Hochschule Geisenheim University and Justus-Liebig-University Giessen Faculty 09 - Agricultural Sciences, Nutritional Sciences, and Environmental Management Investigating the Characteristics and the Economic Impact of Tourism in German Wine Regions Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doktor der Agrarwissenschaften (Dr. agr.) submitted by Maximilian Carl Tafel, M. Sc. Born: September 4, 1987 Pegnitz, Germany Geisenheim, June 2020 This thesis was accepted on January 27, 2021 as a doctoral dissertation in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Doktor der Agrarwissenschaften (Dr. agr.) by the Hochschule Geisenheim University and the Faculty 09 - Agricultural Sciences, Nutritional Sciences, and Environmental Management, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen. Examination Committee: Supervisor and 1st Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Prof. h.c. Gergely Szolnoki Supervisor and 2nd Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Roland Herrmann 3rd Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Axel Dreyer 1st Examiner: Prof. Dr. Robert Anton Göbel 2nd Examiner: Prof. Dr. Ramona Teuber Head of the Committee: Prof. Dr. Simone Loose Parts of this thesis have been published in peer-reviewed journals as: Tafel, M., & Szolnoki, G. (2019). Segmenting tourists in German wine regions by travel motivation and wine activities. Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg, 69, 196-207. Tafel, M., & Szolnoki, G. (2020). Estimating the economic impact of tourism in German wine regions. International Journal of Tourism Research, 22, 788-799. https://doi.org/10.1002/jtr.2380. Tafel, M., & Szolnoki, G. (2020). Relevance and challenges of wine tourism in Germany: a winery operators’ perspective. International Journal of Wine Business Research, 33 (1), 60-79. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJWBR-11-2019-0059. Declaration of originality I declare that I have prepared the submitted thesis independently and without unauthorised third-party help and that no other than the in the thesis listed facilities have been used. All text passages that are quoted literally or analogously from other published papers and all information that are based on verbal statements are identified as such. I have observed the principles of good scientific practice as defined in the statutes of the Hochschule Geisenheim University and the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen for safeguarding good scientific practice when carrying out the analyses of my research mentioned in the thesis. Maximilian Carl Tafel Geisenheim, June 2020 i Acknowledgements First and foremost, I want to thank my supervisor Prof. Dr. Gergely Szolnoki from the Department of Wine and Beverage Business Research at Geisenheim University for his guidance and continuous support at every stage of the process. I also thank Prof. Dr. Roland Herrmann from the Department of Agricultural Sciences, Nutritional Sciences, and Environmental Management at Justus-Liebig-University Giessen for his helpful feedback that helped to improve the scientific quality of the thesis. I wish to thank Wines of Germany for funding the research and for putting me in touch with the relevant stakeholders. My sincere thanks go to the regional tourism and winegrowers associations in all the 13 German wine regions for their help throughout the research process and for giving me the opportunity to present the results to a wider audience. I want to thank the more than 100 students who helped to collect data. I thank Stacey Blatt for proofreading the thesis. And finally, I would like to thank Norman Weis for encouraging me to pursue a doctorate. I am grateful for my family who has always supported me in every phase of my life. ii Summary Wine tourism is a growing niche market around the world. Germany seems to offer an ideal platform for this promising market. However, there is very limited knowledge about the economic significance of wine tourism in Germany and about understanding visitors’ needs and expectations. By proposing a framework for three different studies across all 13 German wine regions, including both the travelers’ and the wineries’ perspective, this thesis aims to alter the understanding of wine tourism in Germany. The three main research questions derived from a survey of the literature (see Chapter 1) are: 1. What differentiates wine tourists in Germany from other tourist segments? 2. How large is the economic impact of wine tourism in Germany? 3. How relevant is wine tourism in Germany from a winery operators’ perspective? In order to separate wine tourists from other tourist segments, a quantitative study with 4,478 visitors to wine regions was carried out. By interviewing visitors at “wine-neutral” locations such as city centers or cultural sites, this approach differed from previous research. After segmentation, travelers were divided into wine tourists and other tourist segments. Then, a modified multiplier model was developed that allows measuring the economic impact of wine tourism. Finally, to include the wineries’ perspective, 199 qualitative in-depth interviews and 703 quantitative online questionnaires were collected and analyzed. It is the aim of the winery surveys to reveal the relevance and main challenges of wine tourism in Germany. Results show that 7.2 million wine tourists, of whom 89% are Germans, visit the country’s wine regions each year. For them, tasting wine, enjoying nature and combining food and wine experiences are the main motivating factors for visiting a wine region. Wine tourism has a disproportionately large economic impact of EUR 5.0 billion annually, contributing to the income of 71,846 people. From an average winery operator’s perspective, wine tourism accounts for 24% of company sales. Despite an increasing demand in wine-touristic activities, the number of wineries, as well as restaurants, is declining which reduces the attractiveness for culinary-focused wine tourists. To successfully develop wine tourism in Germany, there is a clear need for collaboration among stakeholders. Furthermore, the preservation of cultural landscapes plays an important role in attracting visitors. This thesis advances the understanding of wine tourism in Germany from a visitor’s as well as a winery’s point of view. The approaches developed for segmenting wine tourists and for assessing the economic impact of wine tourism can be applied in any wine region of the world. iii They can also be transferred to other forms of special-interest tourism (e.g. alpine tourism and culinary tourism). The findings and discussions can be used for teaching students and training stakeholders at the regional, entrepreneurial and personal level. Wine tourism could help to balance inequalities between rural and urban areas in terms of income and employment levels. This, combined with the preservation of natural resources and cultural landscapes, could lead to sustainable regional development in the German wine regions. iv Zusammenfassung Weintourismus ist ein weltweit wachsender Nischenmarkt. Deutschland scheint eine ideale Plattform für diesen vielversprechenden Markt zu bieten. Es gibt jedoch nur sehr begrenzte Kenntnisse über die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung des Weintourismus in Deutschland und über die Bedürfnisse und Erwartungen der Besucher. Durch die Durchführung dreier verschiedener Studien in allen 13 deutschen Weinregionen, die die Sichtweise von Reisenden und Weingütern einbeziehen, soll diese Arbeit das Verständnis von Weintourismus in Deutschland verbessern. Die drei wichtigsten Forschungsfragen, die aus einer Literaturrecherche abgeleitet wurden (siehe Kapitel 1), sind: 1. Was unterscheidet Weintouristen in Deutschland von anderen Touristensegmenten? 2. Wie groß ist die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung von Weintourismus in Deutschland? 3. Wie relevant ist Weintourismus in Deutschland aus Sicht der Weingüterbetreiber? Um Weintouristen von anderen Touristensegmenten zu unterscheiden, wurde eine quantitative Studie mit 4.478 Besuchern durchgeführt. Durch die Befragung von Besuchern an „weinneutralen“ Orten wie Innenstädten oder kulturellen Sehenswürdigkeiten unterschied sich dieser Ansatz von früheren Untersuchungen. Anhand eines neu entwickelten Segmentierungsansatzes wurden die Reisenden in Weintouristen und andere Touristensegmente unterteilt. Anschließend wurde ein modifiziertes Multiplikator-Modell entwickelt, das die Messung der wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen des Weintourismus ermöglicht. Um schließlich die Perspektive der Weingüter einzubeziehen, wurden 199 qualitative Tiefeninterviews und 703 quantitative Online-Fragebögen gesammelt und analysiert. Ziel der Weingüterbefragungen ist es, die Relevanz und die wichtigsten Herausforderungen des Weintourismus in Deutschland aufzuzeigen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass jährlich 7,2 Millionen Weintouristen, davon 89% Deutsche, die Weinregionen des Landes besuchen. Für sie sind Wein, Natur und die Kombination von Essen und Wein die Hauptmotivationsfaktoren für den Besuch einer Weinregion. Weintourismus hat mit 5,0 Milliarden Euro jährlich eine überproportional hohe wirtschaftliche Bedeutung und trägt damit zum Einkommen von 71.846 Menschen bei. Aus der Sicht eines durchschnittlichen Weingutbetreibers macht der Weintourismus 24% des Unternehmensumsatzes aus. Trotz steigender Nachfrage nach weintouristischen Angeboten ist die Anzahl von Weingütern sowie Restaurants rückläufig, was die Attraktivität der Weinregionen für die kulinarisch orientierten Weintouristen verringert. Um Weintourismus in Deutschland erfolgreich zu entwickeln, besteht v ein klarer Bedarf an Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Beteiligten. Darüber hinaus spielt der Erhalt von Kulturlandschaften
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