Revised Estimate 2018-2019 Budget Estimate 2019-2020 INDEX S.No. PARTICULARS PAGE NO. ABSTRACT OF CAPITAL EXPENDITURE BUDGET 1 SOURCE OF FINANCING FOR CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 2 A AERODROME WORK a) EASTERN REGION 3 - 5 b) NORTH EASTERN REGION 6 - 8 c) NORTHERN REGION 9 - 15 d) WESTERN REGION 16 - 21 e) SOUTHERN REGION 22 - 28 f) KOLKATA AIRPORT 29 - 32 g) CHENNAI AIRPORT 33 - 40 h) ENGG. WORKS-ANS 41 - 43 i) ENGG. WORKS-SECURITY 44 - 47 B OTHER DIRECTORATES a) AIR NAVIGATIONAL SERVICES 48 - 51 b) AIRPORT SYSTEMS 52 - 53 c) INFORMATION & TECHNOLOGY 54 - 55 d) GSS-EQUIPMENT & TECH 56 - 58 e) SECURITY EQUIPMENTS 59 - 60 C DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL APTS UNDER RCS a) RCS-AERODROME WORKS 61 - 68 b) RCS-OTHER DTE. 69 c) RCS-STATE GOVT. 70 - 71 AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA ABSTRACT OF CAPITAL EXPENDITURE BUDGET REVISED ESTIMATE 2018-19 & BUDGET ESTMATE 2019-20 ( Rs. in Crores) S.No. PARTICULARS BE 2018-19 RE 2018-19 BE 2019-20 A AERODROME WORK a) EASTERN REGION 318.380 276.850 322.110 b) NORTH EASTERN REGION 302.090 301.163 282.352 c) NORTHERN REGION 515.830 360.866 431.592 d) WESTERN REGION 308.170 276.192 324.096 e) SOUTHERN REGION 522.190 310.816 435.035 f) KOLKATA AIRPORT 124.400 61.111 96.780 g) CHENNAI AIRPORT 163.480 322.122 440.700 h) ENGG. WORKS-ANS 131.890 117.244 183.255 i) ENGG. WORKS-SECURITY 93.060 74.500 106.316 SUB TOTAL (A) 2479.490 2100.864 2622.236 B OTHER DIRECTORATES a) AIR NAVIGATIONAL SERVICES 650.000 524.000 705.000 b) AIRPORT SYSTEMS 7.300 68.400 32.500 c) INFORMATION & TECHNOLOGY 170.000 167.600 153.100 d) GSS-EQUIPMENT & TECH 280.000 272.360 261.540 e) SECURITY EQUIPMENTS 294.210 369.100 319.000 f) EQUITY OF JV COMPANIES 200.000 85.000 80.000 SUB TOTAL (B) 1601.510 1486.460 1551.140 C DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL APTS UNDER RCS a) RCS-AERODROME WORKS 440.370 588.350 b) RCS-OTHER DTE. 9.440 153.000 c) RCS-STATE GOVT. 152.940 239.440 SUB TOTAL (C ) 0.000 602.750 980.790 D MISCELLENEOUS 5.000 5.000 5.000 GRAND TOTAL (A to D) 4086.000 4195.074 5159.166 AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA SUMMARISED POSITION OF CAPITAL EXPENDITURE & SOURCES OF FINANCING (REVISED ESTIMATE 2018-19 & BUDGET ESTIMATE 2019-20) (Rs. in Crores) S.NO. PARTICULARS BE 2018-19 RE 2018-19 BE 2019-20 Opening Cash (Surplus) 2185.33 2185.33 1764.75 (i) Profit After Tax 2092.25 2185.12 2346.27 (ii) Depreciation 1603.98 1519.98 1620.00 (iii) Dividend &Tax thereon -1164.76 -1025.48 -1105.09 (a) Total Internal Resources 4716.80 4864.95 4625.93 Adjustment for changes in working capital: (iv) Increase in debtors -450.00 0.00 0.00 Repayment of Long Term Loans/interest (v) 1) Foreign Loan -2.52 -2.52 -2.52 2) Bonds (I Series)– On maturity 0.00 0.00 0.00 (vi) Staff Advances -217.40 -206.29 -266.76 (b) Net Internal Resources (a-iv-v-vi) 4046.88 4656.14 4356.65 (vii) Add:- NEC Grant 50.00 18.37 20.00 (viii) Add:- Govt. Grant/Budgetary Support/RCS 100.00 695.87 980.80 (ix) Add:- Deposit Works undertaken by AAI 50.00 89.44 67.20 (x) Borrowings 0.00 500.00 1500.00 I&EBR (b+vii+viii+ix+x) 4246.88 5959.82 6924.65 Total Capital Outlay 4086.00 4195.07 5159.17 Closing Cash Balance 160.88 1764.75 1765.48 As per the information the Central Budget Grant for RCS is likely to be reduced to Rs. 300 Crores in 2018-19 I ) Whether AAI will continue to incurr the expenditure in excess of Rs. 300 Crores II) or CAP expenditure to the budgetary grant of Rs. 300 Crores III) or resort to borrowing from market. AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA Abstract of Expenditure Budget REGION: EASTERN REGION WORKS: Aerodrome Works (Rs. In Crores) BE 2018-2019 RE 2018-2019 BE 2019-2020 SCHEMES A1 A2 Total A1 A2 Total A2 A3 Total CHQ 0.000 266.180 266.180 - 251.840 251.840 291.330 - 291.330 RHQ 27.100 27.100 25.010 25.010 30.780 30.780 RCS 38.600 38.600 0.050 203.421 203.471 342.290 - 342.290 Total 0.000 331.880 331.880 0.050 480.271 480.321 664.400 - 664.400 AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA Capital Expenditure Budget REGION: EASTERN REGION (Rs. in Crores) Profit Center Commenc Estimated Fund Center Scheme Fund Center Description BE 2018- Exp Upto Projected Exp. RE BE CHQ/R Source of Fund ement Cost Head (A1, 19 Aug-18 (From Sept-18 2018-19 2019-20 HQ Year A2, A3) to Mar-19) BHUBNESHWAR 2015 8.070 C130081000167 A2 Dev.basic.strip-level,drain&b/wall etc 0.000 0.500 0.500 2.000 CHQ AAI BHUBNESHWAR 2015 15.000 C130081000168 A2 Construction of AAI quarters 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 CHQ AAI C/o New Control Tower and tech. block & 2015 A2 CHQ AAI BHUBNESHWAR 32.540 C130081000169 allied works 10.000 1.382 4.458 5.840 5.000 BHUBNESHWAR 2010 12.900 C130081000170 A1 C/o Integ.office complex for AAI & DGCA 0.000 - CHQ AAI BHUBNESHWAR 2016 22.000 C130081000171 A1 Construction of box culvert 3.500 0.500 0.500 1.000 CHQ AAI BHUBNESHWAR 6.500 C130081000172 A2 Extension of runway 22 side. 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 CHQ AAI C/o fire station category IX & Emergency 2015 A2 CHQ AAI BHUBNESHWAR 17.070 C130081000780 medical centre 5.000 2.500 2.500 2.000 BHUBNESHWAR 2015 31.500 C130081000781 A2 C/o Hangar, Apron & Link Taxi Track 8.000 0.035 4.195 4.230 5.000 CHQ AAI BHUBNESHWAR 2015 14.650 C130081001346 A2 C/O E&M workshop 3.000 1.000 1.000 3.000 CHQ AAI BHUBNESHWAR 2016 138.100 C130081001418 A2 C/o Parallel Taxi Track i/c Apron 28.000 0.923 21.077 22.000 20.000 CHQ AAI BHUBNESHWAR 2016 30.000 C130081001419 A2 Extension of Terminal Building T-1 5.000 8.000 8.000 15.000 CHQ AAI BHUBNESHWAR 2016 20.000 C130081001420 A2 C/o Isolation bay. 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 CHQ AAI 2016 A2 CHQ AAI BHUBNESHWAR 15.000 C130081001421 C/o Ceremonial lounge with apron & taxi track 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 BHUBNESHWAR 2016 10.000 C130081001422 A2 Extension of Apron 0.000 - 0.010 CHQ AAI C/o NDTB for 4.25 MPPA capacity & 2017 A2 CHQ AAI BHUBNESHWAR 450.000 C130081001642 associated works 0.100 0.050 0.050 2.000 BHUBNESHWAR 2018 8.260 C130081001643 A2 Provisions of 02 nos. PBBs 8.000 0.500 0.500 1.000 CHQ AAI BHUBNESHWAR 2017 10.000 C130081001707 A2 C/o Storm water drain in operational area. 5.000 - CHQ AAI BHUBNESHWAR 2018 16.000 C130081001708 A3 C/o administrative block 0.100 - CHQ AAI KOLKATTA-RED 2017 24.700 C130101000189 A2 RHQ SCHEMES 27.000 6.891 18.109 25.000 30.730 RHQ AAI Recarpeting of Runway, Taxiway & Apron & GAYA 2015 21.830 C130141000173 A2 allied works for A-310 Ops 0.000 - 0.010 CHQ AAI GAYA 2015 15.000 C130141000174 A2 Acq.land-future dev.-Master plan 0.010 - 0.010 CHQ AAI JHARSUGUDA 2018 0.000 C130181800078 A2 C/o Storm water drain in operational area. 0.500 0.500 2.000 CHQ AAI MALDA 2015 46.000 C130241000177 A3 Works for operationalsation of Airport 0.010 - 0.010 CHQ AAI AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA Capital Expenditure Budget REGION: EASTERN REGION (Rs. in Crores) Profit Center Commenc Estimated Fund Center Scheme Fund Center Description BE 2018- Exp Upto Projected Exp. RE BE CHQ/R Source of Fund ement Cost Head (A1, 19 Aug-18 (From Sept-18 2018-19 2019-20 HQ Year A2, A3) to Mar-19) C/o New Terminal Bldg-Patna & allied 2015 A2 CHQ AAI PATNA 803.000 C130261000178 structures i/c apron 40.000 0.263 24.737 25.000 75.000 PATNA 2015 50.000 C130261000179 A2 Extn of Apron at JPNI Airport, Patna 2.100 11.110 11.110 0.500 CHQ AAI C/o NTB i/c new apron(CSG schemes 100%) 2014 A2 CHQ GOVT. GRANT PORT BLAIR 481.330 C130281001291 & C/o New Apron 73.000 28.853 71.147 100.000 100.000 PORT BLAIR 2016 0.000 C130281001423 A2 C/o NTB i/c new apron (Consultancy) 1.000 0.500 0.500 0.500 CHQ AAI PORT BLAIR 2018 40.000 C130281800080 A3 C/O New Apron 1.000 1.000 10.000 CHQ GOVT. GRANT Expn of apron-addl three bays for 3 nos. A321- 2016 A2 CHQ AAI RANCHI 16.790 C130301000193 200 aircrafts 5.000 1.454 6.046 7.500 1.500 RANCHI 2018 8.260 C130301800082 A2 Provision of 02 nos. PBBs 0.010 0.010 1.000 CHQ AAI RAIPUR 2015 88.440 C130321000185 A1 Extn-R/w at 24 beginning&associated work 15.000 16.542 4.458 21.000 0.200 CHQ AAI RAIPUR 2013 10.550 C130321000777 A1 C/o Hanger-BSF-Raipur(Deposit Work) 0.100 1.100 1.100 0.500 CHQ AAI RAIPUR 2015 12.260 C130321001095 A2 C/o-Fire Station-Raipur 5.000 0.500 0.500 0.300 CHQ AAI Expansion of Apron for Four nos of bays i/c 2018 A2 CHQ AAI RAIPUR 17.000 C130321001709 link taxi 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 RAIPUR 2018 4.130 C130321001710 A2 Provisions of 01 nos.
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