 1978 Printed feTtbe use of the Committeeon Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry U.S. GOVERN1ANT PRINTING OV.PICTI: WASE1INGTON 1078 COMMITTEE ON NUTRITION,. AND FORESTRY . RBiBMAliCE TALMADGE, Georgia, Chairman JAMES 0. EASTLAND, Mieelatdppi BOB DOLE; Kansas GEORGE lilFGOVEIRDT, South Dakota MILTON R. YOUNG, North Dakota JAMES B. ALLEN, Alabama CARL T. CURTIS, Nebineka WALTER D. HUDI5LESTON; Kentucky HENRY BELLMON, Oklahoma DICK CLARK, Iowa JESSE HELMS, North Carolina._ RICHARD B STONE, Plorlda. S. I. HAYAKAWA, California PATRICK J. LEAHY, Vermont RICHARD G. LUGAR, Indiana EDWARD Z0RINSKy;Nebraska JOHN MELCKER, Montana KANBASTER HODGES, IL, Arkansas fiertar J. Cass°, staffDirector'. SUBCOMMITTEE ON 2CORIL;ULTURAL RESEARCH AND GENERAL , P TRACK J. LEAHY, Vermont,Chailsan JAMES B. ALLEN, Alab RICHARD G. LU AR, Indiana JAMES' 0. EASTLAND, eiakippi BOB DOLE, Kansas RICHARD B. STONE, 111 da, MILTON R, YOUNG, North Dakota . HERMAN E. ItAALMADGE,eorgia S. I. HAYAKAWA, California , . (Hl C,0 NTE N T S , . ?.L ..,-;,'Page Ilinol,eahylIron. Patrick J., a U.S. Senator from Vermont, opening statement_:.; 1 . I CHRONOLOGICAL LIST, OF WITNESSES - THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1978 tier,' Dr. M. RupertrAssistant.Seeretary for Conseivation, Research, . d Edu6atiorip U.S. Department or Agriculture 3 rrell, Di.: Kerrneth, Acting Administrate, 'Economics, Statistics, and 'okerativesServide, U.S. Department of sAiriculture 9 ornton, James 'Asiociate Administiator, Firmefrs Home Administration_ L ., Morrison, Dr. Richard D., president, Alabama A. .&' M."University, 21 . rik ad Normal, Ala .., 25 RuCker, George,; director, Rural America, Inc 0 27 liadwiger, Don; Department of Political Science,. Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa -30 Corninan, John M:, president, National Rural Center -..._ 32 FRIDAY; MAY 5,, 1978 National Association for State UniversitieS and Land-Grant Colleges, a 1,' panel consisting of: / . : . Dove, Dr. Thomas, dean; College of Agriculture, University of Vermont, Burlington Vt - - tN4 Watts, Dr. Lowell H., director, Cooperative Extension Servicfs, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colo 46 Kolmer, Dr. Lee, dean, College df Agriculture, Iowa State ;University, Ames,Iowa 0 49 Dayii'Llr. Lee, director, Northeast Regional Center for Rural Develop- ment, CornellUniversity,Ithaca, N. Y, 52 Fields, -M. Diane, deputy director, Southqrn Rural Policy Congress 61 Navarro; Al; executive director, National'Rural Development and Finance Corporation 64 Spangler, Carl, commissioner, Housing and Community, Development, State of Vermont, Montpelier, Vt.; Dr. Gerald Doeksen, Cooperative Extension Service, Oklahoma' State 'University,Stillwater,Okla.; %Dr. Peter' Gore, director, Institute for Man, and Hiii) Environment, Chasy, N.Y.,'`William French:, director, Self Help Enterprises, Vesalie, Calif_,.. Bart B.ussell, executivedirector,National Association of Towns. and 'rownShips;. end WilliamHeffernan,associate professor, Depart- . :, ment of Rural Sodology, Univemity of -Missouri ,._ 69 APPENDIX Hearing outline 2' r 91 Common, John M. president, National Rural Cepter, letter to Senator;' 121: Patton, James G., National Farmers 'Union, letter to Senator Leahy 121 ;Busch, Lawrence, University of. Kentucky, letter to Dr. Fred Schmidt, with attachment' _ 123 Buttel, Frederick H., Ohio State University, letter to lir. Fred Schmidt, ,with attached article ,_ 132 New Directions for Quality of Life Research artic le Richard G. Stuby, Economic Researc ervice, U.S. Department of. Agriculture 151 ,' (III) IV Faux, Jeff,co-director,Exploratory PrAect for Ecotaitnic"Alternatives, Par i 158. letter to Senator Leah - Christensen, L. Clair, cooperative Extension, University of California, letter to Senator Leahy, with attached statement , 359 Fujimoto, limb, National Center for Appropriate Technology, Butte, Mont., letter to Senator Leahy, with enclosure 165 Suchet, Louis L., Ph. D., Tuskegee Institute, letter to Senator Leahy_ 174 Grissoni, Thoinas. L., 'Plasureville, Ky., letter to Senator. Leahy, with attachment ,- 175 Sinclair; Robert 0.; Malcolm I. Bevins, and Neil H. Pelsue,X., University (41. Vermont, Burlington, Vt., letter to Senator Leahy ,,, 179 Wheelock, Gerald C., Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University, Normal, Ala., letter to Senator Leahy, with enclosure 182 Bossi, Stephen E., Natural Resources, Food and Farm Policy, Seattle, Wash.,Wash. letter to Senator Leahy 192. Ward, M., Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colo., letter to - . 193 . Senator Leahy . .. ."Fiske, Emmett P., igniveraity of California, Davis, letter to Senator Leahy, with enclosures 4- 194 Madden J., Patrick, Pennsylvania State University, letter to Senator ., - 234 Youmans, Russell, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oreg., letter to Senator Leahy 237 Pig.g, Kenneth E.University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky., letter to Dr. Fred Schmidt, with enclosures 239 .Eberts, Paul R:, New York State Coll* of Agriculture and LifeSciences, Comet University, Ithaca, N.Y., letter to Senator Leahy 244 .-. Small Ts Beautiful * * *.Or Is It?Article. from theMassachusetts Select- man, by Barton D. Russell .,, 248 'Zimmerman; Stanley,. executive director; NationalDemonstration. Water Project, statement . 24% Clayton, Kenneth C., assistant professor, -University,of Florida, Gaines- ville, Fla., letter to Senator Leahy, with- attachedstatement_ _ _- ____ ,.,_ 251, Deere, Runyan, University of Arlransii.s, Cooperative.Extension Service, 253 'letter to Senator Leahy - Kuennen, DanielS.University of Delaware,- College of Agricultural attactments 254 . Sciences lette? to Senator Leahy, with Bond, T. 'E.U.S. Department of Agriculture, Science andEducation -Administration, RuralHousing Research. Unit,Clemson,,S.C.,letter to 258 . Senator Leahy - Cutler', Rupert M. Assistant Secretary fora.Conservation,. Research, and . .Education,".U.S. Department of AgricultuTe, statement 259 Farrell, 'Dr. Kenneth, ACting Administrator,Economics, Statistics, and Cooperatives Service, U.S. Department ofAgriculture, statement .292 Rucker, George research director, Rural America,Inc., statement__ 296 Hadwiger, Don F., Department of Political Science,Iowa State University, statement 309 . 'Day, Lee, director, Northeast Regional Centerfor Rural Dev'elopmgnt, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., statement 310' Dowe, Thomas W., clean, College of Agriculture,University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt., statement. 313 Koliner, Lee,. dean,- College of Agriculture, IowaState University, Ames, Iowa, statement 316 Watts, Lowell H., director, CooperativeExtension" Services-, Colorado State. University, Fort Collins, Colo., statement__ 318 . M. Dian4.deputyArector, Southern RuralPolicy Congress, state- Fieldsmen, .320 ,_ t Doeksen, Gerald A., associateprofessor, Department of Agricultural Economics; Oklahoma
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