San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1949 Special Libraries, 1940s 7-1-1949 Special Libraries, July-August 1949 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1949 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, July-August 1949" (1949). Special Libraries, 1949. 6. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1949/6 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1940s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1949 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Special Libraries CONTENTS FOR JULY-AUGUST 1949 Serving Scientists in AusrraXia . BARBARAJOHNSTON Special L~brariesin South Africa HAZELMEWS '3% Library of the National Arch~vesoP India . PURNE~UBASU The Library of the Economic hformation Service . G. M. VANANDEL ~ospiralLibraries in Belgium . , BARONESSHANKOR IJNESCQ-Library of Congress Bltblmgraphrcal Survey . kWeeting oi the Council of National Lihrary Associations C3nr New President . SLA Chapter Highlights SLA Group Highlights . MEW Ifistitutional Members . Events and Publications Anrmtmcemer~ts , GPrder Blank for 1949 XLA Transactbns . Indexed in Indststrial Arfs Index, Public Afiairs Iniermatim Service, and Library Literature ALMA CLARVOEMITCHILT. KATHLEENBROWN %"~'ER;Ns Editor Advertising Manager The artides which appear in SPECXAI,Lrait~nrss express the views of the authors, and Go not necessarily represent :he opinion or the policy of the editorial stah and p~b.ibli&er. --- ----- .>-----.--- SLA OFFICERS. 1949-1950 WE& RUTH H. Hooew, Preszdcnf . Naval Research Laboratory. Urashington 2.5, I3 C. MRS.ELXZ~Z~ W. OWENS, Fitef Vice-Pfesrdent and President-Eiec.! Mercantile-Commerce Bank and Trust Company. St. Lows 1 Mssourl SEATRICEV. SIMON. Second Vice-President Redpath Library, McGill University. MoiltxeaI, Canada 2~vxsPisss~ea, Treasurer . General Motcrs Corporation, Detroit 2, MicYigan MRS. ELATHLEEN B. STEBBINS,Sec~efary . 31 East 'I'e~th Street, New York 3. Xew Yo& Xos~I,. VCRMPL~R,Immediate Pasf-Fmsiden: Business Informarion Bureau: Cleveland Pubhc L~brarg,Cleveland 14, Ohio K/I.~GA~zETHATCH, MetropoIitaar. Life Icsi;rmce Company, San Francisco 20> Califomie C-<slem . Hnou~an, U. S. Army Medical Library, Washington 25, D. C. PAUL,GAP, Biddle Law Library, Wveruiry of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia-. 4, Pennsylvania- SPECIAL LIBRARIES monthly September to April, witk 01-monthiy issues May to Axgust, 5 The Special Lbraries Associat~on. Publication Ofiice, Rea Building, 70.6 Second Ave , Pirtsb~~h $5, Pz. Address all cornmunicstnons for publieatiea to editorial offices st 31 East Tenth Street, Nm York 3, N. Y. Subscription price: $7.00 s year; foreign $7.50: aingie copien, 75 centsr Edered as recc:d-dors molter February 5, IW, d ihc Pod OPfice at Piffsburgk, Pcnnayl;anio, under the Acf ~f March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing (11 apsciul rak nf pcztagc prco:'ded for ir; the Act of F&uarrr 28, 192.5, aufhorired Februwr, 5, t942. ~uuuuau~xrr~~~r~6~~~~~~~assssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss~~----- is;, SERVIYG SCBIEXTISTS HY .A1LTSTRA4L11A Libraries of the Council for Scientific and imdustrialt Research' By BARBARA JOHNSTOW Librarian, C.S.I.R. Division of Food Preservation and Transport N my visit to England and Amer- type of research. The Coctncir's admln- ica to study special libraries so istrative oE:ces in East MelEourne many people inquired ahut the house the Head Bzce Li'ararg~. a gez- kind of Iibrary in which I worked in era1 scientific colleetisu of abmt 22,800 Australia, that an article on the libra- books, which is currently receiving about ries of our Council for Scientific and In 1486 periodical tltleq including annual dustrial Research seemed most apropos, reports hut sot serial bu!le:,ir~s. In &Id-. and X therefore welcomed the invitation bourne are centered the Divisions of of the Special Libraries Associatioa to Forest Products, Animal Health a~d contribute to an International issue of Production, Industrial Chemistry and SPECIALLIBRARIES. I should like fo Tribophysics, also smaller sections take this opportunity, also, t~ sesd working on Meteorological Physics, greetings to all who gave so generously Buifding W ese arch, Trace Elements, of their time to show me their libraries, Dairy Research, Mineragraphic and Ore and made me feel so welcome. Dressing Investigaiion. Aeracautics, The library system of the Australian which was once a division of 6.5.X.R, C.S.I.R. is different from ariy that 1 saw has now been attached to the Depart- in other parts of the world in that it ment of Supply and Developmerit which consists of a network ~f over a dozer, controls research on defense problems, libraries, each specialking in a particu- At Sydney, in the grounds of the Uni- lar branch of science, The libraries of versity, is the Division of Radiophysics the Zl'aited States Department of Agri- and the National Standards Lz'bor~tary, culture form a somewhat similar sys- which houses the Divisions cf Metrol- tern, spread as they are over a country ogy? EISlectrotechnology and Physics. of about the same size, 3 million square close to the University School of Veter:- miles, but their subject range is not so nary Science, is the McMaskr Animal wide. Health Laboratory, which is the renter LOCATION OF DIVISIONS for research on diseases of sheep. The "S'he Council was set up some twenty- Division of Food Preservation and four years ago by the Commonwealth Transport and the Division of Fisheries Government to carry out research for are in the outer suburbs of Sydney-. the promotion of the primary and sec- The Fisheries Laboratory 1s fiiglt on ondary industries of Australia. The ae- the shores of lovely Port Hacking and tivlties of the Council have necessitated its Iibrary has a view which few can a widespread organization and its policy rival. New sections on Fuel Research in has been to establish divisions, each Sydney and Wool Textiles Research in with ib own staff, laboratories, equip- Geelong, Victoria, are just setting up ment and library, wherever the condi- their libraries. In the Murray-Murrum- ditions seemed best for a particular bidgee River Irrigation Area, the main laboratory is at GriEth, Originally es- I Since this article was written, the Council tablished for research on citrus fruits, i:. for Scientific and Industrial Research has been recanstikrfed by an Act of Parliament. The is now concerned wJ:h every aspect of official title is now 'Cmnrnonw~althScientific producti~n under irrigation, including and Industrial Research Organization." soil behaviour in irriga~ior:areas. On the slopes oZ Black Mountain. small sections are -zorkiag at *the lJnl- cverlsaking the beautiful Molongla versity cn soils, pastures, pfaplt intra- River Vatley at Canberra, our rural ductinn and drug plants, at the abatt&~ ca$raf, the D.vt.isions af Plant Xndustry o;r meat, and at the Sra9.e Animal SlZeafeh and Economic Enrcxnology have a joint Slaticn ern insect parasites, a Ebrariaz libsasgr, and at the TJniversity of Ade- has been appinted to set up a regional Xaide is the Division of Nutrit;on and library and aIsa tc *-:sit the Ea'mratories General Biochemistry, where work is on alternate rfays ~s catalog their cd- done mainly c.n nutritjon of sheep, lecrions, The vague statement in my introduc- FiTaYL'APP tjon that the Cslmcil has "zme than B A shortage QI librarians seems zr dozen Zi'rrraAes" sesutts from the diW- exist all over the world at present, and eufty of dec:dizg vhen a collection sf it is particularly ecuta in Australia. hobbecomes a library, I have assum- where ?he ernplogpment of professional ed tkat the change takes place when s librarians in any except public and unf pr:~:,fessicmalIlbrarian is appointed. versity libraries is of recent date. There Xn addition to the max divisions men- are only four library scho;31s iz the tioned ahve, there are groups of re- country and the numbel: al" stndeglts search warkers housed by universities c3plullfying sash year is smaff, In addi- and techsilcal colleges ivho use the fe- tion m the needs of depa~t~enta':scd cllities of these centers. instead sf buald- company libraries, a long-over&x de- ing up large libraries for themselves, velopment cf public libraries has been They have small collections sf their taking glace so the demand Pnr trained own, however, aznd require the assist- librarians far exceeds the supply. C.S.1.R. ance of C.S.F.R. librariacs in tracing has attempted to solve the problem %I s. rxcusual references: and arranging 3nter- small way 13y arranging for the better- state loans. trained librarians to assume a certain As the Council is a federal 'mcig;, it is amount sf responsibility for the smaller called upon to investigate problems IiEraries, as well as far those directly arising in ail states, so most divisions, under their ccmtrsl. IE tkis %-BY sma3 particularIy those deakng w:rh 'bioiog- regional systems will Se built upE>,with ical problems, have research worke~sat a mion catalog in the Iasgcr ai'nrnr-y small stations far from their headquar- with entries for "re hofdhgs of its smdl- tern For example, the Division of Fish- er neighbors. As en example of tL% sys- eries keeps ofXicers in Western Ans- tem, Miss Margaret Russell, Zi$rarian tralia,
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