Committee and date Central Planning Committee 18 September 2014 Development Management Report Responsible Officer: Tim Rogers email: [email protected] Tel: 01743 258773 Fax: 01743 252619 Summary of Application Application Number: 14/02406/OUT Parish: Berrington Proposal : Outline application for residential development to include means of access Site Address : Land South Of Holcroft Way Cross Houses Shrewsbury Shropshire Applicant : Fletcher Homes (Shropshire) Ltd Case Officer : Jane Raymond email : [email protected] Grid Ref: 353756 - 307376 © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Shropshire Council 100049049. 2011 For reference purposes only. No further copies may be made. Contact Tim Rogers on 01743 258773 Land South Of Holcroft Way, Central Planning Committee – 18 September 2014 Cross Houses, Shrewsbury Recommendation:- Grant Permission subject to the conditions set out in Appendix 1 and a S106 to secure the relevant affordable housing at the time of the Reserved matters application and to secure the proposed highway improvements and a commuted sum for the future maintenance of the proposed vehicle activated signs. REPORT 1.0 THE PR OPOSAL 1.1 This application relates to Outline permission for residential development to include means of access with layout, scale, appearance and landscaping reserved for later approval. 1.2 The access will be off Holcroft Way which is the access road to High Cross Avenue off the main road (the A458). Although layout is not included and therefore not determined at this stage an indicative layout indicates 39 dwellings and public open space around the pond and trees to be retained. Information has also been submitted regarding highway improvements to the A458 including repositioning the 30mph sign, two new vehicle activated repeater 30mph sign and alterations to the mini roundabout and approach roads to the mini roundabout. 2.0 SITE LOCATION/DESCRIPTION 2.1 The site is a parcel of land situated between the rear of houses in High Cross Avenue to the North and the disused railway line to the South. To the East and West are open fields. 3.0 REASON FOR COMMITTEE DETERMINATION OF APP LICATION 3.1 The scheme does not comply with the delegation to officers as set out in Part 8 of the Shropshire Council Constitution as the Parish Council have submitted a view contrary to officers and the application has been requested to be referred by the Local Member, and the Area Planning Manager in consultation with the Committee Chairman agrees that the application should be determined by committee. 4.0 Community Representations 4.1 - Consultee Comments 4.1.1 SC Public Protection – Specialist: No objection in principal however would like to inform the applicant that at reserved matters stage details of how the development will take note of paragraph 35 of the NPPF should be given. Without information which is seen to be appropriate electric vehicle charging points may be recommended as a condition for all dwellings with off road parking. 4.1.2 SC Highways DC : The local highway authority raised some initial concern over the intensified use of the junction with Holcroft Way and the A458 due to a number of recent collisions at this junction involving right turning vehicles. Whilst the layout of the Holcroft way junction exceeds the requirements of modern design criteria, its proximity to the nearby mini-roundabout for the Atcham road appears to be the Contact Tim Rogers on 01743 258773 Land South Of Holcroft Way, Central Planning Committee – 18 September 2014 Cross Houses, Shrewsbury main contributory factor to the recently recorded incidents, as drivers are focusing on this junction and not on the preceding junction and travelled speeds over the mini-roundabout appear to be quite high. A site meeting was held with the applicant's transport engineer in order to discuss possible options for improvement works to improve safety along this stretch of the A458 and therefore deal with our concerns. Further to these discussions a design has now been provided which includes the following measures: -Repositioning of the existing 30mph terminal signs when entering Cross Houses from the Shrewsbury direction, as the existing location is on approach to the petrol station and the signs are not very conspicuous to approaching drivers. The signs are proposed to be relocated to the top of the bank near to Russell Place where they will be more conspicuous to approaching drivers. -Provide two Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS's): one on the approach to the mini- roundabout when travelling from Shrewsbury and one on approach to the zebra crossing when travelling from Cressage. These will flash up the speed limit to drivers who are exceeding the speed limit. -Improve the layout of the mini-roundabout to increase deflection for vehicles travelling straight-on along the A458 in order to reduce speeds and reposition the junction signs so they're in a more visible location. -Alter the centre road markings on the A458 alongside Holcroft Way to provide more space for right-turning vehicles and to make the junction more conspicuous to approaching drivers. The above measures have been investigated by the applicant's engineer and have been laid out on the supplied drawing number HW-RD-100. Having reviewed the design, we confirm that the measures are acceptable in principle to the local highway authority and we are of the opinion that these will help to reduce speeds and improve safety on the A458 and at the junction with Holcroft Way. The proposed access arrangements off Holcroft Way have been set out in accordance with local and national standards/guidance and we take the view that with the proposed safety measures the junction between Holcroft Way and the A458 will be suitable for the additional traffic loading from the proposed development. In transport terms we consider Cross Houses to be a sustainable location due to a small level of local employment, the ease of access offered by the A458 to Shrewsbury, the availability of some local services/amenities and access to a regular bus service between Shrewsbury and Bridgnorth. Subject to a condition to obligate the provision of the proposed road safety improvement measures, we have no objection to the proposed development. The proposed changes to the A458 will require an appropriate agreement with the local highway authority to allow the developer to construct them. It should be noted that the proposed vehicle activated signs will attract a commuted sum for future maintenance. Also, we understand the proposed estate roads will be offered up for Contact Tim Rogers on 01743 258773 Land South Of Holcroft Way, Central Planning Committee – 18 September 2014 Cross Houses, Shrewsbury adoption and therefore an agreement will be required under s38 of the Highways Act 1980 with the local highway authority. 4.1.3 SC Ecology : 04.09.14 Great crested newts Turnstone Ecology have confirmed in the September report that there will be no requirement for a licence from Natural England for the exclusion fencing or the development and have recommended a full suite of Risk Avoidance Measures (RAMs) for GCN to be produced prior to the start of any works. The RAM will also need to include installation and removal of the exclusion fencing. Turnstone Ecology recommend that Pond 1 is cleared out and enhanced for wildlife. These works will be included in the RAMs. Conditions and informative(s) are recommended in addition to those recommended 01 September 2014. 01.09.14 Confirmation should be provided by Turnstone Ecology that a Natural England licence in respect of great crested newts is not required for the development and the proposed exclusion fencing. Full Risk Avoidance Measures should be submitted so that they can be conditioned. Conditions and informative(s) on other wildlife matters are recommended. Bats Further to my previous comments on the need to survey mature trees to be removed, the Location Plan and Proposed Block Plan Rev A show retention of existing mature trees. The hedgerows, stream and trees will offer bat foraging and commuting routes for bats. It is important that these are retained and that lighting is sensitively designed. Turnstone (2014) recommend erection of bat boxes and bat bricks. Badgers There is an active main badger sett in the immediate vicinity, with details provided in the ecology report, which should be kept confidential for this reason. The June 2014 Ecology report makes detailed recommendations on working methods to avoid any damage or disturbance to the badger sett. Reptiles Turnstone (2014) note that the adjacent disused railway line and on-site pond are suitable for reptiles and make recommendations on working methods to discourage reptiles from using the site. I would presume that the amphibian fencing proposed would also prevent reptiles from entering the site and no additional precautions would be necessary. Contact Tim Rogers on 01743 258773 Land South Of Holcroft Way, Central Planning Committee – 18 September 2014 Cross Houses, Shrewsbury Nesting birds The two mature trees on the site, together with other vegetation along the disused railway line and pond all have good bird nesting potential. Great crested newts There is one pond (Pond 1) in the south west corner of the development site. Pond 2 is around 40m to the south of the former railway line and a further pond is around 250m to the south. Turnstone (2014) carried out six presence/absence surveys for great crested newts (GCN) on the first two ponds in May and June 2014. One adult female and one adult male was found in Pond 2. No amphibians were found in Pond 1. No GCN eggs or larvae were found which would have confirmed breeding. Turnstone (2014) recommend precautionary mitigation measures including installation of temporary exclusion fencing for GCN before development and removed on completion of the works.
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