The Fifth Estate R A D I O T E L E V I S I O N C A B L E S A T E L L I T E Broadcasting Aug10 OUR BUSINESS IS THE FUTURE OF TELEVISION. Blair Television is owned and managed by broadcasters. Were committed to being the most sales intensive, station sensitive sales and marketing organization in our industry. That's our business. Its your future. BLAIR. ONLY TBLAIR Blair Television isa subsxlwry of John Br Communicaions. n: 1 ELFVISION ZT I9£ /V llµx Nh 504iT "Glti 7Z CO: s7$-'1nV N V Lb/AOh )IIA 47°£7_1 211q£ C198 Coca-Cola Telecommunications, Inc. All rights Ka%telUd using Kid. Based on 1 ate the two hit KARATE with THE KARATE KID III scheduled for ase in 1988 -Daniel and Miyagi are back wi Available for stripping, Fall '88. animated blockbusters. Jerry Weintraub, Producer of th-,. -- es, will serve as Executive Produce ka- 6Z- animated series, with charac ; ught to life - TELECOMMUNICATIONS by DIC Enterprises. A unit of C Ç TE L EV IS IO N BOB MA GAN w...NDSmsK He could be sleeping. Bob is younc, enthusiastic, Or playing tennis. knowledgeable, with a But Bob Madigan loves world of experience as an to talk. NBC News Correspondent. Bob is the host of a new, lively weekend show Young people are already familia- with his daily on Talknet that focuses on finance and other feature on NBC's Source called The Money Memo. everyday problems. And his popular book, The First Time Investor, He joins a great Talknet line -up that already is due out in paperback this Fall. includes Sally Jessy Raphael and Bruce Williams on weeknights, Neil Myers overnight, and Dr. Listen. Then call us at (212) 664 -2577 today. Harvey Ruben on weekends. Before another weekend goes by. jktqOçQT FROM NBC RADIO © 1981, NBC Subsidiary (Taknet), Inc. All Rights Reserved Vol. 113 No. (Broadcasting mAug 10 Decline and Fall of the Fairness Doctrine Chapter Two: The FCC Acts... page 27. White House to nominate Holmes to FCC seat... page 88. Commission moves to curb petition -to -deny abuses... page 57. Tony Cox named to head Showtime... page 54. Compulsory license comments pour into FCC... page 88. HISTORICAL VOTE FCC votes unanimously to doctrine theme PAGE 56. eliminate fairness doctrine, vacating 1984 order citing Meredith's wrvH(TV) for fairness violation. FISCAL RESTRAINT FCC acts to check monetary PAGE 27. Commission, Hill at odds over propriety of payments stemming from challenges in timing of fairness doctrine decision and comparative renewal proceedings. PAGE 57. alternatives report. PAGE 28. Complete text of the FCC discussion leading up to the vote. PAGES 29- CLOSING TIME Faced with only modest 34. The text of the FCC's Memorandum Opinion resistance, House bill that would set uniform poll and in Order Meredith decision. PAGES 39 -39K. closing times continues on fast track. PAGE 58. Reactions to abolition of fairness doctrine range widely PAGES 59 -62. INTEREST CHECK Broadcasters favor elimination of FCC's rules governing cross -interest. PAGE 58. PRESS TOURS O CBS's Tsch, Grant, Poltrack and Stringer face at TV PAGE 52. critics press tour. SPANISH FLAVOR Telemundo Group aims to ABC and NBC announce fall prime time debut expand programing and buy more television dates. PAGE 54. stations in extending its reach into the Hispanic market. PAGE 67. IN CHARGE Time's Tony Cox named to head Showtime/The Movie Showtime Channel. plans GOOD MARKS First press pool organized under revised weekend programing schedule. PAGE 54- new media -Pentagon guidelines given good 55. report card. Second regional pool gets poor grades for radio omission. PAGE 69. MOVING ON OVER Late Night with David Letterman producer Barry Sand moves to Fox Television's Two HATS CNN's Mary Alice Williams wanted to Late Show. PAGE 55. write the great American novel. Instead she has found her voice in front of the cameras and behind OPTION PACKAGE FCC sends Congress 85 -page the scenes as both anchor and executive at the report detailing possible variations on fairness veteran cable news network. PAGE 87. INDEX TO DEPARTMENTS Business 67 Fates & Fortunes 83 Journalism 69 Programing 52 Changing Hands 65 Fifth Estater 87 Law & Regulation 56 Riding Gain 50 Closed Circuit 10 For the Record 71 Monday Memo 24 Stock Index 70 Datebook 20 In Brief 88 Open Mike 22 Where Things Stand 12 Editorials 90 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS: Accu- Weather 14 O Amencom 66 D Blackburn & Co.. Inc. 64 c Blair Television Front Cover c CARE Third Cover c CBN Radio Fourth Cover c Classified Ads 74 -82 D Coca -Cola Telecommunications Second Cover /3 D Columbia /Embassy Television 13, 15, 17. 19. 21, 23, 25. 43, 44 -45 0 Continental Electronics 50 c Fuji Professional Videotape 40 -41 o Clifton Gardner & Associates. Inc. 69 0 Jesup & Lamont Securities Co., Inc. 53 o Mark Kassof & Co. 51 D H.B. La Rue 67 0 Major Market Radio 26 o R.A. Marshall & Co. 68 c MCATV 11 c NBC Radio 4 o The Newsfeed Network 38 o New World Television Group 6 -7 o Paramount Pictures Corp. 35, 36 -37 C Peregrine Film Distribution, Inc. 47, 490 Price Waterhouse 71 D Professional Cards 730 Cecil L. Richards. Inc. 65 0 Services Directory 72 o Howard E. Stark 22 o warner Bros. Television Distribution 8 -9 c World Wide Bingo, Inc. 16 1, 9roadcasting (ISSN 0007-2028) is p.beshed 52 Mondays a year oy Broadcasting Publications. 1705 DeSales Street. N W washIngton. D C 20036 Second -cass postage paid at Washngton. D.C., and additional offices. Single issue S2 except special issues $3 50 (50th Anniversary issue $10). Subscriptions. U.S and possessions one year $70. two years $135, three years $190. Canadian and aher international subscribers add $20 per year. U.S. and possessions $235 yearly for special delivery. $100 for first-class. Subscribers occupation required. Annually: Broadcasti rig O Cablecasti ng Yearbook $105 Across the $6 95. Microfilm Dial of Broadcasting is available from University Microfilms. 300 North Zeeb Road. Ann Arbor Mich 48106 (35mm. full year $55) Microfiche of 9roadcasting is available from Bell & Howell. Micro Photo Division. Old Mansfield Road. Wooster. Ohio 44691 ($37/yr ). Postmaster please send address corrections to Broadcasting. 1705 DeSales it.. N W Washington. D C 20036. 1 AMAZING. INCREDIBLE. FANTASTIC. IN OTHER WORDS, MARVELOUS! Now togetherforthe first time! Your all -time favorite superheroes in one power -packed package of action animation! New World, the new leader in television programming, proudly presents MARVEL UNIVERSE. The greatest collection of action ani- mation characters ever assembled! Now available for fall of 1988. I, NEW WORLD TELEVISION GROUP 16 West 61st Street, 10th floor, New York, NY 10023 (212) 603 -7713, Telex: 428443 LCA, Fax: (212) 582 -5167 CLASS llte 0 -A H 31 011V1)11 ml J. SITCOMS:A" OTHER ABOVE "HEADS WARNER BROS. TELEVISION DISTRIBUTION A Warner Communications Company ClosedoCirc, it) security analyst at roughly $950 million. debt resulting from recent merger. Sale of Unmended fences Such theoretical purchase would bring Cosby to owned station, Viacom limit. would provide legal Following historic Meredith decision last CBS almost to coverage management feels, at least several hundred million ammunition, justified or not, for plaintiff week, FCC Chairman Dennis Patrick, With purchase, how was dealing" and whose leadership on fairness doctrine dollars left over after to claim Viacom "self would be added by CBS /Records not getting best price. On other hand, issue has gotten him in deep and hot water much security analyst wants to put opening those markets for bids without with Congress, sought to stem part of sale? No estimate post -tax proceeds, but permitting stations to compete might tide with personal visits to Senator Fritz name on of own $1.6 billion price, 34% at competitive disadvantage. Hollings and Representatives John assuming put them gain plus "recapture" tax Whole issue could be mooted if, as one Dingell and Ed Markey. Overtures were corporate rate on CBS keep $1.1 billion. Viacom executive suggested, new rebuffed, no meetings were held. might let Following through with hypothetical company management is more conciliatory scenario, CBS could, after station than old and disposed to resolve case. Inside track purchase and records sale, pay off existing Attorney for Carsey -Warner declined to billion -dollar long -term debt and still say whether out -of-court discussions were Making cut for final round of bidding on have $500 million. If company neither taking place. Forward Communications TV stations buys stations nor pays off debt, it would (BROADCASTING, July 27) are said to be have about $2.6 billion cash, or $110 per Meredith Corp., Adams Communications, share, raising many other interesting Bird songs Beam Communications and Outlet possibilities. More specifics on company's Communications. Last company could exact financial position should be known Satellite Music Network (SMN), Dallas - have edge. According to latest SEC this week, when it is expected to file based network radio company offering 24- filing, 35% of Outlet stock was owned by second- quarter statement with Securities hour, satellite -delivered format services, executives of Wesray Capital Corp., and Exchange Commission. is said to be close to launching "new age" which also owns seller, Forward. format. Sources said project would likely involve co- venture with new age /jazz Talking shop KTWV(FM) Los Angeles. Reports have Back to earth circulated that station is considering Home shopping phenomenon is coming national distribution of format. SMN Apparently attractive alternative to radio, due to deal between Public presently distributes seven full -time broadcasters' satellite interconnection Interest Affiliates (PIA), Chicago -based formats to approximately 700 stations.
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