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Cacioppo et al., Int. J. Psychophysiol. 35, 143 (2000). ralist communities of Amboseli and Longido and the values of the three behavioral measures derived from 26. N. L. Collins, C. Dunkel-Schetter, M. Lobel, S. C. Institute for Primate Research in Nairobi for assistance each time period for each group. We computed the Scrimshaw, J. Pers. Soc. Psychol. 65, 1243 (1993). and local sponsorship; R. Mututua, S. Sayialel, P. Mu- adjusted value of relative infant survival as the dif- 27. T. E. Seeman, B. S. McEwen, Psychosomatic Med. 58, ruthi, and K. Warutere for their assistance with data ference between the proportion of infants born to 459 (1996). collection; and D. Onderdonk for database assistance. female x in group y in period z that survived to 1 year 28. J. A. LeFevre, M. K. McClintock, Physiol. Behav. 52, Supported by grants from the National Geographic of age and the proportion of all infants born to all 603 (1992). Society, the Louis S. B. 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Matrilineal kin groups and linear domi- Humans routinely classify others according to both their individual attributes, such nance rank orders are evident not only to as social status or wealth, and membership in higher order groups, such as families human observers but also to the monkeys or castes. They also recognize that people’s individual attributes may be influenced themselves. Both observations and playback and regulated by their group affiliations. It is not known whether such rule- experiments have demonstrated that monkeys governed, hierarchical classifications are specific to humans or might also occur in recognize the matrilineal kin (or close asso- nonlinguistic species. Here we show that baboons recognize that a dominance ciates) of other group members (1, 5–8). Sim- hierarchy can be subdivided into family groups. In playback experiments, baboons ilarly, monkeys appear not only to understand respond more strongly to call sequences mimicking dominance rank reversals who is dominant or subordinate to themselves between families than within families, indicating that they classify others simul- but also to recognize the relative dominance taneously according to both individual rank and kinship. The selective pressures ranks of others (1–4). It remains unclear, imposed by complex societies may therefore have favored cognitive skills that however, whether monkeys are capable of constitute an evolutionary precursor to some components of human cognition. evaluating other individuals simultaneously according to both rank and kinship or wheth- Although nonhuman primates recognize other between families are potentially much more er they can combine their knowledge of rank individuals’ dominance ranks and kin relations destructive than quarrels within families. and kinship to recognize that some rank re- (1–8), it is not known whether they classify Social groups of Old World monkeys such versals have potentially much greater social others according to both criteria simultaneous- as baboons, macaques, and vervets are com- importance than others. ly. Humans make such higher order classifica- posed of a number of different matrilines To investigate this question, we designed a tions routinely, and as a result easily recognize arranged in a stable, linear dominance hier- playback experiment in which free-ranging fe- that not all superficially similar interactions archy in which all female members of one male baboons (Papio hamadryas ursinus) were have equal importance. For example, in Shake- matriline outrank or are outranked by all played a sequence of calls mimicking a fight speare’s Romeo and Juliet, we discount Mercu- female members of another (9–13). Threats between two other females (19). Call sequences tio’s teasing of Romeo as trivial because both and supplants (interactions in which one an- consisted of a series of threat-grunts by one Mercutio and Romeo are allied with the house imal retreats from the approach of another) individual played in conjunction with the of Montague. When Mercutio aims his taunts at are almost without exception directed by screams of another. Threat-grunts are tonal, Tybalt, however, we regard his behavior as higher ranking individuals toward lower multisyllable, staccato calls that are produced more ominous because Tybalt is a Capulet. Our ranking individuals, and alliances usually tar- only when female baboons are threatening in- responses are guided in part by our tendency to get subordinate opponents (14, 15). Affinitive dividuals who are subordinate to themselves, organize social relations into a hierarchical social behavior such as grooming is directed whereas screams are given only by animals structure, such as familial affiliation, that is preferentially toward close matrilineal kin. who are being threatened by a more dominant governed by a functional set of rules: Quarrels Members of the same matrilineal kin group individual. Numerous experiments and acousti- occupy adjacent ranks and usually retain the cal analyses have indicated that monkey vocal- same relative ranks throughout their lives. izations are individually distinctive and that 1Department of Biology, 2Department of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, Both within- and between-family rank rever- subjects discriminate among the voices of ma- USA. sals are rare. When within-family rank rever- trilineal kin (7, 20). *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E- sals do occur, however, they typically involve Subjects were 19 adult female baboons mail: [email protected] only two individuals and have little effect on (Ͼ 6 years old) living in the Okavango Delta 1234 14 NOVEMBER 2003 VOL 302 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org R EPORTS in Botswana. Matrilineal kinship for all natal versals involved signalers who were adja- different matrilines. However, females animals was known. A matriline included all cent in rank; that is, the lowest ranking were more likely to have non-kin than kin individuals to the level of first cousin. When female in one matriline and the highest as nearest neighbors (21). Finally, subjects’ constructing within-family rank reversal se- ranking female in the next. responses were not affected by the relative quences, however, we chose signalers who Overall, there was a significant differ- frequency of fights among kin as opposed were more closely related to each other (ei- ence in the duration of subjects’ responses to non-kin. Among kin dyads, aggressive ther sisters, mothers and daughters, or nieces to the three call sequences (Fig. 1). Sub- interactions that included threat-grunts and and aunts). The experiments used a within- jects looked toward the speaker for signif- screams occurred at an average rate of 5.4 subject design. On separate days, the same icantly longer durations when hearing se- times per 1000 hours of observation, com- subject heard one of three different call se- quences that mimicked a between-family pared with 6.5 times for non-kin dyads. In quences: (i) an anomalous threat-grunt- rank reversal than when hearing both within- no case did these aggressive interactions scream sequence mimicking a within-family family rank reversal sequences and no- involve threats or screams that violated the rank reversal (e.g., in a group where family A reversal control sequences.
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