Wisconsin State Journal - 12/01/2019 Copy Reduced to 43% from original to fit letter page Page : A01 WISCONSIN STATE JOURNAL SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2019 | A1 Business, town New approach grow together THE AXE IS BACK to old tradition Vortex Optics, maker Badgers earn berth in Big Taxidermist Alex Lease of spotting scopes, rifl e Ten title game with dominant carries on Wisconsin’s scopes and binoculars, hunting heritage with brings jobs and more victory over Minnesota one-stop support in to Barneveld SPORTS. B1 Blue Mounds BUSINESS. D1 LOCAL&STATE. C1 A COUPLE OF SNOW SHOWERS 36 • 22 FORECAST, C12 | DECEMBER 1, 2019 | ALL TOGETHER NOW | GOOD DAY UKULELE MULTI-STATE LAWSUITS AGs are fighting the feds Kaul joins in attack on executive policies RILEY VETTERKIND [email protected] Democratic Attorney General Josh Kaul may have positioned himself as markedly diff erent from his Republican predecessor, but the two are strikingly similar in at least one re- spect: Suing the federal govern- ment. Both attorneys general assumed AMBER ARNOLD PHOTOS, STATE JOURNAL offi ce with a Kaul Lillian Tong and Kathy Liska, right, both of Madison, sing and play along at a Madison Area Ukulele Initiative monthly singalong at Lakeside Street president of the Coff ee House. Ringleader Andrew Wilke has led groups at various venues around Madison but said the hall-like space inside Lakeside has the best opposing party acoustics around. occupying the White House. And after their fi rst 10 months in offi ce, both attorneys general Ukulele players pursuing joined a simi- lar number of Schimel multi-state law- suits against the administration in power. So far in his term, Kaul has community and harmony joined seven lawsuits against the Trump administration, Teacher, students while former Republican Attor- Web extra ney General Brad Schimel had joined at least six suits against travel path to ‘greater Video from one of the Madi- the Obama administration by son Area Ukulele Initiative’s the same time in his fi rst term goodness, gratitude’ monthly singalongs at Lake- in 2015. side Street Coff ee House. HOWARD HARDEE “If there is a law or policy Visit: go.madison.com/ukulele [email protected] that’s harmful to the state, and Andrew Wilke searched for we think there’s a strong basis the right key, singing under his strumming in unison. for a challenge, that’s when we breath while his long, slender The recent gathering at Lake- get involved,” Kaul said. fi ngers formed ukulele chords side Street Coff ee House was Kaul and Schimel aren’t alone with the precision of well-exer- joyful from the beginning. Many in their activism against the cised muscle memory. participants were smiling as they federal government. They join a Then he jumped into the eve- followed the lyrics and chords growing cadre of state attorneys ning’s fi rst song — Billy Joel’s changes on their tablets, prob- general across the nation who in “You Might Be Right” — and ably due in part to the silliness recent decades have joined forces Andrew Wilke, founder of Good Day Ukulele, leads players through a about 100 ukulele players fol- song in MAUI’s large repertoire. lowed his lead, singing and Please see UKULELE, Page A9 Please see LAWSUITS, Page A8 The Rev. Mwangi Vasser hopes Pardoned but not restored to become a military Wisconsin forgiveness feeling as being “free from that pardon slowly started to creep chaplain. But dark cloud” that had been hang- back over him as some offi cials in despite receiving isn’t good enough for ing over his shoulders for the past Georgia refused to accept that his a pardon from 22 years. rights have been restored. Wisconsin Gov. some other states He walked out of the state “It almost feels as if it defeats Tony Evers, Capitol building with his signed having a pardon if I can’t move EMILY HAMER the state of pardon in hand and raised his forward, and I’m still considered Georgia has not [email protected] arms triumphantly into the air, a felon,” Vasser said. “Here in the recognized When the Rev. Mwangi Vasser smiling up at the bright blue Oc- state of Georgia, other states, I’m his restored received a “full and uncondi- tober sky. still considered a felon.” rights. tional” pardon from Wiscon- But over the past month or A pardon is an offi cial grant EMILY HAMER, sin Gov. Tony Evers nearly two so, the cloud of discouragement STATE JOURNAL months ago, he described the Vasser felt before receiving his Please see PARDONS, Page A10 ARCHIVES News+ off ers exclusive digital content BUSINESS D1 LOCAL&STATE C1 OPINION D10 TAKE FIVE E5 such as dozens of new restaurants to try COMICS INSIDE NATION&WORLD A3 SPORTS B1 TELEVISION INSIDE in the Madison area MADISON.COM DINING E4 OBITUARIES C6 SUNDAY BEST E1 TRAVEL E8 S • 180th year, No. 365 • Copyright 2019 Follow us online: facebook.com/WisconsinStateJournal twitter.com@WiStateJournal instagram.com/wistatejournal “A life-changing experience.” —Stage Wispers 5,000 YEARS OF CIVILIZATION REBORN Feb4–5,OvertureCenterfortheArts ALL NEW PROGRAM ORDER TICKETS NOW! 800-800-4410 • ShenYun.com/WI WITH LIVE ORCHESTRA 00 1 Copyright � 2019 Wisconsin State Journal 12/01/2019 October 16, 2020 6:19 pm (GMT -5:00) Powered by TECNAVIA Wisconsin State Journal - 12/01/2019 Copy Reduced to 43% from original to fit letter page Page : A10 A10 | SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2019 FROM PAGE ONE WISCONSIN STATE JOURNAL “‘Yeah, we cannot pro- Pardons ceed,’” Vasser recalled her From A1 saying. “And I said, ‘Why not? of forgiveness that restores What’s wrong?’ certain rights, including “And she said, ‘You are the ability to own a gun, a convicted felon,’” Vasser vote, serve on a jury, hold recounted. public office and hold cer- “I said, ‘No ma’am. I was tain professional licenses. a convicted felon. I received It doesn’t erase a conviction a pardon from the governor from someone’s record, but in the state of Wisconsin,’” applicants often say having Vasser said. “As I began to forgiveness from the gov- show her the pardon she ernor makes them more at- had no interest in looking tractive to employers. at it. She looked at me like, In Vasser’s signed pardon, ‘Yeah, whatever. You won’t Evers specifies that Vasser is work here.’” “fully and unconditionally” In Wisconsin, Doyle said, pardoned, meaning “all the law enforcement agencies rights and privileges which can consider the nature of may have been forfeited by the crimes applicants com- him as a result of said of- mitted, even for offenses fense” have been restored. that have been pardoned. But Georgia officials told But he said it’s wrong for Vasser the wording needs them to issue a blanket de- to be more specific. nial to pardoned applicants A Nov. 25 letter from because of their conviction. Evers to Vasser — specifying Doyle said when he some of his rights that were EMILY HAMER, STATE JOURNAL ARCHIVES granted pardons, his under- restored — has put Vasser The Rev. Mwangi Vasser leaves the state Capitol after receiving his pardon in October. Vasser was pardoned for attempting to standing was that the indi- on the path to getting the sell drugs when he was 19. Now 41, he has since earned five college degrees, committed no new crimes and wants to become viduals should be treated as issue resolved. a military chaplain. if there was no conviction But Vasser said he fears on their record. those who live in other really care about owning a “first success story” of the Pardon program lissa Baldauff said the gov- Vasser is finding some po- states and get Wisconsin gun, but he wants to work as new program. ernor’s office plans to assess lice departments have rules pardons could face similar a police officer to mentally The letter reiterates that Anyone interested in receiv- the obstacles pardoned in- that prevent people from hurdles. He also isn’t sure if prepare before trying to be- Vasser’s pardon is “full and ing help from the Pardoned dividuals confront and see working in law enforce- he’ll be able to work in law come a military chaplain. unconditional,” and speci- Citizens Assistance Program “whether there is more this ment if they have ever been enforcement, as three states He can’t become a military fies that it “grants, among can contact Akhtar or Wall: office can do.” She said it is convicted of a felony, even so far have told him they chaplain right away because all other rights and privi- impossible to anticipate ev- if the charge was sealed, ex- Masood Akhtar, won’t hire felons — even he has to “hit the gym” and leges, the right to receive, [email protected] ery hurdle that might come punged or pardoned. those who were pardoned. cut two inches off his waist possess or transport a fire- up for those pardoned. He checked with police Ed Wall, efwall1@gmail. to be eligible for the mili- arm, the right to vote, and com While it appears there departments in Arizona Teenage mistake tary. He needs the right to the right to hold or run for are ways to ensure firearm and Texas, two other states Vasser, 41, was convicted possess a gun for both jobs. political state office.” rights are restored, less where he is interested in liv- of possession of cocaine “My purpose of going to Even with the letter, the heard of” another state re- clear is whether Vasser will ing, with no luck. Two ad- with intent to deliver af- the local gun store was to FBI has told Vasser his pa- fusing to accept a Wiscon- be able to work in law en- ditional agencies in Georgia ter he was found with $80 just to see if my paperwork perwork might not get pro- sin pardon.
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