CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. SECOND. SESSION. SENATE. Mr. BACON. The Senator elect from Georgia is present and ready to take the oath of office. · MONDAY, December 4, 1911. Mr. JOHNSON of Maine. Mr. GARDNER, the Senator ap­ The first l\Ionday in December being the day prescribed by pointed from Maine, is present and ready to take the oath. the Constitution of the United States for the annual meetillg The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senators will present them­ selves at the desk to take the constitutional oath of office. of Congress, the second session of the Sixty-second Congress l\fr. SMITH and l\fr. GARDNER were escorted to the Vice Presi­ commenced this day. dent's desk by Mr. BACON and Mr. JOHNSON of Maine, respec­ The Senate assembled in its Chamber at the Capitol. tively, and the oath prescribed by law hav1ng been adminis­ The Vice President (JAMES S. SHERMAN, of New York) called tered to them, they took their seats in the Senate. the Senate to order at 12 o'clock noon. PRAYER. CALLrNG OF THE BOLL. The Chaplain, Rev. Ulysses G. B. Pierce, D. D., offered the The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secretary will call the roll of following prayer : the Senate to ascertain if a quorum be present. Almighty God, our heavenly Father, in whose presence we 'l'he Secretary called the roll, and the following Senators now stand at the opening of this session of Congress, we ac­ answered to their names : Bacon Cullom Lea Shively knowledge Thee to be the Lord and humbly confess our depend­ Bailey Cummins Lodge Simmons ence upon Thee. Ere we turn to the labors to which the will Bankhead Curtis Mccumber Smith, Ga. of this people has called us, we pause to seek Thy guidance and Borah Dillingham McLean Smith, Md. Bourne Dixon Martin, Va. Smith, Mich. to implore Thy help. Without Thee we can do nothing, and we Brandegee du Pont Martine, N. J. Smith, S. C. would do naught that is contrary to Thy holy will. Guide our Briggs Fletcher Myers Smoot steps in the way Thou wouldst have us to go and incline our Bristow Gallinger Nelson Stephenson Brown Gamble New lands Stone hearts to keep Thy law. So in all our labors may we serve Bryan Gardner Nixon Sutherland Thee reverently_and with godly fear, to the honor and glory of Burnham Gronna Oliver Taylo1· Thy holy name. Burton Guggenheim Overman Thornton Chamberla,in Heyburn Page Tillman We pray Thee to bless Thy servants, the President and the Chilton Hitchcock Penrose Townsend Vice President of the United States. Plenteously endue them Clapp Johnson, Me. Perkins Warren with wisdom from above and abundantly enrich them with Thy Clark, Wyo. Johnston, Ala. Poindexter Watson Clarke, Ark. Jones Pomerene Wetmore heavenly grace. Uphold them, we beseech Thee, by Thy counsel Crane Kenyon Rayne1· Williams and lead them by Thy spirit. Crawford Kern Richardson Works For all who are in authority we pray that as they rule by Culberson La Follette Iloot • Thy favor so they may serve in Thy fear, with an eye single The VICE PRESIDENT. Seventy-nine Senators have an­ to Thy glory. swered to the roll call. A quorum of the Senate is present. Bless, we pray Thee, our country. Preserve our liberty and LIST OF SENATORS. uphold our free institutions. If it be Thy will, deliver us from strife, from warfare, and from pestilence, ble::;sing our people Tlfe list of Senators, by States, is as follows: with peaceful industries and with happy homes. .A.labanw-John H. Bankhead and Joseph F. Johnston. Hear our prayer, our heavenly Fat,_.her, and so order our lives Arkansas-James P. Clarke and Jeff Davis. and so direct our minds that this session, begun in Thy name, California-George C. Perkins and John D. Works. may be continued in Thy fear and ended to Thy glory. Oolorado-SimoI) Guggenheim. And unto Thee, whose we are and whom we serve, will we Connectfout-Frank B. Brandegee and George P. McLean. ascribe all praise, now and for evermore. Amen. Delaware-Henry A. du Pont and Harry A. Richardson. Florida-Nathan P. Bryan and Duncan U. Fletcher. SENATORS FROM GEORGIA AND MAINE. Georgia-Augustus 0. Bacon and Hoke Smith. Mr. BACON. Mr. Presideb.t, I beg to present to the Senate Idaho-William E. Borah and Weldon B. Heyburn. the certificate- of election of Hon. HOKE SMITH, of Georgia, who nlinois-Shelby M. Cullom and William Lorimer. has been chosen to fill the unexpired term made vacant by the Indiana-John W. Kern and Benjamin F. Shively. death of my former colleague, the late Senator Clay. Iowa-Albert B. Cummins and William S. Kenyon. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secretary will read the cre­ Kansas-Joseph L; Bristow and Charles Curtis. dentials. Kentucky-William 0. Bradley and Thomas H. Paynter. The credentials of HOKE SMITH, chosen by the Legislature Louisiana-Murphy .J. Foster and John R. Thornton. of the State of Georgia a Senator from that State to fill the Maine-Obadiah Gardner and Cha.ties F. Johnson. unexpired term ending March 3, 1915, were read and ordered Maryland-Isidor Rayner and John Walter Smith. to be filed. Massachusetts-Winthrop Murray Crane and Henry Cabot Mr. JOHNSON of Maine. Mr. President, I present the cre­ !;odge. dentials of Hon. OBADIAH GARDNER, appointed by the governor Michigan--William Alden Smith and Charles E. Townsend. of Maine a Senator from that State for the unexpired· term of Minnesota~Moses E. Clapp and Knute Nelson. the late Senator WILLIAM P. FRYE. Mississipp~Le Roy Percy and John Sharp Williams. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secretary will read the er~ Missouri~James A. Reed and William J. Stone. dentials. Montana-Joseph l\I. Dixon and Henry L. Myers. The credentials of OBADIAH GARDNER, appointed by the gov­ Nebraska-Norris Brown and Gilbert M. Hitchcock. ernor of the State of Maine a Senator from that State to fill Nevadci-Francis G. Newlands and George S. Nixon. until the next meeting of the legislature thereof the Yacancy New Hampshire-Henry E. Burnham and Jacob H. Gallinger. occasioned by the death of W1LLIAM PIERCE FRYE in the term New Jersey-Frank 0. Briggs and James E. Martine. ending March 3, 1913, were read and ordered to be filed. New York-James A. O'Gorman and Elihu Root 1 2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. DECEMBER 4, North Carolina-Lee S. Overman and F. 1\I. Simmons. Impress us, we beseech Thee, with the vast responsibilities North Dalwta-Asle J. Gronna and Porter J. Mccumber. resting upon us as a· people, that we may prove ourselves Ohio-Theodore E. Burton and Atlee Pomerene. worthy of_the confidence reposed in us, and distinguish clearly Oklahoma-Thomas P. Gore and Robert L. Owen. between liberty and justice, freedom and license, purity and Oregon-Jonathan Bourne, jr., and George E. Chamberlain. impurity in the things which make for good citizenship, that Pennsylvania-George T. Oliver and Boies Penrose. we may work together with Thee toward the higher and better llhod-e Island-Henry F. Lippitt and George Peabody Wet- forms of life in the spirit of the world's great exemplar. more. Imbue the minds and hearts of these Thy servants, now South Carolina-Ellison D. Smith and Benjamin R. Tillman. convened in Congress, with the highest ideals, that they may· South Dal-votg,-Coe I. Crawford and Robert J. Gamble. wal~ worthy of the vocation whereunto they are called. Im­ Tennessee-Luke Lea and Robert L. Taylor. · part unto those who sit at the bar of justice clearness of Texas-Joseph W. Bailey and Charles A. Culberson. vision that they may judge wisely and impartially the intricate Utah-Reed Smoot and Georg-e Sutherland. problems which confront them. Vermont-William P. Dillingham and Carroll S. Page. Let Thy favor be upon our President and his advisers. Virginia-Thomas S. Martin and Claude A. Swanson. Quicken every noble impulse which makes for wise statesman­ Washington-Wesley L. Jones and Miles Poindexter. ship that he may safeguard all the interests of our people, West Virginia-William E. Chilton and Clarence W. Watson. that righteousness, _peace, and prosperity may reign through­ Wisconsin-Robert 1\1. La Follette and Isaac Stephenson. out our land and. in all the world. Wyoming-Clarence D. Clark and Francis E. Warren. And glory and honor and praise be '.rhine, the God of our NOTIFICATION TO THE HOUSE. salrntion, in Jesus Christ our Lord. A.men. Mr. CULLOM submitted the following resolution (.S. Res.150), CA.LL .OF THE ROLL. which was considered by unanµnous consent and agreed to : The SPEAKER. The Clerk will call the roll of Members, by Resolved, That the Secretary inform th~ House of Represe!J-tatives States, to ascertain the presence of a quorum. that a quorum of the Senate is assembled, and that the Senate IS ready The Clerk called the roll, when the following Members re­ to procsed to business. spondoo: NOTIFICATION TO THE "PRESIDENT. A.LABA.MA. 1\fr. GALLINGER submitted the following re olutfon ( S. Res. George W. Taylor. Richmond Pearson Hobson. S. H. Dent, jr. John L. Burnett. 151) , which was considered by unanimous consent and agreed to: Henry D. Clayton. William Richardson. Resolved. That a committee consisting of two Senators be appointed J. Thomas Heflin. ·oscar W. Underwood. to join such commi,_ttee as may be appointed by the House of Repre­ ARKANSAS. sentatives to wait u"Pon the President of the United States and inform Robert Bruce l\Iacon. H. ?JL Jacoway. him that a quorum of each House is assembled, and that Congress is William A.
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