Monday, 9.23.13 views ON THE WEB: www.yankton.net RESS AKOTAN VIEWS PAGE: PAGE 4 P D [email protected] THE PRESS DAKOTAN THE DAKOTAS’ OLDEST NEWSPAPER | FOUNDED 1861 Yankton Media, Inc., 319 Walnut St., Yankton, SD 57078 CONTACT US OPINION | OTHER THOUGHTS PHONE: (605) 665-7811 (800) 743-2968 NEWS FAX: Immigrants Could (605) 665-1721 ADVERTISING FAX: (605) 665-0288 WEBSITE: www.yankton.net Fill Voids In Neb. EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] KEARNEY HUB (Sept. 14): We know that immigrants are filling ——— many of the manual labor jobs that Americans don’t want to fill. SUBSCRIPTIONS/ We also know that some highly skilled immigrants are filling posi- CIRCULATION: tions that require advanced knowledge of math, science and engi- Extension 112 neering. CLASSIFIED ADS: Extension 108 Those are two good economic reasons for U.S. lawmakers to NEWS DEPARTMENT: proceed with immigration reform. Here is another. Extension 114 New research by a Duke University professor shows that immi- SPORTS DEPARTMENT: grants are raising the value of housing stocks in some U.S. commu- Capitol Notebook Extension 106 nities. The findings by Professor Jacob Vigdor, based on extensive ADVERTISING OFFICE: study of census data, certainly are of interest to urban Americans, Extension 122 where the Great Recession left scores of vacant homes as owners SD Public Employees BUSINESS OFFICE: walked away from upside down mortgages. The vacancies eroded Extension 119 the value of whole neighborhoods, invited crime and caused NEW MEDIA: urban decay. Extension 136 Vigdor’s study concludes that an influx of immigrants can res- COMPOSING DESK: urrect such urban neighborhoods, but could the same effect not Shielded From Scrutiny Extension 129 be expected in Nebraska, where rural population decline has be- BY BOB MERCER I followed up, asking if two letters were in- come a serious concern? State Capitol Bureau deed sent. Yes, an official replied, but they *** If we believe that immigrants could help reinvigorate rural Ne- weren’t releasing the second letter. MANAGERS braska, the key is allowing them a path to citizenship so they can PIERRE — South Dakota’s laws regarding Initially they cited “personnel” as the rea- settle down. Until Congress resolves the legality issue, undocu- public records are in some ways good and in son for the denial. I asked for the specific ex- Gary L. Wood mented immigrants will continue to live in the shadows. They’ll Publisher other ways bad, depending on what a person emption. The reason then became the hesitate to become permanent residents because their illegal sta- is trying to learn about the everyday opera- correspondence exemption. Michele Schievelbein tus poses the threat of deportation. tions within a government or public school State law, thanks to former Attorney Gen- Advertising Director That’s why allowing a path to citizenship makes sense. Citizen- district. eral Larry Long, contains a specific process Tonya Schild ship would aid immigrants, but it also would aid communities by The laws, rewritten in 2009, clearly favor for formally seeking a record. Business Manager filling vacant homes and giving businesses a more stable work- public knowledge on financial matters. I filed a formal request and cited two rea- force. That section directs the laws be “liberally sons the letter must be a public record. The Michael Hrycko According to Vigdor, naturalized immigrants are more produc- Circulation Director construed” on financial records and citizens two letters were transmittals of a public tive employees. With experience, they win promotions and con- “shall have the full right to know of and have body’s official decision. The letters also dealt Tera Schmidt tribute more to their companies’ success. As a result, they full access to information on the public fi- in some ways with financial matters. Classified Manager out-earn undocumented immigrants by 16 percent. nances of the government and the public bod- If my formal request was denied, I was pre- Kelly Hertz Think of the implications in rural Nebraska, where reform ies and entities created to serve them.” pared to use the appeal process in state law, Editor could open the door for new residents to reverse the population But the laws also clearly shield government where an administrative hearing officer re- decline and provide employers a stable workforce that reinvigo- officials and employees from public scrutiny. views the matter and gives a decision. If neces- James D. Cimburek rates main streets as these new residents put down roots. The Sports Editor Their correspondence, memoranda, calen- sary, I was prepared to appeal an adverse new home owners would patronize grocery stores, appliance deal- dars or logs of appointments, working papers, decision to circuit court, the next step under Beth Rye erships and purchase other goods and services. and records of telephone calls made on the state law. New Media Manager Evidence favoring immigration reform continues to grow, yet job — public or personal — aren’t considered The officials in custody of the letters de- Kathy Larson too many lawmakers in Washington — including most of Ne- public records. cided to relinquish a copy of the second letter. Composing Manager braska’s delegation — are dragging their feet. Why? The consequence is, in most instances, citi- They also mentioned in the course of the dis- Bernard Metivier zens can’t know what public employees are cussion they received a response to that letter District Manager doing except at a public meeting. from the other organization. I asked for and re- Further, the open-records laws don’t apply ceived a copy of the response letter. *** OUR LETTER POLICY to anyone in the judicial branch — and only to The officials made clear they hoped I the Legislature when legislators agree. wouldn’t write a story. One of the officials de- DAILY STAFF The PRESS & DAKOTAN encourages its readers to write let- ters to the editor, and it asks that a few simple guidelines be followed. Recently the correspondence exemption clined to answer a question until he knew Melissa Bader n Please limit letters to 300 words or less. Letters should deal with for officials and employees snagged this re- what I planned to do. I didn’t answer either Derek Bartos a single subject, be of general interest and state a specific point of porter. way and moved on to another topic. Cassandra Brockmoller view. Letters are edited with brevity, clarity and newspaper style in At a meeting held months ago, a public body The letters aren’t the main point of what I Rob Buckingham mind. directed that two letters be sent to another or- am researching. I don’t know yet how the let- Randy Dockendorf n In the sense of fairness and professionalism, the PRESS & ganization. The discussions and the vote were ters fit. But they are telling about attitude and DAKOTAN Jeannine Economy will accept no letters attacking private individuals or busi- shown in the meeting minutes. relationship. nesses. The department in custody of the records Jeremy Hoeck Citizens generally should have the right to n Specific individuals or entities addressed in letters may be given provided one of the letters that I requested. But know what official letters say. Nathan Johnson the opportunity to read the letter prior to publication and be allowed to there wasn’t any mention of the second letter. Robert Nielsen answer the letter in the same issue. Muriel Pratt n Only signed letters with writer’s full name, address and daytime Matt Robinson phone number for verification will be accepted. Please mail to: Letters, Noelle Schlechter 319 Walnut, Yankton, SD 57078, drop off at 319 Walnut in Yankton, fax Miss America And The Idiots to 665-1721 or email to [email protected]. Cathy Sudbeck BY LEONARD PITTS JR. dus. Hindus are not Muslims, either. Not that Sally Whiting Tribune Content Agency hating them would be acceptable even if they Brenda Willcuts ON THIS DATE were. And not that the distinction will matter to Jackie Williams A couple months ago, I got an email from the folks quoted above. All dark-skinned people By The Associated Press Bush returned the American flag to full Supreet. with exotic names or unfamiliar customs are Today is Monday, Sept. 23, the staff at Camp David, symbolically end- Supreet is in the 11th grade. He shops at Muslim terrorists to that bunch of nuclear *** 266th day of 2013. There are 99 days ing a period of national mourning for Wal-Mart and plays basketball. His fa- physicists. left in the year. the 9/11 attacks on New York’s World There was more. “Jessica Ayres” Published Daily Today’s Highlight in History: On Trade Center and the Pentagon. Thou- ther came to this country from India and both are Sikhs, followers of a cen- offered this self-negating bon mot Monday-Saturday Sept. 23, 1952, Sen. Richard M. sands gathered at New York’s Yankee Nixon, R-Calif., salvaged his vice- Stadium to offer prayers for the victims turies-old faith founded in the Punjab when Davuluri won: “I swear I’m not Periodicals postage presidential nomination by appearing of terrorism; Mayor Rudolph Giuliani region. Supreet wanted to tell me what racist but this is America.” Then there paid at Yankton, live on television to refute allegations pledged that “our skyline will rise it is like being a Sikh in America. was “Jonah Carlin,” who tweeted im- South Dakota, under of improper campaign fundraising. again.” Thirteen coal miners were He wrote about how, after 9/11, his ages of blond, blue-eyed Miss Kansas, the act of March 3, (The address became known as the killed in explosions at the Blue Creek Theresa Vail, dubbing her “a real Miss 1979.
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