30 Two hermit crabs from Taiwan distribution of C vachoni may be the central 240 pp. (in Chinese) mainland Japan (Boso Peninsula, 35°N)(Murata Foo, K.-Y. 1989. Studies on the hermit crabs et aly 1991) and it is also possible that the (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura) of Tai­ southern limit would be extended from Shark wan. Master's thesis, National Taiwan Col- Bay, Western Australia (25° N) (Morgan, 1991), of Marine Science and Technology, to the southern part of Australia. Taiwan. 144 pp. (in Chinese) Forest, J. 1951. Remarques sur quelques Pa- guridae du genre Calcinus a propos de la Ackno wledgeme nts description de deux especes nouvelles de Polynesie Orientale: Calcinus seurati et Calcinus spicatus. Bulletin de la Society We are grateful to Dr. Hin-Kiu Mok of the zoologique de France, 76(1-2): 83-99. Institute of Marine Biology, National Sun Yat- (in French). sen University, and Kenting Marine Station, Col­ Forest, J. 1953. 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Joseph Poupin and Jacques Forest of the poda: Anomura: Paguridea) from Mauritius Mus6um national d'Histoire naturelle for bibli­ and Rodrigues Islands, with the description ographic help. of a new species of Calcinus, Raffles Bul­ letin of Zoology, 42(3): 613-656. ' Haig, J. and P. A. McLaughlin. 1984. New Cal­ References cinus species (Decapoda: Anomura: Dio- genidae) from Hawaii, with a key to the Asakura, A., T. Kurozumi and T. Komai. 1994. local species. Micronesica, 19(1—2): 107- Anomura (Crustacea: Decapoda) collected 121 (dated 1983). from the northern Mariana Islands, Micro­ Holthuis, L. B. 1953. Enumeration of the de­ nesia. National History Research, Special capod and stomatopod Crustacea from Pa­ Issue, 1:275-283. cific Coral Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin, Baba, K. 1982. Galatheids and pagurids of the 24: 1-66. Palau Islands (Crustacea: Anomura). Pro­ Kamezaki, N., T. Hamano, K. Nomura and H. ceedings of the Japanese Society of Sys­ Misaki. 1988, Marine Animals of Okinawa, tematic Zoology, 23: 56-70. No. 8 (Crustacea). Shinsei Tosho Publica­ Chang, K.-H. and Y.-S. Chen. 1992. Guide to tion, Okinawa, Japan. 232 pp. (in Japanese) the Seashore Life in the Northeast Coast Lee, S.-C. 1969. Anomuran crustaceans of Tai­ National Scenic Area of Taiwan. Northeast wan. Part I. Diogenidae. Bulletin of the Coast National Scenic Area Administration Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, 8 Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transporta­ (2): 39-57. tion and Communications, Taipei, Taiwan. Minei, H. 1973. Studies on the hermit crabs H.-T. SHIH AND S.-C LEE 31 (Anomura, Paguridea) of the Ryukyu Is­ lance Radiologique et Biologique: 1-86. lands. Biological Magazine of Okinawa, 10 (in French). (12): 43 — 56. (in Japanese). Poupin, J. 1996. Crustacea Decapoda of French Miyake, S. 1963. 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Nankiseibutu, 22(1): mura: Diogenidae) from Taiwan. Zoolog­ 1-7. (in Japanese). ical Studies, 34(4): 241-247. Morgan, G. J. 1990. A collection of Thalassini- Terao, A. 1913. A catalogue of hermit-crabs dea, Anomura and Brachyura (Crustacea: found in Japan (Paguridea excluding Litho- Decapoda) from the Kimberley region of didae), with descriptions of four new spe­ northwestern Australia. Zoologische Ver- cies. Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses, handelingen, Leiden, 265: 1 —90. : 355-391. Morgan, G. J. 1991. A review of the hermit Utinomi, H. 1975. The Aquatic Lower Animals crab genus Calcinus Dana (Crustacea: De­ of Japan. Gakken Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan. capoda: Diogenidae) from Australia, with 340 pp. (in Japanese) description of two new species. Inverte­ Wooster, D. S. 1984. The genus Calcinus (Pa­ brate Taxonomy, 5: 869-913. guridea, Diogenidae) from the Mariana Is­ Murata, K., S. Watanabe and A. Asakura. 1991. lands including three new species. Micro- Hermit crabs of genus Calcinus (Crustacea: nesica, 18(2): 121-162 (dated 1982). Decapoda: Anomura) from Boso Peninsula. Yu, H.-P. 1987. On the hermit crabs of the Journal of the Natural History Museum genus Calcinus (Crustacea, Decapoda, Dio­ and Institute, Chiba, 1(2): 21-23. (in genidae) from Taiwan. Journal of Taiwan Japanese). Museum, 40(1): 9-14. Poupin, J. 1994, Quelques crustaces decapodes Yu, H.-P. and K.-Y. Foo. 1991. Hermit Crabs of communs de Polyn^sie Fran9aise, Repport Taiwan. SMC Publishing, Taipei, Taiwan. Scientifique du Service Mixte de Surveil­ 78 pp. (in Chinese) .
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