Imonthly Record of Current Educational Publications

Imonthly Record of Current Educational Publications

UNITED STATES 13UREAU OF EDUCATION BULLETIN, 1915, NO. 15 - - - - WHOLE NUMBER 640 IMONTHLY RECORD OF CURRENT EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS t or INDEX FEBRUARY,1914-JANUARY, 1915' 0. 4E1 S. es WASHINGTON A GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1915 ADDITIONAL COPIES OF TdIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS 1 GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE P7SIIINGTON, D. C. AT 5 CENTS PER COPY PREFATORY NOTE. The present index, covering the nine issues of the monthly record . of current educational publications from February, 1914, to January, 1915, inclusive, is designed to equip the series for use as an annual bibliography of education for 1914.Louring the period named the record was published each month, with the exception of June, July, and August, 1914, the entries for those three months appearing in the September issuti.The references in the index are to the itega num-. bers, which run consecutively through the series of nine bullkins up to a total of 2,094 entries.The plan is the same as that of the 1913 index to the record (Bulletin, 1914, no. 15), including both a com- plete author list and a full system of,sub!ect headings. The index was compiled by Miss Isabel L. Towner, head cataloguer in the library of the Bureau of Education. 3 'MONTHLY RECORD OF CURRENT EDUCATIONALPUBLICATIONS: INDEX, FEBRUARY, 1914-JANUARY, 1115. 1Tho numbersmkt: toItem, not to page.' Names ofpersons about whom art lelrn or books are written, and references to subjects, areprinted In small capitals.) A. AKRON, 01110.MUNICIPAL L'NWERSITY,1863 (2). Abbot, Julia N., 4.A. ALABAMA,edueation,%/0 (1 ), 1366. A anorrinotwe , ENO., 911. Alabama. Dept. of educal Ion, 1366. Abbott, Chrtstabel, 9'22. Alabama educational association, 820. Abbott, Lyman, 682. ALASKA,education, 2093. Abel,Mary11.1777. ALBANY NORMAL SC11001,ILKI. Abercrombie, J. 5V., 137. A Itraugh, Laura L., 1643. ABILITY TESTS.SteMENTAL TESTS. Albrecht, E., 381. ABNORMALCHILDREN.Sire BACKWARD CHILDREN; Albright, C. E., 1920. EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN; FEEBLE-MINi/ED. Alder, LouLso.M., 177 (32). Abrams, A. W., 910. Alderman, L. It., 177 (17),1684. ACADEMIC DEGREES. See DEGREES. ALDERMAN, I..rt., 70. ACADEMIC EREEDoM,457, 384, 1794, 1981. Alderman, S. S., 1732. A (you:grim).See SCI1001. FINANCE Alexander, Carter, s)5 (4), Acheson, LC., (14). Alexander, H. Q., 1370 (4). 'Adams, el. S.:7301 (2.1). Alexander, J. W.,11/93. Adams, Harriet ., 833. A ley, R. J., 815 (2), 1648, 1753. A ,,lams, Jam, 856. ALGEBRA, 958. Adams, M. 11., 1558 (11). Alington, C. A., 1974. ADDAMS, JANE, 1429. Allen, A. T., 1661 (II). Addington, H. M., 1667, Allen, E. A., 1301 (22). A dee, 7. N., 177 (47). Allen, I. If 76. Adkins, F. J., 138. A Imnarit, Hermann, 824 (10), 1308 (1). Adler, Alfred, 1910. Alsup, T. E., 1545. Adler, N., 1144. ALTAMIRA, RAFAEL, 841 A umisnrrasnoN, schools, 106-109, 177 (12) (71) 72), ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONS,1 402. 291 -302, 4 Li, 425, 4841-193, 700-712, 819 (13) (19), AMBIDEXTERITY,896.See also LEFT-II A NDEDNF.V. 1051-1090, 141-1412, 1571-1973, 1795, 1909-2006; American academy of medicine, 1101. universities and colleens, 96, 178 (5), 177 (43)-(45), American association for the advancement of eat 15454, 1863 (1), 1791, 1795. See also ScmooL cultural teaching, 1877. FINANCE; IVIIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES,finance. American Institute of child life, 114.5. A1)0LESCENCE, 397 (2), 1499, 1861 (9), 1889 (13), 2009. American I nstituteof Mstruction, 8111. Aery, W. A., 1259. American library association, 1457. AFFILIATED COLLEOES. See COORDINATE COLLEGES. American medical association.Council on medical AFRICA,education, 1301 (40), 1460, 1642. education, 1223-1224,1453. AGE. SeeSCHOOL AGE. American nurses' association, 1454. Agnew,Ella J., 545. , American philosophical association, 2147. AGRICULTURALCLUBS, 1210, 1311 (5), 2055. American political science association, 1217-1218. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES. SeeLAND-ORANT CoL- American school peace league, 174. LEGES. Ames, E. S., 323. AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION,773-778, 813 (3), 827 (9), A mrheln, , 1378. 1200-1'211,1301 (9), 1307 (4), 1471 (3), 1657 (9), 1847- Anderson, E. H., 1468. 1848, 1877,1889 (19), 2055-2057; elementary schools, Anderson, 11. B., 1581. 177 (ND) (81), 228, 2444,701 (11),821 (6), 829 (2); high Anderson, J. D., 277. schools, 775, 1209, 1307; normal schools; 819 (18). Anderson, Mrs. Jand4P., 494.. See (deoLAND-ORANT COLLEOF.S. Anderson, Madge, 38. AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION, 802(7)(9),802 (16), Anderson, Meta"L., 825 (7). 1888 (3). Anderson, P. H., 838. Ahern, Miss M. E., 1301 (14). Anderson, Peter, 828 (8). AID TO SCHOOLS,177 (23), 828 (10), 1587. Anderson, V. V., 2078. Aiken, Charlotte A., 1233. Anderson, W. L., 1451, 1835. 6 6 CURRENT EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS. Andress, I. M., 433, az, 1537. Atheism, W. 5.,1158, 2035. Andrews, C. B., 857. ATHENIAN EDUCATION, 20. Andrews, Fannie F., 2011. Atherton, Lewis, 38. Andrews, Harriet U., 791 Arntartra, 330, 589, 734 (I), 73R, 1812, 1815, 111:6: Angell. S. R., 681 (5). intercollegiate, 1127, 1601; suptrvislon, 176 (IN, Antrim, E. 1., 1282. 329, 827 (21). Antrim, Saida B., 1282. Atkinson, R. K.. 1426. Appleton, It. B., 37. ATTENDANCE, 465, 1400, 2015. Arrastrricssitrr, 145, 811 (.5) (6), 1445. ATTENTION, 899. Aausrmscriuts, 247, 7611 Austin, O., 1653 (13). ARCHAEOLOGY, study, 750. AUSTRALIA, education, 1301 (41), 167s, 1e01 Arias, Maria V., 1716. A usrst.4.1.102e3A RV , education, 1101 (37). 1399. Aarrumaric, 177 (37), 241, 435, 439, 442, 444,611,803, Avant, J. E.,713. 954, 957,959, 1522, 1730. Avery, Samuel, 176 (14). ARIL/NSAS, rural life. 1700. Arlelotte, Frank, 1717. ARKANSAS STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, 80. Aylmer - Small, Sidney, 433. Arkansas stale teachers' association, 821. Ayres, I.. P., 177 (19), 530, 700 (4). 753, 837. 4Arkiutsas teachers' association (colored), 1886. AIRES SCALE, 1709. Armani, Tarquinin, 9. Armstrong, I). W., 701 (5). B. Armstrong, II. E., 1510, 1685. Babcock, F.. J , 1463. Armstrong, L. E., 581. Babcock, Jacsie T., 1063. Aita.mtotro, S. C., 566. Babcock, K. C., 148, 603 (4), 1301 (2), 1662 (5). Arnold, Felix, 222. Baba, M. von, 14.A. Arnold, H. D., 12'23 (5). Bachman, F.y.,4412, 1091,2007. Arnold, Mrs. )erui B. C., 1748. BACKWARD eiTILDREN, 568,605, 814, 100$, 1588,1661 Arnold, Sarah 1.., 2058. (8).See also ELIMINATION: EXCEPTIONAL CIII1 A.RT EDUCATION, 49, 177 (56), 180 (5), 224, 963-969, OREN; PROMOTION or rern_s:RETARDATION. ins, 1301 (12), 1665 (2) (5). Baron, R. F., PM. ART METAL WORK, 1443. BAcoN,12orms, 1565. ARTS AND CRAFT9, 180 (5). Badger, L. F., 1754. Ashbee, C. R., 457. Badley, J. II., 1249. Ashmore, Otis, 1473 (4). Bagley, W. C., 392 (1), 413.1403 1796, 200.- Ira ARIA, education, 1101 (40), 1641. Beginsky, Adolf, 721 (IC). Asplund, It. F., 1674. Bagster-Collins, E. W., 1766 (11). Associated academic principals and Council of Bailey, Carolyn S., 32. elementary school principals and teachers, 1302.Bailey, H. T., 224. Association at American agricultural colleges end Bailey, L. 11.0370(1) (2). experiment stations, 802. Baish, IL H., 827 (1). Association of American medical colleges, 1. Baker, Benjamin, 548. Association of American universities, Mi. Baker, E. E., 1540. A BeOCIATION OF AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES, 684. Baker, F. T., 1766 (9). Association of colleges and preparatory schoolsBaker, J. C., 1619. of the middle states and Maryland, ROI. Baker, T. S., 395 (3). Association of colleges and seoondary schools of theBalch, Emily 0., 382. Southern states, 805. Baldwin, Dr., 827 (Is). ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGES AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Baldwin, B. T., 1294, 1379. OF THE SOUTHERN STATES, 192 (4). Baldwin, C. 8., 9f4. Association of collegiate alumnae, 800; California Baldwin, J. A., 1471 (174. branch. School survey class, 1675. Baldwin, R. L., 810 (41. ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGIATE ALUMNAE, 787. Baldwin, It. N., 1613. Asslation of district superintendents, New York, Bales, Alba, 177 (58). 1999. Ball, A. II .,1128 (3). Association of history teachers of the middle states Ball, Margaret, 368. and Maryland, 807. Bullard, Anna W., 628. Association of men teachers and principals of the Barnet, T. M., 175(1), 318, 1983. city of New York1470. Ballou, F. W., 801 (7), 1000, 1494, 1911. ASSOCIATIONS, SOCIETIES, AND CONFERENCES, 397 BALTIMORE BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND RC.. (5) (6), 819 (9), 1301 (25); city, 1303, 1470; foreign, SEARCH, 298. 180, 828, 1474, 1099; international; 175, 1100, 1157, Bancroft, E. M.,1414. 1304-13115, 1655; national, 1-3, 174, 176, 177-179,Banieen, C. W., 1302 (5), 1891, 1898. 181-182, 392, 396, 801-819, 1225, 1302, 1309, 1471- Barker, H. S., 1657 (2). 1472, 1653, 1e60, 1602, 1665, 1877, 1887, 2019, 2068; Barnard, J. L., 177 (7), 807 (3). state, 4-5,3W-395, 397-398, 820-830, 980, 1306-1108, Barnes, Earl, 824 (1) (3) (6). 1310-1311, 1473, 1475, 1654, 1656, 1657-1659, 1661, Barnes, F. 0., 793. 1063-1664, 166e, 1816, 1888-1889. Barnett, Mary 0., 161. Airezowomy, 284. Barry, Maggie W., 1300 (8). li.l..111111.111.111.111111111111111111111111111111111111MMI.1.14111.111111111.11.11111INDBX-FILBWARY,1914-JANUARY, 1915, Barth, Paul, 1930. BIOGRAPHY, 329;681-684, 833-814, 1312-1319, la s. BARTHOLOMEW CO., IND., ROBOGI bIgkEle, 1643. 1419,1667-1873. Barton, F.. D., 1641. I1lowoy, 448,641,650,1732. Barton, J. L., 524. BIRDS, study of, 8646. Barton, S. 0., 17181 Dirge, E. B., 810 (2).' Barton, W. J., 949. Bishop, C.1L, 1664(7). Baskerville, Charles, 115. Black, R. M., 139,826 (5). BASKETRY, 1658 (17). Black, W. W., 1719. 11 CIAVIA sgsrtw , 1509. Blackwell, Elisabeth, 319. Batchelor, Bronson, 1235. BtArga, WASH., public schools, 8.53. Bateman, W. 0 , 683. flair, F. 0., 394 (311398 (5), 1311 (9). Bates, Mary E , 177 (78). Blakesley, 0. J., 495. Baumann, Friedrich, 558. Blancher, Om A., 1665 (II). Nrden, W. T., /54, 1301 (11). Blanchet, P. It., 1308 (3).

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