LAND REGULARISATION THROUGH PARTICIPATOR Y APPROACH IN TANZANI A THE CASE OF UBUNGO DARAJANI - DA R ES SALAA M BY: JOSEP H DIDA S KESS Y "A PROJEC T PAPE R SUBMITTE D I N PARTIAL FULFILLMENT FOR TH E REQUIREMENTS FO R TH E DEGRE E O F MASTE R O F SCIENC E I N COMMUNITY ECONOMI C DEVELOPMEN T I N TH E SOUTHER N NE W HAMPSHIRE UNIVERSIT Y A T TH E OPE N UNIVERSIT Y O F TANZANIA " MARCH 200 5 CERTIFICATION The undersigned certifie s tha t he has rea d th e project an d foun d it to be in a form acceptable by the Souther n New Hampshire University and th e Ope n University of Tanzani a a projec t entitled . Lan d Regularisatio n Throug h Participator y Approach. Th e Case of Ubungo Darajani - Da r es Salaam in partial fulfillment of the requiremen t fo r th e degre e of Maste r o f Scienc e i n Communit y Economic Development ii DECLARATION AND COPY RIGHT I Josep h Didas Kessy , declare that this project i s my own original work and that it has not been presented to any other University for a similar or any other degree award. Signature: This projec t i s copyrigh t materia l protecte d unde r th e Bern e Conventio n th e copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act 1999 and other International an d National enactments in that behalf, o n intellectual property. "N o part of this Project ma y be reproduce d stor e in an y retrieva l system , o r transmitte d i n an y for m by an y means electronic , mechanical , photocopying , recordin g o r otherwis e withou t prior writte n permissio n o f th e autho r o r th e Ope n Universit y o f Tanzania/Southern New Hamphshire University in that behalf iii DEDICATION To m y parent s Mr. Didas Ambroc e Kess y an d Natali a Dida s Kessy , m y wif e Idaya J. Kessy, my children Dalton, Davis, Annette, Danford , Amelia an d th e rest of m y famil y fo r thei r mora l suppor t an d encouragemen t durin g th e eightee n months period of study. iv ABSTRACT Community Lan d Regularizatio n i n Ubung o Darajan i stemme d fro m commo n problems i n th e community . Thes e includ e poo r vehicula r accessibility , increasing lan d conflic t an d fea r o f eviction by th e governmen t du e t o insecur e tenure. Th e commonl y fel t problem s oblige d th e communit y t o com e togethe r and collectivel y wor k t o addres s lan d developmen t an d managemen t (regularization) problems . Communit y togetherness is see n a s a n instrument fo r engendering socia l capita l a s wel l a s strateg y fo r resourc e mobilization. The y were attracted to belon g t o th e commo n cours e a t th e sam e time the y wanted t o associate with community achievements . Thi s is power o f collective an d socia l network theory . Thei r effective mobilization , coordination amon g th e actor s and effective linkag e with other institutions suc h a s University College of Lands an d Architectural Studie s (UCLAS) , th e Kinondon i Municipa l Authority , Utilit y Agencies an d th e Ministr y of Lands an d Huma n Settlement s Development wer e the basi s fo r th e achievemen t recorde d i n thi s area . I n addition , th e trust , networking capacit y building , commo n norm s an d rules negotiatio n wer e important factor s leadin g t o succes s o f th e project . Communit y participatio n guarantees that a felt need is involved, sense of ownership, a n intrinsic value an d a catalyst fo r further developmen t efforts . The stud y conclude s tha t unles s th e lan d Regularisatio n activitie s o n goin g in informal settlement s ar e closel y monitored an d regulate d a s th e settlemen t grow , it will be costly socially and economically to retrofit . V ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The projec t o n Lan d Regularisatio n through participator y approach woul d no t have been possible without support and guidance from othe r parties. I n the course of undertaking the project research I have benefited fro m a number of individuals whom I want to express my sincere gratitude. My sincer e thank s wit h dee p gratitud e ar e du e t o my superviso r Dr. Alphonce Kyessi fo r his support an d guidance throughout th e period of research. Withou t him the product of my work could not have been the way it looks. I wis h als o t o expres s m y sincer e thank s t o m y Projec t Instructo r Mr . Michel Abdjibodou an d th e academi c coordinato r Mr. F. Mutasa for his guidanc e an d transparency in shaping my mind in a proper directio n to prepare a n acceptabl e project documen t whic h conform s wit h standard s of Souther n New Hampshire University and the Open University of Tanzania. I a m als o indebte d t o th e Managemen t of Ubungo Darajan i Development Fund (UDADEFU) fo r thei r cooperatio n an d suppor t i n mobilizin g communit y members fo r interview and availing all the necessar y informatio n regarding this project. T o mention a few , but no t leas t th e Chairma n Mr. Cosmas Msisi, th e Vice Chairma n Mr. Gladston e E . Kombe, Onespho h Msah th e Acting Secretar y General, Mr. Cyri l Magari an d Mr. V. G. Lyimo who ar e Executiv e Committe e vi members o f UDADEFU bot h of whom were ver y resourceful an d usefu l t o my project write up. Finally, I woul d lik e t o expres s m y sincer e appreciatio n t o al l th e cours e instructors fo r impartin g knowledg e whic h enable d m e t o appl y al l wha t a gathered fro m variou s subjects t o my project researc h coming up with a readable document. vii Contents Certification i i Declaration and copy right ii i Dedication i v Abstract v Acknowledgement vi i Table of Contents i x List of Maps vii i List of Appendices i x Acronyms x Chapter One Background to th e researc h issue 1 1.0 Introductio n 1 1.1 Informa l settlements in urban location s 1 1.2 Evolutio n and location of informal settlements 3 1.3 Growt h and expansion of informal settlements 5 1.4 Statu s of unplanne d settlement s in Dar es Salaam 9 1.5 Informa l settlement s and National Policy 1 1 1.5.1 Governmen t response s 1 3 1.6 Regularisatio n o f unplanned settlement s in Tanzania 2 8 1.7 Lega l basis of regularisation 3 0 1.8 Wh y participatory approac h i n planning works in a poor country? 3 1 viii 1.10 Statemen t of the research issue 3 1 Chapter Two Literature review and conceptua l framework: 3 5 2.1 Theoretica l Framework an d concepts underpinning communit y involvement 3 5 2.1.1 Collectiv e Action Theory 3 7 2.1.2 Socia l Network Theory 3 8 2.1.3 Th e concept of decentralization .......4 0 2.1.4 Th e concept o f participation 4 6 2.1.5 Polic y Aspects 5 7 2.1.6 Emperica l Literature 6 2 2:1:7 Experienc e of Land Regularisation in other countries Cas e of EI Augostino Settlement in Limen, Peru 6 3 2:1:8 Experienc e of Land Regularisation in Tanzania, th e Case of Upanga ..............6 5 2:1:9 Informa l land regularization in Kihonda 6 8 2.2 Conceptua l framewor k variable s 7 2 Chapter Three Study methodology: 8 1 3.0 Stud y methodology 8 1 3.1 Selectio n of the case study why Ubungo Darajani ........8 3 3.2 Uni t of Analysis, research process, data collection and analysis 8 4 3.3 Dat a collection protocols 8 7 3.4 Dat a analysis Theory 8 9 3.6 Limitatio n as for the work 9 0 ix Chapter Four Overview of Ubungo Darajani: 9 2 4.0 Overvie w of Ubungo Darajani 9 2 4.1 Socio-economi c context 9 2 4.2 Settlemen t evolution and institutional framework 10 5 4.3 Dar es Salaam Master Plan of 1979 10 8 4.4 Communit y initiative in land management 10 8 4.5 Spatia l organization 10 9 4.6 Lan d development patter n 11 2 4.7 Lan d demarcation syste m 11 2 4.8 Securit y of tenure 11 3 4.9 Th e rationale fo r land regulatization a t Ubungo Darajani 11 4 Chapter Five Regularisation process: 11 8 5.0 Introductio n 118 5.1 Th e approach use d 11 8 5.2 Rol e of the community in the regularisation process 11 8 5.3 Participatio n 12 3 5.4 Trus t 13 1 5.5 Institutiona l arrangement s 13 5 5.6 Ne t working 13 8 5.7 Negotiatio n 14 1 5.8 Capacit y building 14 7 Chapter Six Sustainabl e regularisation: 14 9 6.0 Issue s at stake during regularization process 14 9 x 6.1 Outcom e from regularisation process 15 1 6.2 Wa y forward 15 1 Chapter Seve n Lessons, Recommendation and Conclusion: 15 4 7.0 Introduction................
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