BI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE STATE OF NEW SOUTH WALES AND THE AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY HOW GOD WORKED DURING THE BUSHFIRES AND WHAT YOU CAN DO TO ASSIST FUNFUN ANDAND NEWS FROM PWA, SCHOOLS, APWM, JERICHO, METRO, PIM FIVE MINUTES WITH FELLOWSHIPFELLOWSHIP PAC ASHFIELD’S REV TREV PETER BARNES CONTINUES ATAT PYPY SUMMERSUMMER CAMPCAMP STUDY SERIES ON ELIJAH “GLORIFYING AND ENJOYING GOD AS CHRIST-LIKE COMMUNITIES TRANSFORMING OUR NEIGHBOURHOODS, OUR NATION AND OUR WORLD.” MAR - APR '20 EDITORIAL Bi-monthly magazine of The Presbyterian Church in the State of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. Editorial PUBLISHER: As we start 2020, many Aus- Committee, writes about the im- THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH tralian communities have portance of resisting polarisa- (New South Wales) Property Trust been ravaged by fire and tion in the increasingly bitter drought. In this first edi- and divided debate on climate EDITOR IN CHIEF: tion we share amazing change and the importance of JEOFFREY FALLS stories of resilience in the us caring for God’s creation, [email protected] face of loss and grief; of particularly for future genera- anger as communities wait tions as we benefit from the bless- EDITOR/JOURNALIST: for financial relief and resourc- ings of the current world. KAREN FORMAN 0437 591 581 es; and of anxiety for all the work We also share stories from across the de- [email protected] that must be done to rebuild. nomination, including the Presbyterian But you will also read of hope, and of Youth Summer Camp, which was a time PROOF READER (HON): of joy, learning and fellowship for all BETTY THOMPSON God strengthening and growing the faith of people facing adversity and grief. who attended. CIRCULATION: SUZANNE JENSEN Our Moderator reminds us that, in the Please take the time to read about all that (02) 9690 9311 face of community anger, we need to be has been happening across the church. [email protected] disciplined in praying for those affected by the fires and drought, to be reminded In doing so, and from a personal perspec- DESIGN: that “the prayer of a righteous person is tive, it is with joy that I commend the BEN DAVIS powerful and effective” (James 5:16). news from Australian Presbyterian World www.benrdavis.com Mission (APWM) that, God willing, my [email protected] He also reminds us that pray-ers are son and his family have been called to great do-ers. Many people of faith are serve at the Tulua Theological Training PRINTING AND DISTRIBUTION: volunteers in a myriad of different and Institute in Vanuatu after he is ordained SIGNS PUBLISHING effective ways; from fighting fires; to as a Minister at the end of this year. supporting those fighting fires; to those Registered by Australia Post continuing to support local communi- The first few verses from Ecclesiastes 3 PP2455550/00020 ties recover and to rebuild over coming affirm: "For everything there is a season, months and years. a time for every activity under heaven … The Pulse is an internal publication of the a time to heal and a time to build; a time Presbyterian Church of Australia in New Liz McClean, the CEO of Jericho Road, to weep and a time to laugh; a time to South Wales and the Australian Capital Ter- ritory. We do not accept paid advertising. shares stories of volunteers helping their mourn and a time to dance; and a time The Pulse is a forum for sharing ideas and neighbours in prayer, but also in very to gather stones after they have been encouraging outreach to our local commu- practical ways, and reminds us that scattered.” nities, our nation, and the world. while immediate help and donations are deeply appreciated, consistent and It is now time for all those who lost GENERAL MANAGER: loving ongoing support over the months loved ones and properties in the recent JEOFFREY FALLS following tragedy (particularly after the fires to gather together to mourn and to eyes of the media have turned to another build - “to gather stones that have been STATE MODERATOR: story) are even more appreciated. scattered”. We also need to continue to REV RICHARD KEITH take time to support our volunteer fire Whilst the amounts donated to and fighters and the communities continuing 168 Chalmers St distributed by Jericho Road are small to fight fires and the drought through Surry Hills NSW 2010 by comparison to the millions raised prayer, and through financial and prac- PO Box 2196 through social media, they reflect the tical help. Strawberry Hills NSW 2012 faithful financial support of many, many Phone: 1300 773 774 members attending our churches week Thinking on Ecclesiastes 3, time is a gift Fax: (02) 9310 2148 by week. Thank you! I remind our that should never be taken for granted. I Email: [email protected] readers that 100 per cent of every dollar encourage all our readers to remember www.pcnsw.org.au raised is distributed through our congre- to take time during 2020 to stop and re- gations to those in need. flect on how they are spending this gift. The views and opinions expressed in The Presbyterian Pulse do not necessarily rep- resent those of the Presbyterian Church of John McClean, Convener of the General Grace and peace, Australia in the State of NSW (Church) and Assembly’s Gospel, Society and Culture Jeof the Church is not responsible for the ac- curacy, currency or reliability of any advice, opinion, statement or other information contained therein. Trustee Investment Fund (TIF) COVER: Bright images from PY Summer Camp Interest rate on deposits 2.50% p.a. remind us of the brightness of God's word and As from January 1st 2018 promises amidst the darkness of bushfires. See No Fees the report in words and pictures inside. Collage by Pulse designer Ben Davis. 2 The 2Pulse THE PULSE NEWS Glengarry burns; Aged residents evacuated BY KAREN FORMAN The Christmas bushfires badly affected Scots College Campus in the Kangaroo Valley but thankfully main buildings were saved. New South Wales and ACT in a tion, six-month residential experience for “Fortunately they have all now been able state of emergency. More than 19 all Year 9 students, was in the line of the to return to their properties,’’ he said. million hectares of bush burned. firestorm, with various dormitories, resi- 6000 buildings destroyed, 30 dential buildings and cabins destroyed, to- “PAC implemented our emergency and human and one billion animal gether with the water filtration and sewage crisis plans to deal with the event. lives lost. systems and electricity substation. “We made contact at least once (in most That was the tragic situation after bushfires Fortunately, most of the key buildings cases twice or more) with around 40 Home swept through the State and the ACT from and infrastructure survived, although Care clients who were directly affected. October-January and as The Pulse went the fire swept right over and through the One Home Care client of ours who resided to print, it wasn’t yet over. As hot weath- property. All staff had vacated the site in Bargo was evacuated and we accommo- er collided with drought conditions, many and the College arranged temporary ac- dated her at our PAC Thornleigh residen- PCNSW-ACT churches, schools, homes commodation for all those affected. tial care home,” Mr Sadler added. and people were affected by the flames, the smoke and the fear in the north, the south Presbyterian Aged Care (PAC) South “During this time we worked together and the west. West Sydney Home Care services was with local communities, family mem- substantially impacted by the Green bers, neighbours and churches to ensure Up to the end of January, there was no Wattle Creek and Bargo fires. PAC that all PAC clients were attended to and loss of life within the PCNSW-ACT and CEO Paul Sadler said Home Care cli- in a safe place. prayers were ongoing. ents, many of whom lived in Bargo and surrounding areas, and around half of “We have plans in place to ensure on- The Scots College Glengarry Campus, PAC staff in the region were directly going service delivery for all our clients which offers a unique outdoor educa- impacted and had to leave their homes. during this difficult time.” CRC joins PCNSW in bushfire appeal The Christian Reformed Churches of Australia have in country NSW to reach out in Jesus' name to some who joined with the Presbyterian Church of NSW through Jer- have been so badly affected by the bush fires. icho Road to provide funds to folk affected by the bush- fires. Jericho Road is thankful for their generosity. “The Christian Reformed Churches of Australia pray that God would bless the money raised by CRCA congrega- Bert Kuipers, Publicity Officer for CRCA's Bushfire Ap- tions. May he bless those who are fighting fires! May he peal (pictured) said it was “really great’’ to know that Jer- soon send rain to end the drought and stop the fires. Lord, icho Road was able to work through local congregations hear our prayer. Check out and Like PCNSW’s new Facebook page and receive updates from all around the Church. www.facebook.com/presbyterianchurchnsw THE PULSE 3 FIRES REPORTS God at work in the heat of the flames Photo: Andrew Campbell, Guyra Home Missionary Photo: Andrew Campbell, Guyra Home Missionary Photo: Andrew Campbell, Guyra Home Missionary Photo: George Ayoub PRAYER POINTS Many Presbyterian communities have been affected by FROM OUR MINISTERS the bushfires that burned through NSW and close to the • For the Lord to move by His ACT prior to Christmas and at the start of 2020.
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