ALLEGRO ® MODERATO ARTh~~ RgJ,L Hawaiian Melodies, Medley No. 4 AR10 m\.& ~u C roU" ar f' mad .. T h . h,~h ord c r o{ In Vv'ahz T empo undl"t mad" ",-,. 0 1"\( 1 f r o ~ l,\troducin ~ : L i 'K ~) m U"lci.a",sh ip "'mhodif'd i" N.o . 1.Sweet Co,,:-tunc'1' (U ;1, Likl.' No 1\ No. 2. fui r Ho,....ii (" " s ~cs ,H' " mbod" dcviecs ARTo mU ~4 c 1"0\13 i , P I . ~ . J hy .1ohn 1\. Schmidli" cnv", I"" J. b'j th e ·tllHo...... i n.~ ~ .... r.n tlt,"d b~ ~\' tt' Y'ior\d­ Second only to "Aloha O e" is "Ua Like o A Like" the Sw eet C onstancy Song U. S. PATE NTS ~·..tJ ," r~ pu t. t ; o " nf t\·,,· of H aw aii. which .was ar ranged for piano by H . Berger, a band-master. long a 659 .053 oa. 2, 1900 r omv-o si tioP\$) the- c.i m po ~ ­ resident of H aw aiJ . He also ar ranged " Aloha O ~ .. and numerous other native songs 692,8SJl F. b. 1I, 1902 692.989 F.·b. \ I, 1902 Irr, . " d th ~ rcco l'd ,"~ tti•. and ably assisted reward ed ucating the Hawaiians in modern musical knowledge and helped to perpetu te their melodies through publication. 703.388 J uly I, 1902 nisb appea ring in ART0 703.389 J"ly I, 1902 c.t. ' o ~s and bu.ll..ti" ". UA LIKE NO A LIK E. (Sw",' Com' >OC}') 709,296 S.pl. 16, 1902 First r,,·u S({(m.f r,ru 731,279 J"no 30, 1903 W h ,~Jl dlorde--v, of eve I.t'e fallan.. Ytlhen 1M moonlight ~d, 11' ,p !~ n::k>r. 739,9' \ Sopt. 29, 1903 Ew r ~ . 1. 1' in tho pro· Glin'nios on d....... lla-.vc.n lcved 10 .........11 ; And rh... perfumed uph),t1 blew: Then M'y H urt to Tbee is c&lI i n~ There \,\,,:'11 roa m in rajxcre. h"ndtT. 745.424 D.c. I, 1903 J"d io" oj a" IIRT" roll ". From OW' tryst withi n me .......oextla.nd dell . In the 'tv in; ', melle:.v ~~ld'l) I110w. 747,687 0.·c , 22. 1903 p<rfor mod or dir<el. d b~ CJ:orflJ 747.858 D.c . zz. 1903 • sk il\ ~,~ arti:tt or . rt is.",. My beart, 0 C\ \ t, it rhine fort:vcr. 71\7,859 D.c. 22. 1903 II Ihrill. WlIh I fo< th« alene: 801.932 Oel. \ 7.1905 h.r"ct" th v fU.lT\'- - I\RTo. Its eorl!I:&.OCY fAde1 -rc\',r. Fflbe eVer true to ~~ my own 808,274 D.c . 26, 1905 811.621 F.b. 6, 1906 The touch , tone dnd FAI R HAWAII 8:32,81\9 Oct. 9, 1906 FeFIt Chorus <Y "r ~ t h o"~hl a"d .jo.l i,, ~ 860.965 J"'~ 23, 1907 foch&nting is rhe 1C'dW"; FAir HAwaii. Oh dear t-ta"W&Ii. 964.403 J"I~ 12, 1910 01 tho orti.1 i. jaa h l"ll~ When Ihe- t ilvOry n:'IJO" is btamin;l; Lov~J y Ide of dx soodYrn su ' OnmunnUtilliW1'~t"J my dcar Wail i1ci. F ' H .- ondar Ha : 9(,11, 'l04. Ju\~ 12, 1910 portrs'jt'd an d th~ ",tmost The tvriNl ing staN ue bright. &1t' I.WtJ l, . wall . ~4"'monet • 968 ,136 1\"1..23, \ 910 10"0\ bro"t~ 01 II,; piano And of your swui d\arms I'm d-e ming. Fondt , 1 1,057,622 lI\>ril 1.1913 All my love ..vill Iive for you ~l('ma ll y. you bring, to me. owak." od t hro" ~" II.. 1,059.0'l I I\"r;\ 15, 191:> mt!'dium 0( ou r patented i.ocr.os : M.~ 6. 1913 1,09'l,537. ill>,,1 28. 1914 «\4P'dn ca \ d",,,,C' c. whic" 1.156,891 oa, 19, 1915 cut . nd ,eprod\lcc th~ Fonign pllt ent:. ,,,:nurd IIrlist", 0,"," ha"d.p\o~i"~ Olher U.S. "at.nl> ".nd;,,~ ' ;21.1 i" II.. roll. ~ " 5,tanc1an1..!'1:u i<, Roll Co . OQA ;~.N...J V The AlVIICA BULLETIN AUTOMATIC MUSICAL INSTRUMENTC OLLECTO RS' ASSOCIATION JULY/AUGUST 2005 VOLUME 42, NUMBER 4 ISSN #1533-9726 THE AMICA BULLETIN AUTOMATIC MUSICAL INSTRUMENT COLLECTORS' ASSOCIATION Published by the Automatic Musical Instrument Collectors’ Association, a non-profit, tax exempt group devoted to the restoration, distribution and enjoyment of musical instruments using perforated paper music rolls and perforated music books. AMICA was founded in San Francisco, California in 1963. PROFESSOR MICHAEL A. KUKRAL, PUBLISHER, 216 MADISON BLVD., TERRE HAUTE, IN 47803-1912 -- Phone 812-238-9656, E-mail: [email protected] Visit the AMICA Web page at: http://www.amica.org Associate Editor: Mr. Larry Givens VOLUME 42, Number 4 AMICA BULLETIN Display and Classified Ads July/August 2005 Articles for Publication Letters to the Publisher FEATURES Chapter News UPCOMING PUBLICATION Promotional Ideas — 168 DEADLINES The ads and articles must be received Big Feat — 170 by the Publisher on the 1st of the Odd number months: January July Things That Used To Go Thump In The Night — 171 March September May November The Staib Mastertouch — 173 Bulletins will be mailed on the 2nd week of the even months. Welte Mignon Reproducing Records — 182 Dr. Michael A. Kukral, Publisher 216 Madison Blvd. Piano Men in America — 194 Terre Haute, Indiana 47803-1912 Phone: 812-238-9656 Metropoliton Opera House — 211 e-mail: [email protected] MEMBERSHIP SERVICES DEPARTMENTS New Memberships . $42.00 AMICA International — 166 Renewals . $42.00 Additional $5.00 due if renewed past the Jan. 31 deadline President’s Message — 167 Address changes and corrections New Piano Rolls & Recuts — 213 Directory information updates Additional copies of Chapter News — 215 Member Directory . $25.00 Single copies of back issues Classified Ads — 229 ($10.00 per issue - based upon availability) William Chapman (Bill) Front Cover: Roll Leader #652, Hawaiian Melodies, played by John A. Schmidlin 53685 Avenida Bermudas La Quinta, CA 92253-3586 Inside Front: Ads from World’s Work Advertiser, contributed by Robin Pratt. (760) 564-2951 Back Cover: Good Bye Broadway, Hello France Sheet Music Cover e-mail: [email protected] Inside Back Cover: Ads from World’s Work Advertiser, contributed by Robin Pratt To ensure timely delivery of your BULLETIN, please allow 6-weeks advance notice of address changes. AMICA Publications reserves the right to accept, reject, or edit any and all submitted articles and advertising. Entire contents © 2005 AMICA International Printed by Engler Printing Co., Fremont, OH • [email protected] 165 AMICA INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS CHAPTER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Mike Walter BOSTON AREA NORTHERN LIGHTS 65 Running Brook Dr. Pres. Bill Koenigsburg - 978-369-8523 Pres: Phillip Baird Lancaster, NY 14086-3314 Vice Pres: Bob Tempest Vice Pres: Paul Watkins 716-656-9583 Sec: Ginger Christiansen Sec: Jason E. Beyer - 507-454-3124 e-mail: [email protected] Treas: Karl Ellison Treas: Barbara Watkins Reporter: Don Brown Reporter: Dorothy Olds PAST PRESIDENT Dan C. Brown Board Rep: Dorothy Olds N. 4828 Monroe Street Board Rep: Karl Ellison Spokane, WA 99205-5354 CHICAGO AREA PACIFIC CAN-AM 509-325-2626 Pres: Mel Septon - 847-679-3455 Pres: Halie Dodrill [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Vice Pres: Troy Taylor Sec: Carol Veome Sec: Brian Tate VICE PRESIDENT John Motto-Ros Treas: Joe Pekarek Treas: Jack & Mary Lou Becvar P.O. Box 908 Reporter: Curt Clifford Reporter: Ron Babb Sutter Creek, CA 95685-0908 Board Rep: George Wilder Bd. Rep: Carl Dodrill - 206-236-0067 209-267-9252 FOUNDING CHAPTER e-mail: [email protected] ROCKY MOUNTAIN Pres: John Ulrich - 510-223-9587 Pres: Larry Kerecman - 303-377-7729 SECRETARY Florie Hirsch Vice Pres: Bing Gibbs & Karen Simons Vice Pres: soon 8917 Wooden Bridge Rd., Potomac, MD 20854-2448 Sec: Jack and Dianne Edwards Sec: soon 301-340-6664 [email protected] Treas: soon e-mail: [email protected] Treas: Richard Reutlinger Reporter: soon TREASURER Wesley Neff Reporter: Bonnie and Bob Gonzalez Bd. Rep: soon 128 Church Hill Drive, Findlay, Ohio 45840 Board Rep: Richard Reutlinger SIERRA NEVADA 419-423-4827 Pres: John Motto-Ros - 209-267-9252 e-mail: [email protected] GATEWAY CHAPTER Pres: Yousuf Wilson Vice Pres: Sonja Lemon PUBLISHER Dr. Michael A. Kukral Vice Pres: Gary Craig - 314-771-1244 Sec/Treas: Doug & Vicki Mahr 216 Madison Blvd., Terre Haute, IN 47803-1912 Sec: Mary Wilson Reporter: Nadine Motto-Ros Board Rep: John Motto-Ros 812-238-9656 Treas: Cynthia Craig e-mail: [email protected] Reporter/Bd.Rep: Gary Craig SOWNY (Southern Ontario, MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY William Chapman (Bill) [email protected] Western New York) 53685 Avenida Bermudas, La Quinta, CA 92253-3586 Pres: Mike Walter - 716-656-9583 760-564-2951 – Fax 775-923-7117 HEART OF AMERICA Vice Pres: Daniel Tenerowicz e-mail: [email protected] Pres: Tom McAuley Sec: Garry Lemon Vice Pres: Robbie Tubbs Treas: Holly Walter — COMMITTEES — Sec/Treas: Kay Bode [email protected] AMICA ARCHIVES Tom Hutchinson Board Rep: Ron Connor Reporter: Garry & Anne Lemon 15361 Hopper Rd., Sturgeon, MO 65284 Board Rep: Audrey Cannizzaro [email protected] LADY LIBERTY Pres: Vincent Morgan - 718-479-2562 Photographer: Nancy Group & Anne AMICA MEMORIAL FUND Halie Dodrill Vice Pres: Aris John Dousmanis Lemmon 4488 W. Mercer Way, Mercer Island, WA 98040-3934 Recording Sec: Bill Maguire SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 206-236-0067, e-mail: [email protected] Corresponding Sec: Richard Karlsson Pres: Jerry Pell AUDIO-VISUAL & TECHNICAL Harold Malakinian Reporter:Buzz Rosa Vice Pres: Richard Ingram 2345 Forest Trail Dr., Troy, MI 48098 Board Reps: Marvin & Dianne Polan Sec./Reporter.
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