Msseessesm?^ 7400 Oa

Msseessesm?^ 7400 Oa

C-12 THE EVENINGSTAR AUTOMOIILIS FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE AUTOMOIILIS FOR SALK AUTOMOIU.iI FOR Utl AUTOMOIILIS FOR Mil | | AUTOMOIILIS FOR SALI AUTOMOBILES FOR SALI AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE waqan. company h-k Washington, D. C. spotless, '67 convertible; '66 hardtop: ; '64 convertible “88"; radio PONTIAC 1959 station *3.- PONTIAC1 '59 eon*.: ot- ] RENAULT '69 4-deer sadan; ra- • power, FORD '66 Custom sedan; FORD rad and MERCURY Montclair OLDS steering, guar- THUNDERBIRD '69: full 71, 1959 tont, r. and h., •harp two-tone, cuttom Interior. , and heater, power powtr flclal ear: naw-car title and dio. haater. actual mllsa; ; Lincoln engine: glacier Thursday, August ortg. two V-t. with straight whlta. Inside and out: brakes, s-egg antee fully pawer eteer- beautiful performs auto, steering, w.-w. Mercomatlc. r. and h.. power ex- beautiful robin b,ue: equipped, like new cand. throukhout; *l,-- Hut; 6.000 miles: *3,996! drive, r and h.i Ilka trans. powar , car, new Ing and brakas; big aavlne new; $905, $146 down, or trade. tires, white top. Tint hoe reelly tras priced to aell, *996. *146 l-owner traded In on at We re Laughing at Cl*v Frlea, Been of. Speclol prlco. down, or trade. Oldsmoblle: *lB5 down. •3.295: down gaygtant, bank AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE token core terms to fit your budget. (CONTINUED) KIRK MOTOR CO. Capitol ALBER OLDSMOBILE “cave ford 40110 Oeorgle Ave. N.W. Auto Sales KIRK MOTOR CO. TA 9-4800 5010 Wla. AVO. EM. 3-3088 4000 Oeortla Ave N.W. TA. 9-4800 7 W 4 McNEIL PONTIAC 4814 SUn St Bothoida. Md. FOLEY FORD ,edan; | Victoria; ! *j!i »: PONTIAC *59 OL. 6-8262 "On tha de SOTO 'SB V-H 4-dr rORD '57 Falrlene "500" FORD1 '56 Country Sodon ato. woe . '66 Monterey hardton: Vi OF BKTHEISya" : Marlboro Flke" green end white hn beautiful blue and whlta finish, MIECURY , «fin°li.r '56 "88" 2-door: Upper beaut, *h. 9 pass : pi., p.b., r. and h : excel r. and h„ Mercomatlc. beautiful OLDSMOBILE Marlboro. Md MA. 7-2801 lectory elr cond¦¦ 0 with w -w. tires. Fordomatic. ra- owner, $1.200. radio, beater, hydramatic drive. BRAND-NEW KINTIACS *SB sta wagons: big J’ h?".?.-etc new - cond. 1 CB 3-J96U light blue flnleh, w.-w. tlree, like saving 1959 RENAULTS THUNDERBIRD 'SB hardtop coupe; tran,.. r. end . dio heater: tiptop condition; sl.- price 2-tone flnleh. immaculate, eale cath pr trada Tow down 1 •uto ml: ®n « new. Low BURROWS RAM- white, red w.-w., very low 605: written guarantee. I FORD '54 Custom Fordor V-8: 4-HUM) CATALINA •now, Interior: specialcond: price. email down fully equipped, *450 or boat oiler. BLER, OOtf M_eLjLg., LI. r. and h.. Fordomatic. power eteer- #2.395:financing. hardtop: 1959 TRIUMPHS lng; positively payment, oenk TRIANGLE FORD MERCURY 1956 4-door 4-DR. SEDAN V-8 complete beautiful INBPECT- j only $1,096. POTOMAC : CHRYBLER-PLYMOUTH-IMPERIAL (quipped: hydramatic. Moat selection of new t ED. 12.289. Your car or Tow 3010 R I. Ave. N.E. LA 9-1003 FIAT 1969 600 earlts Excellent like new: ’ Factory hardtop,, • MOTORS. STEUART, INC. by eve. n.w. 48(1(1 N.W. 2-1020 heater, signals, •port* convertible,, ate- as *289 down WOLFI L. P. FORD '66 FORDOR: A-l cond.; cond. For ealo owner. Coll MOTORS. 7910 Wle. WISCONSIN EM. turn da luxe McNEIL PONTIAC 1 lion wagons. 4-drs., Wash- - r after p m OL. 8-1665. ¦tearing wheal, In tna 17.13 N. Moore st Art.. Va.. at adth w only 14.000 mllee No cash neces- 6 GA_i-Hi9ir OLDSMOBILE '57 4-dr. "88" Holi- ell bath air 1 ington eras. Many of those low- - Rosslyn. JA. 4-3251 '66a; and H—*477 aedan, heatar, air filter, dual sun visors, priced sary. our payments as low as ] ford '57 Country Btdea; air con- MERCURY R. day radio and claanar. cars get as much at 60 hardtop: r. $9 per week. ditioning. Fordomttlc radio, hoot- automatic: 1 owner: traded In an cigar Ugh tar, gah trgy, arm rast. ] mils, par gallon Soma law- 1 THUNDERBIRD '6B Oldemoblle; mileage; tubalti, liras, carpeting, da tuas ' and h.. crulsomatlc. k.ouh miles. er. Immaculate condition; onlyr 1300 l new lew top: baautlful 2-tona finish: 1. milaaga damonatrntara available to TOESssartratires; upholstery. engine. low-mlleags 1 Must see appreciate: *3.195. good sdlis. LYNN MOTORS 81.795. MERCURY ’BBblack 2-door: stand- 420 owner: ear: traded In at reduced ericas. 3001 14th St. N.W. AD. 4-4648 ard shift: 1 owner: superior com., : on naw Oldsmsbllt; (805 & BAKER exceptionally clean; 13,000 ALBER OLDSMOBILE $2,645 THACKER MOTORS WILLIAMS PAUL BROS. (OLDS) miles 7400 Ava. N W. RA. 6-8114 DELIVER¦> ‘WHERE QUALITY COMES 8t» W N.W, leaving country Aug. Oa. _ . UNITED AUTOS FIRST* _ FORD ’57 ?Hth end M N Ho._2-87(>0 CONV. Wls aod Elllcotl Sts. KE. 7-1300 I OWNER the Open Dally Til 9: Bun. ’Ttl «_ . Bank financing to eutt your budget. ALBER OLDSMOBILE 12th and R_l _Av*_N I_LA_H-«610 *56 etetlon wagon; Perfect Beautiful Dresden blue Felrlane. FORD '56 "8" Sunllper conv. equip : : 128 Make offer KE 7-0214. 7400 Oa. Ava. N.W RA. 0-6114 , Ot WKRATON DODGE . power steering. 2-dgy OLDSMOBILE '57 2-dr. hardtop Open Dally 9; 11326 Oa Ave LO. 6-3350 ) TRIUMPH Clasile '64 TR-2; new cond. Owner. Oood tlree. Home R. and h *1,195 JOYCE MOTORB, 1217 N. MERCURY 'SB Montclair 4-dr. - coupe; powar. $299 Til Bun. ’TU 6 i paint I, powar, h., "88" all r. and h.. 2427 Reedle Dr. LO 4-824 H 1 Urea, top. and motor tob, all aPtC : Jdth st . Arl. Vo.. JA. 7-2584. hardtop, full r. and w.-w. tires; eolld black. Thle car DOWN PONTIAC ' 67 Star Chlaf ; excel, cond.. never raced. LA. Lancer hardtop CAkI. INC .EX .3-9003 good | top cond. Pvt, owner. OL, 6-8192. you. yellow and green: convartTitrans., SIMCA '69 4-dr. Special de lux*;• fifinoE \69 V-8 Florida Avf. N.E. HENRY J. 1051: oood cond.. looka like the one luat for auta. 1 . tlree; milaaga. 9-3007. coupe, stunning deeert tan and lftft 1 tires; passed Inspection: : sedan; Special price tlraa, r. and h.; matcuEg r end h w.-w. lew .tearing. D. C. MERCURY '63 ciiftom lor thla weak and w.-w. cond TRIUMPH. beige flnleh; power PORD ’sl V-8 Tudor Sedan; auto- p.m. straight $460 or beat offer only. STAR PONTIAC Interior; ne down payment too *1.596 or bast t TR-3 1967: red. aeod w.-w. n.; *lllO. TU. 2-2805 after 6 dr. payment* °njw-car ; cond : r„ low mileage, 1 owner. ••Ito r. and h.. matic. r. and 9245. p.m.. 8-3900. small to consider, as Call B_te_6 TP. , Sales 91.760 or beet offer. UN 4-8331. etc ; cond. WILLIAMS & BAKER 59 HILLMANS '56 convert coral Capitol Auto STEWART BUICK fires.’ mlleaae; special Prjce. Deal METROPOLITAN i 8810 Wls Ave EM. 3-3066 VAUXHJtLL 59 4-dr.; new. Oil actual guarantee; smal. 29th end M 81, N W HO. 2-8700 Brtnd-new Models—But flnleh This little cat will give , "Serving Washtngton’e motoring 1635 Wilson Blvd.. Arl. quality ear; special So 805; LPB you miles gallon OLDS '6l convertible: complete cue- JA. 6-7350 6-7351 oeyme bang ftnenclng '57 Fairlane ‘ Imported Cars I 25 to 35 per and i public for over a quarter ot a JA Ilngllsh-bullt¦t *1.896, *195 dawn, caah Sown nt. ; FORD convertible Manhattan yon comfort too. i tarn Interior: now engine: fully or "500"; auto.. V-8. r. and h., 2- HO *-7000 ¦ let ride In An equip.; U STATE AUTOS trade; bank finance. STEUART, INC. i 6 LOCATIONS ’ ear. (45 dawn. , sicrlflce JU. 0-3288. • #: Sunday • L. P. tone, like new throukhout. A real , wegon; excellent 2nd - cmen Daily. to Till ll IT HI. buy HILLMAN 'SB 4-dr itetlon (38 per mo OLDS '52 "88" 4-dr.: r. end h.7 (AC^MS yTwS C&) McNEIL PONTIAC at 1 gray and white 2-tone hydra.; HECIcf Ave.. $1,595 beautiful mid- *250 or make offer. 2337 7320 WU. Betheada. Md. pelnt. very low mileage; : WE OIVE^TOP-VALUE STAMPS Chegter st i.e., after 8 p.m. PONTIAC 1954,4-door TUta-Seds’n OL. 4-8000 week speclol. Star Chief: all pewar; vary SIMCA ’SB *1.498. OLDSMOBILE '53 4-dr T. milaaga: low "IN THH HEART OF BETHESDA'* STATE AUTOS powar "98"; sir-conditioned -by OM : MA. 2-1350. _ ROSENTHAL ALEXANDRIA RAMBLER and h.. Hearing and brakaa. peyemnt. Snort convertible: distinctive black < VOLVO 59 2-dr. aadan. Modal 544; beat offer. 4233 Wilson Blvd.. An., Va. brakaa: down A truly magnificent ear you will finish, contracting beautiful condition, CHEVROLET Dolngorfleld Rd. OV. 3-0065 56.000 ml ; excel cond. Boat after. terms »» your budget. leather Interior: r. and h.. w.-w. tlrea. leather ln- DODGE 1952. Columbia Pika and 8. Olebe Rd. 166 JA. 4-4600 After_s HE 4-6633. bank to Orpo*N A< factory equipped. Including radio, lew mileage, new-car cand.; r and h.. automatic drive. *-85. Arlington. CO) BLl?TK T‘AC*CO.., new-ear sure Urtjrr ROPER MOTOR, Va JA. 7-6781 <ACROBB FROM HECHT . 4-dr.; McNEIL PONTIAC Irving Ai 7- heater: cond.. to $1 dn . Jl* mo. HILLMAN PACKARD '66 Patrlelan 8500. 1437 et. PM. please. Regular *2,276 a iIS i wheals, y.

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