INSIDE ❘ TEAM LISTS ❘ STAT ATTACK ❘ SCORES AROUND THE COUNTRY FINALS WEEK JAYDEN BRAILEY ❘ BRODIE CROFT ❘ ALEX JOHNSTON ❘ DANIEL TUPOU ❘ APII NICHOLLS + MORE THREE Est. 1920 Volume 99. No.28. September 20-26 2018 witter &Facebook: bigleaguemag Four team remain, but onl two can g .. Eyes on .. the prize .. KICKING DAVID OFF PIEPERS WO games, two points deciding whose Tseasonendsinheartbreak.WhileIfeelfor the Panthers and Dragons, the continual on- field reminders that this is the closest season in recent memory keep us itching for the next instalment-andwhataroundoffixtures we have this weekend. Bring. It. On. HAT a year – it seems like only WyesterdayTysonFrizellgrabbed thefirsttry,butalothashappenedsince. A competition as close as this year’s NRL is always going to generate debate, but there has been a distinctly divisive edge tomanyaspectsofthisseason.Asfans we’vedemandedmorefromreferees,then many instantly demanded less when the officialstookastand.We’vecomplained abouttheabundanceofnegativereporting in the media while simultaneously decrying journalistsiftheyignorethosestoriesto focus on the good. Todd Greenberg and PeterBeattiehavefacedplentyofcriticism, as people in positions of power often do. Coacheshavehadtheirheadscalledfor, PACK MENTALITY: Crichton isn’t fazed while unexpected firings have yielded about taking on confusion and instability. We demand more his future team. accesibility from players, while a portion ofalleged‘fans’usesocialmediatogoto lengthstomaketheseplayerswonderwhy they engage in the first place. And then we have scenes like Kogarah in Round 24, when Rabbitohs ready supporters turned on their own team with alevelofvitriolusuallysavedforthemost hatedopposition.Asconsumerswehavethe right to a voice and to demand improvement, for epic battle butasfanswealsoneedtoensurewehold ourselvestothesamestandardswedemand. OUTH Sydney back-rower Angus “He’sbeencrook–hehasn’t Whetheryou’recommentingonstories, Crichton is preparing for the been able to talk for the past couple writingthemorheadingtothegamefor SbiggestgameofhisyoungNRL ofweeks,”Reynoldssaid. a day out, it’s worth remembering our own career when the Rabbitohs face the “Credittohim,evenwhenhe’ssick, influence on the NRL experience. Roostersforaplaceinthegrandfinal. he still turns up to training and works It will be the first time Crichton reallyhard.Nothingisstoppinghim hasplayedinapreliminaryfinal andhe’sstillgettingoutthereand andithappenstobeagainstthe running hard. He’s doing all those little club he’s joining next season. thingsright.Ithoughthewasgreatfor Althoughitwouldbeeasytobe By MICHAEL us again [against the Dragons].” BLOK FEATURES distractedthisweekleadinguptothe @michaelblok26 The duo even combined for the all-importantclash,Crichtonsayshe’ll side’s only try of the match. 11 NATHAN HINDMARSH approachtheRoosterslikeanyothermatch. “Angusissuchagoodball-runner.Hehits 16-17 BLAKE FERGUSON “It’sgoingtobethesameasanyothergame,” thelineatamillionmilesanhour,”Reynolds 18 JAYDEN BRAILEY the 22-year-old told Big League.“I’mgoing said.“Luckyenoughhegotthroughand 20-21 BRODIE CROFT topreparethesameway.I’llgetupforitthe I thought he was going to dummy and go 22 ADAM REYNOLDS samewayIwouldagainstanyotherteam.” himself.LuckyIhadthespeedtogetthere.” 23 APII NICHOLLS “RightnowI’mwearingaredandgreen CoachAnthonySeiboldsaidhecouldn’t 24-25 BL PLAYER OF THE YEAR jersey, playing for the mighty Rabbitohs be prouder of his side and is aware Saturday andthat’swheremyhead’sat.Itwouldbe night’s clash with the Roosters won’t be an UPFRONT 3-15 unbelievableifIcanfinishoffhereonahigh easy task. LITTLE LEAGUE 27-30 note.It’sbeennosecretthatit’smygoalto “It’s a big game, it’s a great game and CLUB NEWS 32-33 leavehereonahigh…I’mrelishingevery agreatchallengeforusasagroup,”Seibold opportunityIhavetoplaywiththisclub.” said.“Hopefullywegetafullstadiumat NRL&NRLWTEAMS 36-45 Crichtonhasalsohadtoovercomeavirus AllianzonSaturdaynightandwe’rereally OTHER COMPS 46-48 to be fit for this week’s clash. He starred in keentoputsomepressureonthem. RESULTS 48-49 last Saturday’s win over St George Illawarra, “They’re the minor premiers and they may DRAW 62 butadmittedhestruggledduetosickness. havebeeninfourofthelastsixpreliminary Hopkins/NRLPhotos.com Nathan Halfback Adam Reynolds praised Crichton finals.There’safairbitofpressureonthem, COVER PHOTOS: NRLPHOTOS: GREGG PORTEOUS & GRANT TROUVILLE for pushing through despite the illness. so we’ll go there and give it a red-hot crack.” PHOTO: Finals Week Three BIG LEAGUE 2018 3 Crunch time for NRLW By MICHAEL BLOK overtheWarriorslastSaturdayand a victory over the Roosters could HENRLWissetforathrilling move them into the top two. finishwithallfourteamsstillin “They did themselves proud,” T the running to qualify for Sunday Dragons coach Daniel Lacey said. week’s grand final. “They’ve probably played their whole The Broncos have all but secured careerstryingtoimpresssomeone, their place in the competition’s getsomewhereanddothingsthey’ve maiden decider after claiming beentoldtheycan’tdo.Igavethem twowinsfromasmanygames. the opportunity and they took it.” Meanwhile the Warriors, Dragons Although they suffered their andRoosterswillallbefightingfor first defeat, the Warriors remain in thechancetoplayongrandfinalday. second place and victory over the TheRoosterssitonthebottom Broncosthisweekwillsecuretheir oftheladderfollowingtwolosses placeinthedecider. in the opening fortnight; however In-formfullbackApiiNicholls awinovertheDragonsonSaturday stressedhowmuchisridingonthis eveningcouldseethemjumpinto Friday’s game at AAMI Park. second place. “It’ssoimportantforallofus Theymayhavescoredjusteight girls.We’veworkedsohardtoget pointssofarinthetournament,but there and we know we need to win,” coach Adam Hartigan expects their Nicholls said. “We’re definitely going attacktoclickthistimearoundandhas to have to work hard to stick to our faithhissidecanstillmakethefinal. gameplan.Iknowit’sgoingtobe “Weneedtoscoreafewmore atoughgame.Aslongaswework points–we’vegotagoodattacking hard,I’msurewe’llbebetter.” side,” Hartigan (right) said. “We feel TheBroncosremaintheteam werecruitedwellandwe’reonlyjust to beat and are the clear favourites coming together now. I’ve already towin the premiership, and with seen a lot of improvement since our their grand final position all but firstgame.Welooktoscoreonevery assured,coachPaulDyeriskeento playandthatprobablyhurtsus. givesomenewplayersagoagainst “We’dlovetohave26roundsto theWarriorsonFriday. getitright,butwedon’t,wehave “We have some quality players three weeks.” whohaven’thadarunyetsoI’m TheDragonsmovedoffthebottom excitedtogivethemachanceto of the ladder with a convincing with play next week,” Dyer said. Sharks calm before Storm By DARCIE McDONALD have to be switched on and have Brailey, who will play his first ourbestgamefortheyear.” NRL preliminary final, says losing HARKShookerJaydenBrailey FollowingtheSharks’one- inWeekOnelastyearhasmade Sbelievesifhisteamcankeep pointwinoverthePantherslast him hungrier this time round. alidontheStorm’ssuperstarback weekend, their dressing sheds “Idon’twanttobeinthesame line in Friday’s preliminary final wereoddlyquiet.Braileyputthis position as last year because I don’t down to not getting too excited want it to be off-season just yet. they’llbeabletotakecontrolof yet – and also being disappointed Iwanttokeepplayingfootyandit’s the game. in their second-half efforts. obviously a massive dream to play “Their back five is probably “It’s a little bit of not getting inagrandfinal.We’vestillgotone the biggest thing,” Brailey told ahead of ourselves and I guess more game to get there, so we’ve Big League.“We’vegottoshut we’restillnotsatisfiedjustyet. gotamassivejobonourhands.” them down, because in their own Wedidn’tplayourbestfootball And the Sharks will be out to endtheygivetheirforwardsabit in that second half,” he said. give it their all on Friday. ofarestandcarryafairbit,so “Weknowwe’vegotanother “We’vegottogiveiteverything ifwedoagoodjobonthemand big game ahead and our goal we’vegotandhangitallout dominatetheirforwardsit’llbe obviouslyistomakethatgrand there because it’d be a massive hardfortheirspinetoplaysome final. If we get there, then I’m sure achievement to get into that good football. We’re just going to there’ll be a bit more celebrating.” grand final,” he said. Melbourne have won eight of their 10 preliminary finals since 1999. UU The Rabbitohs have won only two of their past eight 4 BIG LEAGUE 2018 Finals Week Three ISSN: 0311-175X Editor: David Piepers Subeditor: Bronwyn Thompson Staff Writers: Michael Blok, Martin Gabor, Darcie McDonald Contributors: Fiona Bollen, Will Evans, Ben Everill, Nathan Hindmarsh, David Middleton, Andrew Voss Art Director: Craig Loughlin-Smith Designer: Tina Colwell General Manager Retail and Circulation: Brett Willis National Advertising Manager: Bowie Phillips (02) 8045 4779 Marketing and Circulation Executive: Nick Tsolakis Production Director: Mark Moes Production Manager: Chrissy Fragkakis BIG LEAGUE Level1,2HoltSt, SurryHills,NSW2010 Phone: (02) 9288 3000 Email: bigleague@newslifemedia. com.au Back issues: Digital versions at Zinio: zinio.com/bigleague Facebook: facebook.com/bigleague Twitter/Instagram: @bigleaguemag Subscriptions: magsonline.com.au/ big-league Distributed by Gordon & Gotch Australia Phone: 1300 650 666 BIGLEAGUEispublishedforthe NationalRugbyLeaguebyNewsLifeMedia PtyLtd(ACN088923906),2HoltSt, SurryHills,NSW2010.NewsLifeMediais wholly owned subsidiary of News Limited (ACN007871178).Copyright2013 by NewsLifeMedia
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