The Nile Delta as a centre of cultural interactions between Upper Egypt and the Southern Levant in the 4th millennium BC Studies in African Archaeology 13 PETROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF POttERY FROM teLL eL-FArkhA mAry f. OwNby University of Arizona, United States INTRODUCTION The petrographic analysis of Predynastic samples from Tell el-Farkha aimed to acquire information on how the various pastes were prepared for the vessels and other aspects of their production. While this applied to all of the fabrics, particularly for the Nile clay vessels, it was important to understand how different tempering materials were being used. For the Marl clay fabrics it was essential to establish their variability to see if many different sources were being used to make pottery that would have been brought to the site, as Marl clay is not locally available. However, Marl clay pottery cannot be precisely provenance as it is present on the edge of the Delta and down both sides of the Nile, and includes a number of different limestone formations as the source (NörDsTrOm & bOurriAu 1993: 160). Finally, analysis of non-Egyptian fabrics could provide information on the interconnections Tell el-Farkha had with areas of the Levant, both direct and likely indirect. This would supplement the work of cZArNOwicZ (2011; 2012) on the vessel forms. The interconnections between these regions were long and most certainly began during this period based on the presence of Levantine artifacts and architecture in the Delta, and Egyptian artifacts and architecture in the southern Levant. Ceramic evidence is vital for further clarifying this early contact and more precisely locating where foreign vessels were produced that were found in the Delta. Overall, the petrographic analysis was able to provide data on the clay and inclusions utilized to make the pottery paste, a general assessment of firing temperature, and in some cases, a potential provenance. METHODS Forty-nine samples of pottery were selected from Tell el-Farkha (Tab. 1). These were chosen by AgNiesZkA mącZyŃskA, michAł rOZwADOwski, mAriusZ JuchA, mArciN cZArNOwicZ, and mAgdaleNA sObAs from several areas of the kom in order to investigate 218 Mary Ownby atypical Egyptian and non-Egyptian fabrics. Thus, samples of the well-known fabrics were not examined. The analyses were carried out at the Institut Francais d’Archéologie Orientale in Cairo in 2011 and 20121. The petrographic analysis of pottery utilizes a special microscope with polarizing light to examine the clay and inclusions in a sample (reeDy 2008). The sample is glued to a slide and thinned to 30 microns to enable light to pass through the matrix and inclusions. The specific way in which the mineral and rock fragments interact with the light and appear in thin section allows them to be identified. Once the types of minerals and rock fragments are known, this information is related to geologic maps to locate areas where such inclusions would be available as pottery making material. This applies to the clay as well, as different clay types can be seen microscopically and related to soil maps showing their distribution. The combination of location information for the clay and inclusions suggests areas where the pottery was made as typically potters do not travel great distances to acquire their raw materials (ArNOlD 1985: 50). Further, comparison can be made to other petrographic studies of local pottery from specific areas. This is because local raw material resources do not change over extended periods of time. Technological information can also be acquire through petrographic analysis, which can reveal if several clays were mixed together, the types of material used as temper and give an idea of the general firing temperature of the sample. A full petrographic description of each sample was made and these are reported in the individual reports produced for the Tell el-Farkha project. For this article, Appendix I provides a representative sample description and images (macroscopic and microscopic) for each petrographic group. The thin sections were produced in the standard way utilizing the cross section of the sherd. Petrographic analysis was carried out using typical descriptors (whiTbreAD 1989; OwNby 2009). This includes the colour of the thin section in plane (PPL) and cross polarized light (XPL). The frequency of inclusions is given as a general percentage estimate and is based on the presence of grains medium-sized to larger, both quartz and limestone, and plant remains. Sorting is based on the consistent presence of grains of similar size (well-sorted) to the presence of grains of many sizes from fine to coarse in size (poorly sorted). Size range is based on the Wentworth scale: very fine (0.0625-0.125mm), fine (0.125-0.25mm), medium (0.25-0.5mm), coarse (0.5- 1mm), and very coarse (1-2mm). Grain shape is based on Power’s scale of roundness and goes from very angular to well-rounded. Only a single shape range is given for quartz and limestone inclusions, when present; the grains were not separated into those with high sphericity (tend to be more round) and those with low sphericity (tend to be more angular). The inclusions in the paste are divided into those that are common (i.e. main inclusions), and those that are less common (i.e. additional inclusions). For some of the additional inclusions the exact mineral type could not be specified, typically because the grain is too small, or is not exhibiting enough characteristic features for identification. 1 Under the ANR Gezira Project and the Parent-Bridge Program Project “The Nile Delta as a centre of cultural interactions between the Upper Egypt and the Southern Levant in the 4th millennium BC”. 219 P ETROGRAPHIC ANALySIS OF P OTTERy from TELL EL-FARKHA Table 1. Samples Sample References to cZArNOwicZ Petrographic Vessel Type number 2012: fig. Group #P4 a non-diagnostic sherd 4 #P6 a non-diagnostic sherd 4 #P14 a rim of a bowl 4 #P20 a fragment of a small bowl 1 #P22 a non-diagnostic sherd 5 #P25 undefined 3 #P48 cylindrical jar 4 #P50 cylindrical jar 2 #P52 cylindrical jar 4 #P54 hes-jar 4 #P74 a non-diagnostic sherd 4 #P75 a non-diagnostic sherd 4 #P76 a non-diagnostic sherd 6 #P91 a non-diagnostic sherd 7 #P96 a non-diagnostic sherd 4 #P106 a non-diagnostic sherd 1 #P107 a non-diagnostic sherd 5 #P108 a non-diagnostic sherd 4 #P109 a non-diagnostic sherd 1 #P110 a non-diagnostic sherd 5 #P111 a non-diagnostic sherd 1 #P112 a flat base of a jar(?) 5 #P135 a spout 12.5 1 #P136 a spout 1.4, 12,3 2 #P137 part of keg 2.1, 12.1 5 #P138 a ledge handle 2.4, 8.1 10 #P139 a rim of hole mouth jar 9.4 6 #P140 a ledge handle 8 #P141 a ledge handle 3.1, 8.2 10 #P142 a ledge handle 4.2, 8.3 9 #P143 a ledge handle 9 #P144 w 5 #P145 a ledge handle 1 #P146 a body sherd (jar) 5.1, 13.3 4 #P147 Erani C handle imitation 11.2 1 #P148 a handle 2.2, 11.3 5 #P149 a lug handle 2.5, 13.5 1 #P150 a pillar spout 1.3, 12.2 1 #P151 a ledge handle 10 #P152 storage ledge handle vessel 1.1, 7 10 #P153 a broken ledge handle 10 #P154 buff color sherd with the knob 5 #P155 storage vessel rim 5 #P156 Pijama style vessel body sherd 13.2 1 #P157 a non-diagnostic sherd 1 #P158 a non-diagnostic sherd 1 #P159 a non-diagnostic sherd 1 #P160 ledge handle 8 #P161 large storage vessel painted body sherd 13.4 6 220 Mary Ownby Rock fragments, particularly in Nile clay, are often very small and only in rare cases can a specific type of rock be identified. Rather, they can be categorized as volcanic, plutonic, or metamorphic and the individual minerals in the rock listed. The results of the current study identified ten petrographic groups, that is sets of samples produced with similar clay and inclusions. A summary of parts of the chaîne opératoire for each sample are described as best as possible. Often even in thin section it is difficult to determine what was added by the potter and what might be natural to the clay. Uncertainty is stated clearly when the exact procedures are difficult to discern. Firing temperature estimates are based on several factors, the presence of silica from plant remains indicative of a lower temperature, decomposed limestone suggestive of a temperature closer to 850°C, and the optical activity of the clay matrix, which becomes inactive also near 850°C. These are very general estimates as the chemistry of the clay can affect the temperature at which vitrification occurs. Other factors during the firing such as duration and atmosphere can affect the appearance of the sample. The criteria utilized to give a temperature estimate are given. RESULTS Egyptian Petrographic Groups Nile clay with plant remains (Group 1) The first group comprises thirteen samples produced with Nile clay and some plant remains. The mineral inclusions were all typical for Nile clay, i.e. quartz, feldspars, muscovite, biotite, pyroxene, and amphibole. The amount and size of the plant remains could vary. Some of the samples may have added sand temper due to the presence of coarse-sized quartz and feldspar grains. Determining which components are natural and which are added can be difficult as the coarseness of Nile clay depends on where along the river or a canal the clay was collected. There always remains the possibility that the potters would have selected a Nile clay that had natural coarse-sized grains and only in cases where these grains were very common could the addition of sand be inferred with confidence.
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