ARTS.i ;----:--- ~ --------------------------------- -~:: LUBBOCK AVALANCHE-JOURNAL Sunday, October 20, 1996 ~- . ~at~~;~:.:.;;;! ·.~~.:~:.J::~~;~J:~.'1/~:.::..: .. :. ~~\:~~:.:;:!~-:· · : .:.::~1::.t.. ~J ·:f.::·:.. ~. ~~: ~.~:atr::~~~~F;!'~~;e:;;~~~·mt5KT!Ei!lM\Ri&¥&• 'Cabaret' hits theatrical high Graves' direction, choreography add strength to Tech production By WILLIAM KERNS smuggler A·J Entrrtalnment Editor Ernst Lud­ There arc no hidden messages within the wig and musical "Cabaret," although too many charac­ falling ters make a point of embracing the present head over even as a dangerous element sings "Tomorrow heels for Belongs to Me." Set in 1930 Berlin, very much Br itish· a flapper period in which an increasingly born Sally decadent live-for-the-moment attitude blinded Bowles, an some Germans to political upheaval, the play entertainer at least allempts to explain why so many fol­ at the Kit lowed the path of least resistance. Kat Club. Meanwhile, the Kit Kat Club, with its mas­ Bradshaw ter of ceremonies in heavy makeup and even has been several orchestra members performing in suffering drag, is a symbol of moral blindness. The en· from writ­ tcrlainmcnt is wonderful but themes drift er's block, with the prevailing winds, which allows the looking for master of ceremonies to remind us more than something once to, "Leave your troubles outside. worth ex­ "In here, life is beautiful." ploring in In a manner of speaking, he's asking all print. But Kerry Graves Dorothys to ignore the man behind the cur· he, too, is "Cabarel" dlreclor, choreographer drawn A;.J review more to Sally's parties - at least until he I views his first swastika. ta in. And in the process, why not ignore Ad­ He is the sole outsider who tries to lake a olph Hitler's struggle for power? stand, no matter the consequences. This time, they're willing. C. Patrick Gendusa gives a chillingly im­ A bit of gi n, a bawdy production number, pressive portrayal of the master of ceremo­ even a promise of love or at least a one-night nies, defiant even as he dresses in drag to stand - all provide an escape from reality. dance in step with the Kit Kat Girls. That But in director Kerry Graves' superior pro­ quintet - Christy Andrews, Jenny Brown, duction of "Cabaret" at the Texas Tech Uni­ Rosemary Flores, Lorri Hobson and Vanessa versity Theatre, the master of ceremonies is Montoya - deservedly earned applause on a lmost constantly in sight. He knows all, and several occasions on opening night. he glares at the audience with a scornful Kelly Russell creates a likable persona for countenance, as though defying each patron to Clifford, and John Davis performs well as a even attempt to hold back the whirlwind on friend willing to keep a secret only so long. the streets out.~icle .., Karen Denise Ruther ford has her nasty mo· All of the pieces It in this kickoff to the menta as a prostitute enticing sailors. And A·J Phoi~Brod Forrls Tech theater's 1996-97 season. "Cabaret" is Wendy C. Mitchell impresses despite tele­ Entertainer Sally Bowles (played by Wendy C. Mitchell), masterfully conceived and Graves, who not graphing her intentions as Sally, a woman only directed the play but also choreographed quite used to rolling with the punches. left, and the master of ceremonies (C. Patrick Gendusa) all of the Kit Kat Club numbers, undoubtedly Standing out, however, are Darise Error welcome all to the Kit Kat Club in the musical "Cabaret." deserves the 1ion's share of praise. and Stephen Parrish in the supporting roles of That said, she also haq surrounded herself the elderly and lonely Fraulein Schneider and with talent. Costume designer Joan St. Ger· Herr Schultz, respectively. Curtain up main obviously was encouraged to let her Both a re charming as they discover unex· imagination run wild; a ll is not period dress pected romance in later years and equally PLAY: The musical "Cabaret," with book by Joe Masterhoff, music by and uniforms. And veteran scenery a nd light­ able to break hearts with final decisions. To John Kander and lyrics by Fred Ebb. ing designer Frederick B. Christoffel not only their credit, Error and Parrish also sing beau· devised a multi-room flat situated above the tifully throughout and play major roles in rip­ WHEN: 2 p.m. today, 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday, and again at play's nightclub setting but, in a particularly ping the veil away from impending ugliness. 2 p.m. Oct. 27. impressive stroke, also designed a passenger "Cabaret" certainly is a showpiece for di· WHERE: Texas Tech University Theatre. cabin for a mobile railroad. r ector-choreographer Graves. It's also a musi­ Too, there are no weak links in casting, no cal that, like its characters, spends more time DIRECTOR: Kerry Graves. small feat in a musical this size at the colle· entertaining than pointing fingers. Yet it hits giate level. The dancing is impressive, the home in a final stylized number that serves as TICKET INFORMATION: l;leserved·seat tickets for adults are priced singing consistently outstanding, the perform­ a warning of what can happen to those turn· at.$12 on Friday and Saturday, and $10 today, Thursday and Oct. 27. ances aptly defining individual characters. ing a blind eye to change. Tickets always priced at $5 for students, children and senior citizens, and The story focuses on American novelist This campus production works on miiltij>le ·-$3 for Tech students. Call 742·3601 for reservations. Clifford Bradshaw as he arrives in Germany, levels. Everything clicks. Both the music and at least temporarily becoming friends with message are up for grabs. · ·. ..... OCTOBER ~996 Texas Tech University Department of Theatre and Dance Faculty Graduate Teaching Assistants Dr. Norman Bert, Chair Prof. Frederik B. Christoffel Jim Bush*/** Louise Mallory Dr. Carale Manning-Hill Brett Carlson** Deborah Martin Prof. Christopher Markle Darise En·or* Kristi Mize Dr. Jonathan Marks C. Patrick Gendusa Allen Partridge Prof. Dianna Moore Kerry Graves Laura Proffitt* Prof. J oan St. Germain Norman Grueneich Paula Rodriguez Dr. Richard Weaver* Michael Hannah Joe Bill Thompson** Dr. Dean Wilcox Lisa Lawrence Holland Kara Wooten* Prof. Peggy Willis-Aarnio James W. Lee University Theatre Production Staff Director of Theatre .. ............... Frederik B. Christoffel Business Manager .................. Rick Tuman Department Secretary ........... Mary Cervantes Technical Director .................. Joe Pew Costume Shop Supervisor ...... Sherry Lyon Asst. Technical Director ......... Todd Proffitt** Properties Master ................... Samuel J. Hyland*/** Scene Shop Staff.............. .. ..... Maria Isabel Benitez**, Brett Carlson, Norman Grueneich, Russell Hyland*/**, Rhein Pierce, Pat White**, Kara Wooten Costume Shop Top Hand ...... .. Ruth Barrington Costume Shop Staff.... .. .......... Kristi Mize, Allen Partridge Master Electrician ............ .. .... Joe Bill Thompson Lab Theatre Producer .. .......... Laura J . Proffitt Lab Theatre Tech. Director .... Russell Hyland Lab Theatre Master Elec... .... Tayva Pew** Promotion Director ................. Deborah Martin Promotion Team ..................... Jim Bush, Darise Error, Michael Hannah, Louise Mallory, Paula Rodriguez Box Office Manager ................ Patrick Gendusa Box Office Staff............ ........... AI Castro, Wade Fransen, Joshua Krause, Tony Morris, Laura J . Proffitt, Christopher Williams House Supervisor ................... Darise Error Publications Director ............. James W. Lee '"member- Alpha Psi Omega, national honorary theatre fraternity **member - USITT, 'ITU Student Chapter chartered 1993 The Department ofTh eatre and Dance is a member of Association for Theatre in Higher Education, the Texas Educational Theatre Association, the Southwest Theatre Association, and the American College Dance Festival Association. Texas Tech University Theatre presents Book by J oe Masteroff Based on the play by Jolm Van Druten and stories by Christopher Isherwood Music by Jolm Kander Lyrics by Fred Ebb Broadway Production directed by Harold Prince Produced for the Broadway Stage by Harold Prince featuring Christy Andrews Kimberly Bigsby Jenny Brown Brian Keith Cooke* Kelly Cromwell John Davis Darise Error Rosemary Flores Shannon L. Gaffney C. Patrick Gendusa Norman Grueneich Lorri Hobson Kenneth Hurt Ryan lngrim * Theresa Leckbee Wendy C. Mitchell Vanessa Montoya Jason Morris Stephen Parrish Kelly Russell Karen Denise Rutherford J.P. Shanks Seth Andrew Sutton Directed and Choreographed by KERRY GRAVES Musical Director Scenery & Lighting Designer MICHAEL HANNAH FRED ERIK B. CHRISTOFFEL Costume Designer Dramaturg I Assistant Director JOAN STGERMAIN TERRA NORBERG* Cabaret is produced by arrangement with, and the music and dialogue material furnished by, TAMS- WITMARK MUSIC LIBRARY, INC., 560 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10022 The taking of photographs, with or without flash, and the use of video or audio recording equipment is a violation of copyright law and is strictly pro­ hibited. Food or drink are not allowed in the theatre or the lobby. Smoking is prohib­ ited anywhere in the building. Late-comers will be seated by the ushers at the first appropriate interval during the play. For the enjoyment of all patrons, if you have a paging device, please turn it off or leave it, along with your seat number, with the House Manager, who will locate you with your message. Please turn off wristwatch alarms and cellular telephones. Cast (in order of appearance) Master of Ceremonies ............................ C. Patrick Gendusa
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