March 30, 2006 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 4651 and probably best known for his storytelling. This month we recognize the vital role TRIBUTE TO A FALLEN SOLDIER Many will also remember his appearance on played by this organization in communities ‘‘The Phil Donahue Show’’ after filing more across our Nation and abroad. Since its found- HON. MICHAEL BILIRAKIS than 200 child support collection complaints in ing in 1881 by Clara Barton, this organization OF FLORIDA 1 day. has been committed to serving America in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES But outside of the spotlight that comes with peace and in war, during times of natural dis- Thursday, March 30, 2006 his office, David has a heart as big as the aster and national calamity. In 1905, this orga- State of Alabama and as pure as a pound of nization was chartered by Congress ‘‘in accord Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to gold. with the military authorities as a medium of pay tribute to a fallen soldier from the Ninth He is the type of person that empathizes Congressional District of Florida. Army Ser- communication between the people of the with people from all walks of life and has a geant Michael D. Rowe, from New Port United States and their armed forces.’’ Since tremendous, caring capacity for those who are Richey, Florida, was killed by a roadside bomb less fortunate. David Whetstone wore his title then, the Red Cross has provided communica- in Rutbah, Iraq. His death came just before his as the ‘‘people’s attorney’’ with pride and he tions and other humanitarian services to help 24th birthday. never, ever let his own success in public life members of the U.S. military and their families Michael’s decision to join the military dem- go to his head or prejudice his judgment; for around the world. onstrates his dedication and service to this na- David, doing the right thing was the only way Time and time again, from floods and torna- tion. Following high school, our young people to do business. does to diseases and terrorist attacks, the Red have many opportunities and wide open doors Mr. Speaker, in 2002, David offered his con- Cross has led the way in providing disaster re- to pursue their dreams. Michael chose the siderable talents and service to the people of lief in times of emergency. By offering cloth- path of the Army because he believed that it south Alabama when he ran for the Repub- ing, food, shelter, health care, and mental was his honor and duty to serve his nation lican nomination for U.S. Congress. While for and protect our freedom. In fact, he had told obvious reasons I am personally grateful that health services, the Red Cross has extended a helping hand and provided comfort and en- his mother that the Army would be his career the outcome turned out as it did, I can say and had re-enlisted for another four years of couragement to millions of people around the with all honesty and candor that had the vot- service shortly before he died. He did not world. ers rendered a different judgment, the people choose this path because he thought that he of south Alabama would have been well- The Red Cross is also highly regarded for would one day become a war hero or that this served by David’s passion for public service their efforts in health and safety preparedness. career would provide him a lucrative and ex- and by his drive and determination to rep- In order to be effective in times of crisis, it is travagant life. resent one and all equally. imperative to have adequate preparation. The I know it has been a very hard and difficult Mr. Speaker, at this time, I ask my col- Red Cross is instrumental in keeping the Na- time for Michael’s family and friends, espe- leagues to join me today in recognizing John tion’s blood banks supplied, by organizing and cially since Michael’s wife, Rebecca, is expect- David Whetstone for his tireless efforts and his conducting blood drives. The Red Cross has ing their first child in July. I hope they know tremendous contributions to the citizens of the also taken the lead in providing CPR and First that the nation thanks him for his service and First Congressional District and the entire we appreciate the sacrifices they had to make State of Alabama. Aid training to countless volunteers. In times of trouble, these preparation efforts make all for us as well. The experience and enthusiasm he brought Let freedom ring where all can hear it and the difference and embody the true spirit of to his job and the concern and compassion he let Sergeant Michael Rowe’s memory be eter- the American people, which is to help out our displayed for all people in Baldwin County are nal. unquestioned and unparalleled. He has indeed fellow man in times of trouble. been a genuine asset to the entire State of In May, the American Red Cross will turn f Alabama. On behalf of the thousands of men, 125 years old. This organization, while having HONORING THE MEMORY OF CALI- women and children he has assisted over the its roots firmly steeped in the past, is eagerly past two decades, I am proud to say, ‘‘Thank FORNIA STATE SENATOR AL- looking towards the future and overcoming the FRED E. ALQUIST you, David, for a job well done.’’ challenges that come our way. I have con- While I am confident David will continue to fidence they will succeed. The Red Cross is a remain actively involved in the life of Baldwin HON. JIM COSTA vehicle for the common American to help their County and southern Alabama for many years OF CALIFORNIA neighbor and that spirit will never fade. I com- to come, I hope this new chapter in his life af- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mend the Red Cross for serving the United fords him a few more free minutes each day Thursday, March 30, 2006 to enjoy the richness of life and the love of his States and its international neighbors for 125 wonderful wife, Lynne, as well as his fine chil- years. Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to dren, Deborah, J.D. and Chris, and the newest honor the memory of former California State Whetstone, grandson John David III. f Senator Alfred E. Alquist. He is survived by On behalf of all his friends and admirers his wife, State Senator Elaine White Alquist; throughout Alabama, I wish to extend to David PERSONAL EXPLANATION son Alan Alquist; stepsons Peter and Bryan and his family all the best, now and in the fu- White; and five grandchildren. ture. Alfred Ernest Alquist was born in Memphis, f HON. MARILYN N. MUSGRAVE Tennessee on August 2, 1908. He began his OF COLORADO professional life as a railroad yardmaster and TRIBUTE TO THE AMERICAN RED transportation supervisor, in which he dutifully CROSS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES served for 40 years. In his time with the rail- road industry, Senator Alquist developed and Thursday, March 30, 2006 HON. JERRY MORAN cultivated a keen interest in transportation OF KANSAS Mrs. MUSGRAVE. Mr. Speaker, I was un- issues. With a passion for policy nested, Sen- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES available on the evening of Tuesday, March ator Alquist joined his local Democratic Club in San Jose, California, which proved to be a Thursday, March 30, 2006 28, 2006, and as a result, was not able to cast my vote on rollcall vote 69. The matter under stepping stone for his political career. Mr. MORAN of Kansas. Mr. Speaker, I rise consideration was passage of the Milk Regu- Ever the dedicated citizen, Senator Alquist today to recognize March as American Red embarked on the campaign trail and was latory Equity Act, S. 2120. Cross month. This faithful organization strives elected to the California State Assembly in each day to carry out their motto, ‘‘There Mr. Speaker, had I been present, I would 1962. After his years in the Assembly, Senator when you need us.’’ On behalf of a grateful have recorded my vote on rollcall vote 69 as Alquist was elected to the State Senate in nation, I thank the Red Cross for their impor- ‘‘yea’’ in support of passage for S. 2120, the 1966 and became the first full-time Legislature tant service to those individuals in need. Milk Regulatory Equity Act. that same year. VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:58 Mar 14, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00218 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BOOK4\DAT FILES\BR30MR06.DAT BR30MR06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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