University of Warwick institutional repository: http://go.warwick.ac.uk/wrap A Thesis Submitted for the Degree of PhD at the University of Warwick http://go.warwick.ac.uk/wrap/2838 This thesis is made available online and is protected by original copyright. Please scroll down to view the document itself. Please refer to the repository record for this item for information to help you to cite it. Our policy information is available from the repository home page. Images of Moses and Sixteenth-Century Venice Volume 1 of 2 by Amy Marie Zucca A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degreeof Doctor of Philosophy in History of Art University of Warwick, Department of History of Art October 2002 Volume 2 restricted access TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume I List ofIllustrations iv Acknowledgments XXIV Declaration XXV Abstract Xxvi Abbreviations Xxvii INTRODUCTION I 1. THE BACKGROUND TO MOSES IN VENICE 8 2. THE POLITICAL MODEL: EAAGES OF MOSES IN VENICE AND ON 28 THE ITALIAN PENINSULA 3. THE EARLY DEVELOPMENT OF IMAGES OF MOSES IN 85 SIXTEENTH-CENTURY VENICE AND THE VENETO 4. THE MAIN CHAPEL OF THE MADONNA DELL'ORTO 114 5. THE MOSES CYCLE AT THE SCUOLA GRANDE DI SAN ROCCO 160 6. PRINTED BOOK ILLUSTRATION AND THE SAN GIORGIO 201 MAGGIORE MIRACLE OF MANNA 7. CONCLUSION: TINTORETTO'S LEGACY AND VERONESE'S 236 ALTERNATIVE Appendix 253 Bibliography 265 - 11 Volume 2 Illustrations 111 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Dimensions are given wherever possible. 1. West fagade, San Moise, Venice. 2. West fagade, San Francescodella Vigna, Venice. 3. Zen Chapel, San Marco, Venice. 4. Nave, San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice. 5. Nave, Madonna dell'Orto, Venice. 6. Plan. Madonna dell'Orto, Venice. 7. Sala Superiore, Scuola Grande di San Rocco, Venice. 8. Plan. Santa Maria Assunta (Gesulti), formerly Santa Maria del Crociferi, Venice. 9. Moses cupola, thirteenth century. Mosaic. San Marco, Venice (atrium, north wing, east bay). 10. Moses, detail from illus. 9. 11. Moses'Early Childhood, detail from illus. 9. 12. Presentation to Pharaoh's Daughter, detail from illus. 9. 13. Moses before Pharaoh, detail from illus. 9. 14. Moses Slays the Egyptian, detail from illus. 9. 15. Moses with Two Hebrews, detail Lrom illials. 9. 16. Moses Wandering, detail from illus. 9. 17. Moses at the Well with the Daughters ofJethro, detail from illus. 9. 18. Moses Drives Away the Shepherds,detail from illus. 9. 19. Moses Received by Jethro, detail from illus. 9. IN' 20. Burning Bush, detail from illus. 9. 21. Desert Miracles,, thirteenth century. Mosaic. San Marco, Venice (atrium, north wing, east bay, north apse). 22. Ascension Dome, late twelfth century. Mosaic. San Marco, Venice (nave, central dome). 23. Last Judgement, detail, eleventh-twelfth century. Mosaic. Santa Maria Assunta, Torcello, Venice. 24. Moses Receivesthe Law at Mount Sinai, c. 540-47 AD. Mosaic. San Vitale, Ravenna (left wall, main chapel). 25. Israelites at the Foot ofMount Sinai, c. 540-47 AD. Mosaic. San Vitale, Ravenna (left wall, main chapel). 26. Moses Feeds the Flocks ofJethro, c. 540-47 AD. Mosaic. San Vitale, Ravenna (right wall, main chapel). 27. Burning Bush, c. 540-47 AD. Mosaic. San Vitale, Ravenna (right wall, main chapel). 28. Nativity with Burning Bush and Aaron's Flowering Rod, from Biblia Pauperum C. 9 d.2 (prob. Netherlandish, c. 1470) n. pag. Blockcut, 26.5 x 18.5 cm (approx). British Library, London. 29. Baptism of Christ with Crossing of the Red Sea and Reconnaissanceof Canaan, from Biblia Pauperum C.9 d.2 (prob. Netherlandish, c. 1470) n. pag. Blockcut, 26.5 x 18.5 cm (approx). British Library, London. 30. Last Supper with Melchisedec Meets Abraham and Fall ofManna, from Biblia Pauperum C.9 d.2 (prob. Netherlandish, c. 1470) n. pag. Blockcut, 26.5 x 18.5 cm (approx). British Library, London. V 31. Crucifixion with Sacrifice ofAbraham and Brazen Serpent, from Biblia Pauperum C. 9 d.2 (prob. Netherlandish, c. 1470) n. pag. Blockcut, 26.5 x 18.5 cm (approx). British Library, London. 32. Pentecost with Moses Receivesthe Law and Firefrom Heaven Consumesthe Sacrifice ofElias, from Biblia Pauperum C.9 d.2 (prob. Netherlandish, c. 1470) n. pag. Blockcut, 26.5 x 18.5 cm (approx). British Library, London. 33. Basket Placed in the Water, ftom Biblia vulgare historiata... (Vemce: Lucantonio Giunta, 1507) fol. 17r. Woodcut, 4.5 x 7.0 cm (approx. ). Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice. 34. Burning Bush, from Biblia vulgare historiata... (Venice: Lucantonlo Giunta, 1507) fol. 17r. Woodcut, 4.5 x 7.0 cm (approx.). Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice. 35. Passover,, from Biblia vulgare historiata... (Venice: Lucantonio Giunta, 1507) fol. 20r. Woodcut, 4.5 x 7.0 cm (approx.). Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice. 36. Drowning ofPharaoh, from Biblia vulgare historiata... (Venice: Lucantonio Glunta., 1507) fol. 20v. Woodcut, 4.5 x 7.0 cm (approx.). Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice. 37. Fall ofManna, from Biblia vulgare historiata... (Venice: Lucantonio Giunta, 1507) fol. 21v. Woodcut, 4.5 x 7.0 cm (approx.). Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice. 38. Waterfrom the Rock, from Biblia vulgare historiata... (Vemce: Lucantonio Giunta, 1507) fol. 22r. Woodcut, 4.5 x 7.0 cm (approx. ). Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice. NI 39. Battle with Amalek, from Biblia vulgare historiata... (Venice: Lucantonio Giunta, 1507) fol. 22r. Woodcut, 4.5 x 7.0 cm (approx.). Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice. 40. God's Covenant with the Israelites, from Biblia vulgare historiata... (Venice: Lucantio Giunta, 1507) fol. 22v. Woodcut, 4.5 x 7.0 cm (approx.). Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Verace. 41. Worship of the Golden Caýf, from Biblia vulgare historiata... (Venice: Lucantonio Giunta, 1507) fol. 26v. Woodcut, 4.5 x 7.0 cm (approx. ). Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice. 42. Revengeof the Levites, from Biblia vulgare historiata... (Venice: Lucantonio Giunta, 1507) fol. 26v. Woodcut, 4.5 x 7.0 cm (approx.). Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice. 43. Moses Receives the Second Tablets of the Law, from Biblia vulgare historiata (Vemce: Lucantonio Giunta, 1507) fol. 27r. Woodcut, 4.5 x 7.0 cm (approx. ). Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice. 44. Brazen Serpent, from Biblia historiata (VerUce: Lucantomo Glunta, vulgare ... 1507) fol. 45r. Woodcut, 4.5 x 7.0 cm (approx.). Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice. 45. Title page, from La biblia... (Vemce: Lucantonio Giunta, 1532). Woodcuts and printed text, 31.5 x 22 cm. Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice. 46. Basket Placed in the River, from Biblia volgare... (Venice: Aurelio Pincio, 1553) fol. 21r. Woodcut, 4.5 x 8.4 cm (approx.). Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice. VU 47. Passover, from Biblia volgare... (Venice: Aurelio Pincio, 1553) fol. 24r. Woodcut, 4.5 x 8.4 cm.(approx. ). Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice. 48. Gathering ofManna, from Biblia volgare... (Venice: Aurelio Pincio, 1553) fol. 25v. Woodcut, 4.5 x 8.4 cm (approx.). Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice. 49. Waterfrom the Rock, from Biblia volgare... (Venice: Aurelio Pincio, 1553) fol. 26r. Woodcut, 4.5 x 8.4 cm (approx.). Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice. 50. God's Covenant with the Israelites, from Biblia volgare... (Venice: Aurelio Pincio, 1553) fol. 26v. Woodcut, 4.5 x 8.4 cm (approx.). Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice. 5 1. Holy Garments of the High Priest, from Biblia volgare... (Venice: Aurelio Pincio, 1553) fol. 29r. Woodcut, 4.5 x 8.4 cm (approx.). Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice. 52. Revengeof the Levites, from Biblia volgare... (Venice: Aurelio Pincio, 1553) fol. 30v. Woodcut, 4.5 x 8.4 cm (approx.). Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice. 53. Reconnaissanceof Canaan, from Biblia volgare... (Verace: Aurelio Pincio, 1553) fol. 46v. Woodcut, 4.5 x 8.4 cm (approx.). Fondazione Giorgio Cim, Vemce. 54. Brazen Serpent, from Biblia volgare... (Venice: Aurelio Pincio, 1553) fol. 49r. Woodcut, 4.5 x 8.4 cm (approx.). Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice. 55. Basket Placed in the RiVer, ftom Biblia ad vetustissima exemplaria... (Venice: Nicolal Bevilaque, 1576) fol. 38. Woodcut, 5.5 x 7.8 cm (approx.). MCV. 56. Finding ofMoses, from Biblia ad vetustissima exemp laria... (Vemce: Nicolai Bevilaque, 1576) fol. 38. Woodcut, 5.5 x 7.8 cm (approx.). MCV. viii 57. Burning Bush, from Biblia ad vetustissimaexemplaria... (Venice: Nicolai Bevilaque, 1576) fol. 39. Woodcut, 5.5 x 7.8 cm (approx.). MCV- 58. Drowning ofPharaoh, from Biblia advetustissima exemplaria... (Venice: Nicolai Bevilaque, 1576) fol. 48. Woodcut, 5.5 x 7.8 cm (approx.). MCV. 59. Song ofMiriam, from Biblia ad vetustissimaexemplaria... (Venice: Nicolai Bevilaque, 1576) fol. 48. Woodcut, 5.5 x 7.8 cm (approx.). MCV. 60. Murmuring of the Hebrews, from Biblia ad vetustissima exemplaria... (Venice: Nicolai Bevilaque, 1576) fol. 49. Woodcut, 5.5 x 7.8 cm (approx.). MCV. 61. Shower of Quails, from Biblia ad vetustissimaexemplaria... (Venice: Nicolai Bevilaque, 1576) fol. 49. Woodcut, 5.5 x 7.8 cm (approx.). MCV. 62. Fall ofManna, from Biblia ad vetustissimaexemplaria... (Venice: Nicolai Bevilaque, 1576) fol. 49. Woodcut, 5.5 x 7.8 cm (approx.). MCV. 63. Reservation ofManna, from Biblia ad vetustissima exemplaria... (Venice: Nicolai Bevilaque, 1576) fol. 50. Woodcut, 5.5 x 7.8 cm (approx.). MCV. 64. Sabbath, from Biblia ad vetustissimaexemplaria... (Venice: Nicolai Bevilaque, 1576) fol. 50. Woodcut, 5.5 x 7.8 cm (approx.). MCV. 65. Waterfrom the Rock, from Biblia ad vetustissima exemplaria... (Venice: Nicolai Bevilaque, 1576) fol. 50. Woodcut, 5.5 x 7.8 cm (approx.). MCV- 66. Battle with Amalek, from Biblia ad vetustissimaexemplaria... (Venice: Nicolal Bevilaque, 1576) fol. 50. Woodcut, 5.5 x 7.8 cm (approx.). MCV. 67. God's Covenant with the Israelites, from Biblia ad vetustissima exemplaria... (Venice: Nicolai Bevilaque, 1576) fol. 52. Woodcut, 5.5 x 7.8 cm (approx.). - mcv. ix 68. Moses Receives the Ten Comrnandments,from Biblia ad vetustissirna exemplaria... (Venice: Nicolai Bevilaque, 1576) fol. 52. Woodcut, 5.5 x 7.8 cm (approx.).
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