~ I C)Ci 1 .-" ,.~ J 1 -' "of 7 <.; () U r H Wf. c;l 11 r Ch'! )F T L_ r1 C () # # P (I Po J l-~ (l) ") Lj r I. P(..,c)() TX 79991 The )py NO.6 IN OUR 38th YEAR RUIDOSO, LINCOLN COUNTY, NEW MEXICO 88345 MONDAY, MAY 30, 1983 Double Dutch Bus scores upset Kansas Futurity win by DICK ALWAN cy (a 10-1 shot>. More importantly, the field got in: 5th~Fine Looking that second-place finish produced a Man, earning $24,072; 6th~Alotta hefty purse of $90,435. Dial, $22,771; 7th~Bar Forth, $21,470; DOUBLE DUTCH BUS, a colt who Easily A Twelve is owned by H. Don 8th-Raise A Dandy, $20,819; 9th~­ was purchased for only $14,000 in last Farris of Sunland Park and Don E. Jest Real Easy, $19,518. summer's All-American Select Keith of Bakersfield, California. Quarter Horse Yearling Sale at Jerry Nicodemus was up. The mutuel Sassem Easy elected to pass up the Ruidoso Downs, swept to a half-length payoffs: $2.80, $2.40. Farris is also the Kansas Futurity but earned $18,217, victory in Sunday's Kansas Futurity. trainer of Easily A Twelve. nonetheless_ It was a financial windfall of major Firewater F'ancy, piloted by Nicky Meganette and Jest Real Easy were proportions, since the first-place Wilson for Joe A. McDermott III of coupled in the betting with Easily A purse amounted to a portly $216,654. Madisonville, Texas, earned $42,289 Twelve. The gross purse of the first leg of and refunded a $5.40 show price. Of the 10 Kansas Futurity finalists, the famed Triple Crown was $655,615 Firewater Fancy tossed his hat in five are graduates of last year's All­ ( including the two consolation races) the Kansas ring from the outset, grab­ American Sale. Besides Double Dutch The amount divided in Sunday's bing an early lead But Double Dutch Bus, they are Fine Looking Man (who finale was $506,178. Bus also got off to a heads-up start At was purchased for $55,000), Jest Real Ruidoso patrons responded to the no point in the early stages was the Easy (purchased for $8,300); Sassem quality of horseflesh in the Kansas colt any more than a head away from Easy (purchased for $11,(00); Bar fInale and bet a whopping Firewater Fancy Easily A Twelve, Forth (repurchased for $42,000). $114,867-which was probably the coming out of the outside post, broke most money bet on one race, this ear­ cleanly and without incident But the Although the Kansas was run under cloudy skies, the conditions were ly in the season, in Ruidoso history filly didn't appear to acc}erate when ideal. The track was fast and there Double Dutch Bus was ridden by she really needed it Henry Uriegas for the M & F' Cattle Double Dutch Bus qUickly set his was no wind Co of Carrizozo. William F Leach sights on Firewater Fancy and had TEN DAYS A(;O, YaJlah Zip en­ does the training. that one under control before the mid­ joyed a fat four-length lead in the late Overlooked in the wagenng, Double way poInt of the sprint Once Double stages of a Six-furlong Ruidoso Downs Dutch Bus handed out mutuel returns Dutch Bus assumed the lead, he can· sprint, but surprisingly blew his lead of $33 40, $8_60 and $4 60 The colt, a tinued to pile up hiS advantage He and fimshed second son of Rocket Wrangler (an All was under no threat In the sft'ond half RUIdoso patrons were probably ex· American FuturIty winner) out of of the race peeting the same sort of performance Something Smooth, zippe-d over the in Monday's renewal of the Memonal 350 yards in a seasonal re·cord time of Double Dutch Bus went Into the Day Handicap and made YaJlah ZIp 17 65 seconds Kansas f~uturlty with a record of one a 10-1 longshot r:aslly A Twelve, part of a thn"(' Win from three starts HIS money hne ThlS time, though, Yallah ZiP fend· horse entry carrymg odd'j of 3 5, was was only a $1,500, which made hlm the f"d off his attackers with remarkable unable to summon up enough speftJ poorest of the Kansas finallsL<; He ease Ra ther than folding in the during the middle portions of the came out of the Kansas Futunty With stretch, he respondPd to a few light race, but closed willingly to finish se a natIOnal reputatIOn, earnings of whacks of the Whlp from Jockey Paul cond Although the filly was never $218,154, and a kingpin Image among Jaramillo and pumped more muscle WithIn hope of victory, that fInal c10s the current crop of two-year-old'i Into hiS stnde JOCKEY HENRY URIEGAS on Double Dutch Bus Ruidoso Downs Race Track. The victory was mg surge was a VItal one since It put Meganette, who fimshf"d fourth, col prepares to enter the winner's circle Sunday worth $216,654. Double Dutch Bus is trained her a neck In front of t'lrewat('r Fan IN'ted $29,9'28 Here's how the re-.st of (SEE PAGE 2) after the colt captured the Kansas Futurity at by William F. Leach. Golden Years Jubilee may try again Wednesday Coffee Cart Th(> Wedne-sday ('oHf"f" Cart. sponsorf"d by the Ruidoso Vall(>y Cha m her of ("ommf'rcf" so the public can m(>f"t Chamb(>r orrict"rs and dirf'c:Lors, will b" HILLY ALLSTETTEH the event p.:a..aN"d as a guest on two teleVISion Jubilee In generaJ bf" from 9 Lo 10:30 a.m, at: Slaff WrlLf"r "It workPd aKa Inst u.c; InstP1Hi of for shows ~ewsom and Adams both Indlcatt'd ASPf-:!'i I~TERI()RS The (;olden Yea~ Jubllf""f' did not us." said RadZIPW1C'] "I think. wt" reache-d a whole lot of they would like to put a bIgger ('m 2002 Sudderth Drive draw many pNlple to Hutdoso. but "We thought when we slartN:1 out people, " said RadZ]("wle2 phasis on attracting a wider age organtzers are pleasM enough WIth we were the only one. dOtn~ It.' S-ald RadzlPwlCZ said some of Ihe ~roup to the He.alth Fair If they do It Ihl~ ypar's rf"SulL... to Ir~ again Th(' HBA mpmhE'r (;Ien Fprguson publiCity reache-d p<"Ople only a month aga:n Jubllt"(> also sp8wnt"d man~ "ln~lf' del', HowPvf'r. many compet I ng e\~'nt-" m advanC'{' of the Juhllf'E' :"jext year Fer~uson. who organized thr Fron ('vpnLs that may go on WIth or ~lthoul wert' schf"dulf"d dUring May Both 1-:1 RadZIeWICZ S-8lrl she would Iikf" 10 gf't tIer Days In School HOlL'i(' Park. wac., another Jubllf""f' Pas-o and Albuquerque stagec1 a wf"'(·k publlC'lty out SIX month.., In aovancp of plE'ased With that eVE'nt and IOdlcat('{l Ruidoso seeking paving actlvltl~ 'It ... In the emhryonlc ... tagf' We of for senior ,ltl1ens at thp the E"vent he IS C'ofiSldenng or~anlzlng It again can ahort It or W(' can nOUrish II and ~me lImp as the JubJl('of' Texas had Due to the small registratIon. thrN' Vendors who w('rE' at thp Frontier help It devplopand gr()~ ~Id ~an("\ their Sf'nlOr C'ltlzen olympICS dunng tours and thrt"(> dlnnf-r., had to hp Days did not sell mUC'h, hut they all H...ad]le~ 1(']. organizer of thl' p\('nl for the JuhJl('(". and thpre was one such cancelled How ....... pr \oungpr ar(> game to do It again "alri funds from windfall thf' H.uldoso Busln(~... As.,onatlon event In Roswell the follOWing WN'"k rPSldenL<; hoostNi thf' attf'n(iancp at Fergu.... on The t'lylng J Wranglers HBA' H.ad7lP~ ICl '-<lId ... he and ('raIg ...a Id her group from Anrirf'w", rf'ma mlng events also indicated they arp wtlltng to rwr h) DAVin SHEPP\HIl recently to dlscus..c; thp Highway 711 other organIH'r<., have le<-trnf'fi il grPd' hao ClctlVttl~ plannPd for bonth thp Organizers of two of the major form again, he adrlNi SlaH Wrilf'r hypass link to Gavllan Canyon Road deal Ihal will hplp them put on d morl' wf'-f'k ~*fnrp and aftf'r thr JuhliN' and pvrn1.". thp Health FaIr ano FrontlPr !VfonE")' Will of coursp he a hlg ques and asked then about the status of thp <'ucce-ssful f"vent next lImp ~pr{' lucky to~' ablr to fll th(' Juhil("{' Days. werp please-d pnough With the tlOn whf"n looking to anothpr Juhdp-f' A spok~man for thE" Statf' Highway matching money When th(' HBA rf"C'Pl\N1 $6.:ll:)() In In theIr sC'ht"dule rpspon..cH' lo conSider slagmg them Thf' l...odgpfS· Tax CommlUN> may tx­ Departmf'nt DlstrlC"t 2 OffICf' In "Il's bN-n totally WlpE'ct out.' Pol lodgprs tax funn... to puhllCI/P thf' 'ane\ H...aOllPW1Cl Clnd Fl'rgu.... on agam. regardlf"s$ of thE' fatf' of Ihr Roswpll said Thursday the dIstnct IS ter saId .. r:verythmg's gone rlown H.p wary about allocatmg functs to the tube ,. Jubllf""f'. H.RA treasurer MlCha pi H...Hi sa I ri the fa II m d.... be iI ~)(' tt p r II nw for Juhtlf'E' ('vent after Its IlmltPd success thiS trying tn spcurl' funding for a agr~mf'nt lleWlC7 prN1lCtffi 4.000 J)('oplr WoUl11 the Juhllf"f' 'Tm df'fmltely game to do II year cooperat ....:p paving WIth With the ellmmatlon of th(' P<I\lTlg attenO The HBA dl(1 not sPf'nd <elillhe A lalp start rna" ha"p also affp-ctNi again," said Verna Aoams.
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