— 396 — Territoires infectés à la date du 17 septembre 1959 — Infected areas as on 17 September 1959 Notifications reçues aux termes du Règlement sanitaire Notifications received under the International Sanitary international concernant les circonscriptions infectées ou Regulations relating to infected local areas and to areas les territoires où la présence de maladies quarantenaires in which the presence of quarantinable diseases was a été signalée (voir page 255). reported (see page 255). ■ = Circonscriptions ou territoires notifiés aux termes de l’article 3 ■ = Areas notified under Article 3 on the date indicated. à la date donnée. Autres territoires où la présence de maladies quarantenaires a été Other areas in which the presence of quarantinable diseases was notifiée aux termes des articles 4, 5 et 9 a 1: notified under Articles 4, 5 and 9(a)1: A = pendant la période indiquée sous le nom de chaque maladie; A = during the period indicated under the heading of each disease; B = antérieurement à la période indiquée sous le nom de chaque B = prior to the period indicated under the heading of each maladie. disease. La date indiquée est celle de la fin de la semaine pendant laquelle est 1 The date shown is that of the end of the week n which the last notified survenu le dernier cas notifié. case occurred. PESTE — PLAGUE CHOLÉRA — CHOLERA Madras, State FIÈVRE JAUNE 30.vm-17.ix Tiruchirappalli, District . ■ 2.IX YELLOW FEVER 30.VIII-17.IX Amérique — America 21.VI-17.IX Mysore, State ÉTATS-UNIS Afrique — Africa UNITED STATES Asie — Asia Bellary, District............... « 28.1.57 Bijapur, District .... a 10.IX New-Mexico, State Chitaldnig. District . ■ 7.1V.58 ANGOLA ...... ■ 27.V.59 Dharwar, District. ■ 18.VII Bernalillo Co. INDE — INDIA (Excl. Albuquerque) . ■ 26.VIII Mandya, District .... ■ 20.V CONGO BELGE Calcutta (PA)1 ............... ■ 17.m.56 BELGIAN CONGO ÉQUATEUR — ECUADOR Gaya ( A ) .......................... ■ 15.VIH Orissa, State Territoire situé au nord du Loja, Province Lucknow (A)...................... a l.VIII Balasore, District . ■ 21.IV.56 10° S. — Territory North Catacocha, Canton Baudh-Khondmals, District B 25.VII of 10° S.. ■ ll.XII.5fi Catacocha, Parr. .... B 15.VIII Bolangir Patna, District . ■ 15.IV.58 GAMBIE — GAMBIA . n 1.X.56 Andhra Pradesh, State Paltas, Canton Cuttack, District .... ■ 8,0,58 GHANA. , ■ 1.X.56 Ganjam, District .... ■ 7. VIII56 Catacocha, Parr .... B 22.VHI Krishna, District .... a 27.VIU Kalahandi, District . ■ 15.IV.58 NIGÉRIA — NIGERIA - 1.X.56 West Godavari, District . ■ 27.VTTT Koraput, District .... a 3.'IX SIERRA LEONE. - l.X.Sé Mayurbhanj, District . B 18.VII SOUDAN — SUDAN PESTE DES RONGEURS Puri, District................... a 7.VII1.56 Bihar, State Sundergarh, District . ■ 7.HI.58 Territoire situé au sud RODENT PLAGUE du 12° N. — Territory 16.VIU-17.IX Bhagalpur, District . a 13.VIII South of 12° N................ ■ 17.XH.56 Darbhahga, District. a . 13.VIII Tripura, State. ■ 25.V Afrique — Africa Gaya, D istric t.................. a 25.VI Uttar Pradesh, State Hazaribagh, District . ■ 13.VIII Amérique — America CONGO BELGE Monghyr, District . a 28.V Lucknow, District. B 8.VI1I Rae B areilli................... n i 5.VI BELGIAN CONGO Palamau, District. ■ 6.VII BRÉSIL — BRAZIL Patna, District.................. a 6.VII Province du Kivu Saran, D istrict.................. n l.IX West Bengal, State Goias, Edo Shahabad, District . a 18.VH Anapolis, Mun.1 .... n 4.II1 Nord-est de Lubero . B 15.VIII Bankura, District .... ■ 27.IV Ipameri, Mun.1 ............... n 4.HI Burdwan, District . a 6.H.58 Bombay, State Hooghly, District . B l.VIII Mato Grosso, Edo Amérique — America Howrah, District .... B 22.VIII Aquidauana, Mun.1. ■ 4 in Chanda. District .... a 3.IX Midnapur, District . B 8.VIII ÉTATS-UNIS — UNITED STATES Gohjlwad, District . ■ 13.VTII Murshidabad, District . ■ 17.X1.58 Minas, Gerais, Edo Nadia, District............... a 7.IV.58 California Halar, D istrict.................. B 22.VIII Corinto, Mun.x ............... ■ 28.III Madhya Saurashtra . a 5.VIII 24-Parganas, District . B 8.VIII Coromandel, Mun.1 . ■ 4.HI Mariposa, County . A 4.IX Satara South, District . n 28.V Purulia, District .... a 22.VH Paracatu, Mun.1 .... ■ 4.m Tuolumne, County . A 4.IX Wardha, District .... B 8 .VIU Patos de Minas, Mun 1 . ■ 21 .IV PAKISTAN Asie — Asia COLOMBIE — COLOMBIA Madhya Pradesh, State East Pakistan . B 29.VIII Caldas, Dpto IRAN (excl.: Dacca (A)) Bilaspur, D istrict.... a 30.IIT Victoria, Mun.................. B 12.VI Pindjom, Province Gwalior, District .... n 7.IX Caqueta, Intendencia Hamadan City Mandsaur, District . ■ 2.IX THAÏLANDE — THAILAND Kaboudrahang, Section Nimar, D istrict.................. a 25.V.57 El Doncello, Khalyva Ghebleh Morshed, Raigarh, District .... ■ 30.HI Bangkok ( P A ) ............... n 22.Y.58 Corregimento .... A 13.VÛI area............................... A 15.IX Shajapur, District. ■ 20.VII Thonburi, Province . ■ 22.V.58 Puerto Rico, Nakhon Srithamrat, Prov. ■ 15.1X Corregiraiento .... A 21.VII Océanie — Oceania Nontburi, Province . a 2.IX Ratchburi, Province . ■ 9.IX Cundinamarca, Dpto. HAWAÏ — HAWAII 1A l'exclusion de la circonscription Samut Prakan, Province . n 24.VIII Puerto SalIIIr, Mun. A 12.VIII de l'aéroport de Dum-Dum — Excluding Samut Sakhon, Province . ■ 1 .IX Hamakua, District . a 14.V.57 local area of Dum Dum airport. Samut Songkhram, Prov.. A 5.IX 1 Dep. — 397 — VARIOLE — SMALLPOX GUINÉE — GUINEA . TANGANYIKA Toltma, Dpto. 16.VIII-17.IX Beyla, Cercle...................... A 29.VIII Dar-es-Salaam (PA) . A 5.IX Armero, Mun................... A 16.VHI Kindia, Cercle.................. A 22.VIII Afrique — Africa Kissidougou, Cercle . ■ 25.IV Central, Province .... A 29.VIII Macenta, Cercle .... ■ 2.V Eastern, Province .... A 5.IX Valle, Dpto. N ’Z é ré k o ré ................... A 29.VHI Lake, Province................A 22.VIII La U n io n ....................... B 9.VIII AFRIQUE-OCCIDENTALE Siguiri, C e rc le ............... B 8.VHI Southern, Province . A 5.IX Southern Highlands, Prov. A 29.VIII FRANÇAISE Tanga, Province .... A 5.IX FRENCH WEST AFRICA Western, Province. A 5JX GUINÉE PORTUGAISE ÉQUATEUR — ECUADOR Côte d’Ivoire PORTUGUESE GUINEA TOGO Abengourou, Cercle . A 17.VIII Guayaquil (PA) .... B 15.VIII Bissau, Delegacia .... B 302V Cercles Manta ( P ) ....................... B 8.VHI Abidjan, Cercle .... A 17.VIII Catio, Delegacia .... B 30.IV Aboisso, Cercle .... A 31.VHI A n éch o ........................... B 15.VIII Agboville, Cercle ..... A 24,VIH Tsévié............................... B 15,Vni Bouaflé, C ercle................ A 31.VIII Azuay, Province Bouaké, Cercle.....................A 17.VHI KENYA Cuenca, Canton Daloa, Cercle................... B 10.V1II Dimbokro, Cercle . A 31,VIII Mombasa (PA )............... A 22. VIII Cuenca, Parr..................... B 15.VIII Gagnoa*. Cercle............... A 24.VÏII Amérique — America Grand-Bassam, Cercle . A 17.VIII Central Province A 29.VIII Grand-Lahou, Cercle . A 31.VIII Paute, Canton Man, Cercle ....... A- 31.VIH (Excl. : Nairobi (A) ) BRÉSIL — BRAZIL Odienne, Corde .... A 31.VIII Paute, Parr........................ B 15.VIII Séguéla, Cercle ...... A 24.VIII | Nyanza, Province Florianopolis (P) . B 31.XH.58 Fortaleza (P )....... B 31.XII.58 Dahomey ; Elgon Nyanza, District . A 12.IX Joao Pessoa (P) .... B 31.XH.58 Porto Alegre (PA). B 31.XII.S8 Bolivar, Prov Abomey, Cire. Méd.. A 17.VÏII Rift Valley, Province Rio de Janeiro (PÀ) . B 30. VI Guaranda, Canton Abomey-Calavi, Cir. Méd. A 31.VXII Salvador ( P ) ....... B3l.Xn.58 Allada* Cire. Méd. A 24 VIII Nakuru, District .... A 9.IX Sao Luis ( P ) ....... B 31.XIL58 Guaranda, Parr................ A 22.VIH Athiemê, Cire. Méd.. A 24.VIII Sao Paulo ( A ) ... B 31 XII.58 Cotonou, Cercle .... A 31.VHI Southernf Province Grand-Popo, Cir. Méd. A 31.VIII Chimborazo, Province Kandi, Cir. Méd............... A 17.VIII Kajiado, District . A 19.VIII Goias, Edo. - Ouidah, Cire. Méd. A 31.VIII Chunchi, Canton Pobé, Cire., Méd .... A 24.VDI G oiania.............. B 31.XII.58 Portooovo, Cire. Méd. A 31.VIII Chunchi, P a r r ............... A 22. VIII Zagnanado, Cire. Méd. A 31.VIH LIBÉRIA — LIBERIA . n 15,IU.58 1 Minas Gerais, Edo. Haute+Volta ' Bclo Horizonte................ B 7.VTTT Rlobamba, Canton Djibo, Cercle ............... A 17.VIII NIGÉRIA — NIGERIA ■ 6.II.57 Riobamba, Parr............... B 15.VUI Dori, C ercle................... A 31.VHI Tapi, Parr......................... B ï5,VIII Yako, Cercle................... A 31.V in Parana, Edo. OUGANDA — UGANDA Niger ' C uritiba............. B 31.XD.58 Cotopaxi, Province Konni, C e rc le ................ A 7.IX Jinja Municipality. B 15.VIII Magana, Cercle. .... A 17. VIII Latacunga, Canton Buganda, Province Piaui, Edo. Maradi, Cercle.................... A 7.1X Latacunga, Parr.................. B 15.VXII Tanout, C ercle.....................A 7.IX Mengo, District .... A 29.VIII Teresina.............. B 31.Xn.58 ZSnder, C e rcle............... A 31.VIII Eastern, Province Soudan Imbabura, Province CHILI — CHILE Bamako, Cercle .... B 3.VTII Busoga, District .... A 29.VIII Antonio Ante, Canton Teso, District...................... B 15.VIII Kita, C e rc le ................... B 27.VII Antofagasta, Prov. B 12. VH Koutiala, Cercle .... B 3.VIÏI Chaltura, Parr.................. A 29.VIII Sikasso, Cercle ..... A 17.VIII Northern, Province Karamoja, District . ■ 22. VIII COLOMBIE — COLOMBIA Cotacachi, Canton Lango, D istrict.................. a 7.11 ALGÉRIE — ALGERIA Buenaventura (P) . A 16.VIII Imantag, Parr....................
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