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BANKURA UNIVERSITY FACULTY ACADEMIC PROFILE/ CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Name: Dr. DEBABRATA BISWAS, 2. Desi !a"i#!: ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, 3. Da"e #$ Bir"%: 06/10/1988, 4. Specia-i.a"i#!: a) Mas"er/s Specia-i.a"i#!: Radi#+%1si,s a!0 E-ec"r#!i,s, b) Resear,% Spe,ia-i.a"i#!: N#!-i!ear Dy!ami,s, 5. C#!"a," I!$#rma"i#!: a) Contact Address: Department of Physics, Ban !ra "ni#ersity, Puaba$an Camapus, Ban !ra%&22 14', (est Ben$a), India, b) +mai): deb2isrs@ mai-.,#m c) Phone ,!mber -.ptiona)): 4'49731041 / )46)4))*44 d) F#r m#re de"ai-s 7isi": %""+s://sites. ## -e.,#m/site/0e2a2rata28/%#me '. A,ademi, 98a-i:,a"i#!s: Please mention here the degrees (graduation onwards): Col)ege/ "ni#ersity from 0hich the Abbre#iation of the degree degree 0as obtained The "ni#ersity of B!rdwan B. 2c. 0ith Physics Hons The "ni#ersity of B!rdwan 4. 2c. in Physics The "ni#ersity of B!rdwan Ph. D. in Physics C2*5 C2*5%,+1 (BC2C (B2+1 6A1+ 6A1+ 2717 &. Pas" Em+-#1men"s/ A,ademi, E;perien,e: 1 a) Assistant Professor of Physics in 5ampurhat Col)ege (Apri), 271& to 8!)y, 2719), :. Admi!is"ra"i7e E;perien,e: a) Con#ener of B.2c. Physics .dd semester +;aminations, B<", 9. Resear,% I!"eres"s: a) ,on)inear Dynamics, b) Chaotic Dynamica) 2ystems, c) Time-Delayed ,on)inear Dynamica) 2ystems, d) 2ynchroni=ation of Chaos, e) ,on)inear +)ectronic Circ!its and 2ystems, f) .sci))ation s!ppression: Amp)it!de death, $) 4athematica) Biology, h) 4!)tistabi)ity (Birhythmicity), i) Coupled ,et0or and Col)ecti#e beha#ior: Chimera states. 17. Resear,% <8i0a!,e / Super7isi#!: a) ,!mber of research a0arded 4. Phi)/Ph.D. degrees: ,A b) ,!mber of research purs!in$ 4. Phi)/Ph.D.: ,A 11. Resear,% Pr#=ec"s: a) Completed Projects: ,A b) Current Projects: ,A 12.Selec"ed -is" #$ P82-i,a"i#!s: a) Journals / Online Journal: POST P>.D.: ?&?& • 16. Deba2ra"a Bis@as, >A new chaotic jerk system with double-hump nonlinearity”, Accepted to be pub)ished in A#8ra!- #$ Cir,8i"s, Sys"ems a!0 C#m+8"ers BACSCC, BW#r-0 S,ien"i:,C, V#- ?) N#. (4, N#7em2er 2020 BI! PressC ?&() • 15. <rishna !mar, Deba2ra"a Bis@as, 1anmoy Baner?ee, (ei @ou, D.A. 2enthi) !mar and 8. <!rths, “Re ival and death of oscillation under 2 mean-field coupling: Interplay of intrinsic and extrinsic "ltering”, P%1si,a- Re7ie@ E 100, &52212, ?&(). • 14. Deba2ra"a Bis@as, 1anmoy Baner?ee and 8Br$en <!rths, “%&ect of "ltered-feedback on birhythmicity: Suppression of birhythmic oscillation”, P%1si,a- Re7ie@ E 99, &'2210, 2019. ?&(* • 13. 1anmoy Baner?ee, Deba2ra"a Bis@as, Debarati 6hosh, Bis0abibek Bandyopadhyay, 8Br$en <!rths: “(ransition from homogeneous to inhomogeneous limit cycles: %&ect of local "ltering in coupled oscillators”, P%1si,a- Re7ie@ E )4, &6??18, ?&(*. (arCi#:1:73.7213:#1 [n)in.CD]). • 12. 1anmoy Baner?ee, Deba2ra"a Bis@as, Debarati 6hosh, +c ehard 2chF)) and Anna @a haro#a: “)etworks of coupled oscillators: from phase to amplitude chimeras”, C%a#s 28, 113124, ?&(*. arCi#:1:7:.7:131#1 [n)in.A.]. ?&(4 • ((. Deba2ra"a Bis@as, Bis0a?it <arma ar and 1anmoy Baner?ee: “A hyerchaotic time-delayed system with single-humped nonlinearity: (heory and experiment”, N#!-i!ear Dy!ami,s, *)B5C, 1733-1743, ?&(4. -*G% 3.4'4, *22,%7924797C). • 10. Deba2ra"a Bis@as, 1anmoy Baner?ee and 8Br$en <!rths: “*ontrol of birhythmicity: A self-!eedback approach”, C%a#s, ?4B'C, 063110, ?&(4. -*G-2.2:3, *22,-17541577). ?&(' • 09. Deba2ra"a Bis@as, 1anmoy Baner?ee and 8Br$en <!rths: “*ontrol of birhythmicity through conjugate self-!eedback: (heory and experiment”, P%1si,a- Re7ie@ E, 94, 042226, ?&('. -*G%2.3'', *22,-24&7%7745). • 08. Deba2ra"a Bis@as, ,irma)endu 3!i and 1anmoy Baner?ee: “Amplitude death in intrinsic time-delay chaotic oscillators with direct- indirect coupling: (he existence of death islands”, N#!-i!ear Dy!ami,s, **B6C, ?4*5E?4)5, ?&(4. -*G% 3.4'4, *22,%7924797C). DURIN< P>.D.: ?&(' • &4. Deba2ra"a Biswas, 1anmoy Baner?ee: “A simple chaotic and hyperchaotic time-delay system: design and electronic circuit implementation”, N#!-i!ear Dy!ami,s, *5B6C, ?55(E?564, ?&('. -*G% 3.4'4, *22,%7924797C). 3 • 06. 1anmoy Baner?ee, Deba2ra"a Bis@as: “Amplitude death and synchronized states in nonlinear time-delay systems coupled through mean-field diffusion”. C%a#s, 23, &65(&(, ?&(5. -*G%2.2:3, *22,% 17541577). • 05. 1anmoy Baner?ee, De2a2ra"a Bis@as, B. C. 2ar ar: “*omplete and generalized synchronization of chaos and hyperchaos in a coupled "rst- order time-delayed system”. N#!-i!ear 01!ami,s, 4(, ?79-290, ?&(5. -*G- 3.4'4, *22,%7924797C). • 04. 1anmoy Baner?ee, De2a2ra"a Biswas, B. C. 2ar ar: “Anticipatory, complete and lag synchronization of chaos and hyperchaos in a nonlinear delay-coupled time-delayed system”. N#!-i!ear Dy!ami,s, 72, 321-332, ?&(5. -*G% 3.4'4, *22,%7924797C). • 03. 1anmoy Baner?ee, De2a2ra"a Biswas: “Synchronization in hyperchaotic time- delayed electronic oscillators coupled indirectly ia a common en ironment”. N#!-i!ear Dy!ami,s, 73, ?&?DE?&48, ?&(5. -*G% 3.4'4, *22,%7924797C). • 02. 1anmoy Baner?ee, De2a2ra"a Biswas: “(heory and experiment of a "rst-order chaotic delay dynamical system”. I!"er!a"i#!a- A#8r!a- #$ Bi$8r,a"i#! a!0 C%a#s, ?5B'C, 1330020, ?&(5. -*G% 1.329, *22,% 721:% 12&4). • &(. 1anmoy Baner?ee, De2a2ra"a Biswas, B. C. 2ar ar: “-esign and analysis of a "rst order time-delayed chaotic system”. N#!-i!ear Dy!ami,s, 40, 721-734, ?&(?. -*G- 3.4'4, *22,%7924797C). b) Books / book chapters / E-book: • BOOKS: • &(. Deba2ra"a Bis@as and 1anmoy Baner?ee: “(ime- -elayed *haotic -ynamical Systems: From (heory to %lectronic %xperiment”, Spri! erENa"8re, ?&(*. • *2B,: 9&:-3-319%&7992-5 (print), *2B,: 9&:-3-319% &7993-2 (ebook), D.I: 17.177&/9&:-3-319%&7993-2 • Spri! er I!"er!a"i#!a- P82-ishi! BSpri! erE Na"8re) F-i!GH • Ama.#! F-i!GH • BOOK C>APTERS: • 1anmoy Baner?ee, De2a2ra"a Bis@as, B. C. 2ar ar (2714) “-esign of Autonomous (ime-Delayed Hyperchaotic System”, Chapter 4, pp. &3%95, in book “)ew Research (rends in )onlinear *ircuits: -esign, 4 *haotic Phenomena and Applications”, N#7a Scien,e P82-ishers, ,H 11&::-3'19 -"2A) D*2B,: 9&:-1%'3321-47'-4]. -The pict!re sho0n in the Book Co#er is from one of the I$!res of our book chapter.) • Ama.#! F)in H c) Conference/ seminar volumes: • 09. Deba2ra"a Bis@as, 8!r$en <!rths and 1anmoy Baner?ee: “.eedback control of birhythmic oscillations”, 4DCC1-271:, pp. '1%'4, B!rdwan "ni#ersity, 22-23 8!ne, 271:, *2B,%9&:%:1%::391-55-4 • 08. Bis0abibek Bandyppadhyay, Deba2ra"a Bis@as, Debarati 6hosh, 8!r$en <!rths, 1anmoy Baner?ee: “%&ect of "ltering on the dynamics of coupled oscillators”, 4DCC1-271:, pp. '5%':, B!rdwan "ni#ersity, 22-23 8!ne, 271:, *2B,%9&:%:1%::391-55-4 • &4. Bis0?it <arma ar, De2a2ra"a Biswas and 1anmoy Baner?ee: “(ransitions of synchronization in chaotic systems coupled through nonlinear modulated delay”, 4DCC1-271:, pp. :9%91, B!rdwan "ni#ersity, 22-23 8!ne, 271:, *2B,%9&:%:1%::391-55-4 • 06. 1aniya <hat!n, Deba2ra"a Biswas and 1anmoy Baner?ee: “Laminar chaos in time-delayed systems with time-varying delay”, 4DCC1-271:, B!rdwan "ni#ersity, 22-23 8!ne, 271:, *2B,%9&:%:1% ::391-55-4 • 05. De2a2ra"a Bis@as and 1anmoy Baner?ee: “-esign of a simple hyperchaotic time delay system”. 4DCC1-271' -19-27 Gebr!ary, 271'), B!rdwan "ni#ersity. *2B,- 9&:%93%:5&&5%73-1 • 04. 1anmoy Baner?ee, De2a2ra"a Bis@as: “Amplitude death induced by mean-field density in coupled hyperchaotic time-delay system”, 4DCC1% 2714, B!rdwan "ni#ersityJ 72/2714. *2B, 9&:%93%:7''3-27-3 • 03. 1anmoy Baner?ee, D. Bis@as, B. <arma ar, B. C. 2ar ar: “A simple inductor-free autonomous chaotic circuit”. 4DCC1-2712, 'th%&th Geb., 2712. The "ni#ersity of B!rdwan, Pa$es 127-123, *2B,%9&:%93%:7''3-3'% 4. • 02. 1anmoy Baner?ee, De2a2ra"a Biswas, B. C. 2ar ar: “A new time- delayed chaotic and hyperchaotic electronic circuit”. Proceedin$s of ,ationa) Conference on +)ectronics, Comm!nication and 2i$na) Processin$ -,C+C22712), 19th 2eptember 2712. Pa$es 153-15&, *2B,% 9&:%93%:233:%7'-2, 2712. • &(. 1anmoy Baner?ee, D. Bis@as, B. <arma ar, B. C. 2ar ar: “Synchronization of chaos in a 'A1 based chaotic electronic oscillator”. ICK42C 2711, &-17 Dec., The "ni#ersity of B!rdwan, Pa$es 372-374, *2B,%93:7:1314&. 5 13. BEN !"# NOVEL% AND %'OR#ES a) BOOKS • EK>ANE AKASH NEEL: De2a2ra"a Bis@as, A!a!0a P82-ishers. • EBAR ARANYE: Deba2ra"a Biswas, Sris"is8G% P82-ishers, b) Deba2ra"a Biswas: 4araner +par Hote, SuG%i Gri%iG#!, Bar"ama!, N#. Mar,%E&(, ?&(D c) Debabrata Bis0as: Bela 2hesher 6aan d) Debabrata Bis0as: Bibhaas e) Debabrata Bis0as: + hane a ash neel -Sa!#!0a P8=a2arshiGi) f) Debabrata Bis0as: >+bar Aanye”, 2ristis! h Pub)ishers, (In Press).

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