■■■* f ' / 1- -V. '•. _ ' ’I . ’ ■v-l , p ; V i THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, IWO FAGB'l'fV fill 11k iHanri|«Bfor ^in^ning %ratb A vtngc Daily Net Preaa Ron; Thd WtBtltor B P, ,4' Far the Weak. Badad Foraeaat •« Ij. ■. WtolRMF-lMfp^ dnaa 4th. 196e Chapman Court, Order of Aixiar- fSaor, seal toniglit. anth, wllf meet" at the Masonic Jarvis Offers 13,125 Satnrday. snimy, pleeeenL BUb ’I s 1 About Town Tismple tomorrow at 7:46 p.m. Of­ Wedding add too. Odtiooh fan. Sandfigr.MB* 1 ficers are to wear street-length Memhac a( tha Afidlt ay, pleaarat tonqteelatoma. ' ’1 -V' The Zlpser Club will hold lie an dresses. There will, be /a 'social Land to Town Bonaa af < M anchetter^A City ofViUag« Charm hour and refreshments after the Clatk-HalHn nual family outing: Sunday at the meeting. Garden Grove from 10 ajtn. to 9 Miss June Elaine, Hallin of Con­ Builder- Alexander Jarvia ha< n.m. There yrlll be dancing to t«u cord, N;H.,, aiid formerly of,Man­ MANCHESTER, CONN;, FRIDAY, SEPTEMRe R 8, i960 (ObuMdfled Advartfalag aa Page 11) PRICE FIVE c E im Joubert’s trio., Tlcketa are avail­ ,..:iss Faith .McFarland, Miss Kay chester, ahd Cpl. Ronald IVClark, aaid he Is willing to give to the VOL. LXXIX, NO. 285 (FOURTEEN PAGES) able a t the Clubhouse. .Jtutsfc...utsky, and Mlaa Linda Salmond U.S. Marine Corps, from Manches­ town, free, for the purpose of pf Manchester will spend Labor ter, were united In marriage Aug, widening the two stretts, 10 feet The third annual herb show pre­ Day weekend at the Andrea Hotel, 24 In San Bernadino,,Calif, along the edges of P ls ^ and St. sented by the Connecticut unit of Mlstjuamlcut, R. I. The bride U the daughter of Mr. Today’s Cpucaht tells ua To Buy Your Meat Paul Drs., where'his company Is and Mrs. ^rank HalHn pf Concord, Man in Outer Space? Court Acts \the Herb Society of Anlerlpa will building a shin in g center. that 'Vice PTesIdeat Nixon’s 90% of Plnehufst meat is sold with counter service . ho cello wrapped red meats x ' ‘ 1 Wednesdair, Sept. 7; at the Richard R. Groff, son of Mr. and N.H., and forinirly of Manckeiter. family "go for the plain Bam on Hhlls ^ rm a Rd., Mrs. Willfam R. Groff, 14 Lucian The bridegt-oom is the son of Should Uje' towri take fhe offer, foods;’’ such as meat loaf or poultry. Only Bacon, and similar packer wrapped products are sold In the self serv­ prt, from 2 St., has Joined the U.S Air Force. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clark, 80 it could-Xiden the two streets, and old:fashloned stew. This ice case. This weekend everyone is back from vlicallons and Charile McCarthy, meat Roundifp To Hasten He left'TOe^ay for basic training Hemlock St. ' manager, along with Alfred Wiegel,' Tony Buysse and Dave McIntosh will be glad to wherefjarvls' property abuts them, does not surprise us, for serve you with "fresher by far” meats. Mr. and^Mm. Clifton A. Pockett, at LatwlandjAlr Force Base, Tex. Miss,Cynthia Sexton of Los”An­ feet. The streets are now 40 each week' our'- sales show geles And Patrick Starahan of the U.S. S3 Romestead St., have returned eet In width. an increase on both these from a two mopths’ vacation In Richard Stevenson, • radio sea­ Marlhc Corps' base were atte Town Planning Engineer Ed­ items . they are the fa­ 13 Men Arreted Mexico and Ifnpenal^^ Beach. Calif, man, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. at>t's. vorite. of both Democrats /A fter a short wedding trip, the ward J. Rybezyk ..said the advan­ where their son, Ronald Pockett Joseph Stevenson, 67 ^^helps Rd. tage of widening the streets would and Republicans. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS '<,lt attending Naval Schdai. Is home.on 28-day IWvefrom Ar- couple will be at hom eit^S Cocoa 0ppe Pushers St., Marine Base, 29,,fbtlma. Calif. be to help the flow of traffic when The U. S. Supreme Court gentia, Newfoundland Naval Alp' the shopping center is complete ■ :X Motive Base. Mrs,'Clark'ktten^d Manch/.ler Again we feature a t . a Bridgeport, Sept. 2 (/P) — has moved to step up th^ .pace o s io n in High School, and^sa 19S9 graduate and to improve safety factora. saving of 10c a lb .. of public school integration in of Stedman High School, Warner, Jarvia told hfa decision to Gen­ Thirteen Bridgeport srea res­ The first fall meeting of Ehian- London, Sept. -ernoUva" la under wfty within tha idents were arrested at an several areaiS'at the start of Personal Notices N.H. Cpl. Clark is a 19r)8 graduate eral Manager Richard Martin. LEAN. FRESHLY Elienhower a^sifiatMiUon In the 'uel. Churchmen,’ schedtlled for to- of MMCheater High School. He cn- Martin noted that the "additional CHOPPED Idr Nikita S. Krusti^eV^^wu early hour today in the larg­ the seventh school year since nv^ow evening, has been' post- width can be nbtalned from Mr. wake of Moscow’s aimouncamept tcrp<r the Marine Corgjs in June quoted today aa.-^ying “i ry that the Soviet, leader est roundup of alleged dope the desegregation ruling. Card of Thanks ponetKto Sept. 9. The meeting will 1958, and has served one year over­ Jarvis for such distance as he is The court yesterday rejected V-': j be at ^ 0 p.m. In Liuther hall. owner of the abutting property. CHUCK BEEF wonld be g o o ^ ' if President wjjf need Ruaslii’e delegatlo'hv tp “^ sh e rs” on record in the seas in Okinawa. the U.NrAeasmbly session begitw pleas for delay at Houston, Tex.^- 28 We the underelRnra wl»b tr> thank A few days before the wedding, For example, it would not permit Elsenhower., md Prime Minis' cityV history. , largest segregated school -aysUni nur many netahbora and frlenda for David A ^ y will be in charge of the bride was honored at a green­ widening St. Paul Dr. all the way Macntillan joined huiC at nlng Sept. 29, Bridgeport special, service divl- thflr acts’ of klndnog* and words of N early all Infortoed" officials, sim .deteoUves, niembers of the in the South, at New Orleans 'sympathy shown toward us in roc»ht an open air s<irvlce by the^oalva- back shower, given by her si: I t , cast to/Greenwood Dr.’’ There are i,b. 6 9 c . t ting United Nations where state and federal officials death of our dear husband and brother, tlon Army tonlgjit 7:30. Mrs. Thomas Benoit; and her cous­ private homes between the shop­ 5 lb. lots $3.35 famUJiar with KhrushcheV’s^ii^re- Statp P o li^ Narcotics Squad, and have been at odds, for-w^eks and act in Calvin Davison. he^a^ice will seesion in . New dlctable nature, rafuaed to believe federal ilarcdtics agents, working \ Rose Davison ---- event of rain, th in, Mrs, Robert Bcn.son. at the lat­ ping <;ciiter propetty and the ends X in the state of Dela-wa^e. Ralph Davison. held indoors at Ott Wne time. ter’s hormj, 348 Woodbridge St. of the two streets. CHOICE GRADE the stated reason for the trip— ln-4eama. hta^^xUie arrests In co- . The actlonx led Dr.’ Henry A. X About >rlends and relatives at­ ^M artin has suggested that the ’TENDER ' fly JOHN 80ALI that Khrushchev wants to talk or^ate^ raids-ehortly after mid-. Petersen, president Of thK-Hous- tended. She was also -given a per- Towrr Wanning Commission con­ > Washington, Sept. 2 (ff*) — about the urgent need, for night and''juet before dawn. ton School Bqarti, to say heVioped' Tent Camp sonkl shower at the Concord .Sav­ sider the dffer and notify the Board Top Officials suspected, today world disarmament. ' Today’es a F r-a a ts climaxed a Gov. Price Esmiel would foreHall ings Bank in Concord, N.H., by her of Directors pf Its decision. STEWING They recalled, that only a few month inveStigatidh-dij^g which integratl^it of the first grades that Russia’s Nikita Krush­ days in advance of his goodwill authorities 'said, federal ^^ jrc o v er Sept. 7, Grafenwoehr, Germany, former fellow employes. If the town should. decide to BEEF chev has arranged his irisit to visit last September the Rutisishs agents made purchases of fibroin Sept. 2 </P)—FiftOen soldiers widen the two streets, work would The first grade at New Orleans the United Nations to boast suddenly announced that they, had or marijuana from each of the Sc-'^ was^oirdered integi-ated Sept. 8 by were killed and 28 injured to­ ^September Foref/tifl consist of removing present curbs shot .a rocket to the- moon, plant­ cused narcotics sellers. CHATTERBOX and sidewalks where they exist on of some spwtacular new 'Pedefat' jystrlct Judge J. Skelly day when a large caliber artil‘” Lb. 8 9 c ing the Soviet flag there. ^Concerned" over the narcotlos Wrtght. Hbweyer, he granted a Windsor Lock.s. Sept; I '/R)' The the shopping center side, grading Soviet scientific achievement Khrushchev came equipped traffic problem. Mayor Saunusl J. delay 'Until SN^!^.4^4 when the lery shell exploded among vveathermax has predicted Sep­ the extra width, paving it and in­ -—perhaps putting a man in with a chrome-plated model of Tedesco has called a specie! fheet- them during a training exer­ stalling new^-walks and curbs. FRESHLY MADE board coh-tqnded it could^ rtqt' im­ tember will DC a month of "inter­ SEASONED BACON Outer Space.
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