North, South, East, & West: We travel the country to cover all the U.S. Amateur Team events! ! RepeatFor only the second time in 46 years, a team defends their USAT East title. May 2017 | USChess.org New In Chess 2017#2 Chess Strategy for Club Players Read by club players in 116 countries HGM-$0AFHI=OO " 01/)0008,;(*4/;/,+&+;; ,4& +; &/&; Herman Grooten KMK-$0AFIO=OL +*+8,1%/0=42+>0+$/,40%0008*-1%&0=4&1 #!$" ,)$/<6%1)/+ /,*/0+=&$)%,/1< >002+(&+$ ? 8,46+11,3/-)8/;8,4,6&11,8,4/0) 00-&1= ,401,+;6%5%00-/,)*= +0<*8 1,-&(4-,-8=1*86))1%/,6+'6), 8,4/ .4//)6&1%',/ =7&*&98,4/120=++8+/00,+; %00,,(,))2,+:@BJeremy Silman, US Chess Online %00-)8/=+,-+&+$04/-/&0&+1%)5=%)& E2*0 NEW , +/8&/=3/+/,$+&2,+=+&**+<16, /0% ?%&$%)8&+01/425,,( ,///06%,6+11,&*-/,5 EDITION NEW! -/,&$&0=+*4%*,/= 1%&/%000(&))0=@BJan Timman Winning with the Slow (but Venomous!) 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Root My First Chess Opening Repertoire for White The Russian Chess School 2.0 – Opening and Middlegame %** ! !$ JIG-$0AFIO=OL Vincent Moret HNM-$0AFIH=OL /,)81%*,011%,/,4$%$/,4+&+$&+1%%&01,/8, ? &))6&1%7&2+$;12))&+0=%86&)),#+6&-1% 1%&+$%00=/0+10,*-)101, &+01/42,+0 ,/ $&++/,--,++1,!1%,/=@ 1/&+/0+0) A&*-/,5/0=,46&)))/++,1,+)8%,61, IM Jeremy Silman, Chess.com +%+8,4/ 4+*+1)(+,6)$+1%+&)0(&))0; ?/)25)8081,)/+81/0,+)80%/-01, )&+0 41)0,%,61,6,/(,+8,4/-%80&)+-08%,),$&) 6%&%,4)/1&+)8!251)4)5)=@ ,+&2,+&+$=,4/%+0&+5+1,,)01, Sean Marsh, CHESS Magazine (UK) &*-/,5&+1%/01%1/))8*3/= The Power of Pawns The Agile London System Chess Structures Fundamentals for Post-Beginners A Solid but Dynamic Chess Opening Choice for White Jörg Hickl HOI-$0AFHO=OL ) ,+0,,*/,E0//, JJM-$0AFIO=OL ? %%-1/"+01%01/414/0;7-)&+01%18-&) 5)01%0/10%&+0%/-&004%01%//8 %/1/&020+0%,601%-)+0 ,/,1%%&1+)(=@ 3(;1%,53(+1%%8-/A$$/00&5/8/ Harry Schaack, KARL magazine 3(= ?%//),10, 5)4)1/&+&+$)00,+0;&+-/24)/&+/0 ?&1%-)+18, /0%*1/&)1%10%,4)+04/1%1&1 6%/%00+$&+0,!/+,%)-=@ 6&))1%/ /+6,/(,+1%,*-)1,+,+801* Harald Fietz, SchachMagazin 64 ,/8/01,,*=@BGM Glenn Flear www.uschess.org 1 Main office: Crossville, TN (931) 787-1234 Advertising inquiries: (931) 787-1234, ext. 123 Tournament Life Announcements (TLAs): All TLAs should be e-mailed to [email protected] or sent to P.O. Box 3967, Crossville, TN 38557-3967 Letters to the editor: Please submit to [email protected] Receiving Chess Life: To receive Chess Life as a Premium Member, join US Chess or enter a US Chess tournament, go to uschess.org or call 1-800-903-USCF (8723) Change of address: Please send to [email protected] Other inquiries: [email protected], (931) 787-1234, fax (931) 787-1200 US CHESS Chess Life EXECUTIVE EDITORIAL STAFF BOARD Chess Life Editor and Director of Publications, Daniel Lucas [email protected] Assistant Editor, Melinda Matthews President [email protected] Gary Walters Walters & Wasylyna LLC Senior Digital Editor, Jennifer Shahade Shaker Finance [email protected] PO Box 20554 Cleveland, OH 44120 Senior Art Director, Frankie Butler [email protected] [email protected] Editorial Assistant/Copy Editor, Alan Kantor [email protected] Editorial Assistant, Natasha Roberts Vice-President [email protected] Chuck Unruh Technical Editor, Ron Burnett P.O. Box 340 Collinsville, OK 74021 TLA/Advertising, Joan DuBois [email protected] [email protected] US CHESS STAFF Executive Director, Jean Hoffman VP Finance ext. 189 [email protected] Allen Priest PO Box 436787 Director of Events, Francisco Guadalupe Louisville, Kentucky 713-530-7820 [email protected] 40253 Assistant Director of Events, Boyd Reed [email protected] 931-787-2244 [email protected] Manager of FIDE Ratings, FIDE and US Chess Titles and Certifications Grant Oen [email protected] Secretary FIDE Youth Events, Mike Nietman National Education Consultant 2 Boca Grande Way & Special Projects, Jerry Nash Madison, WI 53719 ext. 137 [email protected] [email protected] Scholastic Associate & Clubs, FIDE Associate and OTB Ratings, Susan Kantor ext. 136 [email protected] Director of Administration, Judy Misner Member at Large ext. 126 [email protected] Anjelina Belakovskaia 6890 E. Sunrise Dr. Affiliate Relations Associate, Joan DuBois Ste. 120-118 ext. 123 [email protected] Tucson, AZ 85750 [email protected] Senior Accountant, Debra Robison ext. 130 [email protected] Mailing Lists/Membership Associate, Traci Lee ext. 143 [email protected] Member at Large Administrative Assistant, Kathleen Collins Mike Hoffpauir ext. 131 [email protected] US Chess Correspondence Chess, Alex Dunne Attn: Mike Hoffpauir [email protected] PO Box 3967 Crossville, TN 38557 Tournament Director [email protected] Certification, Grant Oen/Jerry Nash/Judy Misner [email protected] 2 May 2017 | Chess Life www.uschess.org 3 Chess Life MAY 24 COVER STORY USA TEAMS COLUMNS Our annual roundup of 12 LOOKS AT BOOKS / SHOULD I BUY IT? the USAT East, West, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%, %, *,#!*'+($,,) North and South events. By John Hartmann 18 CHESS TO ENJOY / ENTERTAINMENT #, *+*+"** By GM Andy Soltis 20 BACK TO BASICS / READER ANNOTATIONS ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*+")&'+!,*,'!,#" *+$*!) By GM Lev Alburt 22 IN THE ARENA / PLAYER OF THE MONTH ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,'(,)*&,+%%$ By GM Robert Hess 46 SOLITAIRE CHESS / INSTRUCTION ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"")+,$&') By Bruce Pandolfini 48 THE PRACTICAL ENDGAME / INSTRUCTION ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%,%&$&)((,%&, ",)+ By GM Daniel Naroditsky DEPARTMENTS 6 MAY PREVIEW / THIS MONTH IN CHESS LIFE AND US CHESS NEWS 9 CHESS JOURNALISM / 2017 CJA AWARDS 8 COUNTERPLAY / READERS RESPOND ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)((,%&+* '( ,%,# )&'*,#*&"( 10 FIRST MOVES / BY JOSHUA ANDERSON CHESS NEWS FROM AROUND THE U.S. FACES ACROSS THE BOARD / RULES OF CHESS / 11 CHEATING BY AL LAWRENCE 36 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#+,#+$')*$'+!,#$' '($(,%+)(('%+ 14 US CHESS AFFAIRS / BY FM JON JACOBS NEWS FOR OUR MEMBERS When deeply-held principles bump up against a real-world situation 51 TOURNAMENT LIFE / MAY 71 CLASSIFIEDS / MAY 40 HISTORY / CHESS ORIGINS SOLUTIONS / 71 MAY ),&, &'!'+(,%,)(( BY DR. GERALD M. LEVITT 72 MY BEST MOVE / PERSONALITIES THIS MONTH: David MacEnulty A theory that moves the origin of chess back from India to ancient Greece ON THE COVER The Summer Academy for Talented Youth, appearing on a REMEMBRANCE / HANS BERLINER Chess Life cover for the second year in a row! Left to right: 43 Warren Wang, board 3; Jason Li, board 4; Ethan Li, board ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*+(,)& '+)&, 1; and Wesley Wang, board 2. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, BY FM ALEX DUNNE COVER PHOTO AND THIS PAGE BY VANESSA SUN; “To play your best correspondence chess, you should average about four DESIGN BY FRANKIE BUTLER hours of analysis per move.” — Hans Berliner 4 May 2017 | Chess Life March 23 thru September 17, 2017 Mind. Art. Experience. ȏȰȍȶ2EV]PERH&ZIRYIEMRX1SYMW24ȰȴȦȉȁ` ȴȦȏȴȰȮ;(-+ ȟȶȏȴ [SVPHGLIWWLSJSVK`%;SVPH(LIWW-4+(SQMGW(LIWW.QEKIV]81(LIWW DCE XTJ #5YearsofChess www.uschess.org 5 May Preview / This month in Chess Life and US Chess News US CHESS NEWS PREVIEW: MAY CONTRIBUTORS JON JACOBS SUPERNATIONALS JOIN IN OUR US (Cheating) is the author of The Fish That VI CHESS CHAT Roared, a collection of high-quality games in which club-level players outplayed FIDE- The biggest tournament on the On all the social networks, titled or other highly rated opponents. A planet is coming back to Nashville, including facebook.com/ FIDE master and anti-cheating activist, Jon uschess, twitter.com/uschess Tennessee from May 12-14. authored several award-winning articles for and Instagram.com/us_chess. Follow along our Twitter Chess Life between 2005 and 2008. He takeovers from IM Greg Shahade Also look for new videos organized an anti-cheating petition at twitter.com/uschess and chime in hosted by Jen Shahade on yourself using the tag our YouTube channel submitted to US Chess in 2005 and an anti- #SuperNationalsVI. Also look for @USChessFederation cheating conference held in New York in contributions on uschess.org on the December 2006. mega-scholastic event from GM Irina Krush, Betsy Dynako and DR. GERALD LEVITT Jim Doyle. (History) is a retired podiatrist living in CHICAGO OPEN Southwest Florida. Born in Philadelphia, Our coverage of the popular he is the author of The Turk, Chess ATTACK YOUR Chicago Open will include Automaton (named one of the 10 best chess photographs by Betsy Dynako. history books of all time) and author of LIBRARY The weekend Swiss is held many award winning articles on chess by Vanessa West reviews over Memorial Day weekend the Chess Journalists of America. He was Attacking Chess for Club Players May 25-29 in Wheeling, by Herman Grooten (available Illinois with norm opportu- the chess expert on WXPN Radio and has on USCF Sales), which breaks nities in the Open section.
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