GOVERNMENT OF NORTHERN IRELAND CENSUS OF NORTHERN IRELAND 1926 COUNTY AND COUNTY BOROUGH OF LONDONDERRY. Printed and presented pursuant to the provisions of 15 and 16 Geo. V., ch. 21 BELFAST: PUBLISHED BY H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE ON BEHALF OF THE GOVERNMENT OF NORTHERN IRELAND. To be purchased directly from H. M. Stationery Office at the following addresses: 15 DONEGALL SQUARE WEST, BELFAST: 120 GEOHGE ST., EDINBUHGH; YOI<K ST., MANCHESTER; 1 ST. ANDREW'S CI~ESCENT, CAHDIFF ; AD ASTRAL HOUSE, KINGSWAY, LONDON, W.C.2 ; OR THROUGH ANY BOOKSELLER. 1928 Price 5s. Od. net THE QUEEN'S UNTVERSITY OF BELFAST. iii. PREFACE. This volume has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of Section 6 (1) of the Census Act (Northern Ireland), 1925. The 1926 Census statistics which it contains were compiled from the returns made as at midnight of the 18-19th April, 1926: they supersede those in the Preliminary Report published in August, 1926, and may be regarded as final. The Census publications will consist of:- 1. SEVEN CouNTY VoLUMES, each similar in design and scope to the present publ~ca tion. 2. A GENERAL REPORT relating to :.Northern Ireland as a whole, covering in more detail the statistics shown in the County Volumes, and containing in addition tables showing (i.) the occupational distribution of persons engaged in each of 51 groups of industries ; (ii.) the distribution of the foreign born population by nationality, age, marital condition, and occupation ; (iii.) the distribution of families of dependent children ·under 16 years of age, by age, sex, marital condition, and occupation of parent; (iv.) the occupational distribution of persons suffering from infirmities. 3. A ToPOGRAPHICAL INDEX, dealing in separate alphabetical sections with each type of area for which statistics are published in the County series. The particulars given for each territorial unit include references to the 6" Ordnance Survey maps and to Tables 3, 4, or 5 of the relative County Volume. · The net prices for the above publications will be 5s. Od. for each County Volume and lOs. Od. each for the General Report and the Topographical Index. A complete set of these Volumes may be obtained directly from the Superintendent, H.M. Stationery Office, 15, Donegall Square West, Belfast, at the special inclusive price of £2 2s. Od. strictly· net. The Registrar-General is empowered by Section 6 (2) of the Census Act (Northern Ireland), 1925, to prepare and supply from the Census returns, statistics other than those published in the Census Reports at the request and cost of any local authority or person. Any.special demands for statistics more detailed than those published (eithe~ as regards subject matte_r or area) c~nthus, as far as ?~ce records permit, be satisfied. Requests for special compilation of Census statistics should be addressed to the Registrar-General, who will be pleased· to advise and furnish an estimate of cost. GENERAL REGISTER OFFICE, MURRAY STREET, BELFAST. jUNE, 1928. iv. CONTENTS. PART I.-DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS OF TERMS USED IN THIS VOLUME. Page Area vi Population vi Administrative Divisions vi Parliamentary Constituency ... vii Houses .. vii Rooms .. vii Families .. viii Rateable Valuation viii Education viii Occupations ix Industries ix Birthplaces ix Religious Professions ix Orphanhood X Infirmities X Spelling of Place Names X Convention as to Dots (.)and Dashes(-) X Correction of Census Data xi PART 11.-STATISTICAL NOTES. AREA ..• xii POPULATION xii Parliamentary Constituency · xiii BUILDINGS, ROOMS, AND FAMILIES ... xiv Houses xiv Persons per Inhabited House and Persons per Family xiv Housing in CountyDistricts and Wards XV Accommodation of Families and Persons .... xvi Comparison of Units of Occupation with·Iiihabited Private Houses xvii INSTITUTIONS, ETC. xviii SEXES, AGES, AND MARITAL CONDITIONS xviii Excess of Females over Males .. xviii Distribution according to Age .. xix Distribution. by Marital Condition xix EDUCATION ..• xix OCCUPATIONS ... XX Proportion occupied XX Numerically important Occupations XX Occupational Status and National Health Insurance ... xxii INDUSTRIES ... xxiii Industrial Distribution of Occupied Population xxiii BIRTHPLACES •.• xxiv RELIGIOUS PROFESSIONS .... ·· xxiv ORPHANHOOD· XXV INFIRMITIES ••• XXV v. CONTENTS-Continued. PART III.-TABLES. ABBREVIATIONS.-Co.=County; C.B.=County Borough; U.=Poor Law Union; D.=Dispensary District; C.E.D.=County Electoral Division; D.E.D.=District Electoral Division. Subject of Table. 1 Area, Houses, and Population, 1926 Co. and C.B. 1 2 Population, 1821-1926 Co. and C.B. 1 3 Area, Population, Houses, Accommodation, and Valuation ... Co. and C.B., 2 Co. Dists., D.E.D.'S, Townlands 4 Area, Population, Houses, Accommodation, and Valuation .. Co. andC.B., U's, 28 D's, D.E.D.'s. 5 Area, Population, Houses, Accommodation, and Valuation .. Co., C.E.D.'s, 31 D.E.D.'s. 6 Private Houses and Population living therein ... Co. and C.B., Co. 33 Dists., Wards 7 Inhabited Private Houses, Rooms, and Families Co. and C.B., Co. 34 Dists., Wards 8 Private Families : Size, Rooms Occupied, and Density of Occupation Co. and C.B., Co. 37 Dists., Wards 9 Inhabited Buildings, etc., other than Private Houses: Type, Co. and C.B. .. 42 Number, Total Population, and (for Institutions) Number of Inmates 10 Inhabited Institutions and Other Establishments and Shipping : C.B. and Co. 42 Number, Total Population, and (for Institutions) Number of Inmates Dists. 11 Ages (Quinquennial Groups) and Marital Condition Co. and C.B., 43 C.B., Urban Aggregate, Rural Aggregate 12 Education : Persons attending Educational Establishments by Sex Co. and C.B., 45 and Age Regional Education Areas 13 Occupations (Full List) of Persons aged 12 years and over by Sex ... Co. and C.B. .. 48 14 Occupations (Main Groups) of Persons aged 12 years and over by Sex, Co. and C.B., 56 Occupational Status, and National Health Insurance C.B., Urban Aggregate, Rural Aggregate 15 [Given for Belfast County Borough only] 60 16 Industries (Main Groups) of Persons aged 12 years and over by Co. and C.B. .. 60 Sex 17 Birthplaces ... Co. and C.B. 61 18 Religious Professions Co. and C.B., Co. 62 Dists., Wards 19 Orphanhood of Children aged less than 16 years by Sex and Age Co. and C.B. .. 63 20 Persons suffering fron1 Infirmities by Sex, Marital Condition, and Age Co. and C.B. 64 Groups, and Numbers of such persons residing in Institutions vi. PART I. DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS OF TERMS USED IN THIS VOLUME. AREA. The acreages given are as measured by the Ordnance Survey of 1899-1907. They exclude- In Tables 1, 3-5 (a) Foreshore and unnamed islands of less than one rood in extent. In Tables 3-5 (b) The larger rivers, lakes, and tideways. N.B.-While the larger rivers, lakes, and tideways are not enclosed within townland boundaries they form part of administrative areas. The extent of these excluded portions is shown for the county, county borough, county districts, and poor law unions in footnotes to the appropriate tables. POPULATION. The population comprises all persons, including Forces of the Crown, enumerated as at midnight of Sunday the 18th-19th April, 1926, together with those who, not having been enumerated elsewhere, arrived in port or were received into any dwelling on the morning of the 19th April before the Census returns were collected. The population assigned to each area is that actually present (as defined above) within it, whether as permanent residents or temporary visitors, persons in port but on ship board being classified to the adjacent area. In general these definitions apply to the population as enumerated at previous censuses, and shown in Table 2. ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS. The County is divided into seven county districts (three urban and four rural) comprising 86 district electoral divisions, three of which are situate in urban districts (see Table 3). The County Borough is divided into five wards, each of which is coterminous with a district electoral division (see Table 3). Four poor lavv unions are contained within the County and County Borough. The medical dispensary districts situate in the County and County Borough number twenty-one and three respectively (see Table 4). Poor law unions and medical dispensary districts are, respectively, superintendent registrars' and registrars' districts for the registration of marriages, births, and deaths. The County is also divided into nineteen county electoral divisions (see Table 5); and into three regional education areas. The County Borough forms an additional regional education area (see Table 12). · Apart from the reconstitution of county electoral divisions and district elec­ toral divisions in 1923, the changes which have taken place in the boundaries of administrative divisions since 1911 are as follovvs :-. (a) Portion of Londonderry County transferred to Antri1n County consequent on the extension of Portrush Urban District (1st April, 1915). (b) Coleraine Rural District, Coleraine Union, and Portstewart Medical Dispensary District reduced by transfer to Antrim County of the portion referred to at (a) (1st April, 1915). vii. (c) Portstewart Urban District formed out of portion of Coleraine Rural District (1st April, 1916). (d) Londonderry Poor Law Union reduced by the exclusion therefrom of the County Donegal portion (1st April, 1921). PARLIAMENTARY CONSTITUENCY. The present parliamentary constituency was created by the Governn1ent of Ireland Act, 1920, and comprises the administrative county and county borough of Londonderry. HOUSES. 1. The term " House " denotes (a) each structure (except institutions) which stands alone or is separated from another by a vertical party wall ; and ·which is used or intended partly or wholly for habitation ; (b) each institution (viz., hospital, sanatorium, nursing horne, infirmary, workhouse, asylum, religious or charitable comn1unity, residential school or college, barracks or other premises under Naval, l\1ilitary, Air Force, or Police discipline, prison or other place of detention), regardless of the number of buildings within its precincts ; .
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