A QUARTERLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE BIOGRAPHY, GENEALOGY, HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS SIDNEY PERLEY, EDITOR ILLUSTRATED SALEM, MASS. GlLbo (EBBOXBntiquacian 1904 CONTENTS. ABBOTT,THOMAS, WILL OF, 165. MOORES, JAMES,WILL OF, 18, ANSWERS,216, 143; 252, 47, 95; 255, 47 i 258, New PVRLICATIONS,48, 96, 144, 191. 47; 271, 9 274, 191; 357, 143; 361. NORFOLKCOUNTY KECORI)~, OLD, 38, 126, 175. 191; 373. 191; 3857 95; 431, 144; 433. 95. NORICR,REV. EDWARD,WILL OF, IOI. BARN,THE OLD, 167. OBA~AHWWI)S OF IPSWICH,164. BA'ITINNOTES, 37. 01.1, I~ARN,THE, 167. BEARFAMILY, 14. I'ORTER,SAMUEL, WILL OF, 101. BECKFAMILY, 14. QvsplEs, 428-433, 47; 434-436, 96; 437-439, BECK^ GENEALOGY,15. 143; 440. 441, 191. BECKFORDGENEALXV, 60. REYNER,I~~MFHREY, W11.1. OF, 105. BELLNOTES, 149. ROFE. THOMAS,WILL OF, 164. BENNETT(;ENBALOGIRS, 88, 91. SAl.~bl IN 1700, NO. 14, 20. BERRYGENEALO(:IES, 102, I 73. SALE?.% IN 1700, NO. 15, 66. BICKFORDGENEALOGY, 61. SALEMIN 1700, NO. 16, 113. BILESGENEALOGY, 120. SAl.F% IN 1700, NO. 17, 152. BISHOPGENEALOGIES, 122, 124, 125. SALEMOUARTERLY COURT RECORDS AND FILES. BISON GENEALOGY,132. 82, '168. BIXBYGENEA~~Y, 145. SETHICK,LAWRENCE, ~VILI. OF, 166. BLACKGENEALO(:Y, 174. SMITH,HUGH. WILI. OF. 149. " BLAISDELL,""JOHNNY," 150. BROWNE,EDWARD, WILL OF, 19. CORBY'S,GII.ES, WIFE, 18. CUTTING,JOHN, WILL OF, 165. DESERTEDHouse, THE, 102. EDITORIAL,191. GENEALOGIES: BEAR,14. BECK,14. BECK^, 15. BECKFORD,60. BENNETT, 88, 91. BERRY,102, 173. BICKFORD,61. BILES, 120. BIXBY,-12. BLACK,174. GEORGETOWNINSCRIPTIONS : UNIONCEMETERY, 49. GILESCOREY'S WIFE, 18. HOLYOKE,EDWARD, WILL OF, 64. INSCRIPTIONS.GEORGETO\VN: UNION CEME- TERY, 49. IPSWICHCOURT RECORDS AND FII.IIS, I, 106. "JOHNNYBUISDELI.," 150. ILLUSTRATIONS. BAKERY,""OLD," SALEM,I. BEAM,OU15IUE END OF A, IN HOOPERHOUSE, SALEM,33. BRADSTREETHOUSE, SALEM,I I 7. BKOWN,MOSES, CAFTAINU. S. N., 97. EPES,DANIEL, HOUSE, SALEM, 34. HOOPER,BENJAMIN, HOUSE, SALEM, I. 32. End of Beam in, 33. SALEMIN 1700, NO. 14, MAPOF, 23. Post in, 32. SALEMIN 1700, NO. 15,MAP OF, 69. HOUSESIN SALEM: SALEMIN 1700. NO. 16, MAP OF, 115. Ann Bradstreet, I I 7. SALEMIN 1700, NO. 17, MAP OF, 154. Daniel Epes, 34. SKERRYHOUSE, SALEM. 145. Benjamin Hooper, I. TURNER,JOHN, HOUSE OF, SALEM, Francis Skeny, 145. John Turner, 27. John Ward, 49. BLANK PAGE \ VOL. VIII. SAL~,MASS., JANUARY, 1904. NO. 1. IPSWICH COURT R ECORDS AND FILES. THE following are abstracts of the way leading to the great neck and Mr. lpswich court records and files. The Brecey, in consideration of six acres of abstracts of the original papers on file are planting ground, on east side of the great separated from the records by being placed hill commonly called Heartbreak hill, within brackets. The records prior to bounded by Thomas Wells, Mr. Tuttell, 1644 are found in the first volume of the etc., 27 : 4 : 1638. town records of Ipswich, and subsequent- Thomas Firman conveyed to Mr. John ly in the office of the clerk of courts at Norton I 1-2 acre houselot granted to Salem. The files are also in the office of Mr. John Fawne in 1634, and by him the clerk of courts. sold to grantor, bounded by Mr. John July 25, 1638, Mr. Samuel Appleton Baker, Mr. Thomas Brecey and the High conveyed to Mr. Thomas Firman house street. and one-acre lot, bounded by Edmund Aug. 30, 1638, Henry Wilkinson sold Gardner, a crossway leading toward ye to Thomas Emerson six acres of land on meeting house, Mr. Samuel Dudley and south side of the river granted to grantor High street, being the lot granted to and Robert Hayes in 1635, and grantor Ken~yShort, now of Newbury, and by buying out Robert Hayes, he now con- him sold to the grantor. veys it, bounded by Robert Crosse, John July 27, 1638, Richard Lumpkin con- Daynes, William Wildes and town river, veyed to John Tuttle (also, Tuttell) house and house upon the lot built by the grant- and lot near the great cove of the town or ; also, six acres on Sagamore hill, three river, bounded by William Avery, Robert acres of which were granted to William Kinsman, town river and Samuel Hall, Swindon, and then to Philip Challis, who the house having been built by Richard sold it to Swindon, and by him sold to Brown, now of Newbury, and by him sold grantor, bounded by farm of Mr. Samuel1 to Mr. Richard Saltonstall, by whom it Dudley, Daniel Hovyes (now grantor's). was sold to the grantor ; also, 2 5 acres of Sept. 26, 1638, John Tuttell sold to upland and meadow granted to John Cross, Reynold Foster house and lot near the and by him sold to Mr. Apleton, by whom great cove beneath the falls of the town it was sold to Mr. Saltonstall, who sold it river, bounded by William Avery and to the grantor, bounded by Mr. Witting- Robert Kinsman, the house having been ham and Thomas Clarke ; also, I 5 acres built by Richard Browne, now of Newbury ; of meadow at Reedy marsh, lately granted also, 8-acre planting lot on Heartbreak to the grantor, bounded by Richard Ja- hill, bounded by William White, Robert cobs, Mr. Apleton, Matthew Curren and Andrews and Michael Williamson. Thomas French the elder. William Whitred sold to John Hanchet William White of Ipswich, husbandman, house and I-a-acre house lot, bounded by conveyed toThomas 'rreadwell of Ipswich, the High street and Henry Kinsbury. 20 acres of meadow and upland at the Entered Nov. 19, I 638, " Not consented east end of the town, bounded by high- to by Willm Whitred." 2 THE WEX AKI'IQUARIAN. Samuel Greenfield of Ipswich, husband- Richard Jacob sold to Thomas Bore-- man, being lawfully possessed of all lands man of Ipswich, husbandman, six-acre granted to Humphrey Wyth, deceased, planting lot granted to grantor. Entered by marriage with Susan, widow of said July 3, 1639. Humphrey, sold to Thomas Emerson of William Bartholemew sold to Thomas Ipswich, husbandman, loo acres of land Howlett of Ipswich, carpenter, eight acres on south side of Labor-in-vain creek, of land on south side of the town river, bounded by George Carr, Thomas Bore- bounded by George Giddings and com- man, Mr. Nathaniel Ward's farm and mon. Entered July 13, 1639. Mr. Daniel1 Denison's farm. Entered Thomas Howlett sold to William Bar- March 4, 1638. tholemew of Ipswich, husbandman, ten Richard Haffield sold to Thomas Fer- acres of land near Reedy marsh, bounded man (also, Firman) house and I-2-acre by Richard Haffield and John Gage. house lot granted to John Whityeare, who Entered July IS, 1639. sold it to grantor, being in the cross street Samuel Boreman sold to George Had- near the meeting house, bounded by the lye of Ipswich, husbandman, small house highway leading to the mill, Nathaniel1 and I I-4-acre house lot at the west en& Bishop and William White, 1639. of the town, bounded by Richard Huckly, William Holdred sold to Daniel Hovey Thomas Hart, Mr. Smith and Thomas O[ Ipswich, planter, one-half acre and six French the elder, 22 : 6 : 1639. acres of land granted to me, with the Isaac Comings of Ipswich, husband- house upon the half-acre lot. Entered man, sold to Andrew Hodges of Ipswich, April lo, 1639. husbandman, seven acres of land granted Kathereen Gilven, late wife of Thomas to Jonathan Wade and resigned by him Given, sold to Thomas Boreman of Ip- to the town for other land, this lot lying swich one-acre house lot on south side of near the highway to Jeffries neck, bounded the town river, bounded by Joseph Med- by Mr. Foster, Mr. Wade, etc. Entered calfs ; also, six acres of planting ground 26 : 6 : 1639. on Rabbit hill, bounded by John Wedg- William Bartholomew of Ipswich, hus- wood and Mr. Pike. Entered June I, bandman, sold to Lionel Chute of Ipswich 1639. two acres of land, bounded on street, William Bartholemew sold to John Thomas Boreman, John Warener and Webster eight rods square of planting Mathias Currin ; also, six-acre planting land on north side of the town, bounded lot, bounded by swamp, Thomas by James Pitney and Thomas Boreman. Boreman, James Pitney and John Entered April 25, 1639. Webster ; and house, cow house, etc., William Whitred of Ipswich, carpenter, upon the house lot. Entered Oct. I, sold to Thomas Smith of Ipswich, shoe- 1639. maker, house and half-an-acre lot, bound- William Fuller of Ipswich, gunsmith, ed by William Puriers, having been granted sold to John Knowlton of Ipswich, shoe- to William Simmons, and by him sold maker, one-hall-acre houselot and three- to grantor, the house having been built fourths of an acre of land adjoining, by William Symmons. Entered June I, bought of Christopher Osgood, bounded 1639. in all by highway to the mill, Thomas Alice Perkins, widow of Isaac Perkins, Rawlinson, Christopher Osgood and Hugh deceased, sold to Joseph Mosse, house Sherratt ; also, small house. Entered and land formerly belonging to her said Oct. 15, 1639. husband, lying above Brook street, bound- Robert Wallis sold to Hugh Sberratt ed by a highway, John Webster, Thomas one-acre houselot lying in the swamp be- Treadwell (granted to John Fawn), 15 : low the high street, which was granted to 4 : 1639. grantor, bounded by John Hassall, Robert IPSWICH COURT RECORDS AND FILES. 3 Lord and Susan Manning. Entered acre houselot in Ipswich, bounded by March 9, I 639. Robert Andreas, highway leading to the Mathias Button sold to William Sym- meeting house, Mr.
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