Kenya National Bibliography 2010 001 GAT KCPE Revision in Computer studies: with reminder notes & reasoned out answers 1995- Gatara, Timothy Henry. 2010 form 1-4/ N.Kamau. -Nairobi: High flyer series & Publishers, [20-?] Research Methodology/Timothy Gatara Henry.- Nairobi: The Olive Marketing & ii, 208p.: ill.; 30cm. (High Flyer Series Publishing Company, 2010. ISBN 9966781439 179p. ; 21 cm. Ksh.400.00 ISBN 978-9966-7435-0-3 1. Computer Studies. Ksh. 500.00 1. Research Methods 004 LOG 004.0712 HIG Log on Computer Studies/ Daniel High flyer Muli...(et...al) .- Nairobi: Kenya Literature Kenya National Education Council : Kenya Certificate Secondary Education Past Bereau, 2010. Papers 1995-2010 Computer / High Flyer. Nairobi : High Flyer Series, 2010. xviii,158p.; ill., 25cm 157p.: 28cm. (High Flyer Series) Includes: index Ksh.450.00 ISBN 978-9966-447-73-9 1. Computer. 1. Computer 004.76 KAM 025.096 SCE Kamau, N. SCECSAL XIX 2010 Botswana: enhancing KCSE Revision in Computer Studies Form democracy and good governance through 1-4.- Nairob: High Flyer Series, [200?]. effective information and knowledge ii,197p:, ill, 30cm. (High Flyer Series) services; Proceedings of the 19th ISBN 978-9966-7812-4-6 Standing Conference of Eastern, Central, Ksh.400.00 Southern Africa Library and Information 1. Computer Studies Associations (SCECSAL) 2 Gaborone: Botswana Library 004.76 KAM Association, 2010. Kamau,N. ix, 400p.: ill.; 26cm. 1 Kenya National Bibliography 2010 978-99912-485-4-3 1. Human Kind Includes bibliographical references. 153.1534 NTH Ksh.600.00 Nthiwa Japheth 1. Librarianship Genes of greatness: traits of people who 026.34 KON always succeed / Japheth Nthiwa. - Konrad Adenauer Stiftung: Librairie Nairobi: Aura Books, 2010. Africaine Detudes Juridiques Vol.3.- 118p.; 18cm. Nairobi: Rule of Law Program for Sub- ISBN 978-9966-7433-4-0 Saharan Africa , 2010 Includes Bibliographical References. ii,118p,; 29cm Ksh.300.00 ISBN 978-9966-02-101-4 1. Motivation. 11.85 KIT 153.1534 WAI Kitana, Marie Waithaka, Faith Proud of mu Skin / Marie Kitana. .- Student Daily Motivator / Faith Waithaka. Nairobi : Ramco, 2010. Nairobi : AuraBook, 2010. 35p.: col,ports.; 20cm. V, 74p.: col.ill.; 14cm. ISBN 978-9966-05-262-9 ISBN 978-9966-1504-6-3 Ksh.150.00 Ksh.200.00 1. Beauty. 1. Motivator. 128.4 CHA 153.8 AGU Charity in truth Agutu, John Encyclical Letter of the Supreme pontiff Benedict Xvi : Charity in Truth on Integral Recipes for Motivation / John Agutu. Human Development / Charity.- Nairobi : Paulines, 2009. Nairobi : Paulines , 2010. 72p. : 20cm 79p.: 10cm. ISBN 978-9966-08-457-6 ISBN 978-9966-08-529-0 Ksh.160.00 Ksh.150.00 2 Kenya National Bibliography 2010 1. Motivation. 158.1 GIT Gitonga, Anthony T. 153.8 KIG For This Cause / Anthony T. Gitonga.- Nairobi : Lead Books, 2010. Kigwa, Stephen [6], 232p. ; 20cm. I Want me Back / Stephen Kigwa.- Nairobi : AuraBook, 2010. ISBN 978-9966-739-7-1-1 ix,114p.;23cm.- (The Ignition to Ksh.980.00 Recognition Series.) 1. Personal Improvement ISBN 978-9966-7433-2-9 Ksh.300.00 158.1 KIU 1. Volin Kiunga, Murori Become a better you A Better Student 153.8 KIR /Kiunga Murori.-Nairobi: Queenex, 2010. Kiranga, Francis iii, ;144p.: 21cm.- (Your future rests in exploiting your potential) The Power of Mistakes / Francis M. Kiranga.- Nairobi : Aura Book, 2010. ISBN 978-9966-7882-3-8 V, 125p.: 20cm. Ksh.490.00 ISBN 978-9966-7433-6-7 158.1 NYA Ksh200.00 Nyarotso, Francis Abraham’s 1. Motivation. The Culture of Success: understanding True Success / Francis Abraham’s Nyarotso.- 153.85 KIN Nairobi : Destiny, 2010. Kinai , Theresia K. 85p.: 19cm. Behaviour Modification and Lifestyle ISBN 978-9966-740-67-8 Rehabilitation / Theresia K. Kinai .-Nairobi : Almasi Holistic Healthcare, 2010. Ksh. 200.00 X,109p.: 21cm. 1. Personal Improvement ISBN 978-9966-7151-4-2 158.1 WAM Ksh.400.00 Wambugu wa Kamau 1. Modification. Gems of wisdom/ Wambugu wa Kamau. -Ngong: Nuru ya Sanaa Media Productions, 2006. 3 Kenya National Bibliography 2010 iv, 51p.; 26cm. 204.42 MBO Ksh. 250.00 Mbogori, Elijah 1. Motivation. Overcoming Bereavement : The Art of Dealing with Personal Loss/ Elijah mbogori. - Nairobi: Faith institute, 2002. 177 KIN xiii, 333p.; 25 cm. Kinyua, Evans ISBN 9966-9888-9-0 Eye on the Ball / Evans Kinyua.- Nairobi : Ksh. 650.00 Jomo Kenyatta Foundation, 2010. 1. Bereavement V, 123p. ; 23cm. 204 KAN ISBN 978-9966-227-79-9 Kanyogo,M Ksh.300.00 Significance!! of Altars / Apostle Nancy 1. Ethics of , social relations and M. Kanyogo. Nyeri : Blessed Africa World Outreach, 2008. 202.13 PEN 91p: 23cm. Penna, Anna ISBN 978-9966-05-326-8 Saint John Mary Vianney: witness of the love of God / Anna Penna. -Nairobi: Paulines, Ksh.400.00 2009. 1. Religious experience 112p. ; 17cm. 220.03 KIT ISBN 978-9966-08-470-3 Kitabu Cha Mwafake : Concordia 1580.- Ksh. 200.00 Nairobi. : Lutheran Heritage Foundation, 1. Religion. 2010. 204.3 Kim Ixxxv,905p.; 21cm. Kimutai, Hellen J. ISBN 978-9966-02-201-1 Working and Praying Real Power in a Passionate Prayer Life / Hellen J. Kimutai. - Ksh.600.00 Nairobi: Jire Agencies, 2011. 1. Bible xii, 83p.: 24cm. 220.13 BEN ISBN 978-9966-200-20-4 Bennett, Michael Ksh. 300.00 Daring to be Different / Michael Bennett. 1. Special Topics -Nairobi: Paulines Publications, 2010. 4 Kenya National Bibliography 2010 144p: ill., 21 cm. ISBN 978-9966-08-555-9 ISBN 978-9966-08-553-5 Ksh.500.00 Ksh. 500.00 1.Comparative Religion 220.5 UFA Ufafanuzi wa Biblia katika Mazingira na 220.13 MUL. Utamaduni wa Kiafrica. –Nairobi Mulwa, Francis W. Paulines Publications, 2010. Learning From Experiences / Francis W. 1800p.; ill., 24 cm. Mulwa. - Nairobi: Paulines Publications, 2010. ISBN 978-9966-8051-2-6 157p: ill., 21 cm. Ksh. 2,000.00 ISBN 978-9966-08-546-7 1. Bible Ksh. 300.00 1. Bible Experience 220.601 KYO Kyomya, Michael 220.13 WOR A Guide to Interpreting Scripture / Michael Benedict, Fathet Kyomya.- Nairobi : HippoBooks, 2010. The Word of the Lord: Post synodal [4], xii,112p.: 26cm. Apostolic exhortation- Verbum Domini/ Father Benedict. - Nairobi: Paulines Publications ISBN 978-9966-00-308-9 Africa, 2010. Ksh.300.00 135p.; 24cm. 1. Bible Organizations ISBN 978-9966-08-555-9 Ksh. 510.00 220.9505 HES 1. Inspiration -Spiritual Hession, Roy. 100 Best-Loved : Bible Stories.Roy 220.13 VER Huession - Nairobi: Word Alive Publications, 2010. Verbum , Domini 191p.: Col. Ports; 18 cm. The word of the lord. / Domini Verbum.- Nairobi: Paulines Ksh.500.00 ISBN 978-9966-8057-5-1 135p. ; 22cm. Ksh. 1,000 1. Bible 5 Kenya National Bibliography 2010 220 BIM 220 BIB Bimutoho Mipal Biblia: Habari Njema Kwa Watu Wote Tole . - Yaounde : The Bible Society of Cameroun, 2010. La Kujifunza.- Nairobi : Bible Society of xi,357p.: maps; 22 cm Kenya, 2010. ISBN 978-9966-276-04-9 407p.:Col. maps; 24 cm. Ksh.1000.00 ISBN 978-9966-272-19-5 BIBLE. Ksh 2,000.00 1. BIBLE. 220 MUM Muma Maler: Kod Kitepo Moko Maler.- 220 BIB Nairobi : Bible Society of Kenya, 2010. Biblia: Yenye Vitabu Vya Deuterokanoni: 274p.:maps; 21cm Habari Njema Kwa Watu Wote Toleo La ISBN 978-9966-276-86-5 Kujifunza.-Nairobi: KSh. 500.00 Bible Society of Kenya, 2010. 1. Bible. 414p.: Col. maps; 24 cm. ISBN 978-9966-276-50-6 220 NTE 2,000.00 Nteto Injega Cia Murungu Kiri Antu 1. Bible. Bonthe.- Nairobi: The Bible Society of Kenya, 2010. 220 BIM 341p. ; 23cm. Bimutoho Mipal. - Yaounde : The Bible ISBN 978-9966-481-53-5 Society of Cameroun, 2010. Ksh.800.00 Xi,357p.: maps; 22 cm. 1. Bible. ISBN 978-9966-276-06-3 Ksh.1000.00 220 NTE 1. Bible. Nteto Injega cia Murungu Kiri Antu Bonthe : Amwe na Mauku ja Deutirokanoniko.- 6 Kenya National Bibliography 2010 Nairobi : The Bible Society of Kenya, 2002. 2010. v,575p.: 20cm. viii,343p.: maps.; 22cm. ISBN 978-9966-276-13-1 ISBN 978-9966-481-54-2 Ksh.500.00 Ksh.800.00 1. Bible. 1. Bible. 225 CHA 225.09661 BIB Chama cha Biblia cha Tanzania The Bible Society of Uganda Iraghano Neifya gwa antu voonge: gwa murigheetyo wa geremi / Chama cha Biblia cha Endagaano Empya N'Engero = The New Tanzania. - Dodoma: The Bible Society of Testament and Proverbs : Good News Tanzania, 2008. translation / The Bible Society of Uganda. - Kampala: The Bible Society of Uganda, 2010. v,645p.: maps.; 18cm. v, 942p.; 18cm. ISBN 9987664238 ISBN 978-9966-27-610-0 Ksh. 600.00 Ksh.250.00 New Testament . 1. Bible. Ksh.1,000.00 1. New Testament . 225.096681 PAR Parole de Vie 227.4 AFR Le Nouvseau testament / Parole de Vie. - Galatians / edited by Nupanga Weanzana Lome: L'alliance du Togo, 2010. and Samuel Ngewa. x, 895. ; 19cm. Nairobi : WordAlive, 2010. ISBN 978-9966-276-46-9 x,194p.: 25cm.-(Africa Bible Commentary Series.) Ksh. 250.00 ISBN 978-9966-8054-1-6 1. New Testament . Ksh.600.00 Galations Bible. 225.96 KAN Kakuu Haaraka ka Afaan Oromoo.-Addis 227.83 AFR Ababa : The Bible Society of Ethiopia, 7 Kenya National Bibliography 2010 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus.-Nairobi: Hippo Publishing House, 2010. Books, 2010. v, 264p.; 21 cm. 466p; 23 cm. –( Africa Bible Commentary Series) ISBN 978-9966-7688-4-1 ISBN 978-9966-805-38-6 William, Winfred. 2.Title Ksh. 2,000.00 Kshs. 400.00 Religion 1. Christian Theology 230.6762 YES 230.76 JES Yesu na Familia Yake : Mimi Ndimi Njia, Jesma comprehensive C.R.E paper 1 & 2: Ukweli na Uzima , Safari ya Imani .- Topic round up for quick revision- Nairobi : Paulines, 2010.
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