FEDERAL REGISTER 1934 VOLUME 13 ¿¡p NUMBER 92 * United ^ Washington, Tuesday, May 11, 1948 TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT or with the aid of such public or private CONTENTS instrumentalities or persons as he may EXECUTIVE ORDER 9957 designate, and may delegate such of his V THE PRESIDENT authority as he may deem necessary or Possession, Control, and Operation op desirable. The Secretary may issue such Executive Order Pa6® Certain R ailroads general and special orders, rules, and Possession, control, and operation WHEREAS I find that as a result of regulations as may be necessary or ap­ of certain railroads_________ 2503 labor disturbances there are interrup­ propriate for carrying out the provisions, E&CUTIVE AGENCIES tions, and threatened interruptions, of and to accomplish the purposes, of this the operations of the transportation sys­ order. All Federal agencies shall comply Agriculture Department tems owned or operated by the carriers with the orders of the Secretary issued Proposed rule making: by railroad named in the list attached pursuant to this order and shall cooper­ Peaches in North and South hereto and made a part hereof; that it ate to the fullest extent of their author­ Carolina: has become necessary to take possession ity with the Secretary in carrying out Decision with respect to mar­ and assume control of the said transpor­ the provisions of this order. keting agreement and tation systems for purposes that are 4. The Secretary shall permit the order__________________ 2543 needful or desirable in connection with management of Carriers whose transpor­ Referendum to be conducted the present emergency; and that the ex­ tation systems have been taken under, among producers and desig­ ercise, as hereinafter specified, of the or which may be taken pursuant to, the nation of agents'________ 2549 powers vested in me is necessary to in­ provisions of this order to continue their Poultry, dressed, and dressed sure in the national interest the opera­ respective managerial functions to the domestic rabbits and edible tion of the said transportation systems: maximum degree possible consistent products_________________ 2542 NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the with the purposes of this order. Except power and authority vested in me by the Alien Property, Office of so far as the Secretary shall from time Notices: Constitution and the laws of the United to time otherwise provide by appropriate States, including the act of August 29, Vesting orders, etc: order or regulation, the boards of di­ Bender, Hans_____________ 2556 1916, 39 Stat. 619, 645, as President of rectors, trustees, receivers, officers, and the United States and as Commander in Bliss, Arthur Ames, and Laura employees of such carriers shall con­ Neuhans Blass__________ 2555 Chief of the Armed Forces of the United tinúese operation of the said transpor­ States, it is hereby ordered as follows: Krause, Dr. George A______ 2557 tation systems including the collection Meier, Caroline___________ 2557 1. Possession, control, and operation and disbursement of funds thereof, in of the transportation systems owned or Osaka Marine & Fire Insur­ the usual and ordinary course of the ance Co., Ltd. and Mitsubi­ operated by the carriers by railroad business of the carriers, in the names named in the list attached hereto and shi Marine & Fire Insurance of their respective companies, - and by Co., Ltd............. 2557 hereby made a part hereof are hereby means of any agencies, associations, or taken and assumed, through the Secre­ Reger, Mrs. B---------------- 2558 other instrumentalities now utilized by Saechsische Staatsbank____ 2558 tary of the Army (hereinafter referred the carriers. to as, the Secretary), as of 12 o’clock Schech, Caroline__________ 2556 noon, Eastern Standard Time, May 10, 5. Except so far as the Secretary shall Schulke, Hedwig________ 2558 1948; but such possession and control from time to time otherwise determine Stoeckler, Clara__________ 2559 shall be limited to real and personal and provide by appropriate orders or Usuki, Harumi____________ 2559 property and other assets used or useful regulations, existing contracts and agree­ Wahl, H. G_______________ 2559 in connection with the operation of the ments to which carriers whose trans­ Weigl, Mary_____________ 2560 transportation systems of the said car­ portation systems have been taken under, Woy, Margarethe_________ 2561 riers. If and when the Secretary finds or which may be taken pursuant to, the Yasui, Haruno, et al________ 2560 it necessary or appropriate'for carrying provisions of this order are parties, shall Army Department out the purposes of this order, he may, remain in full force and effect. Nothing Rules and regulations: by appropriate order, take possession and in this order shall have the effect of sus­ New Mexico and California; list assume control of all or any part of any pending or releasing any obligation owed of Executive orders, procla- transportation system of any other car­ to any carrier affected hereby, and all mations and public land or­ rier by railroad located in the continental ders affecting military reser­ United States. payments shall be made by the persons vations______________ 2507 2. The Secretary is directed to operate obligated to the carrier to which they are or may become-due. Except as the Sec­ Civil Service Commission or to arrange for the operation of, the Rules and regulations: transportation systems taken under or retary may otherwise direct, there may pursuant to this order in such manner as be made, in due course, payments of Competitive service, list of posi­ he deems necessary to assure to the full­ dividends on stock, and of principal, in­ tions excepted____________ 2506 terest, sinking funds, and all other dis­ Personnel, transfer to public in­ est possible extent continuous and un­ ternational organizations in interrupted transportation service. tributions upon bonds, debentures, and which U. S. Government par­ 3. In carrying out the provisions of other obligations; and expenditures may ticipates or to American mis­ this order the Secretary may act through (Continued on p. 2505) sions____________________ 2506 2503 2504 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued C O N TEES— Continued Domestic Commerce, Office of— Pag* Post Office Department . Pase FEDERAL|pE(jlSTER Continued Rules and regulations: • Vr l'unto*'»34 J j F Rules and regulations—Continued Madagascar and dependencies; Allocations and export priorities parcel post rates__________ 2541 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, system operation—Con. Registry system, insurance and and days following official Federal holidays, Review-appeals procedure__ 2523 ' collect-on-delivery systems; by the Division of the Federal Register, the Steel, copper and aluminum; declaration of full value of • National Archives, pursuant to the authority registered mail____________ 2541 contained in the Federal Register Act, ap­ special rules for placing and proved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as scheduling certified orders. 2522 Public Health Service amended; 44 17. S. C., ch. 8B ), under regula­ Delegations of authority: tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Compliance commissioner Rules and regulations: mittee, approved by the President. Distribu­ functions---- ------------------ 2509 Commissioned officers; foreign tion is made only by the Superintendent of Delegation of certain powers. 2508 service allowances_________ 2541 Documents, Government Printing Office, Functions transferred from Of­ Public Housing Administration Washington 25, D. C. fice of Materials Distribution. 2511 The regulatory material appearing herein is Materials orders: . Rules and regulations: keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, War housing program, policy; which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Antimony____________ ___ 2530 to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Cans________________ 2531 disposition of federally owned amended June 19, 1937. Special restrictions_______ 2533 war housing projects__ ____ 2537 The F ederal R e g is t e r will be furnished by Cinchona bark and quinidine. 2533 Securities and Exchange Com­ mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Rubber, synthetic rubber and per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ products_______________ 2535 mission vance. The charge for Individual copies Notices: (minimum 15£) varies in proportion to the Tin_____________ l_______ 2524 size of the issue. Remit check or money Procedural rules; compliance Hearings, etc.: order, made payable to the Superintendent procedure________________ 2511 American Power & Light Co. of Documents, directly to the Government Transfer of regulations; Office (2 documents)_______ 2554,2555 Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. of Materials Distribution: East Coast Public Service Co. There are no restrictions on the republica­ Compliance procedure_____ 2537 et al___________ :------------ 2553 tion of material appearing i n the F ed era l Delegation of authority— 2537 Portland Gas & Coke Co.___ 2554 R e g is t e r . Federal Power Commission Notices: 1947 SUPPLEMENT Hearings, etc.: CODIFICAÎION GUIDE Atlantic Seaboard Corp. et al_ 2551 to the A numerical list of the parts of the Code Northern Natural Gas Co— 2553 of Federal Regulations affected by documents CODE OF FEDERAL Tennessee Gas Transmission published in this issue. Proposed rules, as Co__________ _____ ____ 2552 opposed to final actions, are identified as REGULATIONS Federal Reserve System such. The following books are now Rules and regulations: Title 3— The President Page available.
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