•J' . ______ :• ---I'. uU', m ilmi e $ » - ■ T w in FaU s, Ida!iaho/9Sth year, N o.. 22 3 9 S a t u r d aay, ; A ugust 26, 20003 ________________ _____ 5 0 c c n ts C O O D M O RRNING f " p ^ C o u nt t y W e a t h e r ) o n ’t.m is tS t h e; f i r s tt b e l l , * Today:ay: Mostly w a n t s; 5s u i t sunny,ny, breezy later.T, high1 87. Q e aar ri tonight, d r o p p) e e d ^ lowSS ■ U p 's P ageA 2 Action woulcjld k e e p M a g i c V a l u [SB pair of dairiesi e s o p e n ------- ContahwdrfoMMw^B'M lange------- fires in so u th em Idahlaho are ByJohnT.Huddy Im der control, for thethe tim e Tlm«>^<ew» wrtter being. i TWIN FA LLS-1I - Twin Falls P age B7 County officials arearc asking that ■ a lawsuit filed again-lainst the coun­ Agre «m ent A n Oakler rancher ty by several countyity iresidents bo h as re a d ie d an agreereement in ■ m dismisi^tid - a moveave that would I connection w ith a cri:crim inal keep two large dairilairies open for i d iarg e. business. Page B7 H jH David Cazier.. tlith e coHiity's deputy prosecuteutor, filed a motion earlier ththi is week in ! M o n e y District Court. The motion argiirgues. among Good growth? Somele iresidents other things, thatL resresidents were I k T '.'^*..7^fl> late in their appeal:al iiagainst large- of this westem Idahoiho town t e ; ^ • " * * w onder if a resort wowould dairy operations ownedown l>y Hank Hafliger and Pete.•te DeGrool in change th e ir a)m mnunity ui for- I* • * * Us Counly. B ' t • * * t u H R i western Twin FaUs C ever. ^ “The Local ILand Use P ag eC 4 Planning Act allowsows for penujns f l * adversely affectedcd by a perm it. ■ • * * * * n l decision to seek judicialjud review; ^ R e l i g i o n witliin twenty-ei^tIght days of the; exhaustion of adiradministrative' B f I * • - remedies,’’ the‘ mmoiion says; "Certainly, the nearlearly two years that elapsed, hebetween the io«M oiro*/ni nw»* issuance of Hafligerigcr’s LCO (live- It Hl£h School taachor snd votl*ybiftyball coach Kelly Youree worksIS on a fall practice schedule FriiFriday afternoon. School startsts hMonday for many Magtc Valleyiey stock confinementicnt operation), permit in Ffhruar;uary 1998, and and fof the College of Southem IdaIdaho. the first objectionm tcto the permit, received by thehe county in " F f l January 2000, conconstitutes an ^ unreasonable delaylay und im inad- udents hhead to cclass; m<lotorists5 beware equate attempt byl)y piK'ritioners to Camivats - and Qod:od: These S tX I exhaust administratiirative remddies cam hral operators5 seserve Jesus TTfTlnw^f»»W«w»_______________ school,s partly bccausc malany are IWin Fallss SchoolS District JeromeJe High School. " by appealing the! permitpel dedsion reshmen only .start schc u n d e r th e big top^ eexpanding their boundararies for Twin Falls Hi^hH School - 8:09 Frc^ to the Board of ComiU)mrnissioners,” [ FALLS - Get up and get thet first time,” Carlson saiclid. “Tlie u.m. to 2:50 p.m..m. londay, and all other grad Len Miracle of FFiler, one of J, because it’s time for firstf few days of school cacan be a Vera C. O’Lc’Leary Junior Hij-h startlart Tuesday. On lx>th days, t , the petitioners in the lawsuit^ school. realr wake-up call to motoriirists." School-8:20 a-m.a-ri to 3 p.m. firstirst bell rings at 8:05 a.m., a said he was unavrartvarc of the coun-. Classeses begin1 Monday in many Local police departmerents say R obert Stuituart Junior High tht-*lie tardy■ bell ritigs at 8:10 a ty’s motion. Hei sasaid he didn’t ' Magic Vall(^aUcy communities and (tt ' 'thfeyll t patrol school zonenes next School - 8:15 an,r m. to 3 p.m. SchcIchool is out at 3 p.m. want'to commentjnt >on the issue- ■ m U l l ^ .,tbef:oUegilegf of Sc^them Idaho. week.v c Bickel Eloaioojentary Scli.)ol - ' JeromeJc iVliddle School - fFi r^‘ until he spokeke with Kich ^ leli rings ut-8:05 o.m. and I Aiudou;ni$ students heading back More parent.s d^ive theleirdiil-i , 830^4n. to 3;15rlSpjn. beH V m Carlson, the Filer,er iattorney rep. d'feh to school during ththe first Horrison Ele:ilementary School - tareardy bell rings at 8:10 a. resenting the residesidents. td classeds'e^ after sum mer break ' Wioolisout at 3 p.m. h itt 1the streets in force. weeky of dasses than theyy doi dur- 8;45 o.m. to 3:15:15 p.m. , Carlson critidzedized the county’s ing the rest of the school1 year,j to Lincoln Elerlementary School - CentralCi Elementary Schoc motion to dismiss;s ththe lawsuit, M otorist!sts will be sharing the J 1:20 a.m. to 3 p.m. once ogain with school help' their children settlele into a 8:35 a.m. to 3:15dSp.tn. 8:20 , ‘'it should comene tto no suiprise routine. Twin Falls Policee Officer M orningsid;ide Elementary HorizonH Elementary Schoc to the commission);ioners that peo- buses, nonot to mention parents \ !:15a.m. to 2:50 p.m. rushingIto to meet the first belL John Wilson said. Trafficic patrols School - 8:40 a.m'.a.i to 3:15 p.m. 8:15 , , ple don’t complainlain about their will hit school zones withith radar Oregon TrailTr; Elementary WashinglonW Elementary Sdi they are made in ; Carlson, public affairs ' dedsions when the; KMlmVJ Dave C guns, to remind motoristscs to slow School - 8:40t a.m. a.i to 3:15 p.m. “•8:15 8:1 a.m. to 2:50 p.m. secret,” Carlsonon :said Frid.iy. director}r Ifor the Oregon/Idaho down.| I.B. Perrinee IElementary School /on’t know about r of AAA, said motorists “Most people won’i Spiked! Fall sportsts previewsF chapter o - 8:15 a.m. to1 2:-2:45 p.m. GetSetting there safely the decision untilItil they see lhe anember to watch for chil- . ' continue with a lool(»katvoU ey. Getting there on timee Siiwioutli ElementaryEk School - Parentsp. can take a minutelte to bulldozers," n streets and sidewalks ' 1:15p.m. ,ail< ibout Carlson saidcl hihe witl file a b all across th e valle;Uey. CSI, nearscho(hools. Here is a list of schocool star. 8:30 ijn. 10 3:1! alk with their children ab m eanw hile, hosted*d ia m atch. "ChildrIdren pose risks to them- timesi for the larger dististricts in _ o Please see SCHOOLS. PaB<3ge A2 Please see3C DiDAIRIES. Pago A2 Jerom e SchoolS< District P age B i selves theth first few weeks of thei area: N A I 'I O N one last time? Presiresident Wi^ith wildeiemess dclosed, F7&G offFers humIters opti'dons C linion h ead s to AAfl fnca. .. areas still open this year. ssioi. M emo re'reveals YoucI can get refund The entire commiss aapproved P I Wood’s propo o m in g uiU ND A Y o r wrak, a but you HmHunters can decide which opwijon h a z i i r d ous u j road C S besbesl suits their individual nee-•eds. A d ebate rages: OmOne year c a n ’t g o in t h e r e Meanwhile, twenty-six mi blazeshla are burning on ab plan, Crai■aig says after a prescribedd b u m got range- irts disagree TheAwoc 692.000 acres of forest anti rai out of hand, experts land statewide. Firefigiiterss con- The Assoclatod PfosPfOMi___________ ab o u t th e afte r^ fe c tained the IG,000-acre Criirimsnn BOISE3E - The Idaho Fish and au of WASHINGTON[ON - President Commission on Friday con- ClcClover fire on the Bureai Game Coi Land M anagem ent’s Lo.ower Chnlon’s plan to iprotect mil- , ' Section by'S s E C T I O N sideredIhow h I--1 Snake River Di.stricl. More tthan lion acres of roadUadless forests may to acco ‘7 e More on two dozen fires started Thur;ir.sday pose a greater• risrisk of wihlfires Section A SeS e r tK m B night, bill crews were abllile to than tlie adminisirlisiration has pub- hunting-BIO out of liciy disclosed, IdtIduho Sen. L;irr>- W ea th e r . 2 Spoiaports . .1-6 sh u t out qu(quell them before they got oi hand. Craig charged FriFriday, citing an N a t i o n ___ 3 4 Mag\^aglc Valley .7 th e centintral : , Weather experts say thunander- internal Forest SerService memo, backcountry by raging ! ■ W o r k J ........... 5 Obit3bltuarles...8 M aho^, storms will decrease duringlg the The Forest Servservice is crafting es. tflMU weekend,WCI bul winds will blovow up pi;,„ using• oilolder maps that M o m li« b re a k .6 Ictai^daho/West .10 Conuniimissioner Fred Wood pro- ear Mabton, Wash, it to>”• 30 miles per hour at ridgeKetops. show a “lower• finfire risk” in four ! Crossword.. .6 Nati'Nation .........11 posed ththe agency offer hunters A bnith Are ignited Thursdayay by lightning bums Friday neai Five major wilderness; firesf nntional1 foforests, he said, C o m m unity .
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